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Troubling vision : performance, visuality, and blackness
ISBN: 1283058197 9786613058195 0226253058 9780226253053 9780226253022 9780226253039 0226253023 0226253031 9781283058193 Year: 2011 Publisher: Chicago : University of Chicago Press,

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Troubling Vision addresses American culture's fixation on black visibility, exploring how blackness is persistently seen as a problem in public culture and even in black scholarship that challenges racist discourse. Through trenchant analysis, Nicole R. Fleetwood reorients the problem of black visibility by turning attention to what it means to see blackness and to the performative codes that reinforce, resignify, and disrupt its meaning. Working across visual theory and performance studies, Fleetwood asks, How is the black body visualized as both familiar and disruptive? How might we investigate the black body as a troubling presence to the scopic regimes that define it as such? How is value assessed based on visible blackness? Fleetwood documents multiple forms of engagement with the visual, even as she meticulously underscores how the terms of engagement change in various performative contexts. Examining a range of practices from the documentary photography of Charles "Teenie" Harris to the "excess flesh" performances of black female artists and pop stars to the media art of Fatimah Tuggar to the iconicity of Michael Jackson, Fleetwood reveals and reconfigures the mechanics, codes, and metaphors of blackness in visual culture. "Troubling Vision is a path-breaking book that examines the problem of seeing blackness-the simultaneous hyper-visibility and invisibility of African Americans-in US visual culture in the last half century. Weaving together critical modes and methodologies from performance studies, art history, critical race studies, visual culture analysis, and gender theory, Fleetwood expands Du Bois's idea of double vision into a broad questioning of whether 'representation itself will resolve the problem of the black body in the field of vision.' With skilled attention to historical contexts, documentary practices, and media forms, she takes up the works of a broad variety of cultural producers, from photographers and playwrights to musicians and visual artists and examines black spectatorship as well as black spectacle. In chapters on the trope of 'non-iconicity' in the photographs of Charles (Teenie) Harris, the 'visible seams' in the digital images of the artist Fatimah Tuggar, and a coda on the un-dead Michael Jackson, Fleetwood's close analyses soar. Troubling Vision is a beautifully written, original, and important addition to the field of American Studies."-Announcement of the American Studies Association for the 2012 Lora Romero First Book Publication Prize

Global Art Market in the Aftermath of COVID-19
ISBN: 3036559914 3036559922 Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Although the global art market has often been resilient to international economic and political events, it has recently faced some of its biggest challenges under the influence of COVID-19. Among others, the pandemic and the accompanying restrictive administrative measures taken by world governments have significantly influenced such key economic indicators as gallery employment, art sales, and the organization of international art fairs. The Special Issue "Global Art Market in the Aftermath of COVID-19" studies various economic, social, and political impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global art market’s current state and future evolution.


Humanities --- Social interaction --- Social & cultural anthropology, ethnography --- external shocks in the art markets --- primary art market --- gallerists --- artists --- COVID-19 --- Portugal --- Spain --- Brazil --- art galleries --- art market --- digital technology --- multi-channel strategy --- business model innovation --- forecasts --- valuation studies --- sociology of art --- artworks --- visual arts --- TikTok --- feminism --- female artists --- gatekeeper --- contemporary art --- social media --- Millennials --- Gen Z --- COVID --- pandemic --- ethnography --- United Arab Emirates (UAE) --- Art Dubai --- Alserkal Avenue --- Sotheby’s Dubai --- virtual exhibitions --- Abu Dhabi Art --- post-COVID-19 art market --- Patachitra --- scrolls --- Patuas --- folk art --- storytelling --- singing pictures --- living heritage --- cultural industries --- precariousness --- precariat --- precarity --- public auction --- auction house --- live auctions --- online auctions --- online only auctions --- 2008–2009 financial crisis --- 2016 crisis --- COVID-19 crisis --- coronavirus --- NFT --- non-fungible token --- crypto-currency --- online art market --- COVID-19 pandemic --- expertise --- value --- contemporary art market --- art economics --- art and politics --- Australian art market --- Asian art market --- inter-connected Asia --- art and technology --- emerging art market --- art exhibitions --- hub cities --- networks --- digitalization --- hybridization --- editorial

Femmes artistes en Belgique : XIXe et début XXe siècle.
