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Mens! : complexe zorg door de ogen van buitenstaanders : Project Wave, het boek
Year: 2023 Publisher: Project Wave

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In het dagelijks leven is het al niet eenvoudig om elkaar te begrijpen, maar in de complexe zorg kan het een voortdurende uitdaging zijn. De werkdruk is hoog en er wordt steeds verder gespecialiseerd. Hoe bied je dan passende en duurzame zorg en ondersteuning? Met Project Wave zijn dertien mensen zonder enige ervaring in de zorg gekoppeld aan een complexe zorgpraktijk. In het gelijknamige boek is te lezen wat de langdurige uitwisseling tussen in- en outsiders opgeleverd

Veilig opgroeien : de oplossingsgerichte aanpak Signs of Safety in jeugdzorg en kinderbescherming
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789031365944 9789031361564 Year: 2009 Publisher: Houten Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum

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In het boek wordt een nieuwe benadering in de bescherming van kinderen gepresenteerd. Hulpverleners in de jeugdzorg en kinderbescherming kunnen hiermee potentieel risicovolle situaties beoordelen en vinden hierin praktische hands-on strategieën voor het opbouwen van een samenwerkingrelatie met de ouders. Uit de praktijk blijkt dat dit op de lange termijn kindermishandeling en uithuisplaatsing kan voorkomen. Er zijn weinig beroepsgroepen waarbij emotie zo'n grote rol speelt als bij hulpverleners in de jeugdzorg en de kinderbescherming. Logisch; het gaat immers om kwetsbare kinderen die bedreigd worden in hun ontwikkeling, of erger. Daarom heeft ook iedereen een oordeel over het werk van deze hulpverleners. Zij liggen vaak onder vuur: omdat ze wél ingrijpen of omdat ze níet ingrijpen. Het gevolg is dat hulpverleners steeds vaker risicomijdend gedrag vertonen - het beruchte Savanna-effect - dat tot meer uithuisplaatsingen van kinderen leidt. De auteurs bieden een beter alternatief: ze hebben in de praktijk vastgesteld dat samenwerking met het gezin de beste resultaten oplevert. In 9 hoofdstukken worden zowel het theoretische kader als de praktijkelementen van Signs of Safety uitgebreid behandeld. Dit praktijkboek laat zien hoe je deze benadering steeds kunt toepassen: van intake via onderzoek en beoordeling tot afsluiting van het dossier

Qualität packt Lehre : Miszellen von der Technischen Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3763966056 3763962328 Year: 2020 Publisher: Bielefeld wbv Publikation

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Gute Lehre an Hochschulen reduziert Studienabbrüche und erhöht die Erfolgschancen der Studierenden. Wie man Hochschullehre fachbereichsübergreifend verbessern kann, zeigt der Projektbericht mit Praxisbeispielen zu analoger und digitaler Lehre an der Technischen Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe (TH OWL). Seit 2012 werden im Rahmen des Qualitätspaktes Lehre (QPL) an der TH OWL innovative Lernformate mit hohem Praxisbezug und interdisziplinären Schwerpunkten erprobt. In den Beiträgen der Festschrift präsentieren Lehrende aus allen Fachbereichen spannende digitale und analoge Formate, Methoden und Konzepte, die im interdisziplinären Austausch entwickelt wurden. Wesentliches Charakteristikum ist dabei der fachliche Dreiklang von Lehr-Lernkonzepten, Didaktik und Anwendungen des E-Learning. Die Beiträge zu Lernen, Lehren, Kollaboration und Vernetzung sind nach Zielgruppen und Einsatzbereichen geordnet. In ihrer Gesamtheit bilden sie die Strategie aus dem QPL und der Zusammenarbeit mit externen Partnern der Hochschule ab.

Advances in Remote Sensing for Global Forest Monitoring
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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The topics of the book cover forest parameter estimation, methods to assess land cover and change, forest disturbances and degradation, and forest soil drought estimations. Airborne laser scanner data, aerial images, as well as data from passive and active sensors of different spatial, spectral and temporal resolutions have been utilized. Parametric and non-parametric methods including machine and deep learning methods have been employed. Uncertainty estimation is a key topic in each study. In total, 15 articles are included, of which one is a review article dealing with methods employed in remote sensing aided greenhouse gas inventories, and one is the Editorial summary presenting a short review of each article.


