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Transcending the boundaries of law : generations of feminism and legal theory
ISBN: 9780415481380 9780415481403 9780203848531 Year: 2011 Publisher: Abingdon, Oxon [UK] ; New York, NY : Routledge,

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Australian feminist judgments
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 1474201296 1782255400 9781782255406 9781849465212 9781782255413 1782255419 Year: 2014 Publisher: Oxford Portland, Oregon

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This book brings together feminist academics and lawyers to present an impressive collection of alternative judgments in a series of Australian legal cases. By re-imagining original legal decisions through a feminist lens, the collection explores the possibilities, limits and implications of feminist approaches to legal decision-making. Each case is accompanied by a brief commentary that places it in legal and historical context and explains what the feminist rewriting does differently to the original case. The cases not only cover topics of long-standing interest to feminist scholars - such as family law, sexual offences and discrimination law - but also areas which have had less attention, including Indigenous sovereignty, constitutional law, immigration, taxation and environmental law. The collection contributes a distinctly Australian perspective to the growing international literature investigating the role of feminist legal theory in judicial decision-making

Studija izvodljivosti za osnivanje ženskog fonda u Bosni i Hercegovini
Year: 2015 Publisher: Bosnia and Herzegovina : Sarajevo Open Centre,

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Ovaj izvještaj predstavlja rezultat studije izvodljivosti (u daljnjem tekstu - istraživanje) koju su inicirali Sarajevski otvoreni centar (SOC) i Fondacija CURE uz finansijsku podršku Fondacije Mama Cash. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati potrebe i mogućnosti osnivanja Ženskog fonda u Bosni i Hercegovini. Uobičajeno je da se međunarodni Ženski fondovi osnivaju na široko feminističkoj bazi u okviru univerzalnosti ljudskih prava s ciljem da podrže formalne i neformalne skupine žena koje su aktivno uključene u svoje zajednice. Takvi Fondovi osnažuju žene i djevojčice da budu "agentice promjene", kako u svojim društvima, tako i na globalnom nivou. Izvorna ideja istraživanja bila je ispitati mogućnosti za osnivanje lokalnog fonda koji bi podržao razvoj organizacija koje se bave ženskim pravima, uz jednako važan cilj osiguravanja podrške nekim od najobespravljenijih skupina žena u Bosni i Hercegovini u koje spadaju Romkinje, žene s invaliditetom, LBT žene i druge. Kako bismo bolje razumjeli glavne faktore koji sprječavaju žene u Bosni i Hercegovini da ostvare svoja prava i ravnopravno učestvuju u svim sferama javnog i privatnog života, detaljno smo analizirali sve aspekte kompleksne političke strukture, pravne, administrativne, socijalne i ekonomske barijere, te smo nastojali napraviti preciznu procjenu rada vladinog i nevladinog sektora u sferi rodne ravnopravnosti. U poređenju s brojnim zemljama u regionu, Bosna i Hercegovina bila je prva u usvajanju Zakona o rodnoj ravnopravnosti, te uspostavljanju institucionalnih mehanizama za gender mainstreaming (u daljnjem tekstu - rodno osviještena politika) na svim nivoima izvršne vlasti. Međutim, poboljšanja u svakodnevnom životu žena još uvijek su minorna. Žene u Bosni i Hercegovini žrtve su višestrukih kršenja njihovih prava i suočavaju se s nevjerovatnim izazovima u ostvarivanju prava i pristupu pravdi. To se posebno odnosi na: nasilje nad ženama i djevojčicama (47% žena u Bosni i Hercegovni, starijih od 15 godina iskusile su, barem jednom u životu, najmanje jedan oblik nasilja), seksualnu i radnu eksploataciju, višestruku diskriminaciju, isključenje iz procesa odlučivanja, odsustvo glasa i zastupljenosti u političkom životu. Činjenicu da žene u Bosni i Hercegovinu nadmašuju muškarce u oblasti visokog obrazovanja zasjenjuje podatak da BiH još