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Korean Shamanism.Revivals, Survivals, and Change
Authors: ---
ISBN: 8972250945 Year: 1998 Publisher: Seoul The Roya Asiatic Society, Korea Branch / Seoul Press

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Krivopete : Divje žene z nazaj zasukanimi stopali v slovenski folklori
ISBN: 9610503764 9610500870 Year: 2018 Publisher: Ljubljana ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC

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Krivopete so divje žene z nazaj zasukanimi stopali, na Slovenskem znane le v folklori severozahodnega slovenskega etničnega prostora, predvsem Benečije in Zgornjega Posočja. Avtorica jih postavi ob bok bajčnim bitjem z enako deformacijo stopal, ki jih najdemo v folklori posamičnih ljudstev na različnih koncih sveta. Poleg etnoloških in folklorističnih obravnav (kulturno-zgodovinske in socialno-demografske značilnosti prostora, kontinuiteta in variabilnost zapisov skozi čas, vsebinsko-motivna analiza besedil ipd.) je izročilo predstavljeno še z vidika vpetosti v fizični prostor (mikrotoponimi) ter z jezikovnega vidika, ki razkrije veliko raznolikost poimenovanj za divje žene z nazaj zasukanimi stopali – evidentiranih je namreč kar 22 lokalnih različic. Teoretski del razprave zaključuje poglavje navzočnosti krivopet v sodobni kulturi – v umetniškem (po)ustvarjanju, kulturnih dogodkih, izobraževanju, turizmu ipd. Gradivski del prinaša 150 enot pripovedi in fragmentov, na katerih slonijo analize~tako je prvič na enem mestu zbrano gradivo o krivopetah, ki je bilo doslej večinoma razpršeno po težje dostopnih ali neznanih virih od konca 19. stoletja do danes.

La religiosità popolare in Val Canale : Il teschio lavato e avvolto nel panno
ISBN: 9610503721 9612548153 Year: 2015 Publisher: Ljubljana ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC

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The monograph La religiosità popolare in Val Canale: Il teschio lavato e avvolto nel panno (Popular piety in the Canale Valley: The skull that is washed and wrapped in cloth) is re-writed and updated version of Slovenian monograph Ljudska religioznost v Kanalski dolini: O umiti in v prt zaviti lobanji (2014). The book illustrates the festive year of Slovenes in the Canale Valley from the perspective of current ritualistic practices (still in use today). The identifying elements of the Slovenian linguistic community are recognizable in the implementation of various (popular) religious practices by the local population. The author presents the rituals (with selected prayer formulas), described as an integral part of their life by Slovenian-speaking informants - all of whom are indigenous, native people of the Canale Valley - that was described, from the point of view of experts in the fields (e.g. Kuret 1989) as typical of the Slovenian community in general. Monografija prinaša pregled ljudskega obredja prebivalstva Kanalske doline, ki ga avtorica prepoznava kot pomemben identifikacijski element tamkajšnje slovenske jezikovne skupnosti. Posebna pozornost je namenjena še v začetku 21. stoletja živemu obrednemu »umivanju in zavijanju lobanje zadnjega pokopanega pokojnika«, o katerega razširjenosti med Slovenci so v preteklosti pisali že E. Gasparini (1952), M. Matičetov (1955) in H. Maister (1975), zapisi o prisotnosti tovrstnega obrednega umivanja v Srbiji in Makedoniji (E. Schneeweis 1935) pa namigujejo na morebitno vezanost obredja na širši južnoslovanski prostor. Gre za dopolnjeno različico slovenske monografije iz leta 2014.

V siju mesečine : Ustno izročilo Lokve, Prelož in bližnje okolice
Year: 2012 Publisher: Ljubljana ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC

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The book ['In the moonlight glow. Outlines of mythic characters in the villages of Lokev and Prelože in the context of Slavic mythology'] is a rarity on the European scale in the field of pre-Christian beliefs. What makes it so valuable is that it is a first-hand record of these beliefs, as they were told to the author by people close to him, grandmothers, grandfathers and villagers, who preserved their old-faith beliefs and rituals until the last century. The book is therefore an inexhaustible source of old- faith practices, beliefs, sacred places and other folklore traditions in the villages Lokev, Prelože and their immediate neighborhood. As such, it is one of the main sources of study in Slavic mythology, as well as in general and monument to the integration of karst-nature and its people. Knjiga je redkost v evropskem merilu za področje predkrščanskih verovanj. Posebna dragocenost je, da gre za zapis iz prve roke, tako kot so avtorju pripovedovali njegovi najbližji, babice, dedki in vaščani, ki so ohranjali predkrščanska verovanja in obrede vse do minulega stoletja. Knjiga je zato neizčrpen vir staroverskih praks, verovanj, svetih mest in drugega folklornega izročila v vaseh Lokev, Prelože in njihovi bližnji soseščini. Kot taka je eden temeljnih virov študija mitologije pri Slovanih in tudi splošno ter spomenik povezanosti kraške narave in njenih ljudi.

Geographies of identity in nineteenth-century Japan
ISBN: 1282759299 9786612759291 0520930878 1597346322 9780520930872 9781597346320 9780520240858 0520240855 9781282759299 6612759291 Year: 2005 Publisher: Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press,

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In this pioneering study, David L. Howell looks beneath the surface structures of the Japanese state to reveal the mechanism by which markers of polity, status, and civilization came together over the divide of the Meiji Restoration of 1868. Howell illustrates how a short roster of malleable, explicitly superficial customs-hairstyle, clothing, and personal names- served to distinguish the "civilized" realm of the Japanese from the "barbarian" realm of the Ainu in the Tokugawa era. Within the core polity, moreover, these same customs distinguished members of different social status groups from one another, such as samurai warriors from commoners, and commoners from outcasts.