ISBN: 9782296033726 2296033725 Year: 2007 Publisher: Paris : L'Harmattan,

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Au XIXe et au début du XXe siècle, le circuit de l'art européen s'ouvre à des candidats artistes aux profils variés. Parmi les peintres, sculpteurs et dessinateurs qui exposent figurent régulièrement des femmes. Tolérées à la périphérie du système, elles peuvent difficilement accéder à une formation de qualité et prétendre à une large reconnaissance. A priori très limité, l'espace d'action et d'expression qui leur est assigné reste mal défini, ce qui profite aux plus déterminées, prêtes à s'aventurer dans les interstices non balisés. La présente étude permet d'aller à la rencontre des femmes artistes et de déceler les chemins de traverse qu'elles empruntent pour progresser. Fruit de plusieurs années de recherche, l'analyse est centrée sur la situation en Belgique. Travailler sur un territoire réduit et unifié offrait la possibilité de suivre pas à pas des personnalités affirmées ou discrètes, aux parcours aussi significatifs que diversifiés. Les nombreux témoignages et documents inédits qui nourrissent le développement viennent préciser les connaissances relatives à l'histoire des plasticiennes en Europe. Belle occasion aussi pour redécouvrir le milieu de l'art belge sous un angle original, l'ouvrage offre une visibilité à des œuvres et à des talents qui gagnent à être connus. Les artistes mises en relief au fil des pages sont animées par des aspirations variées. Leur engagement dans la sphère publique questionne la répartition sexuée des rôles et provoque nécessairement les débats. Parce qu'elles s'affichent comme des femmes en mouvement, les intéressées sont conviées à adopter une image et un imaginaire mesurés, rassurants. Une partie d'entre elles se démarquent néanmoins de façon ostensible, en pratiquant la peinture d'histoire, l'art du paysage ou encore la sculpture. Certaines, plus soucieuses de liberté que de réussite sociale, abordent des sujets sensibles et proposent un regard singulier sur le monde.


Women artists --- Femmes artistes --- vrouwelijke kunstenaars --- 19de eeuw --- 20ste eeuw --- België --- 7 <493> --- 396 <493> --- Kunst. Ruimtelijke ordening. Architectuur. Sport en spel--België --- Feminisme. Vrouwenbeweging. Vrouw en maatschappij--België --- Belgian Female Artists - 19th-20th Century. --- Art, Belgian --- 396 <493> Feminisme. Vrouwenbeweging. Vrouw en maatschappij--België --- 7 <493> Kunst. Ruimtelijke ordening. Architectuur. Sport en spel--België --- Artists, Women --- Women as artists --- Artists --- Art, Modern --- Forces murales (Group of artists) --- Mass Moving (Group of artists) --- BPB9999 --- BPB2203 --- profession artistique --- femme --- Belgique --- Belgium --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- γυναίκα --- --- moteris --- kvinde --- ženska --- donna --- vrouw --- kvinna --- nainen --- woman --- жена --- mujer --- kobieta --- sieviete --- grua --- femeie --- mulher --- bean --- mara --- žena --- Frau --- naine --- sievietes --- moterys --- femei --- women --- gra --- profesii artistice --- profesión artística --- artistic profession --- umělecká profese --- menininko profesija --- καλλιτεχνικά επαγγέλματα --- künstlerischer Beruf --- konstnärligt yrke --- уметничка професија --- radoša profesija --- professjoni artisitika --- umelecké povolanie --- артистична професия --- taiteilijan ammatti --- umjetničko zvanje --- gairm na healaíne --- zawód artysty --- professioni artistiche --- beroep in de kunst --- kunstnikukutse --- profesionet e fushës së artit --- profissão artística --- umetniški poklic --- kunstnerisk erhverv --- művészpálya --- tanssija --- актерка --- elokuvantekijä --- pittore --- Schauspieler --- κινηματογραφιστής --- fotogrāfs --- muzikas --- dziedātājs --- fotografo --- musician --- skulptorius --- cineast --- писателка --- målare --- cântăreț --- artiest --- уметник --- cantor --- skulptor --- kulturális menedzser --- photographe --- Musiker --- ηθοποιός --- danser --- актер --- aktor --- komponists --- kunstner --- táncos --- kulturní pracovník --- kulturarbejder --- billedhugger --- kuvanveistäjä --- cultureel werker --- näitleja --- taidemaalari --- peintre --- punonjës kulturor --- scultore --- скулптор --- interpretierender Künstler --- torero --- dancer --- φωτογράφος --- kunstenaar --- kompozitorius --- пејач --- dejotājs --- slikar --- umělec --- taiteilija --- menininkas --- filmmand --- acteur --- escultor --- aktieris --- skådespelare --- skulptör --- cineasta --- beeldhouwer --- szobrász --- muzičar --- muusikko --- regizor --- fotograaf --- zenész --- këngëtar --- maalikunstnik --- skuespiller --- fotograf --- kompozitor --- Künstler --- fényképész --- ballerino --- travailleur culturel --- Maler --- kulturni radnik --- glumac --- muzikant --- painter --- музичар --- dainininkas --- mākslinieks --- schilder --- cultural worker --- umjetnička profesija --- umjetnik --- filmare --- piktor --- artiste interprète --- herec --- уметница --- filmų kūrėjas --- umelec/artista --- Bildhauer --- photographer --- laulaja --- bildhuggare --- spevák --- ζωγράφος --- musicista --- zanger --- kipar --- ator --- festőművész --- šokėjas --- gleznotājs --- sochař --- artista --- dansator --- redatelj --- musicien --- пејачка --- composer --- sculptor --- tapytojas --- aktorius --- artiste --- χορευτής --- pintor --- filmu veidotājs --- kultuuritöötaja --- фотограф --- Sänger --- muusik --- tanečník --- trabalhador cultural --- valokuvaaja --- сликар --- ερμηνευτής --- mūziķis --- mim --- Fotograf --- művész --- sanger --- laulja --- tantsija --- interpret --- plesač --- μουσικός --- композитор --- sculpteur --- sångare --- γλύπτης --- Filmschaffender --- cinéaste --- bailarino --- attore --- helilooja --- fotós --- színész --- танцувач --- filmař --- kineast --- kulturarbetare --- zeneszerző --- tēlnieks --- maliar --- pictor --- pjevač --- muzician --- actor --- певец --- grafico --- näyttelijä --- τραγουδιστής --- filmár --- dansare --- músico --- chanteur --- kunstmaler --- filmkészítő --- hudobník --- cantante --- operatore culturale --- hudebník --- director de cine --- mimo --- artist --- kultūras darbinieks --- kunstnik --- zpěvák --- sochár --- singer --- πνευματικός δημιουργός --- productor de cine --- режисер --- musiker --- kërcimtar --- film-maker --- kultūros darbuotojas --- fotografas --- kultúrny pracovník --- fotógrafo --- malíř --- kulttuurialan työntekijä --- filmitegija --- bailarín --- danseur --- певица --- 700 --- femmes histoire --- Belgique art --- kunst algemeen --- art généralités --- Art, Belgian 20th century --- 20th century --- Art belge --- vrouwelijke kunstenaars. --- 19de eeuw. --- 20ste eeuw. --- België. --- Dessin --- Femmes --- Peinture --- Artistes --- Vingtième siècle --- Dix-neuvième siècle

