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Family relations. --- Genealogy. --- Greek antiquity. --- Genealogy.
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15.34 classical archaeology. --- Antiquities. --- Archaeological sites. --- Greek antiquity. --- Geschichte Anfänge-1571. --- Cyprus --- Zypern --- Chypre --- Cyprus. --- Zypern. --- Türkischer Föderationsstaat von Zypern. --- Antiquités.
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Die "Ereignisse nach Homer", die Quintus Smyrnaeus wohl im 3. Jh. n.Chr. in seinem griechischen Epos Posthomerica beschreibt, sind ein Versuch, die Lücke zwischen Ilias und Odyssee zu schließen und die bis dahin verstreut überlieferten Berichte über den Kampf um Troja erzählerisch zu vereinen. Obschon das Epos in künstlerischer und populärer Rezeption (wie in Gustav Schwabs Schönsten Sagen des klassischen Altertums) breit gewirkt hat, fand eine wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit den Posthomerica bislang nur am Rande statt. Der vorliegende Sammelband arbeitet unter Berücksichtigung moderner Forschungsansätze intertextuelle Dialoge, narratologische Eigenheiten und stilistische wie inhaltliche Besonderheiten heraus. Die 16 Beiträge geben einen Einblick in werkimmanente Aspekte (Spannungsaufbau, Poetologie, Erzähltechnik) und untersuchen den Einfluss des literarischen Umfelds und insbesondere der Zweiten Sophistik auf Quintus anhand von werkübergreifenden, intertextuellen Fragestellungen und Fragen der Gattungsgeschichte: Wie lässt sich Quintus innerhalb der epischen Tradition einordnen, welchen Einfluss hat sein Werk auf spätere Epen der Kaiserzeit, wie erfolgreich ist sein Programm des Brückenschlags zwischen Ilias und Odyssee letztlich gewesen?
Epic poetry, Greek --- Greek epic poetry --- Epic poetry, Classical --- Greek poetry --- History and criticism --- Quintus, --- Calaber, Quintus, --- Kointos, --- Quinto, --- Smyrnaeus, Quintus, --- Κόϊντος. --- Greek Antiquity (literature). --- Homer. --- sophistics.
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Athens, 403 B.C.E. The bloody oligarchic dictatorship of the Thirty is over, and the democrats have returned to the city victorious. Renouncing vengeance, in an act of willful amnesia, citizens call for - if not invent - amnesty. They agree to forget the unforgettable, the "past misfortunes," of civil strife or stasis. More precisely, what they agree to deny is that stasis - simultaneously partisanship, faction, and sedition - is at the heart of their politics. Continuing a criticism of Athenian ideology begun in her study The Invention of Athens, Nicole Loraux argues that this crucial moment of Athenian political history must be interpreted as constitutive of politics and political life and not as a threat to it.
15.51 Antiquity. --- Amnesty --- Amnesty. --- Amnistie --- Democracy --- Democracy. --- Démocratie --- Greek antiquity. --- Mémoire collective --- Politics and government. --- Revolts. --- Social conflicts. --- 404-403 B.C. --- Athens (Greece) --- Athens. --- Athènes (Grèce) --- Greece --- History --- Politics and government --- Philosophy. --- Politique et gouvernement.
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"The legends of Aristomenes, hero of the Messenian resistance to Sparta, were designed to excite, gratify and amuse. Yet they remain almost unknown even to specialist ancient historians. This book, the first monograph to be devoted to Aristomenes, redirects attention to his adventures, which at times resemble those of King Arthur, Robin Hood and even Sinbad the Sailor." "The book goes beyond the question of the historicity of Aristomenes, and examines the meaning and symbolism of the stories in their own right. The study will be welcomed by those with an interest in the history of Sparta, in Pausanias (our principal source for the tales), and in Greek traditional narrative."--Jacket.
15.51 Antiquity. --- Generals --- Generals. --- Greek antiquity. --- Héros --- Legends. --- Military actions. --- Nemesis (Greek word). --- Culte --- Aristomenes --- Aristomenes, --- Aristomenes. --- 700 b.C.-600 b.C. --- 735-460 B.C. --- Greece --- Greece. --- Messene (Extinct city) --- Messenia. --- Messène (ville ancienne) --- Messēnia (Greece) --- Sparta. --- History --- Légendes. --- History.
