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Der vorliegende Aufsatzsammelband enthält die Vorträge, die im Rahmender Ringvorlesung Märchen - Märchenforschung - Märchendidaktik im Sommersemester 2003 an der Technischen Universität Braunschweig gehalten worden sind.
Literature --- sprookjes --- Conte --- Conte de fée --- Littérature allemande --- Folklore - Research - Europe --- Fairy tales - Europe - Psychological aspects --- Folklore --- Children's literature. Juvenile literature --- Fairy tales
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The book describes the role of singing and (folk) songs in the Gorizia Hills (Goriška brda) within the processes of shaping the political nation and facilitating national identification in the second half of the nineteenth century. In addition to the use of the Slovene language at school and church and defining Slovene as the language of common use in censuses, national activists encouraged inhabitants to express identification with the singing of Slovene “folk” songs. Therefore they promoted the performances of choirs and tried to sweep-out the singing of non-Slovene songs - especially Friulian and Italian. The singing outside the reading and singing societies was influenced by the way of life, which was strongly marked by the system of tenant farming. The book also presents the research of folk songs in the Gorizia Hills, with special emphasis on short songs with strong dialect features, which in everyday life of the inhabitants complemented the repertoire of folk and religious songs known in the wider Slovenian territory. Monografija Vi čuvarji ste obmejni osvetljuje dejavnike in procese, ki so v 19. stoletju vplivali na poudarjanje narodne identifikacije kmečkih prebivalcev Goriških brd. Narodni aktivisti so poleg rabe slovenskega jezika v šoli in cerkvi in opredeljevanja za slovenski pogovorni jezik na popisih posebej spodbujali Brice k izražanju identifikacije s petjem slovenskih »narodnih« pesmi. Zato so pospeševali delovanje pevskih zborov in skušali iztrebiti petje neslovenskih pesmi – predvsem furlanskih in italijanskih. Na pevsko dejavnost zunaj okvira društev je pomembno vplival način življenja prebivalstva, ki ga je močno zaznamoval sistem zakupništva, t. i. kolonat. Knjiga poleg obravnave narodnih identifikacij kmečkega prebivalstva obmejnih območij na osnovi t. i. ljudske kulture predstavi tudi raziskovanje ljudskih pesmi v Goriških brdih. Med temi so imele posebno mesto narečno obarvane priložnostne pesmi, ki so v vsakdanjem življenju prebivalcev dopolnjevale repertoar ljudskih in cerkvenih pesmi, poznanih na širšem slovenskem ozemlju.
Slovenia --- Folk & traditional music --- Social & cultural anthropology, ethnography --- ethnology --- folklore --- folklore research --- Goriška Brda --- national identity --- nationalization of culture --- Slovenian folk songs --- etnologija --- folklora --- folkloristika --- nacionalizacija kulture --- narodna identiteta --- slovenske ljudske pesmi
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This translation of the book ('The Historical Roots of Magic Tale') written by one of the most prominent Russian folklorists of the 20th century Vladimir Yakovlevich Propp, presents one more classical work of anthropological and folkloristical science to Slovenian researchers. The theoretical starting-points which Propp concived in his book “Morphology of the Folktale” was in this work projected on concrete material – on Russian and European folktales. By comparing folktale motifs with actual historical and anthropological sources he substantiated his structuralistical and ritualistical theoties in folk narrative research and folkloristics. S prevodom temeljnega dela enega najvidnejših raziskovalcev ljudskega pripovedništva minulega stoletja, Vladimirja Jakovljeviča Proppa, je slovenska znanstvena publicistika bogatejše še za eno klasično študijo antropološke in folkloristične vede. Knjiga Zgodovinske korenine čarobne pravljice predstavlja morfološko in ritualistično usmerjeno študijo ljudskih – predvsem ruskih – čarobnih pravljic. Teoretična izhodišča, ki jih je Propp zasnoval v Morfologiji pravljice, je tokrat uporabil ob konkretnih primerih ljudskih čarobnih pravljic, ki jih je vzporedil z zgodovinskimi in antropološkimi viri.
