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Dangers of Narrative and Fictionality : A Rhetorical Approach to Storytelling in Contemporary Western Culture.
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 3631894759 3631851731 Year: 2024 Publisher: Frankfurt a.M. : Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften,

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The book provides frameworks for analyzing the rhetorical uses and potential dangers of narratives and fictionality. The chapters deal with various storytelling environments, such as social media, news media, literary fiction and non-fiction. The book offers new perspectives of the rhetorical and ethical problematics of narratives and fictionality.

Grundthemen der Literaturwissenschaft: Fiktionalität
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3110466570 3110466333 Year: 2020 Publisher: Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter,

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Fictionality is a much-debated concept in literary studies, and it also plays a part in many other societal situations. This Handbook begins by reviewing the phenomena of fictionality from the perspective of literary studies and goes on to sound out the significance of fictionality in other contexts. It is addressed to a broad professional audience in literary studies and other disciplines. Fiktionalität ist ein zentrales und vieldiskutiertes Konzept der Literaturwissenschaft, spielt aber auch in zahlreichen anderen gesellschaftlichen Diskursen und Praktiken eine Rolle, von Moraldiskussionen über Politik und Recht bis hin zu den Wissenschaften. Der Band erschließt im ersten Teil Phänomene und Begriffe von Fiktionalität aus literaturwissenschaftlicher Sicht systematisch und historisch, wobei Beiträge aus verschiedene Philologien vertreten sind.Im interdisziplinär angelegten zweiten Teil lotet er die Bedeutung von Fiktionalität in nicht-literarischen Zusammenhängen, Praktiken und Theorietraditionen aus und versammelt Artikel aus Ethnologie, Theologie, Geschichtswissenschaft, Rechtswissenschaft, Politikwissenschaft, Soziologie und Psychologie. Insgesamt rücken Aspekte der Medialität und sozialen Praktiken in den Vordergrund, und Begriffe wie 'fiktional' und 'Fiktionalität' werden in ihrer Differenz zu anderen Konzepten wie Authentizität, nicht-fiktional, real etc. verstanden.Damit verschafft das Handbuch einen Überblick über vielfältige Aspekte von Fiktionalität für ein breites Fachpublikum literaturwissenschaftlicher und anderer Disziplinen von fortgeschrittenen Studierenden bis zu Spezialisten.

›res Vera, Res Ficta‹: Fictionality in Ancient Epistolography
Authors: ---
ISBN: 311130812X 3111306992 Year: 2023 Publisher: De Gruyter

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Letters are famously easy to recognise, notoriously hard to define. Both real and fictitious letters can look identical to the point that there are no formal criteria which can distinguish one from the other. This has long been a point of anxiety in scholarship which has considered the value of an ancient letter to be determined by its authenticity, necessitating a strict binary opposition of genuine as opposed to fake letters. This volume challenges this dichotomy directly. Rather than defining epistolary fiction as a literary genre in opposition to 'genuine' letters or reducing it down to fixed rhetorical features, it argues that fiction is an inherent and fluid property of letters which ancient writers recognised and exploited. This volume contributes to wider scholarship on ancient fiction by demonstrating through the multiplicity of genres, contexts, and time periods discussed how complex and multifaceted ancient awareness of fictionality was. As such, this volume shows that letters are uniquely well-placed to unsettle disciplinary boundaries of fact and fiction, authentic and spurious, and that this allows for a deeper understanding of how ancient writers conceptualised and manipulated the fictional potential of letters.

Anachronismus und Aktualisierung in Ovids ›Metamorphosen‹ : Eine Ästhetik uneigentlicher Zeitlichkeit
ISBN: 3110735571 311073902X 9783110739022 9783110735574 Year: 2021 Publisher: Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter,

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So vielfältig und zahlreich zeitliche Inkonsistenzen in Ovids "Metamorphosen" sind, so unscharf und divers ist auch das Bild, das sich in bisherigen Deutungen zu diesen oft Anachronismen genannten Textphänomenen zeigt. In dieser Arbeit wird anhand fiktions- und sprachtheoretischer Überlegungen eine systematische Neubewertung unternommen, die der ambitionierten Ästhetik des Gedichts sowohl theoretisch als auch textanalytisch Rechnung trägt. The temporal inconsistencies in Ovid's "Metamorphoses" are just as multifaceted and numerous as the image that has revealed itself in previous interpretations of these text phenomena - often referred to as "anachronisms" - is blurry and diverse. This volume looks at theories of fiction and language to carry out a systematic reevaluation of Ovid's poem that does justice to its ambitious aesthetics both in terms of theory and text analysis.