uvijek ima najniži nivo učešća žena u radnoj snazi Jugoistočne Evrope, od samo 37.3%1. Žene koje pripadaju marginalizovanim i ugroženim skupinama su još izloženije povredama prava, te manje informisane o postojećim sudskim i vansudskim mehanizmima za ostvarivanje prava. Prisutan je veliki strah od sekundarne viktimizacije i generalno nepovjerenje u pravni sistem. Dvadeset godina nakon rata, pravni okvir za rodnu ravnopravnost u BiH uglavnom je usaglašen s međunarodnim standardima, ali implementacija je još uvijek nedostatna, dok se i državne i nezavisne institucije suočavaju s političkim poteškoćama, nedostatkom sredstava, a nerijetko i kapaciteta. Civilno društvo još uvijek igra važnu ulogu, ali dijalog između države i organizacija civilnog društva, nažalost, nikad nije formaliziran. Ženske nevladine organizacije kao manji, ali vibrantan, dio civilnog društva, odigrale su važnu ulogu za vrijeme i nakon rata, od distribucije humanitarne pomoći preko aktivnog učestvovanja u procesu izgradnje mira i pomirenja, do pružanja pravne i psiho-socijalne pomoći, otvaranja javnog dijaloga i mobiliziranja podrške za pravne i institucionalne promjene. Danas postoji veliki broj zagovarateljica ženskih prava, posvećenih i stručnih pojedinki i organizacija, koje se bore za ravnopravnost i osnaženje žena. Naš temeljni zaključak je da postoji velika potreba i dovoljno kapaciteta unutar ženskih organizacija, i među pojedinkama, za podršku osnivanju Ženskog fonda u Bosni i Hercegovini. Fond treba njegovati najviši nivo učešća - kako bi se osigurao osjećaj pripadanja i zastupljenost različitih skupina žena kojima se nastoji pomoći. Naše je čvrsto ubjeđenje da je osnivanje takvog fonda na lokalnom nivou sljedeći korak u razvoju nezavisnog ženskog pokreta koji će se temeljiti na stvarnim potrebama žena i graditi na principima solidarnosti i jednakosti. Također vjerujemo da postojanje takvog fonda može biti katalizator novom načinu izgradnje pokreta, što će feminističku agendu vratiti u javni diskurs s obnovljenom jasnošću, energijom i uticajem. Pored predložene participacije i obnovljenih veza sa zajednicom koju zastupa, fond treba odrediti vrlo usku nišu djelovanja i razmisliti o tome kojim dodatnim vrijednostima njegovi osnivači/ce i članovi/ce mogu pridonijeti u poređenju s drugim fondacijama. Kad su korisnice u pitanju, mišljenja smo da prioritet treba biti pomoć najmarginalizovanijim i najugroženijim grupama, koje su tradicionalno isključene iz svakog procesa odlučivanja i trpe višestruku diskriminaciju i druge oblike kršenja prava. Od suštinske je važnosti spriječiti daljnje isključivanje ovih grupa od pristupa ostvarenju njihovih prava. To bi trebala biti primarna obaveza aktera civilnog društva, kao i polje iskazivanja njihove solidarnosti.

The Oxford handbook of feminism and law in the United States
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9780197520024 9780197519998 0197520022 Year: 2021 Publisher: New York : Oxford University Press

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Combining analyses of feminist legal theory, legal doctrine, and feminist social movements, The Oxford Handbook of Feminism and Law in the United States offers a comprehensive overview of U.S. legal feminism. Contributions by leading feminist thinkers trace the impacts of legal feminism on legal claims and defenses and demonstrate how feminism has altered and transformed understandings of basic legal concepts, from sexual harassment and gender equity in sports to new conceptions of consent and motherhood. Its chapters connect legal feminism to adjacent intellectual discourses, such as masculinities theory and queer theory, and scrutinize criticisms and backlash to feminism from all sides of the political spectrum. Its examination of the prominent brands of feminist legal theory shows the links and divergences among feminist scholars, highlighting the continued relevance of established theories (liberal, dominance, and relational feminism) and the increased importance of new intersectional, sex-positive, and postmodern approaches.

