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geopolitics --- globalization --- geoeconomics --- Geopolitics --- Geopolitics. --- World politics --- International relations. Foreign policy
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Recent economic crises have made the centrality of debt, and the instability it creates, increasingly apparent. This realization has led to cries for change-yet there is little popular awareness of possible alternatives. Beyond Debt describes efforts to create a transnational economy free of debt. Based on ethnographic fieldwork in Malaysia, Daromir Rudnyckyj illustrates how the state, led by the central bank, seeks to make the country's capital Kuala Lumpur "the New York of the Muslim world"-the central node of global financial activity conducted in accordance with Islam. Rudnyckyj shows how Islamic financial experts have undertaken ambitious experiments to create more stable economies and stronger social solidarities by facilitating risk- and profit-sharing, enhanced entrepreneurial skills, and more collaborative economic action. Building on scholarship that reveals the impact of financial devices on human activity, he illustrates how Islamic finance is deployed to fashion subjects who are at once more pious Muslims and more ambitious entrepreneurs. In so doing, Rudnyckyj shows how experts seek to create a new "geoeconomics"-a global Islamic alternative to the conventional financial network centered on New York, London, and Tokyo. A groundbreaking analysis of a timely subject, Beyond Debt tells the captivating story of efforts to re-center international finance in an emergent Islamic global city and, ultimately, to challenge the very foundations of conventional finance.
Finance, Public --- Finance --- Bonds (Islamic law) --- Debt equity conversion --- Religious aspects --- Islam. --- Islamic finance. --- Malaysia. --- alternative finance. --- debt. --- development. --- geoeconomics. --- globalization. --- social studies of finance.
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An essential guide to the intractable public debates about the virtues and vices of economic globalization, cutting through the complexity to reveal the fault lines that divide us and the points of agreement that might bring us together. Globalization has lifted millions out of poverty. Globalization is a weapon the rich use to exploit the poor. Globalization builds bridges across national boundaries. Globalization fuels the populism and great-power competition that is tearing the world apart. When it comes to the politics of free trade and open borders, the camps are dug in, producing a kaleidoscope of claims and counterclaims, unlikely alliances, and unexpected foes. But what exactly are we fighting about? And how might we approach these issues more productively? Anthea Roberts and Nicolas Lamp cut through the confusion with an indispensable survey of the interests, logics, and ideologies driving these intractable debates, which lie at the heart of so much political dispute and decision making. The authors expertly guide us through six competing narratives about the virtues and vices of globalization: the old establishment view that globalization benefits everyone (win-win), the pessimistic belief that it threatens us all with pandemics and climate change (lose-lose), along with various rival accounts that focus on specific winners and losers, from China to America’s rust belt. Instead of picking sides, Six Faces of Globalization gives all these positions their due, showing how each deploys sophisticated arguments and compelling evidence. Both globalization’s boosters and detractors will come away with their eyes opened. By isolating the fundamental value conflicts—growth versus sustainability, efficiency versus social stability—driving disagreement and show where rival narratives converge, Roberts and Lamp provide a holistic framework for understanding current debates. In doing so, they showcase a more integrative way of thinking about complex problems.
Globalization. --- Anti-globalization movement. --- Anti-Globalization. --- China-United States. --- Coronavirus. --- Geoeconomics. --- Geopolitics. --- Immigration. --- Inequality. --- International Trade. --- Left-Wing Populism. --- Poverty. --- Protectionism. --- Right-Wing Populism. --- Top 1%. --- Trade Security. --- Trade War. --- Weaponized Interdependence.
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In den letzten Jahren hat die Rivalität zwischen den USA und China zugenommen und ein Konflikt um die globale politische Vorherrschaft zeichnet sich ab. Aufgrund der starken ökonomischen Vernetzung der beiden Staaten hätte ein offen geführter Konflikt jedoch hohe wirtschaftliche Verluste für beide Seiten zur Folge. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht das Buch wie hoch die Anreize für beide Seiten sind, aufgrund wirtschaftlicher Überlegungen einen Konflikt zu vermeiden und auch zukünftig auf Kooperation zu setzen. US-China tensions over global supremacy escalated over the last years, increasing the likelihood of a future conflict. However, an open conflict would have costly consequences for both sides due to the countries' deep economic interconnectedness. Against this backdrop, the book addresses the question how high the incentives for both sides are to avoid conflict and continue cooperation out of economic considerations.