Research & information: general --- Environmental economics --- forest structure change --- EBLUP --- small area estimation --- multitemporal LiDAR and stand-level estimates --- forest cover --- Sentinel-1 --- Sentinel-2 --- data fusion --- machine-learning --- Germany --- South Africa --- temperate forest --- savanna --- classification --- Sentinel 2 --- land use land cover --- improved k-NN --- logistic regression --- random forest --- support vector machine --- statistical estimator --- IPCC good practice guidelines --- activity data --- emissions factor --- removals factor --- Picea crassifolia Kom --- compatible equation --- nonlinear seemingly unrelated regression --- error-in-variable modeling --- leave-one-out cross-validation --- digital surface model --- digital terrain model --- canopy height model --- constrained neighbor interpolation --- ordinary neighbor interpolation --- point cloud density --- stereo imagery --- remotely sensed LAI --- field measured LAI --- validation --- magnitude --- uncertainty --- temporal dynamics --- state space models --- forest disturbance mapping --- near real-time monitoring --- CUSUM --- NRT monitoring --- deforestation --- degradation --- tropical forest --- tropical peat --- forest type --- deep learning --- FCN8s --- CRFasRNN --- GF2 --- dual-FCN8s --- random forests --- error propagation --- bootstrapping --- Landsat --- LiDAR --- La Rioja --- forest area change --- data assessment --- uncertainty evaluation --- inconsistency --- forest monitoring --- drought --- time series satellite data --- Bowen ratio --- carbon flux --- boreal forest --- windstorm damage --- synthetic aperture radar --- C-band --- genetic algorithm --- multinomial logistic regression --- forest structure change --- EBLUP --- small area estimation --- multitemporal LiDAR and stand-level estimates --- forest cover --- Sentinel-1 --- Sentinel-2 --- data fusion --- machine-learning --- Germany --- South Africa --- temperate forest --- savanna --- classification --- Sentinel 2 --- land use land cover --- improved k-NN --- logistic regression --- random forest --- support vector machine --- statistical estimator --- IPCC good practice guidelines --- activity data --- emissions factor --- removals factor --- Picea crassifolia Kom --- compatible equation --- nonlinear seemingly unrelated regression --- error-in-variable modeling --- leave-one-out cross-validation --- digital surface model --- digital terrain model --- canopy height model --- constrained neighbor interpolation --- ordinary neighbor interpolation --- point cloud density --- stereo imagery --- remotely sensed LAI --- field measured LAI --- validation --- magnitude --- uncertainty --- temporal dynamics --- state space models --- forest disturbance mapping --- near real-time monitoring --- CUSUM --- NRT monitoring --- deforestation --- degradation --- tropical forest --- tropical peat --- forest type --- deep learning --- FCN8s --- CRFasRNN --- GF2 --- dual-FCN8s --- random forests --- error propagation --- bootstrapping --- Landsat --- LiDAR --- La Rioja --- forest area change --- data assessment --- uncertainty evaluation --- inconsistency --- forest monitoring --- drought --- time series satellite data --- Bowen ratio --- carbon flux --- boreal forest --- windstorm damage --- synthetic aperture radar --- C-band --- genetic algorithm --- multinomial logistic regression

Het zorgpadenboek : voorbeelden van goede ziekenhuiszorg
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789072219633 Year: 2010 Publisher: Amsterdam Uitgeverij Thoeris

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Gezondheidszorg --- Gezondheidseconomie --- zorgpaden --- good practice --- patiënt gecentreerde aanpak --- zorgprogramma --- COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) --- Cataract --- Hernia inguinalis (liesbreuk) --- Hernia nuclei pulposi (discushernia) --- Heupfractuur --- Klinische paden --- Oftalmologie (oogziekten) --- Oogchirurgie --- Pijn op de borst (thoraxpijn) --- Prenatale raadpleging (prenatale diagnostiek) --- Spataderen (varices, flebectasie, chronische veneuze insufficiëntie) --- artrose (gez) --- copd (gez) --- hernia (gez) --- kwaadaardige gezwellen (gez) --- ooglidaandoeningen (gez) --- prenatale zorg --- 603.63 --- Zorgpaden --- cataract --- hernia diaphragmatica --- hernia inguinalis (liesbreuk) --- ketenzorg --- klinisch paden (zorgpad) --- verpleegprocedure (protocol) --- (zie ook: klinisch paden) --- zorgprocessen --- 616-083 --- 613.22 --- professioneel handelen --- verpleegmethoden --- ziekenhuisbeleid --- Artrose --- Borstkanker (mammacarcinoom) --- Cerebrovasculair accident (cva) --- Darmkanker (colorectaal carcinoom, coloncarcinoom) --- Neurologie --- Neuroverpleegkunde --- Spoedgevallen --- Vaatziekten --- Verpleegplan --- 613.2 --- neurologie (gez) --- 605.1 --- COPD --- Ziekenhuizen --- artrose --- borstkanker --- cardiologie (hartziekten) --- coloncarcinoom --- colorectaal carcinoom --- heupfractuur (bekkenfractuur) --- infarct (hartinfarct, myocardinfarct) --- neurologie (zenuwziekten) --- oogchirurgie --- prenatale raadpleging --- rectumcarcinoom --- rugpijn (ischias, lagerugpijn, lumbago) --- spataderen --- spoedgevallen --- vaatziekten (bloedvatenziekten) --- 616-083 Hypurgy. Care of patient. Hygiene of the sick. Nursing --- Hypurgy. Care of patient. Hygiene of the sick. Nursing --- Verpleegkundig onderzoek - Theorieën --- (zie ook: gynecologie) --- (zie ook: vaatziekten) --- (zie ook: neurochirurgie) --- Nursing --- ziekenhuisverpleegkunde --- verpleegplannen --- Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- klinische paden --- PXL-Healthcare 2015 --- verpleegkundige handelingen --- zorgplan