Telling It Like It Wasn't : The Counterfactual Imagination in History and Fiction
ISBN: 022651255X Year: 2018 Publisher: Chicago : University of Chicago Press,

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Inventing counterfactual histories is a common pastime of modern day historians, both amateur and professional. We speculate about an America ruled by Jefferson Davis, a Europe that never threw off Hitler, or a second term for JFK. These narratives are often written off as politically inspired fantasy or as pop culture fodder, but in Telling It Like It Wasn't, Catherine Gallagher takes the history of counterfactual history seriously, pinning it down as an object of dispassionate study. She doesn't take a moral or normative stand on the practice, but focuses her attention on how it works and to what ends-a quest that takes readers on a fascinating tour of literary and historical criticism. Gallagher locates the origins of contemporary counterfactual history in eighteenth-century Europe, where the idea of other possible historical worlds first took hold in philosophical disputes about Providence before being repurposed by military theorists as a tool for improving the art of war. In the next century, counterfactualism became a legal device for deciding liability, and lengthy alternate-history fictions appeared, illustrating struggles for historical justice. These early motivations-for philosophical understanding, military improvement, and historical justice-are still evident today in our fondness for counterfactual tales. Alternate histories of the Civil War and WWII abound, but here, Gallagher shows how the counterfactual habit of replaying the recent past often shapes our understanding of the actual events themselves. The counterfactual mode lets us continue to envision our future by reconsidering the range of previous alternatives. Throughout this engaging and eye-opening book, Gallagher encourages readers to ask important questions about our obsession with counterfactual history and the roots of our tendency to ask "What if...?"

What is the Avatar? : Fiction and Embodiment in Avatar-Based Singleplayer Computer Games. Revised and Commented Edition
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 3839445795 3837645797 9783839445792 Year: 2022 Publisher: Bielefeld transcript Verlag

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What are the characteristic features of avatar-based singleplayer videogames, from Super Mario Bros. to Grand Theft Auto? Rune Klevjer examines this question with a particular focus on issues of fictionality and realism, and their relation to cinema and Virtual Reality. Through close-up analysis and philosophical discussion, Klevjer argues that avatar-based gaming is a distinctive and dominant form of virtual self-embodiment in digital culture. This book is a revised edition of Rune Klevjer's pioneering work from 2007, featuring a new introduction by the author and afterword by Stephan Günzel, Jörg Sternagel, and Dieter Mersch.

How to make believe
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783110441536 9783110443967 3110443961 3110441535 9783110443875 3110443872 9783110435726 3110435721 9783110435726 Year: 2015 Volume: 49 Publisher: Berlin Boston

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A major question in studies of aesthetic expression is how we can understand and explain similarities and differences among different forms of representation. In the current volume, this question is addressed through the lens of make-believe theory, a philosophical theory broadly introduced by two seminal works - Kendall Walton's Mimesis as Make-Believe and Gregory Currie's The Nature of Fiction, both published 1990. Since then, make-believe theory has become central in the philosophical discussion of representation. As a first of its kind, the current volume comprises 17 detailed studies of highly different forms of representation, such as novels, plays, TV-series, role games, computer games, lamentation poetry and memoirs. The collection contributes to establishing make-believe theory as a powerful theoretical tool for a wide array of studies traditionally falling under the humanities umbrella.