Asia --- Asien --- Economic Interdependence --- Geo-Ökonomie --- Geoeconomics --- Great Power Competition --- Großmachtkonkurrenz --- Handelskonflikt --- International Relations --- Internationale Beziehungen --- Trade Dispute --- USA --- Weltmächte --- Wirtschaftliche Interdependenz --- United States --- China --- China. --- United States. --- Foreign economic relations
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Business intelligence --- Business intelligence. --- Business espionage --- Competitive intelligence --- Corporate intelligence --- Economic espionage --- Espionage, Business --- Espionage, Economic --- Espionage, Industrial --- Industrial espionage --- Intelligence, Business --- Intelligence, Corporate --- Business ethics --- Competition, Unfair --- Industrial management --- Confidential business information --- Business management --- market intelligence --- business intelligence --- competitive intelligence --- markting intelligence --- geoeconomics
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341.1 --- 911.3:33 --- Economic geography --- International agencies --- Associations, International --- IGOs (Intergovernmental organizations) --- Institutions, International --- Intergovernmental organizations --- International administration --- International associations --- International governmental organizations --- International institutions --- International organizations --- International unions --- Organizations, International --- Specialized agencies of the United Nations --- International cooperation --- Interorganizational relations --- Non-state actors (International relations) --- International organization --- Geography, Economic --- World economics --- Geography --- Commercial geography --- Internationale organisaties --(algemeen) --- Economische geografie --- 341.1 Internationale organisaties --(algemeen) --- Geopolitics - Geoeconomics. --- Inter-governmental organizations
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Agriculture --- Nutrition policy --- Agriculture and state --- Politique alimentaire --- Politique agricole --- Economic aspects --- Aspect économique --- Geopolitics --- Geoeconomics --- World agriculture --- BPB1101 --- Agro-industrie --- Agroalimentaire --- Géopolitique --- Géographie économique --- AA / International- internationaal --- 338.721 --- 338.722.8 --- 338.728 --- Landbouwindustrie --- Landbouw en voeding --- Geopolitiek --- Economische geografie --- Structuur en evolutie van de landbouwindustrie. --- Landbouwcrisissen. Landbouwoverschotten en -tekorten. Honger. --- Internationale organisatie van de landbouw. Food and agriculture organisation (FAO). --- Aspect économique --- Food --- Food policy --- Nutrition --- Nutrition and state --- State and nutrition --- Social policy --- Agrarian question --- Agribusiness --- Agricultural economics --- Agricultural production economics --- Production economics, Agricultural --- Land use, Rural --- Agricultural policy --- State and agriculture --- Economic policy --- Land reform --- Structuur en evolutie van de landbouwindustrie --- Landbouwcrisissen. Landbouwoverschotten en -tekorten. Honger --- Internationale organisatie van de landbouw. Food and agriculture organisation (FAO) --- Government policy --- economische geografie --- hospodářský zeměpis --- majandusgeograafia --- gjeografi ekonomike --- ekonomiskā ģeogrāfija --- gazdaságföldrajz --- geografía económica --- економска географија --- οικονομική γεωγραφία --- hospodársky zemepis --- ġeografija ekonomika --- talousmaantiede --- geografia economica --- ekonomisk geografi --- икономическа география --- geografia económica --- Wirtschaftsgeografie --- økonomisk geografi --- economic geography --- ekonomska geografija --- ekonominė geografija --- geografia gospodarcza --- geografie economică --- hospodářská geografie --- economische aardrijkskunde --- ekonomická geografie --- Wirtschaftsgeographie --- ekonomický zeměpis --- стопанска географија --- агроиндустрия --- agroindustria --- Agro-Industrie --- агроиндустрија --- tionsclaíocht talmhaíochta --- przemysł rolny --- žemės ūkio pramonė --- βιομηχανία μεταποίησης γεωργικών προϊόντων --- agroipar --- poľnohospodársko-spracovateľský priemysel --- agro-industry --- põllumajanduslik toidutööstus --- agroindustri --- industria agraria --- zemědělský