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This book focuses on the role mainstream humanitarian organizations have in the functioning of the border management system on the southern European border (i.e. Italy). In particular, the author analyses the mainstream humanitarian organizations and NGOs (i.e. Red Cross, the UNHCR, Medici per I Diritti Umani – MEDU, Terre des Hommes and Oxfam) and their role within and beyond the implementation of the so-called ‘hotspot approach’ in Sicily. This work suggests that a vision of humanitarian action as just anti-political and complicit with migration control can be questioned. This book suggests that a) mainstream organizations have been able to politicize their positioning and actions vis-à-vis authorities when migration policies have been tightened; b) mainstream organizations’ political borderwork has helped to promote incremental change in the status quo rather than a radical one. Finally, this book suggests that the discourses and practices of mainstream and grassroots actors seems to be characterized by similar contradictions. Roberto Calarco is Doctor of Sociology at the Sorbonne Paris Nord University, France, and Doctor of Sociology and Methodology of Social Research at the University of Milan, Italy.
International relations. --- Emigration and immigration. --- International Relations. --- Human Migration.
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When different cultures come in contact with one another, the impact on the course of history can be dramatic and unexpected. Encounters between separate societies or civilizations have resulted in the spread of major religions, vast migrations, scientific breakthroughs, the dissemination of powerful political notions, and many other transformations. This unique book brings to life key episodes of cultural contact in world history, from the beginnings of civilization to the present. Through a combination of vivid case studies and imaginative color maps, award-winning history professor Peter Stearns shows how we can better understand world history by examining what happens when culture meets culture. One culture's new contact with another can lead to assimilation, rejection, or--most often--a merging of elements from both cultures. Stearns focuses on fourteen important historical examples of intercultural exchange from around the globe. He considers:• the spread of major religions, such as Buddhism and Islam• voluntary and forced migrations, such as the Jewish and African diasporas• the dissemination of modern forces, including nationalism and Marxism• the impact of European colonial rule on gender relations in India and in Africa• recent international diffusion of consumer culture• and much more For each example, original maps reveal geographic patterns and provide a clear sense of the impact of that particular meeting of cultures.
Civilization --- Acculturation. --- Human Migration. --- Human beings --- History --- Migrations. --- Acculturation --- History.
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In many fields of professional practice and research, conversations can no longer be conducted in the first language of the respective participants. The increasing diversity of languages, of multi- and translingualism require the involvement of language mediators/interpreters. In the contexts of flight, asylum and migration, this interdisciplinary volume discusses different procedural strategies for overcoming linguistic as well as culturally conditioned communication barriers and highlights the emerging methodological and theoretical challenges for social counselling and therapy practice as well as for the practice of qualitative research. The editors Prof. Dr. Angela Treiber holds the professorship for European Ethnology/Cultural Analysis at the KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. Her research and teaching focuses include empirical research on religion and migration (history of theory and science). PD Dr. Kerstin Kazzazi is a linguist at the KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt and conducts research on multilingualism. Dr. Marina Jaciuk is a freelance European ethnologist and lecturer at the professorship of European Ethnology/Cultural Analysis at the KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. This book is a translation of an original German edition. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently from a conventional translation.
Emigration and immigration. --- Ethnology. --- Social sciences. --- Human Migration. --- Society.
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Chinese periodicals --- Chinese --- Chinese diaspora --- China. --- Human Migration. --- Southeast Asia. --- Chinese. --- Chinese diaspora. --- Oceania. --- Oceania
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Albert Scherr fasst zentrale Einsichten der sozialwissenschaftlichen Diskriminierungsforschung in einer leicht verständlichen Weise zusammen. Denn unterschiedliche Formen von Diskriminierung gehören zur sozialen Realität – so auf dem Arbeitsmarkt, in der schulischen und beruflichen Bildung, bei der Vergabe von Wohnungen oder auch durch herabwürdigende Äußerungen im Alltag. Der Inhalt · Alle verschieden, alle gleich? · Was heißt Diskriminierung? · Zugehörigkeitskonflikte und Positionskämpfe · Rassenkonstruktionen und andere Konstruktionen · Diskriminierung aufgrund guter Absichten · Diskriminierung durch Strukturen und in Organisationen · Maßnahmen gegen Diskriminierung: Fortschritte und Ausblendungen Die Zielgruppen · Dozierende und Studierende des Lehramts, der Erziehungs- und Sozialwissenschaften · Politisch Interessierte, JournalistInnen, LehrerInnen sowie BildungsreferentInnen Der Autor Prof. Dr. Albert Scherr ist Leiter des Instituts für Soziologie der Pädagogischen Hochschule Freiburg.