ethnology --- folk fairytales --- folk literature --- folklore research --- literary folklore --- literary genres --- methodology --- miraculous fairy tales --- oral literature --- Propp, Vladimir Jakovlevič --- studies --- tales --- čudežne pravljice --- etnologija --- folkloristika --- literarne zvrsti --- ljudske pravljice --- ljudsko slovstvo --- metodologija --- povedke --- slovstvena folklora --- študije --- ustno slovstvo
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This study explains how the myths of Greece and Rome were transmitted from antiquity to the Renaissance. Luc Brisson argues that philosophy was ironically responsible for saving myth from historical annihilation. Although philosophy was initially critical of myth because it could not be declared true or false and because it was inferior to argumentation, mythology was progressively reincorporated into philosophy through allegorical exegesis. Brisson shows to what degree allegory was employed among philosophers and how it enabled myth to take on a number of different interpretive systems throughout the centuries: moral, physical, psychological, political, and even metaphysical. How Philosophers Saved Myths also describes how, during the first years of the modern era, allegory followed a more religious path, which was to assume a larger role in Neoplatonism. Ultimately, Brisson explains how this embrace of myth was carried forward by Byzantine thinkers and artists throughout the Middle Ages and Renaissance; after the triumph of Chistianity, Brisson argues, myths no longer had to agree with just history and philosophy but the dogmas of the Church as well.
Mythology, Classical. --- Allegory. --- Philosophy --- Personification in literature --- Symbolism in literature --- Classical mythology --- History. --- Allegory --- Mythology, Classical --- History --- philosophy, philosophical, academic, scholarly, history, historical, allegory, allegorical, critical, critique, close reading, literary, literature, classic, classical, mythology, folklore, research, greece, greek, rome, roman, ancient world, antiquity, renaissance, oral, storytelling, tradition, moral, psychological, political, fables, metaphysical, middle ages, modern.
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This book ('Folkloristic Portraits from three Centuries. From baroque to modernism') preseints 18 profiled personalities from the Slovenian spiritual, cultural history and linguistics from 17th Century (J. V. Valvasor, J. Svetokriški, and 18th Century (M. Pohlin, U. Jarnik) up to most of them in the 19th Century (P. Danjko, A. M. Slomšek, M. Ravnikar-Poženčan, A. Murko, S. Vraz, E. Korytko, J. Trdina, M. Valjavec. V. Urbas, G. Krek, S. Škrabec, G. Križnik, S. Rutar) to K. Štrekelj. The personalities are illuminated from folkloristic view, following the prehistory this profession. Avtorica si v knjigi prizadeva predstaviti markantne osebnosti, ki so najbolj zaslužne, da se je v nad tristoletnem obdobju, od baroka do moderne ohranila slovenska slovstvena dediščina ali so obravnavani avtorji o njej zapisali prve komentarje. Knjiga prikazuje osemnajst osebnosti iz slovenske slovstvene in kulturne zgodovine v novi luči, kar pomeni, da nekaterim uveljavljenim (Karel Štrekelj, Janez V. Valvazor, Stanko Vraz), zapostavljenim (Peter Dajnko, Anton Murko, Avgust Pavel, Matevž Ravnikar-Poženčan) ali docela prezrtim (Gregor Krek, Gašper Križnik, Viljem Urbas) daje novo ceno. Delo je za bralca primerno dostopno, saj je snov pregledno in iz poglavja v poglavje dosledno enako razvrščena, da deluje kot nekakšen kronološki leksikon, čeprav avtorica tudi tokrat ustvarja novo terminologijo. Z monografijo odpravlja zastaran dolg slovenske filologije, etnologije in kulturne zgodovine s številnimi, doslej neopaženimi odkritji, ki utrjujejo njeno tezo o pomenu slovstvene folklore za slovensko narodno identiteto.
Slovenia --- Dictionaries of biography (Who's Who) --- Social & cultural anthropology, ethnography --- biography --- ethnologists --- ethnology --- folklore research --- folklorists --- history --- history of ethnology --- literary folklore --- Slovenian ethnologists --- Slovenian ethnology --- Slovenian folklorists --- Slovenian linguists --- biografije --- etnologi --- etnologija --- folkloristi --- folkloristika --- Slovenija --- slovenska etnologija --- slovenski etnologi --- slovenski folkloristi --- slovenski jezikoslovci --- slovstvena folklora --- zgodovina --- zgodovina etnologije
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Divided as it is, philology is constantly improving through the emergence of new interdisciplinary sciences. One among them is ethnolinguistics. It has taken particularly firm roots in Slavic studies, especially with the Russian and Polish schools. While the diachronous researches of Nikita I. Tolstoy in Svetlana Tolstaya reach as far back as Slavic mythology, the Polish school, headed by Jerzy Bartmińsky, flirts with cognitive linguistics and is more interested, through its synchronous approach, in contemporary themes. The present monograph aims to evaluate the work carried out in this field to date and to raise awareness of the new interdisciplinary direction, which may link up the ethnologies and linguistics of different directions. Diferenciacija filologije se kar naprej popravlja z nastankom novih interdisciplinarnih ved, med njimi je tudi etnolingvistika. Ta se je posebno dobro ukoreninila v slavistiki posebej z rusko in poljsko šolo. Medtem ko se prva po zaslugi Nikite N. Tolstoja in Svetlane Tolstaje z diahrono metodo usmerja v preteklost tja do mitologije, se druga pod vodstvom Jerzyja Bartmińskega spogleduje s kognitivnim jezikoslovjem in jo s sinhronim pristopom bolj privlačijo sodobne teme. Etnolingvistika po slovensko skuša v posameznih poglavjih slediti njuni metodologiji, še prej pa ozavestiti vlogo revije Wörter und Sachen (1909) do nastopa nacizma in Matije Murka pri konstituiranju novo imenovane stroke. Poleg tega ne želi prezreti posebnih okoliščin, v katerih se slovenski jezik na vseh štirih straneh neba bojuje za svoj obstoj.
