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Countries of the Middle East and Central Asia region havebeen hit by two large and reinforcing shocks, resulting in significantly weaker growth projections in 2020. In addition to the devastating toll on human health, the COVID-19 pandemic and the plunge in oil prices are causing economic turmoil in the region, with fragile and conflict affected states particularlyhard-hit given already large humanitarian and refugee challenges and weak health infrastructures. The immediate priority for policies is to save lives with needed health spending, regardless of fiscal space, while preservingengines of growth with targeted support to households and hard-hit sectors. In this context, the IMF has been providing emergency assistance to help countriesin the region during these challenging times. Further ahead, economic recoveries should be supported with broad fiscal and monetary measures wherepolicy space is available, and by seeking external assistance where space is limited.
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On June 25, 2021, the Executive Board discussed a staff paper setting forth the considerations underlying the case for a general allocation of special drawing rights (SDRs) of an amount equivalent to US
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This paper proposes a package of policy reforms and a funding strategy to ensure that the Fund has the capacity to respond flexibly to LICs' needs during the pandemic and recovery. The key policy reforms proposed include: • raising the normal annual/cumulative limits on access to PRGT resources to 145/435 percent of quota, the same thresholds for normal access in the GRA; • eliminating the hard limits on exceptional access (EA) to PRGT resources for the poorest LICs, enabling them to obtain all financing on concessional terms if the EA criteria are met; • changes to the framework for blending concessional and non-concessional resources to make it more robust and less complex; • stronger safeguards to address concerns regarding debt sustainability and capacity to repay the Fund; and • retaining zero interest rates on PRGT loans, consistent with the established rules for setting these interest rates.
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L'organisation du travail de soins se profile derrière tous les débats contemporains sur le système de santé : maîtrise des dépenses, application des 35 heures, technologies de pointe au service de tous, développement des missions sociales des hôpitaux. On parle de coordination, de réseaux, de filières, de participation des usagers, autrement dit d'organisation du travail à (re)penser. Le Comité de recherche 13 « Sociologie de la santé » de l'Association internationale des sociologues de langue française (AISLF) présente dans ce livre une réunion de travaux sociologiques récents sur ce thème. Sont abordés aussi les effets de la gestion, de l'informatique et de la normalisation sur l'organisation du travail dans les institutions de santé. La notion même de travail de santé est questionnée : peut-on parler de travail émotionnel ? Les soins palliatifs relèvent-ils d'une nouvelle expertise ? Comment les familles s'inscrivent-elles dans la division du travail de soins ?
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Hensikten med studien var å få kunnskap fra ungdom om deres opplevelse av engasjement i hverdagen. Tilnærmingen var å gi ungdom selv mulighet til å beskrive og begrunne sin deltakelse i sine arenaer. Metode En kvalitativ studie med intervju av ti ungdommer i alderen 16 - 19 år, hvor alle er andre-års elever på videregående skole i Porsgrunn kommune. Analysemetoden er Grounded Theory. Resultat Ungdommene definerte seg inn på fire arenaer; hjem, skole, fritid og venner. Engasjement definerte de som; se på, høre om, snakke om eller gjøre noe med en sak. Ungdommene sitt engasjement inngår i en kjernekategori drivkraft som inneholder tre hovedkategorier. Det er nærhet til saken, anerkjennelse og opplevelsen av at dette er gøy. Analysen indikerer en sammenheng mellom medvirkning, anerkjennelse og gøy på alle de fire arenaene. Bruk av denne sammenhengen kan bidra til å utvikle det helsefremmende arbeidet for ungdom.
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