Kunst in België na 1975
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9061535077 9061535115 9061535050 9061535123 906153481X Year: 2001 Publisher: Antwerpen Mercatorfonds

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van Oost, Jan ; Vercruysse, Jan ; Van Snick, Philippe ; Charlier, Jacques ; de Cordier, Thierry ; De Beul, Bert ; Muyle, Johan ; Eerdekens, Fred ; Vermeiren, Didier ; Swennen, Walter ; Rogiers, Peter ; De Vylder, Paul ; Van Bossche, Guy ; De Bruyckere, Berlinde ; Delvoye, Wim ; Huyghe, Philip ; Denmark ; De Smet, Gery ; Cole, Willem ; Vandevelde, Ludwig ; Geys, Jef ; Pacquée, Ria ; Deleu, Luc ; Bijl, Guillaume ; Rombouts, Guy ; Droste, Monika ; De Bruyn, Goele ; Duchateau, Hugo ; Lohaus, Bernd ; Dujourie, Lili ; Copers, Leo ; Mistiaen, Carlo ; Van Caeckenbergh, Patrick ; François, Michel ; Castelyns, Frank ; Buggenhout, Peter ; Devos, Danny ; Corillon, Patrick ; Lizene, Jacques ; Maeyer, Marcel ; De Vos, Dirk ; Heyrman, Hugo (Dr. Hugo Heyrman) ; Lennep, Jacques ; Swennen, Walter ; Bervoets, Fred ; Roobjee, Pjeroo ; Tuymans, Luc ; Vanderleenen, Marc ; Vermeiren, Florent ; de Vos, Eddy ; Cruyt, Laurent ; Bytebier, Jean-Marie ; Delrue, Ronny ; Chapelle, Chantal ; De Blieck, Marc ; Voordeckers, Jürgen ; Broucke, Koen ; Van Imschoot, Jan ; Geyskens, Vincent ; Fabre, Jan ; Van Isacker, Philip ; van Oost, Jan ; Rogiers, Peter ; Vertessen, Liliane ; Pacquée, Ria ; Van Kerckhoven, Anne-Mie ; Bijl, Guillaume ; Grimonprez, Johan ; Vandenberg, Philippe ; Lennep, Jacques ; Dewaele, Daniel ; Jano ; Bisschop, Geert ; Denmark ; Wesselli, Wessel Di ; Verschueren, Bob ; Queeckers, Bernard ; Vergara Santiago, Angel ; Crabeels, Cel ; Eerdekens, Fred ; Francis, Filip ; Corillon, Patrick ; Bruna-Hautman, Sigefride ; Nyst, Jacques-Louis ; de Mey, Gaston ; Sack, Dorry ; d'Oultremont, Juan ; Octave, Jean-François ; Mistiaen, Carlo ; Tordoir, Narcisse ; Broodthaers, Marcel ; Braeckman, Dirk ; Kasimir, Marin ; Daems, Anne ; Kempenaers, Jan ; Boon, Elke ; François, Michel ; etc.


Art --- Belgique --- Histoire --- Histoire de l'art --- België. --- moderne kunst --- 1945 - 2000 --- 20ste eeuw --- België --- art [fine art] --- hedendaagse kunst --- Contemporary [style of art] --- History of civilization --- anno 1940-1949 --- anno 1980-1989 --- anno 1960-1969 --- anno 1950-1959 --- anno 1970-1979 --- Belgium --- kunst --- anno 1990-1999 --- Kunst ; België ; 1960 --- -7.038 --- 7.038(493) --- Belgische kunst ; 20ste eeuw ; 1975-2001 ; naslagwerken --- 7.038 --- Aguirre y Otegui Philip --- Ampe Dominique --- André Marie --- Bailleux César --- Beaumont Yves --- Belgian Institute for World Affairs --- Benoît --- Berenhaut Marianne --- Berghe Luk --- Bernier Pascal --- Bervoets Fred --- Beullens André --- Beyls Peter --- Bijl Guillaume --- Bilquin Jean --- Bisschop Geert --- Blavier Annick --- Bleus Guy --- Blondeel Maria --- Blondeel Michèle --- Boelens Peter --- Bollaert Ditmar --- Boon Elke --- Boons Anne --- Braeckman Dirk --- Broodthaers Marcel --- Broucke Koen --- Bruna Hautman Sigefride --- Bruneau --- Bruyninckx Robert --- Buedts Raphaël --- Buggenhout Peter --- Burssens Jan --- Buylen Michel --- Bytebier Jean-Marie --- Callens Mario --- Carlier Jan --- Casaer Paul --- Castelein Ingrid --- Castelyns Frank --- Catrysse Wim --- Chapelle Chantal --- Charlier Jacques --- Claerbout David --- Claessens Luc --- Clarysse Clark --- Clarysse Johan --- Claus Luc --- Clicque Robert --- Clinckx Christine --- Cloet Mark --- Coeckelberghs Luc --- Cole Willem --- Collin Jocelyne --- Colpaert Erik --- Copers Leo --- Cordier Pierre --- Corillon Patrick --- Courtois Pierre --- Cox Jan --- Crabeels Cel --- Creten Johan --- Cruyt Laurent --- D.D. Trans --- DC Franky --- Daems Anne --- Daems Walter --- Daled Jeroen --- De Beukelaer Sergio --- De Beul Bert --- De Brabandere Mario --- De Bruyckere Berlinde --- De Bruyn Goele --- De Busschère Alec --- De Clerck Antoon --- De Clercq Hugo --- De Cordier Thierry --- De Cupere Peter --- De Gobert Philippe --- De Jaeger Stefan --- De Keyser Raoul --- De Koninck Peter --- De Lepeleire Damien --- De Meester Karel --- De Mey Gaston --- De Roover Marc --- De Sauter Willy --- De Smet Gery --- De Smet Yves --- De Taeye Camille --- De Volder Geoffroy --- De Vos Dirk --- De Vos Eddy --- De Vries Edith --- De Vylder Paul --- De Wachter Jan --- De Zutter Bart --- Debaere Hugo --- Decock Anne --- Decoster Jean --- Decq Bart --- Delahaut Jo --- Delbroek Jos --- Deleu Luc --- Delier Marie --- Delmotte Monsieur --- Delrue Ronny --- Delvoye Wim --- Denmark --- Denys Ward --- Deruytter Wouter --- Deschuymer Johan --- Desmet Etienne --- Devos Danny --- Devriendt Robert --- Dewaele Daniël --- Dierickx Karel --- Dietvorst Els --- Dillemans Sam --- Downsbrough Peter --- Duchateau Hugo --- Dujourie Lili --- Dutrieux Daniel --- Eerdekens Fred --- Elias Etienne --- Fabre Jan --- Fauville Daniel --- Feidler Francis --- Feulien Marc --- Fierens Kris --- Fink Christoph --- Florin Maen --- Fourneau Daniel --- Francis Filip --- François Bruno --- François Michel --- Frère Michel --- García Rubio Pablo --- Gees Paul --- Gentils Frans --- Gentils Paul --- Geys Jef --- Geyskens Vincent --- Ghekiere Joris --- Gillen Tina --- Gilles Stéphan --- Goethals Marc --- Goossens Walter --- Grimonprez Johan --- Grossen Luc --- Halflants Vincent --- Hamelrijck Ado --- Hanssen Karin --- Happy Female Artists --- Heyrman Hugo --- Jiraskova Klara --- Lambrechts Jef --- Lavickova Lucie --- Lehman Boris --- Meyers Koen --- Schnieders Jean --- Schoetens Karel --- Tuytschaever Frank --- Van Ommeslaege Raf --- beeldhouwkunst --- d'O Honoré --- d'Oultremont Juan --- de Blieck Marc --- de Keyser Bert --- di Wesseli Wessel --- fotografie --- installaties --- samengesteld door Florent Bex; met bijdragen van Michel Baudson, Florent Bex, Lieve De Deyne, Michel Draguet, Katrien Laenen, Johan Pas, Lieven Van Den Abeele; woord vooraf door Jan