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One of the oldest extant works of Western literature, the Iliad is a timeless epic poem of great warriors trapped between their own heroic pride and the arbitrary, often vicious decisions of fate and the gods. Renowned scholar and acclaimed translator Peter Green captures the Iliad in all its surging thunder for a new generation of readers. Featuring an enticingly personal introduction, a detailed synopsis of each book, a wide-ranging glossary, and explanatory notes for the few puzzling in-text items, the book also includes a select bibliography for those who want to learn more about Homer and
Trojan War --- Epic poetry, Greek. --- Greek epic poetry --- Epic poetry, Classical --- Greek poetry --- Achilles --- Achìe --- Achilas --- Achille --- Achilleus --- Achilli --- Ahil --- Ahile --- Ahilej --- Ahillejs --- Aĥilo --- Aichill --- Akhilles --- Akhilleus --- Akhilleusz --- Akiles --- Akili --- Akille --- Akilles --- Akkilles --- Aquiles --- Aquilles --- Axill --- Axilles --- Ἀχιλλεύς --- آخيل --- アキレウス --- Akireusu --- 아킬레우스 --- 阿喀琉斯 --- Ахіл --- Ахил --- Ахилл --- Akhill --- Ахіллес --- אכילס --- Akhiles --- Epic poetry, Greek --- Achilles (Greek mythology) --- Achilles (Greek mythology) -- Poetry. --- Trojan War -- Poetry. --- Mythology, Greek --- achilles. --- aeneas. --- agamemnon. --- ancient classics. --- ancient greece. --- ancient mythology. --- annotated homer. --- annotated iliad. --- classic fiction. --- classic literature. --- classical antiquity. --- epic poem. --- epic poetry. --- epics. --- greek antiquity. --- greek epic. --- greek gods. --- greek literature. --- greek myth. --- greek mythology. --- homer. --- homeric tradition. --- iliad and odyssey. --- iliad. --- judgement of paris. --- kleos. --- menelaus. --- nostos. --- odysseus. --- poeme vivant. --- poetry. --- trojan war. --- troy. --- world lit.
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"Most classical authors and modern historians depict the ancient Greek world as essentially stable and even static, once the so-called colonization movement came to an end. But Robert Garland argues that the Greeks were highly mobile, that their movement was essential to the survival, success, and sheer sustainability of their society, and that this wandering became a defining characteristic of their culture. Addressing a neglected but essential subject, Wandering Greeks focuses on the diaspora of tens of thousands of people between about 700 and 325 BCE, demonstrating the degree to which Greeks were liable to be forced to leave their homes due to political upheaval, oppression, poverty, warfare, or simply a desire to better themselves. Attempting to enter into the mind-set of these wanderers, the book provides an insightful and sympathetic account of what it meant for ancient Greeks to part from everyone and everything they held dear, to start a new life elsewhere--or even to become homeless, living on the open road or on the high seas with no end to their journey in sight. Each chapter identifies a specific kind of "wanderer, " including the overseas settler, the deportee, the evacuee, the asylum-seeker, the fugitive, the economic migrant, and the itinerant, and the book also addresses repatriation and the idea of the "portable polis." The result is a vivid and unique portrait of ancient Greece as a culture of displaced persons"--
