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Revista CPC
ISSN: 19804466 Publisher: Brazil Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

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Investing in the Buddhist Circuit : Enhancing the Spiritual, Environmental, Social, and Economic Value of the Places Visited by the Buddha in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, India.
Year: 2017 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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India is one of the world's great reservoirs of history, cultures, philosophies, and religions. The Buddhist circuit is a route that follows in the footsteps of the Buddha from Lumbini in Nepal where he was born, through Bihar in India where he attained enlightenment, to Sarnath and Kushinagar in Uttar Pradesh in India, where he gave his first teachings and died. The Buddhist circuit is an important pilgrimage destination for the 450 million practicing Buddhists as well as travelers interested in history, culture, or religion. Investing in the Buddhist Circuit is the result of first-time collaboration between the Government of India's Ministry of Tourism, the State Governments of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, the private sector, Buddhist monasteries and sects, and the World Bank Group. The work was led by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group. Extensive on-the-ground data collection, consultations, and analysis were conducted. The outcome is a framework for public and private sector investment that secures and enhances the experience of the sites while unleashing the full job creation potential of tourist spending at the towns and sites, and along the Buddhist circuit. The strategy outlined in this document seeks to grow the economic impact of tourism along the Buddhist circuit by attracting higher-spending tourists and linking them to local goods and service providers. This strategy recognizes that both public and private sector investment is required to drive demand and improve quality of experience while respecting, preserving, and enhancing the religious value and significance of the sites. For more publications on IFC Sustainability please visit

Culture, Politics, and Development
Year: 2014 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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Whether in the domains of scholarship or practice, important advances have been made in recent years in our understanding of how culture, politics, and development interact. Today's leading theorists of culture and development represent a fourth distinctive perspective vis-a-vis their predecessors, one that seeks to provide an empirically grounded, mechanisms-based account of how symbols, frames, identities, and narratives are deployed as part of a broader repertoire of cultural "tools" connecting structure and agency. A central virtue of this approach is less the broad policy prescriptions to which it gives rise-indeed, to offer such prescriptions would be something of a contradiction in terms-than the emphasis it places on making intensive and extensive commitments to engaging with the idiosyncrasies of local contexts. Deep knowledge of contextual realities can contribute constructively to development policy by enabling careful intra-country comparisons to be made of the conditions under which variable responses to otherwise similar problems emerge. Such knowledge is also important for discerning the generalizability (or "external validity") of claims regarding the efficacy of development interventions, especially those overtly engaging with social, legal, and political issues.

Does Culture Matter for Development?
Authors: ---
Year: 2014 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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Economists have either avoided or struggled with the concept of culture and its role in economic development. Although a few theoretical works-and even fewer empirical studies-have appeared in the past decades, this paper tries to build on a multidisciplinary approach to review the evidence on whether and how culture matters for development. First, the paper reviews available definitions of culture and illustrates ways in which culture can change and create favorable conditions for economic development. Second, the paper discusses the challenges of separating the effect of culture from other drivers of human behavior such as incentives, the availability of information, or climate. Finally, the paper argues that globalization has led to the emergence of a set of progressive values that are common cultural traits of all developed economies.

Keynote Address on Preserving the Architecture of Historic Cities and Sacred Places
Year: 1999 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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James D. Wolfensohn, President of the World Bank Group, discussed the importance of preserving culture, cities and architecture, and sacred sites. The international system has to be built on structure, on governance, on justice, on legal systems, on social systems, but it also has to be built on history and culture. You do not have to have a dollar sign on something for it to be valuable or for it to be essential. You cannot have an international financial architecture built on sand. He discussed the overwhelming issue of poverty, concentration of people in cities, the pressure on public services and public spaces, and the degradation that accompanies movements of people into cities.