Slovenian --- Dialect, slang & jargon --- Social & cultural anthropology, ethnography --- cultural heritage --- dialectical dictionaries --- ethnolingistics --- ethnology --- folk literature --- folklore research --- literary folklore --- names --- Slovene language --- Slovenia --- Slovenian folk literature --- sociolinguistics --- etnolingvistika --- etnologija --- folkloristika --- imena --- kulturna dediščina --- ljudsko slovstvo --- narečni slovarji --- Slovenija --- slovenščina --- slovensko ljudsko slovstvo --- slovstvena folklora --- sociolingvistika
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This translation of the book ('The Historical Roots of Magic Tale') written by one of the most prominent Russian folklorists of the 20th century Vladimir Yakovlevich Propp, presents one more classical work of anthropological and folkloristical science to Slovenian researchers. The theoretical starting-points which Propp concived in his book “Morphology of the Folktale” was in this work projected on concrete material – on Russian and European folktales. By comparing folktale motifs with actual historical and anthropological sources he substantiated his structuralistical and ritualistical theoties in folk narrative research and folkloristics. S prevodom temeljnega dela enega najvidnejših raziskovalcev ljudskega pripovedništva minulega stoletja, Vladimirja Jakovljeviča Proppa, je slovenska znanstvena publicistika bogatejše še za eno klasično študijo antropološke in folkloristične vede. Knjiga Zgodovinske korenine čarobne pravljice predstavlja morfološko in ritualistično usmerjeno študijo ljudskih – predvsem ruskih – čarobnih pravljic. Teoretična izhodišča, ki jih je Propp zasnoval v Morfologiji pravljice, je tokrat uporabil ob konkretnih primerih ljudskih čarobnih pravljic, ki jih je vzporedil z zgodovinskimi in antropološkimi viri.
Folklore, myths & legends --- ethnology --- folk fairytales --- folk literature --- folklore research --- literary folklore --- literary genres --- methodology --- miraculous fairy tales --- oral literature --- Propp, Vladimir Jakovlevič --- studies --- tales --- čudežne pravljice --- etnologija --- folkloristika --- literarne zvrsti --- ljudske pravljice --- ljudsko slovstvo --- metodologija --- povedke --- slovstvena folklora --- študije --- ustno slovstvo
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This translation of the book ('The Historical Roots of Magic Tale') written by one of the most prominent Russian folklorists of the 20th century Vladimir Yakovlevich Propp, presents one more classical work of anthropological and folkloristical science to Slovenian researchers. The theoretical starting-points which Propp concived in his book “Morphology of the Folktale” was in this work projected on concrete material – on Russian and European folktales. By comparing folktale motifs with actual historical and anthropological sources he substantiated his structuralistical and ritualistical theoties in folk narrative research and folkloristics. S prevodom temeljnega dela enega najvidnejših raziskovalcev ljudskega pripovedništva minulega stoletja, Vladimirja Jakovljeviča Proppa, je slovenska znanstvena publicistika bogatejše še za eno klasično študijo antropološke in folkloristične vede. Knjiga Zgodovinske korenine čarobne pravljice predstavlja morfološko in ritualistično usmerjeno študijo ljudskih – predvsem ruskih – čarobnih pravljic. Teoretična izhodišča, ki jih je Propp zasnoval v Morfologiji pravljice, je tokrat uporabil ob konkretnih primerih ljudskih čarobnih pravljic, ki jih je vzporedil z zgodovinskimi in antropološkimi viri.
Folklore, myths & legends --- ethnology --- folk fairytales --- folk literature --- folklore research --- literary folklore --- literary genres --- methodology --- miraculous fairy tales --- oral literature --- Propp, Vladimir Jakovlevič --- studies --- tales --- čudežne pravljice --- etnologija --- folkloristika --- literarne zvrsti --- ljudske pravljice --- ljudsko slovstvo --- metodologija --- povedke --- slovstvena folklora --- študije --- ustno slovstvo
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