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Engaged Humanities : Rethinking Art, Culture, and Public Life
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Amsterdam Amsterdam University Press

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What is the role of the humanities at the start of 21st century? In the last few decades, the various disciplines of the humanities (history, linguistics, literary studies, art history, media studies) have encountered a broad range of challenges, related to the future of print culture, to shifts in funding strategies, and to the changing contours of culture and society. Several publications have addressed these challenges as well as potential responses on a theoretical level. This coedited volume opts for a different strategy and presents accessible case studies that demonstrate what humanities scholars contribute to concrete and pressing social debates about topics including adoption, dementia, hacking, and conservation. These “engaged” forms of humanities research reveal the continued importance of thinking and rethinking the nature of art, culture, and public life.

A culture of curiosity : Science in the eighteenth-century home
Year: 2023 Publisher: Manchester : Manchester University Press,

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This study explores the practice of scientific enquiry as it took place in the eighteenth-century home. While histories of science have identified the genteel household as an important site for scientific experiment, they have tended to do so via biographies of important men of science. Using a wide range of historical source material, from household accounts and inventories to letters and print culture, this book investigates the tools within reach of early modern householders in their search for knowledge. It considers the under-explored question of the home as a site of knowledge production and does so by viewing scientific enquiry as one of many interrelated domestic practices. It shows that knowledge production and consumption were necessary facets of domestic life and that the eighteenth-century home generated practices that were integral to 'Enlightenment' enquiry.

Engaged Humanities : Rethinking Art, Culture, and Public Life

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What is the role of the humanities at the start of 21st century? In the last few decades, the various disciplines of the humanities (history, linguistics, literary studies, art history, media studies) have encountered a broad range of challenges, related to the future of print culture, to shifts in funding strategies, and to the changing contours of culture and society. Several publications have addressed these challenges as well as potential responses on a theoretical level. This coedited volume opts for a different strategy and presents accessible case studies that demonstrate what humanities scholars contribute to concrete and pressing social debates about topics including adoption, dementia, hacking, and conservation. These “engaged” forms of humanities research reveal the continued importance of thinking and rethinking the nature of art, culture, and public life.

Engaged Humanities : Rethinking Art, Culture, and Public Life
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Amsterdam Amsterdam University Press

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What is the role of the humanities at the start of 21st century? In the last few decades, the various disciplines of the humanities (history, linguistics, literary studies, art history, media studies) have encountered a broad range of challenges, related to the future of print culture, to shifts in funding strategies, and to the changing contours of culture and society. Several publications have addressed these challenges as well as potential responses on a theoretical level. This coedited volume opts for a different strategy and presents accessible case studies that demonstrate what humanities scholars contribute to concrete and pressing social debates about topics including adoption, dementia, hacking, and conservation. These “engaged” forms of humanities research reveal the continued importance of thinking and rethinking the nature of art, culture, and public life.

A culture of curiosity : Science in the eighteenth-century home
Year: 2023 Publisher: Manchester : Manchester University Press,

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This study explores the practice of scientific enquiry as it took place in the eighteenth-century home. While histories of science have identified the genteel household as an important site for scientific experiment, they have tended to do so via biographies of important men of science. Using a wide range of historical source material, from household accounts and inventories to letters and print culture, this book investigates the tools within reach of early modern householders in their search for knowledge. It considers the under-explored question of the home as a site of knowledge production and does so by viewing scientific enquiry as one of many interrelated domestic practices. It shows that knowledge production and consumption were necessary facets of domestic life and that the eighteenth-century home generated practices that were integral to 'Enlightenment' enquiry.

Männlichkeiten und Moderne : Geschlecht in den Wissenskulturen um 1900
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3839407079 3899427076 Year: 2015 Publisher: Bielefeld transcript Verlag

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Die Rede von der »Feminisierung der Kultur« beherrschte um 1900 die Wissenscodes von Männlichkeiten und Modernisierung. Interdisziplinär geht dieser Band den konträren Diskursen nach, in denen sich die Rhetoriken einer vermeintlichen Krise hegemonialer weißer Männlichkeiten ausbildeten. Betrachtet werden soziokulturelle, ästhetische und politische Felder sowie auch die Kanonisierung und Dekanonisierung von Wissenschaften. Visionen jüdischer Effeminierung stehen neben solchen des Hypervirilen, wissenschaftliche und poetologische Figuren des Dritten neben rassistischen Maskeraden und technischen Utopien. »Männlichkeiten und Moderne empfiehlt sich für alle an der Thematik wissenschaftlich Interessierten und ist [...] für Anknüpfungspunkte an diverse Wissenschaften geeignet.« Martin Viehhauser, LAMBDA nachrichten, 1 (2009)

Feminismus in historischer Perspektive : Eine Reaktualisierung
ISBN: 9783839426043 3839426049 9783837626049 3837626040 3839426049 Year: 2014 Publisher: Bielefeld transcript Verlag

