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Human Trafficking: A Complex Phenomenon of Globalization and Vulnerability
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781138943476 Year: 2015

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In the post-Cold War era, economic globalization has resulted in the buying and selling of human beings. Poverty, social instability, lawlessness, gender biases, and ethnic hostility have entrapped millions in the world of modern day slavery, with the result that human trafficking is one of the fastest growing criminal industries in the world. Every year, men, women, and children from across the globe are transported within or across borders for the purpose of forced labor and sexual exploitation. Despite the plethora of journalistic articles written on human trafficking there is a need for more rigorous academic analysis of the phenomenon. Although groups from many different ideologies have embraced policies to end human trafficking, there are still many gaps and unanswered questions, particularly with regard to the amount of, and nature of, the phenomenon. This book provides an insight into the complexity of human trafficking by addressing both how the scope of globalization impacts the sex industry and forced labor, and how vulnerability is a growing cause of human trafficking, affecting traditional diasporic and migratory patterns.

Human trafficking around the world : hidden in plain sight
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780231161442 9780231161459 9780231533317 Year: 2013 Publisher: New York : Columbia University Press,

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Gender Equality - the Nordic Way
Year: 2010 Publisher: Copenhagen : Nordic Council of Ministers,

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Nordic co-operation has been striving to improve gender equality for more than 30 years. The aim is to make policies on gender equality in the Region the best in the world and a model for other countries. The Nordic countries - Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, and the autonomous territories Greenland, Åland and the Faroe Islands - have made great progress on gender equality, but the Region still faces major challenges, such as human trafficking and a labour market divided on gender lines.

Människohandel - 2000-talets slaveri : Sluttrapport från Det parlamentariska östersjösamarbetets (BSPC) rapportörer om människohandel - Augusti 2013
Year: 2013 Publisher: København : Nordisk Ministerråd,

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Ihmiskauppa ja työelämä : Pohjoismainen konferenssi 27-28.11.2012, Helsinki
Year: 2013 Publisher: Köpenhamn : Nordisk ministerråd,

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Pohjoismaisessa konferenssissa Ihmiskaupasta ja työelämästä käsiteltiin ihmisen joutumista ihmiskaupan uhriksi etsiessään töitä muista maista monialaisesta näkökulmasta. Konferenssin tavoitteena oli lisätä tietoa työperäisen ihmiskaupan ongelmista Pohjoismaissa. Suurin haaste ihmiskaupan vastaisessa työssä toimiville on tunnistaa ne naiset, miehet, tytöt ja pojat, jotka ovat työperäisen ihmiskaupan uhreja. Myös ihmiskaupan uhrien tiedonsaanti on keskeistä. Ihmiskaupan uhrien on saatava tietoa oikeuksistaan ja saatavilla olevista sosiaalisista palveluista ja miten hyvin sosiaaliset palvelut on muokattu uhrien tarpeiden mukaan. Konferenssissa välitettiin tietoa eri toimijoiden osaamisesta, rooleista ja vastuusta sekä kyvystä tunnistaa ja käsitellä työperäiseen ihmiskauppaan liittyviä ongelmia. Konferenssin lähtökohtana olivat tulokset aiemmista ihmiskaupan ja työelämän projekteista, joita pohjoismaiset viranomaiset ja järjestöt ovat järjestäneet viime vuosina. Konferenssin aikana esiteltiin käytännön esimerkkejä siitä, miten pohjoismaat, poliisi, syyttäjä, tuomioistuin, työsuojeluviranomaiset, työmarkkinatahot ja kansalaisjärjestöt työskentelevät työperäisen ihmiskaupan parissa.

De 'handel in blanke slavinnen'
Year: 2009 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : Project Gutenberg,

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Människohandel och arbetsliv : Rapport från nordisk konferens 27-28.11.2012 i Helsingfors, Finland
Year: 2013 Publisher: Copenhagen, Denmark : Nordisk Ministerråd,

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Den nordiska konferensen Människohandel med fokus på arbetslivet diskuterade hur personer idag blir offer för människohandel när de söker sig till andra länder för att få ett arbete. Målet för konferensen var att lyfta upp kunskap om problem som är kopplade till människohandel och arbetsliv i Norden i ett tvärsektoriellt perspektiv. Största utmaningen i Norden idag är att identifiera de personer, kvinnor, män, flickor och pojkar, som är offer för arbetsrelaterad människohandel. Det är viktigt att offren erhåller information om sina rättigheter, och om de sociala tjänster som finns tillgängliga för dem, och hur de sociala tjänsterna är anpassade till offrens behov. Konferensen mål var att förmedla information om olika aktörers kunnande, roller, ansvar och förmåga att identifiera och hantera problemen kring arbetsrelaterad människohandel. Konferensen tog utgångspunkt i de resultat och erfarenheter som myndigheter och organisationer i Norden idag. På konferensen presenterades praktiska exempel på hur de nordiska länderna, polisen, åklagare, domstol, arbetarskyddsförvaltning, arbetsmarknadsparter och NGOs arbetar med människohandel kopplat till arbetsmarknaden i Norden.

The evaluation of European criminal law : the example of the framework decision on combatting trafficking in human beings
Authors: ---
Year: 2009 Publisher: Brussels : Editions del l'Université de Bruxelles, IEEE, Institut d'études européenes,

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The role of evaluation has become increasingly important in the context of EU policies in the field of judicial cooperation in criminal matters. This evolution is the result of an increasing number of legally binding instruments adopted in the framework of the third pillar of the European Union and of their growing impact on national legal systems.

Federal prosecution of human trafficking, 2001-2005
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2006 Publisher: [Washington, D.C.] : U.S. Dept. of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics,

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Economic Shocks and Human Trafficking Risks : Evidence from IOM's Victims of Human Trafficking Database
Year: 2022 Publisher: Washington, District Columbia : The World Bank,

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The report focuses on risk factors that are expected to increase the vulnerability to human trafficking from and within origin countries such as economic shocks, measured by large, discrete changes to export commodity prices and to GDP. It also explores the role that institutions play through enforcing the rule of law, providing access to justice, and implementing anti-trafficking policies, as protective factors that could weaken the link between economic shocks and an increase in human trafficking. The analysis verifies that economic shocks are significant risk factors that increase vulnerability to human trafficking. In origin countries, economic vulnerabilities, especially those caused by global commodity price shocks, are strongly positively correlated with observed cases of trafficking. For instance, the economic shock produced by a typical decrease in export commodity prices is associated with an increase in the number of detected victims of trafficking of around 12 percent. The analysis suggests that good governance institutions and particularly a commitment to the rule of law and access to justice as well as stricter anti-trafficking policies and social assistance can have a limiting effect on the number of observed cases of trafficking following economic shocks.

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