Social structure. --- Equality. --- Culture --- Emigration and immigration. --- Social Structure. --- Cultural Studies. --- Human Migration. --- Study and teaching.
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Emigration and immigration --- Human Migration. --- Emigration and immigration. --- Latin America --- Émigration et immigration --- Amérique latine
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Susanne Bachmann analysiert eingelagerte Diskurse in ausgewählten Integrationsprojekten für MigrantInnen in der Schweiz. Anhand von vier Fallstudien zeigt die Autorin, dass Vorannahmen und Zuschreibungen in den Projekten die beruflichen Optionen beeinflussen, welche die Projekte für die Teilnehmenden anvisieren. Diese wiederum zielen darauf ab, dass die Teilnehmenden die Einschätzungen der Projekte übernehmen und ihre beruflichen Ziele entsprechend anpassen. Dabei fokussieren die Projekte vorrangig gering qualifizierte und traditionell lebende MigrantInnen, andere Lebensrealitäten drohen aus dem Blick zu geraten. Dadurch besteht die Gefahr, dass sich Stereotypen verfestigen und eine nachhaltige Integration von MigrantInnen nicht erreicht werden kann. Der Inhalt Die Situation von MigrantInnen in der Schweiz Diskurs, Gouvernementalität und Geschlecht Das Konzept „Empowerment“ in Integrationsprojekten Dethematisierung und Reproduktion von Geschlechterungleichheiten Bewertungen von Bildung und Qualifikationen Die Zielgruppen Mitarbeitende von Integrationsprogrammen Dozierende und Studierende der Sozialwissenschaften Die Autorin Dr. Susanne Bachmann ist Soziologin und arbeitet als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit der Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Olten/Basel.
Social service. --- Emigration and immigration. --- Sex. --- Social Work. --- Human Migration. --- Gender Studies.
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Chinese periodicals --- Chinese --- Chinese diaspora --- China. --- Human Migration. --- Southeast Asia. --- Oceania. --- Oceania
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This edited book focuses on the intersection of return migration and crises in non-Western countries. The book explores a wide range of theoretical and methodological perspectives while offering practical insights to address the intricate issues surrounding return migration and crises. The topics covered within this volume include return migration trends, the pivotal roles and contributions of return migrants, the social, psychological, and policy challenges faced by returnees, emerging issues stemming from return migration in their home countries, and the public and formal responses to return migration and the reintegration of returnees, and the roles of crises in these areas. This edited volume brings together diverse perspectives of academic researchers, practitioners, and policymakers on return migration. The book features cases of multiple non-Western countries in Asia (Philippines, China, India), Europe (Lithuania, Turkey, & Ukraine), the Middle East and North Africa (Morocco), and South America and the Caribbean (Mexico, Peru & Dominican Republic). Findings provide a unique opportunity to critically explore current thinking on return migration and investigate the relationship between migration and crisis from varying policy and operational viewpoints. This book, hence, attends to practitioners to develop creative solutions to both global and local policies and practices of return migration management in emerging market countries, which will support and accommodate both their returnees and residents amid challenging times. Jungwon Yeo is an Associate Professor in the School of Public Administration at the University of Central Florida. Her primary research focuses on enhancing attitudes, behaviors, and cognitions of diverse individuals and organizations and their collective decision-making process in critical policy contexts, such as disaster and crisis management, migration, and human security. Additionally, her research explores key topics shaping contemporary discourse in public administration, including accountability, ethics, leadership, and social justice, and their consequential impact on public service provision. Her research experience is demonstrated through refereed publications, national and international conference presentations, and multi-year interdisciplinary research grant awards.
Emigration and immigration --- Emigration and immigration. --- Migration Policy. --- Human Migration. --- Government policy.
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This book describes the journey concept relating to cultural and social history of Western and non-Western worlds. By including time journeys negotiated by women, racial minorities, artists, and scholars from the humanities and social, natural and physical scientists, the book explores time/space journeys in personal, professional, and cultural life and place experiences. The sixteen chapters in this book offer new insights into time/place worlds in different contexts including history, culture, astronomy, and science fiction. The concept is one where science and art worlds intersect in the emerging worlds of the unknown. With contributors from different disciplines and countries expanding our understanding of this concept, this volume provides a valuable source for disciplinary and interdisciplinary classes and seminars exploring these scholarly frontiers.
Human geography. --- Emigration and immigration. --- Cultural geography. --- Human Geography. --- Human Migration. --- Social and Cultural Geography.
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