Advances in Remote Sensing for Global Forest Monitoring
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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The topics of the book cover forest parameter estimation, methods to assess land cover and change, forest disturbances and degradation, and forest soil drought estimations. Airborne laser scanner data, aerial images, as well as data from passive and active sensors of different spatial, spectral and temporal resolutions have been utilized. Parametric and non-parametric methods including machine and deep learning methods have been employed. Uncertainty estimation is a key topic in each study. In total, 15 articles are included, of which one is a review article dealing with methods employed in remote sensing aided greenhouse gas inventories, and one is the Editorial summary presenting a short review of each article.


Research & information: general --- Environmental economics --- forest structure change --- EBLUP --- small area estimation --- multitemporal LiDAR and stand-level estimates --- forest cover --- Sentinel-1 --- Sentinel-2 --- data fusion --- machine-learning --- Germany --- South Africa --- temperate forest --- savanna --- classification --- Sentinel 2 --- land use land cover --- improved k-NN --- logistic regression --- random forest --- support vector machine --- statistical estimator --- IPCC good practice guidelines --- activity data --- emissions factor --- removals factor --- Picea crassifolia Kom --- compatible equation --- nonlinear seemingly unrelated regression --- error-in-variable modeling --- leave-one-out cross-validation --- digital surface model --- digital terrain model --- canopy height model --- constrained neighbor interpolation --- ordinary neighbor interpolation --- point cloud density --- stereo imagery --- remotely sensed LAI --- field measured LAI --- validation --- magnitude --- uncertainty --- temporal dynamics --- state space models --- forest disturbance mapping --- near real-time monitoring --- CUSUM --- NRT monitoring --- deforestation --- degradation --- tropical forest --- tropical peat --- forest type --- deep learning --- FCN8s --- CRFasRNN --- GF2 --- dual-FCN8s --- random forests --- error propagation --- bootstrapping --- Landsat --- LiDAR --- La Rioja --- forest area change --- data assessment --- uncertainty evaluation --- inconsistency --- forest monitoring --- drought --- time series satellite data --- Bowen ratio --- carbon flux --- boreal forest --- windstorm damage --- synthetic aperture radar --- C-band --- genetic algorithm --- multinomial logistic regression --- n/a

Advances in Remote Sensing for Global Forest Monitoring
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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The topics of the book cover forest parameter estimation, methods to assess land cover and change, forest disturbances and degradation, and forest soil drought estimations. Airborne laser scanner data, aerial images, as well as data from passive and active sensors of different spatial, spectral and temporal resolutions have been utilized. Parametric and non-parametric methods including machine and deep learning methods have been employed. Uncertainty estimation is a key topic in each study. In total, 15 articles are included, of which one is a review article dealing with methods employed in remote sensing aided greenhouse gas inventories, and one is the Editorial summary presenting a short review of each article.


forest structure change --- EBLUP --- small area estimation --- multitemporal LiDAR and stand-level estimates --- forest cover --- Sentinel-1 --- Sentinel-2 --- data fusion --- machine-learning --- Germany --- South Africa --- temperate forest --- savanna --- classification --- Sentinel 2 --- land use land cover --- improved k-NN --- logistic regression --- random forest --- support vector machine --- statistical estimator --- IPCC good practice guidelines --- activity data --- emissions factor --- removals factor --- Picea crassifolia Kom --- compatible equation --- nonlinear seemingly unrelated regression --- error-in-variable modeling --- leave-one-out cross-validation --- digital surface model --- digital terrain model --- canopy height model --- constrained neighbor interpolation --- ordinary neighbor interpolation --- point cloud density --- stereo imagery --- remotely sensed LAI --- field measured LAI --- validation --- magnitude --- uncertainty --- temporal dynamics --- state space models --- forest disturbance mapping --- near real-time monitoring --- CUSUM --- NRT monitoring --- deforestation --- degradation --- tropical forest --- tropical peat --- forest type --- deep learning --- FCN8s --- CRFasRNN --- GF2 --- dual-FCN8s --- random forests --- error propagation --- bootstrapping --- Landsat --- LiDAR --- La Rioja --- forest area change --- data assessment --- uncertainty evaluation --- inconsistency --- forest monitoring --- drought --- time series satellite data --- Bowen ratio --- carbon flux --- boreal forest --- windstorm damage --- synthetic aperture radar --- C-band --- genetic algorithm --- multinomial logistic regression --- n/a

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