Tourism Sector in Panama : Regional Economic Impacts and the Potential to Benefit the Poor
Authors: ---
Year: 2012 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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Tourism is one of Latin America's fastest growing industries but the impact of tourism on the poor and the effects on lagging regions are under debate. Many studies have evaluated the growth impacts of the tourism sector but few have analyzed the impact of tourism on the economy and poverty at the subnational level in developing countries. As a country marked by a "dual economy," Panama shares with other Latin American countries a fast growing, modern urban sector side by side with impoverished rural and peri-urban populations. Tourism has been growing in Panama and contributes at least 6 percent of gross domestic product. This paper presents the results of a top-down assessment of the impact of tourism spending on growth and poverty at the regional (province) level in Panama using a Social Accounting Matrix model. As revealed by this study, the tourism sector has large multiplier effects on the Panamanian economy and has the potential for significant benefits to the poor. But tourism's poverty benefits are neither automatic nor ubiquitous. They depend on where and how supply chains are structured and on the way tourists spend their money.

Mongolia Tourism Sector Policy Note : Strengthening Management of Natural and Cultural Heritage Assets to Scale-up Tourism and Stimulate Local Economic Opportunity.
Year: 2011 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This report, Strengthening Management of Natural and Cultural Heritage Assets to Scale-up Tourism and Stimulate Local Economic Opportunity was prepared in March 2011. The principal objective of the assignment is to provide policy guidance to decision-makers for strengthening the management of NCS and building a sustainable tourism industry in Mongolia that enhances economic opportunity, especially for local communities.There are several constraints to faster growth of the tourism sector, including: (i) a harsh climate and short tourist season, which is concentrated in the months of June, July and August; (ii) poor quality of infrastructure; (iii) limited international air access to Mongolia; (iv) poor service quality, which is driven by a lack of industry-led guidelines that promote quality standards, and low awareness on what quality and appropriate service culture is; and (v) limited capacity and lack of experienced tourism workforce.

How and why does history matter for development policy ?
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2010 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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The consensus among scholars and policymakers that "institutions matter" for development has led inexorably to a conclusion that "history matters," since institutions clearly form and evolve over time. Unfortunately, however, the next logical step has not yet been taken, which is to recognize that historians (and not only economic historians) might also have useful and distinctive insights to offer. This paper endeavors to open and sustain a constructive dialogue between history - understood as both "the past" and "the discipline" - and development policy by (a) clarifying what the craft of historical scholarship entails, especially as it pertains to understanding causal mechanisms, contexts, and complex processes of institutional change; (b) providing examples of historical research that support, qualify, or challenge the most influential research (by economists and economic historians) in contemporary development policy; and (c) offering some general principles and specific implications that historians, on the basis of the distinctive content and method of their research, bring to development policy debates.

How and why does history matter for development policy ?
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2010 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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The consensus among scholars and policymakers that "institutions matter" for development has led inexorably to a conclusion that "history matters," since institutions clearly form and evolve over time. Unfortunately, however, the next logical step has not yet been taken, which is to recognize that historians (and not only economic historians) might also have useful and distinctive insights to offer. This paper endeavors to open and sustain a constructive dialogue between history - understood as both "the past" and "the discipline" - and development policy by (a) clarifying what the craft of historical scholarship entails, especially as it pertains to understanding causal mechanisms, contexts, and complex processes of institutional change; (b) providing examples of historical research that support, qualify, or challenge the most influential research (by economists and economic historians) in contemporary development policy; and (c) offering some general principles and specific implications that historians, on the basis of the distinctive content and method of their research, bring to development policy debates.

Authors: ---
ISBN: 1978929587 Year: 2016 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This is a background paper to the Pacific Possible report. For many Pacific Island countries, tourism is the main economic opportunity to generate incomes and jobs. This report suggests that increasing tourism demand in four areas could drive growth of tourism arrivals in the Pacific: Increasing demand from Chinese tourists, retired persons, high income individuals, and cruise ship operators. It sets out key actions to capitalize on these potential sources of increased demand and ensure the development of the tourism sector in an environmentally, socially, and culturally sustainable manner.

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