Der Begriff der Dichtung in der Frühen Neuzeit
ISSN: 18615678 ISBN: 9783110224276 3110224275 128271693X 9786612716935 3110224283 9783110224283 Year: 2009 Volume: 8 Publisher: Berlin New York W. de Gruyter

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Gegenstand der Arbeit ist die Frage, was in der Zeit von 1450 bis 1750 als Dichtung begriffen wurde. Der erste Teil ist den Begriffen der Nachahmung und Gleichnishaftigkeit gewidmet und rekonstruiert die Rezeptionsgeschichte der aristotelischen "Poetik", deren Nachahmungsbegriff erst sichtbar werden konnte, als die Definition der Dichtung über Gleichnishaftigkeit, Exemplarizität oder ähnliche Konzepte in den Hintergrund zu treten begann. Mitte des 17. Jahrhunderts ersetzt der Begriff der Fiktion den Begriff der Nachahmung. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit rekonstruiert die Geschichte des Enthusiasmus, der von den neuplatonisch beeinflussten Autoren um 1500 noch als göttliche Inspiration verstanden wird. Aus theologischen Gründen wird mit der Reformation die Möglichkeit einer göttlichen Inspiration bestritten. Inspiration ist jetzt nur noch eine Metapher für Begabung. Daraus entwickelt sich die Deutung des Enthusiasmus als einer besonderen "Stimmung" des lyrischen Dichters. Damit schreibt die Arbeit die doppelte Geschichte des Begriffes der Dichtung, der in der Moderne einerseits die Fiktionalität als charakteristisches Merkmal bezeichnet, andererseits aber den spezifisch inspirierten Charakter der "Lyrik".

The Shadow of Creusa
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783110310863 3110310864 3110310953 3110559242 3110388367 3110310945 9783110388367 9783110310948 9783110310955 9783110559248 Year: 2015 Volume: 339 Publisher: Berlin/Boston De Gruyter

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Anders Cullhed’s study The Shadow of Creusa explores the early Christian confrontation with pagan culture as a remote anticipation of many later clashes between religious orthodoxy and literary fictionality. After a careful survey of Saint Augustine’s critical attitudes to ancient myth and poetry, summarized as a long drawn-out farewell, Cullhed examines other Late Antique dismissals as well as appropriations of the classical heritage. Macrobius, Martianus Capella and Boethius figure among the Late Antique intellectuals who attempted to save or even restore the old mythology by means of allegorical representation. On the other hand, pious poets such as Paulinus of Nola and Bible epic writers such as Iuvencus or Avitus of Vienne turned against pagan lies, and the mighty arch-bishop of Milan, Saint Ambrose, played off unconditional Christian truth against the last Roman strongholds of cultural pluralism. Thus, The Shadow of Creusa elucidates a cultural conflict which was to leave traces all through the Middle Ages and reach down to our present day.

Telling it like it wasn't
ISBN: 9780226512419 022651241X 9780226512389 022651238X 9780226512556 022651255X Year: 2018 Publisher: Chicago

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Inventing counterfactual histories is a common pastime of modern day historians, both amateur and professional. We speculate about an America ruled by Jefferson Davis, a Europe that never threw off Hitler, or a second term for JFK. These narratives are often written off as politically inspired fantasy or as pop culture fodder, but in Telling It Like It Wasn't, Catherine Gallagher takes the history of counterfactual history seriously, pinning it down as an object of dispassionate study. She doesn't take a moral or normative stand on the practice, but focuses her attention on how it works and to what ends-a quest that takes readers on a fascinating tour of literary and historical criticism. Gallagher locates the origins of contemporary counterfactual history in eighteenth-century Europe, where the idea of other possible historical worlds first took hold in philosophical disputes about Providence before being repurposed by military theorists as a tool for improving the art of war. In the next century, counterfactualism became a legal device for deciding liability, and lengthy alternate-history fictions appeared, illustrating struggles for historical justice. These early motivations-for philosophical understanding, military improvement, and historical justice-are still evident today in our fondness for counterfactual tales. Alternate histories of the Civil War and WWII abound, but here, Gallagher shows how the counterfactual habit of replaying the recent past often shapes our understanding of the actual events themselves. The counterfactual mode lets us continue to envision our future by reconsidering the range of previous alternatives. Throughout this engaging and eye-opening book, Gallagher encourages readers to ask important questions about our obsession with counterfactual history and the roots of our tendency to ask "What if...?"

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