Hoet --- schilderkunst --- twintigste eeuw --- videokunst --- 1975 --- -20e eeuw --- 706.8 --- kunstgeschiedenis --- Kunstgeschiedenis ; 1950 - 2000 --- Kunstgeschiedenis ; 1950 - 2000 ; België --- kunstgeschiedenis, België, 20e eeuw --- -Art --- #A0206A --- 620 Kunst --- kunst 20e eeuw --- kunstgeschiedenis - kunst na 1945 --- 7 <493> "19" --- Jeune peinture Belge --- Cobra --- geometrisch abstracte schilderkunst --- lyrisch-abstracte schilderkunst --- Informele groep --- materieschilderkunst --- G 58 --- surrealisme --- op art --- objectkunst --- conceptuele kunst --- environment --- performance --- Alechinsky Pierre --- Anthoons Willy --- Axell Evelyne --- Baekelmans Guy --- Baugniet Marcel-Louis --- Bertrand Gaston --- Beullens Andre --- Bogart Bram --- Bonnet Anne --- Boulanger Michel --- Bury Pol --- Caille Pierre --- Collignon Georges --- Cortier Amedee --- Counhaye Charles --- De Boeck Felix --- De Cock gilbert --- Delvaux paul --- De Vree Paul --- D'Haese Roel --- Dionyse carmen --- Dotremont Christian --- Dries jan --- Gal --- Gentils Vic --- Geys jef --- Ghobert Bernard --- Graverol Jane --- Hubert Pierre --- Laenen Jean-Paul --- Lafontaine Marie-Jo --- Lahaut Pierre --- Lambotte André --- Landuyt Octave --- Leblanc Walter --- Lennep Jacques --- Lismonde Jules --- Lohaus Bernd --- Madlener Jörg --- Maeyer Marcel --- Mara Pol --- Marien Marcel --- Mees Joseph --- Mendelson Marc --- Mesens E.L.T. --- Mestdagh Roberte --- Michaux Henri --- Milo Jean --- Mortier Antoine --- Mulkers Urbain --- Navez Jean-Marc --- Nellens roger --- Panamarenko --- Peire Luc --- Pirenne Maurice --- Poot Rik --- Raveel Roger --- Reinhoud --- Roobjee Pjeroo --- Roulin Felix --- Schwind Jean --- Servranckx victor --- Seuphor Michel --- Smets Michel --- Somville Roger --- Spilliaert Pol --- Stockmans piet --- Swimberghe Gilbert --- Tapta --- Theys Ivan --- Ubac raoul --- Van Anderlecht Englebert --- Van Breedam Camiel --- Van den Berghe Roland --- Vandercam Serge --- Van Grieken jef --- Van Hoeydonck Paul --- Van Lint Louis --- Vantongerloo Georges --- Van Saene Maurits --- Van Severen Dan --- Van Sumere Hilde --- Vercruysse jan --- Verheyen jef --- Vermeersch José --- Vermeiren Didier --- Verstockt Mark --- Vlerick Pierre --- Wery Marthe --- Willaert Joseph --- Willequet André --- Wittevrongel Roger --- Wuidar Leon --- Wyckaert Maurice --- onder leiding van Karel J. Geirlandt; met bijdragen van Phil Mertens, Jean Dypréau, Wim Van Mulders --- 7 <493> "19" Kunst. Ruimtelijke ordening. Architectuur. Sport en spel--België--20e eeuw. Periode 1900-1999 --- Kunst. Ruimtelijke ordening. Architectuur. Sport en spel--België--20e eeuw. Periode 1900-1999 --- kunstgeschiedenis België - kunst na 1945 --- Kunstgeschiedenis --- 20e eeuw --- 20e eeuw (twintigste eeuw) --- -Kunstgeschiedenis --- Mesens E.L.T --- Kunst ; Belgi&#235; ; 1960 --- Boekgeschiedenis (kennisdomein) --- Literatuur, muziek en beeldende kunst/grafiek (kennisdomein) --- Beeldhouwkunst --- Kunst --- Schilderkunst --- 1945 - 2000. --- 20ste eeuw. --- art [discipline] --- Art belge --- Art moderne --- 20e siecle --- -Art belge --- Hedendaagse kunst

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