zpracovatelský průmysl --- poljoprivredna industrija --- agroindustrija --- živilskopredelovalna industrija --- agroindustrie --- земјоделска индустрија --- agroindústria --- maatalouteen liittyvä teollisuus --- landbouwindustrie --- indústria agrícola --- põllumajandustoodete töötlev tööstus --- lantbruksindustri --- преработка на земјоделски производи --- processing of agricultural products --- procesarea produselor agricole --- βιομηχανία γεωργικών προϊόντων --- landbrugsindustri --- agricultural product processing industry --- žemės ūkio produktų perdirbimas --- industria de transformación de productos agrícolas --- Verarbeitung von Agrarerzeugnissen --- zpracování zemědělských produktů --- indústria agroalimentar --- poľnohospodársko-potravinársky priemysel --- Landwirtschaftsindustrie --- förädling av jordbruksprodukt --- transformation de produit agricole --- Verarbeitungsindustrie für landwirtschaftliche Erzeugnisse --- industria dei prodotti agricoli --- përpunim i produkteve bujqësore --- industri e përpunimit të produktit bujqësor --- industrie agricole --- земјоделскопрехранбена индустрија --- maataloustuotteiden jalostaminen --- agricultural product processing --- agro-indústria --- Nahrungsmittel- und Landwirtschaftsindustrie --- förädlingsindustri för jordbruksprodukter --- trasformazione di prodotto agricolo --- industria de procesare a produselor agricole --- μεταποίηση γεωργικών προϊόντων --- põllumajanduslike toiduainete tööstus --- industrie de la transformation agricole --- industria agricola --- industria produselor agroalimentare --- agrarische veredelingsindustrie --- transformación de productos agrícolas --- përpunim i produktit bujqësor --- põllumajandustoodete töötlemine --- landbouw- en voedingsindustrie --- Agrarindustrie --- maatalouden jalostusteollisuus --- industri e artikujve ushqimorë bujqësorë --- transformação de produtos agrícolas --- zemědělsko-potravinářský průmysl --- industria di trasformazione dei prodotti agricoli --- преработувачка индустрија на земјоделски производи --- lauksaimiecības produktu rūpnieciskā pāstrāde --- spracovanie poľnohospodárskych produktov --- landbrugets forarbejdningsindustri --- žemės ūkio produktų perdirbimo pramonė --- mezőgazdasági feldolgozóipar --- verwerking van landbouwproducten --- agrarische industrie --- agri-foodstuffs industry --- maataloustuotteita elintarvikkeiksi valmistava teollisuus --- rūpnieciskā pārstrāde --- industria agrícola --- indústria de transformação de produtos agrícolas --- industrie agroalimentaire --- poľnohospodársko-potravinársky sektor --- poljoprivredno-prehrambena industrija --- prodotti agroalimentari --- artikuj agroushqimore --- agroalimentar --- пољопривредно-прехрамбена индустрија --- lauksaimniecības produkti --- agri-foodstuffs --- landbrugsfødevareindustri --- zemědělsko-potravinářský sektor --- maatalouselintarvikkeet --- jordbrukslivsmedelsindustri --- põllumajanduslikud toiduained --- žemės ūkio ir maisto produktų gamyba --- земјоделско-прехранбен сектор --- landbouw en voeding --- агропродоволствен сектор --- produs agro-alimentar --- gospodarka żywnościowa --- agrár-élelmiszeripar --- αγροδιατροφικός τομέας --- kmetijsko-živilski sektor --- Landwirtschafts- und Ernährungssektor --- industria agroalimentaria --- industria agroalimentare --- rețea agroalimentară --- pārtikas aprite --- jordbrukslivsmedelsindustrins kedja --- žemės ūkio maisto produktų gamyba --- žemės ūkio maisto produktų gamybos kompleksas --- zinxhir i artikujve ushqimorë bujqësorë --- poľnohospodársko-potravinársky komplex --- Agrar- und Nahrungsmittelkomplex --- forarbejdning af landbrugsprodukt --- agro-alimentaire --- landbouw- en voedingsbedrijf --- Vermarktung von Agrarprodukten --- comercialización de productos agroalimentarios --- agrárélelmiszer-gyártás --- Absatzweg für Produkte des Landwirtschafts- und Ernährungssektors --- βιομηχανία γεωργικών προϊόντων διατροφής --- poljoprivredno-prehrambeni industrijski lanac --- agri-foodstuffs chain --- circuito agro-alimentare --- zemědělsko-potravinářský komplex --- maatalouselintarvikekierto --- põllumajanduslike toiduainete ringlus --- circuit agroalimentaire --- agrai-bhia-ábhair --- geografaíocht eacnamaíoch --- Agriculture - Economic aspects --- Géographie économique
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