Greeks --- Grecs --- Migrations --- History --- Histoire --- Greece --- Grèce --- Social conditions --- Civilization --- Conditions sociales --- Civilisation --- Ancient --- Greece. --- General. --- Greece -- Civilization -- To 146 B.C. --- Greece -- Social conditions -- To 146 B.C. --- Greeks -- Migrations -- History -- To 1500. --- Regions & Countries - Europe --- History & Archaeology --- Grèce --- HISTORY / Ancient / General. --- HISTORY / Ancient / Greece. --- Ethnology --- Mediterranean race --- Archaic Greece. --- Athenian law. --- Greek antiquity. --- Greek citizenship. --- Greek civilization. --- Greek identity. --- Greek-speaking world. --- Ionian migration. --- L'esprit de retour. --- Mediterranean world. --- adaptability. --- ancient Greece. --- anestios. --- aphrtr. --- apolis. --- asulia. --- asylum-seeker. --- asylum. --- civic identity. --- criminals. --- cultural homogeneity. --- democracy. --- deportation. --- deportee. --- deportees. --- diaspora. --- displaced persons. --- economic migrant. --- economic migrants. --- economic migration. --- entrepreneurship. --- ethnic cleansing. --- evacuation. --- evacuee. --- exile. --- exiles. --- familial identity. --- financial destitution. --- fugitives. --- hostilities. --- human resource. --- humanitarian agencies. --- itinerants. --- land hunger. --- legal battles. --- local sanctuary. --- long-distance travelers. --- mass deportation. --- migrants. --- migration. --- mobility. --- oikos. --- oligarch persuasion. --- overpopulation. --- overseas settler. --- ownership. --- panhellenic institutions. --- phratry. --- phug. --- pioneers. --- polis. --- political identity. --- political opponents. --- political pressure. --- political upheavals. --- portable polis. --- prosecution. --- radical upheaval. --- refuge. --- refugees. --- relocation. --- repatriation. --- resource fluctuations. --- returnees. --- sanctuary. --- servile labor. --- settlements. --- settlers. --- social identity. --- starvation. --- stasis. --- tyranny. --- voluntary flight. --- wanderer. --- wartime evacuations.
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Classical antiquities --- Antiquités gréco-romaines --- Periodicals. --- Périodiques --- South Africa --- Afrique du Sud --- Antiquities --- Antiquités --- Classical philology --- Antiquities. --- Classical antiquities. --- Classical philology. --- South Africa. --- Periodicals --- Arts and Humanities --- History --- Literature --- Society and Culture --- classical studies --- greek antiquity --- roman antiquity --- Philology, Classical --- Greek language --- Greek literature --- Greek philology --- Humanism --- Latin language --- Latin literature --- Latin philology --- Antiquities, Classical --- Antiquities, Grecian --- Antiquities, Roman --- Archaeology, Classical --- Classical archaeology --- Roman antiquities --- Archaeological museums and collections --- Art, Ancient --- Archaeological specimens --- Artefacts (Antiquities) --- Artifacts (Antiquities) --- Specimens, Archaeological --- Material culture --- Archaeology --- África del Sur --- África do Sul --- Afrika Selatan --- Azania --- Dél-Afrika --- Dél-Afrikai Köztársaság --- Derom Afriḳah --- Dorem-Afriḳe --- Güney Afrika --- Güney Afrika Cumhuriyeti --- iRiphabhulikhi yeNingizimu Afrika --- iRiphabhuliki yaseNingizimu Afrika --- iRiphabliki yeSewula Afrika --- iRiphabliki yomZantsi Afrika --- I͡U.A.R. --- I͡UAR --- I͡Uzhno-Afrikanskai͡a Respublika --- I͡Uzhno-Afrikanskiĭ Soi͡uz --- Janūb Ifrīqiy --- Jihoafrická republika --- Juhoafrická republika --- Jumhūrīyat Janūb Ifrīqiy --- Južná Afrika --- Južnoafrički savez --- Minami Afurika Kyōwakoku --- Nan Fei --- Nan Fei Gongheguo --- Nanfei --- Nanfei Gongheguo --- Repabliki ya Afrika-Borwa --- Rephaboliki ya Aforika Borwa --- Rephaboliki ya Afrika Borwa --- Repubblica del Sud Africa --- Republic of South Africa --- República da África do Sul --- República de Sudáfrica --- Republiek van Suid-Afrika --- Republik Südafrika --- Republik Suedafrika --- Republika Południowej Afryki --- République Sud Africaine --- Riphabliki ya Afrika Dzonga --- Riphabul̳iki ya Afurika Tshipembe --- RSA --- Sud África --- Sudáfrica --- Südafrika --- Suid-Afrika --- Unie van Suid-Afrika --- Union of South Africa --- Africa, South
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