The legend of Mar Qardagh
ISBN: 1282358820 9786612358821 0520932196 159875937X 9780520932197 1423755537 9781423755531 9781598759372 9780520245785 0520245784 9781282358829 6612358823 Year: 2006 Publisher: Berkeley

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This pioneering study uses an early seventh-century Christian martyr legend to elucidate the culture and society of late antique Iraq. Translated from Syriac into English here for the first time, the legend of Mar Qardagh introduces a hero of epic proportions whose characteristics confound simple classification. During the several stages of his career, Mar Qaragh hunts like a Persian King, argues like a Greek philosopher, and renounces his Zoroastrian family to live with monks high in the mountains of Iraqi Kurdistan. Drawing on both literary and artistic sources, Joel Walker explores the convergence of these diverse themes in the Christian culture of the Sasanian Empire (224-642). Taking the Qrdagh legend as its foundation, his study guides readers through the rich and complex world of late antique Iraq.

Kulturni genom : Prostor in njegovi ideogrami mitične zgodbe
ISBN: 9610503608 961254736X Year: 2014 Publisher: Ljubljana ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC

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[The cultural genome.Space and its ideograms of the mythical story]As a biological genome determines our biological appearance, so too the cultural genome determines our cultural expression. This is a set of findings about the functioning of the universe and rules derived from them. When people verbalize these findings in a narrative, a mythical story occurs. A mythical landscape is a form of the cultural landscape that people created in accordance with their mythical conceptions that they could master the forces of nature with its help. From individual structures of the text fragments of Slavic folk traditions, a composite story in many versions is made, which explains the mechanism of renewal and describes the cyclical changes of the nature. People were using this mythical story as a mental model, which was materialized in specific spaces as spatial ideograms, which are discussed in the next part of the book (‘The cultural genome. Space and its ideograms of the mythical story’). Tako kot biološki genom določa našo biološko pojavnost, kulturni genom določa našo kulturno pojavnost. To je skupek spoznanj o delovanju sveta in iz njih izpeljanih pravil. Ko ljudje ta spoznanja ubesedijo v pripoved, nastane mitična zgodba. Mitična pokrajina je tista oblika kulturne pokrajine, ki so jo ljudje oblikovali v skladu s svojimi mitičnimi predstavami, da bi z njeno pomočjo obvladali sile narave. Avtor iz posameznih struktur besedilnih odlomkov slovanskega folklornega izročila sestavi povezano pripoved v številnih različicah, ki pojasnjuje mehanizem prenavljanja in opisuje ciklične spremembe narave. To pripoved so ljudje uporabljali kot miselni model in ga v prostoru materializirali v prostorske ideograme. Te z nekaj primeri raziskuje naslednji del. Zaključek pridobljena spoznanja primerja z zgodnjesrednjeveškim Zbruškim idolom iz Ukrajine in ugotovi popolno strukturno ujemanje. Zbruški idol kaže prostorsko ureditev vesolja s tremi svetovi, mehanizme nadzora teh svetov in vrstenje naravnih in življenjskih sprememb.

Ljudska religioznost v Kanalski dolini : O umiti in v prt zaviti lobanji
ISBN: 9610503438 9612547092 Year: 2014 Publisher: Ljubljana ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC

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The monograph illustrates the festive year of Slovenes in the Canale Valley from the perspective of current ritualistic practices (still in use today). The identifying elements of the Slovenian linguistic community are recognizable in the implementation of various (popular) religious practices by the local population. The author presents the rituals (with selected prayer formulas), described as an integral part of their life by Slovenian-speaking informants – all of whom are indigenous, native people of the Canale Valley – that was described, from the point of view of experts in the fields (e.g. Kuret 1989) as typical of the Slovenian community in general. Monografija prinaša pregled ljudskega obredja prebivalstva Kanalske doline, ki ga avtorica prepoznava kot pomemben identifikacijski element tamkajšnje slovenske jezikovne skupnosti. Posebna pozornost je namenjena še v poznih 90. letih 20. stoletja živemu obrednemu »umivanju lobanje pokojnika«, o katerega razširjenosti med Slovenci so v preteklosti pisali že E. Gasparini (1952), M. Matičetov (1955) in H. Maister (1975), zapisi o prisotnosti tovrstnega obrednega umivanja v Srbiji in Makedoniji (E. Schneeweis 1935) pa namigujejo na morebitno vezanost obredja na širši južnoslovanski prostor. Knjiga je izšla ob finančni podpori Gorske skupnosti za Guminsko, Železno in Kanalsko dolino.

Supernatural beings from Slovenian myth and folktales
ISBN: 9610503381 961254428X Year: 2012 Publisher: Ljubljana ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC

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Focusing on Slovenian mythology the book contains a review of Slovenian mythological, historical, and narrative material. Over 150 supernatural beings are presented, both lexically and according to the role that they have in Slovenian folklore. They are classified by type, characteristic, features, and by the message conveyed in their motifs and contents. The material has been analysed in the context of European and some non-European mythological concepts, and the author deals with theory and interpretations as well as the conclusions of domestic and foreign researchers. The book forms new starting points and a classification of supernatural beings within a frame of a number of sources, some of which have been published for the first time in this book.

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