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Die klassische feministische Geschichtsschreibung hat zugunsten bekannter Gruppen, Personen, Texte und Ereignisse den Blick für die Differenziertheit der Akteur_innen verloren. Es gab jedoch nie den einen Feminismus; vielmehr konnten sich feministische Bewegungen und Debatten gerade erst durch ihre inhärenten Konflikte immer wieder neu artikulieren und dadurch wirkmächtig werden. Trotz der Vielzahl an Publikationen gelingt es nur wenigen Überblickswerken, sich von einer überkommenen Mainstream-Erzählung zu lösen. Dieser Band reaktualisiert daher die Debatten um die Geschichte und die Bedeutung des Feminismus jenseits von Klischees, historischen Reduktionismen oder unkritischer Affirmation. »Neue Perspektiven eröffnen neue Diskussion!« Wir Frauen, 4 (2014) »Eine vielfältige, informative und mutige Publikation. Sie versucht nicht die Widersprüche in feministischen Diskursen und Bewegungen zu glätten und sich einer dogmatischen Darstellung von Feminismus als einheitliche und bruchlose Fortschrittsgeschichte anzuschließen. Vielmehr akzentuiert sie diese Widersprüche, nimmt eine intersektionale Perspektive ein und verleiht den feministischen Diskursen dadurch mehr Authentizität. « Anja Müller,, 22.02.2015 »Das Buch ist lesenswert für alle, die an der Geschichte des Feminismus interessiert sind und Lust haben, die Vergangenheit mit neuen Facetten zu entdecken.« Newsletter Gleichberechtigung und Vernetzung e.V., 7 (2014) Besprochen in: GMK-Newsletter, 5 (2014), 7 (2014), Rolf Löchel Stichwort, 38 (2014), Stephanie Arzberger analyse & kritik, 14.10.2014, Anna Stiede Ariadne, 66 (2014), Heike Dreier Portal für Politikwissenschaft, 24.09.2015, Matthias Lemke Werkstatt Geschichte, 70 (2015), Katharina Brechensbauer

A culture of curiosity : Science in the eighteenth-century home
Year: 2023 Publisher: Manchester : Manchester University Press,

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This study explores the practice of scientific enquiry as it took place in the eighteenth-century home. While histories of science have identified the genteel household as an important site for scientific experiment, they have tended to do so via biographies of important men of science. Using a wide range of historical source material, from household accounts and inventories to letters and print culture, this book investigates the tools within reach of early modern householders in their search for knowledge. It considers the under-explored question of the home as a site of knowledge production and does so by viewing scientific enquiry as one of many interrelated domestic practices. It shows that knowledge production and consumption were necessary facets of domestic life and that the eighteenth-century home generated practices that were integral to 'Enlightenment' enquiry.

Arab women in Algeria
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3110427362 3110410222 9783110410228 3110410214 Year: 2014 Publisher: De Gruyter

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The book presents the first English edition of Hubertine Auclert's Arab Women in Algeria which offers a unique picture of Algerian society in late 19th century. Hubertine Auclert (1848-1914) was one of the foremost militants for women's political rights in France from the mid-1870s. She lived in Algeria from 1888 to 1892, where she investigated the customs and traditions that defined the condition of women. She witnessed both the exploitation of women and that of the colonized people; in doing so, she drew a picture of colonial Algerian society. While women were mistreated by men (sale of prepubescent girls into marriage, forced marriage, repudiation permitted only to men, polygamy), Arab men were mistreated by the colonial administration and excluded from the government of Algeria. She denounced the contradictions and hypocrisy of French justice, which often enforced, for their own interest, the "anomalies" of Muslim law in contradiction with French law. The last chapter of the book comprises of several striking anecdotes that illustrate the author's theoretical views. Jacqueline Grenez Brovender is a freelance translator and a former lecturer in French at Tufts University. Denise Brahimi-Chapuis taught in French and Algerian universities about the relationship between France and the Maghreb and its effect on women.

Das politisierte Geschlecht : Biographische Wege zum Studentinnenprotest von ›1968‹ und zur Neuen Frauenbewegung
ISBN: 3839424100 9783839424100 9783837624106 Year: 2014 Publisher: Bielefeld transcript Verlag

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Die Neue Frauenbewegung: Wie wurde das Geschlecht zum Politikum? Trotz der Vielzahl an Publikationen zur Studentenbewegung von ›1968‹ und zur Neuen Frauenbewegung ist bisher unklar, welche biographischen Erfahrungen Studentinnen zu einem Protest bewegte, bei dem sie Geschlecht zu einem politischen Thema machten. Mittels der Auswertung biographisch-narrativer Interviews sowie einer Kontextanalyse fragt Morvarid Dehnavi nach der politischen Sozialisation von Studentinnen, die Mitglied des Frankfurter Weiberrats und/oder des Frankfurter Frauenzentrums wurden. Am Beispiel der Universität Frankfurt untersucht sie zudem die Bedeutung der Universität als Ort der Politisierung. »Ein Buch, das nicht nur für die Forschungsgemeinde interessant ist. Die Interviews sind spannend für Leserinnen und Leser, die nicht ›dabei‹ waren. Auch für Zeitzeuginnen und -zeugen lohnt ein Blick zurück.« Newsletter der Vernetzungsstelle für Gleichberechtigung, Frauen und Gleichstellungsbeauftragte, 2 (2014) »In den Bibliotheken der Frauenbewegung darf das Buch [...] nicht fehlen.« Rolf Löchel,, 9 (2013) »Eine ausführliche, informative und interessant zu lesende Ausarbeitung.« Annette Alberer-Leinen, BDS-Newsletter, 5 (2013) Besprochen in: an.schläge, 9 (2013), Birge Krondorfer Wir Frauen, 4 (2013)

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