Year: 2011 Publisher: Canterbury, Kent, UK : Kent Law School, University of Kent,

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Feminist judgments : from theory to practice
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 1847317278 1472565223 1283017083 9786613017086 1847316018 Year: 2010 Publisher: Oxford ; Portland, Oregon : Hart Publishing,

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While feminist legal scholarship has thrived within universities and in some sectors of legal practice, it has yet to have much impact within the judiciary or on judicial thinking. Thus, while feminist legal scholarship has generated comprehensive critiques of existing legal doctrine, there has been little opportunity to test or apply feminist knowledge in practice, in decisions in individual cases. In this book, a group of feminist legal scholars put theory into practice in judgment form, by writing the 'missing' feminist judgments in key cases. The cases chosen are significant decisions in English law across a broad range of substantive areas. The cases originate from a variety of levels but are primarily opinions of the Court of Appeal or the House of Lords. In some instances they are written in a fictitious appeal, but in others they are written as an additional concurring or dissenting judgment in the original case, providing a powerful illustration of the way in which the case could have been decided differently, even at the time it was heard. Each case is accompanied by a commentary which renders the judgment accessible to a non-specialist audience. The commentary explains the original decision, its background and doctrinal significance, the issues it raises, and how the feminist judgment deals with them differently. The books also includes chapters examining the theoretical and conceptual issues raised by the process and practice of feminist judging, and by the judgments themselves, including the possibility of divergent feminist approaches to legal decision-making. From the foreword by Lady Hale 'Reading this book ought to be a chastening experience for any judge who believes himself or herself to be both true to their judicial oath and a neutral observer of the world... If lawyers and judges like me have so much to learn from reading this book, then surely other, more sceptical, lawyers and judges have even more to learn...other scholars, and not only feminists, must also be fascinated by the window it opens onto the process of judicial reasoning: not the straightforward, predetermined march from A to B of popular belief, but something altogether more complicated and uncertain. And anyone will find it a very good read.'

Lof der verscheidenheid: rechtsgeleerden over vrouw en recht. Bundel opstellen aangeboden aan prof. mr. J.E.Goldschmidt
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9027137382 Year: 1993 Publisher: Zwolle Tjeenk Willink

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Visible women : essays on feminist legal theory and political philosophy
Authors: ---
ISBN: 147256250X 1280801328 9786610801329 1847312489 Year: 2002 Publisher: Oxford ; Portland, Oregon : Hart Publishing,

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"How should feminist theories conceive of the subject? What is it to be a legal person? What part does embodiment play in subjectivity? Can there be a conception of rights which does justice to the social contexts in which rights claims are embedded? Is the way the law constitutes legal subjects a form of violence? These questions lie at the heart of contemporary feminist theory,and in this collection they are addressed by a group of distinguished international scholars working in law, philosophy and politics. The volume, in which the concerns of one author are taken up by others, advances current debate on two interconnected levels. First, it contains original and ground-breaking discussions of the questions raised above. At the same time, it contains a more reflexive strand of argument about the intellectual resources available to feminist thinkers, and the advantages and dangers of borrowing from non-feminist traditions of thought. It thus provides an exceptionally rich examination of contemporary legal and political feminist theory."--Bloomsbury Publishing.

Year: 2011 Publisher: Canterbury, Kent, UK : Kent Law School, University of Kent,

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The boundaries of international law : a feminist analysis, with a new introduction
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1526163578 9781526163578 Year: 2022 Publisher: Manchester: Manchester University Press,

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In the first book-length treatment of the application of feminist theories of international law, Charlesworth and Chinkin argue that the absence of women in the development of international law has produced a narrow and inadequate jurisprudence that has legitimated the unequal position of women worldwide rather than confronting it.The boundaries of international law provides a feminist perspective on the structure, processes and substance of international law, shedding new light on treaty law, the concept of statehood and the right of self-determination, the role of international institutions and the law of human rights. Concluding with a consideration of whether the inclusion of women in the jurisdiction of international war crimes tribunals represents a significant shift in the boundaries of international law, the book encourages a dramatic rethinking of the discipline of international law.With a new introduction that reflects on the profound changes in international law since the book's first publication in 2000, this provocative volume is essential reading for scholars, practitioners and students alike.

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