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La recollection est définie comme un processus de récupération par lequel les individus vont se souvenir d'informations qualitatives détaillées sur des événements vécus, suite à la présentation d’un stimulus connu (Yonelinas et al., 2010). Par contraste, la familiarité est plutôt un sentiment subjectif qui nous indique que quelque chose a été vécu dans le passé mais sans avoir conscience de détails qualitatifs spécifiques). Lorsqu’on étudie les deux processus de la mémoire de reconnaissance (recollection/familiarité), on peut notamment contrôler des effets comme la profondeur d’encodage. Cette profondeur d'encodage est basée sur le fait que plus on a un item traité en employant des processus de haut niveau, tels que la sémantique, et mieux il sera retenu et augmentera la contribution de la recollection lors de la reconnaissance (Craik & Lockart, 1972). Toutefois, il existe plusieurs types de liens sémantiques, tels que les liens taxonomiques ou thématiques, impactant différemment ces deux processus. Par contre, plus un item est traité avec des processus de bas niveau (perceptifs ou phonologiques), moins il sera mémorisé, étant reconnu majoritairement sur base de la familiarité. Par ailleurs, notre mémoire utilise aussi des signaux implicites pour générer une expérience de reconnaissance, par exemple au moyen du phénomène d’amorçage. On distingue l’amorçage perceptif de l’amorçage sémantique. En réalisant cette étude, notre objectif sera d'explorer sur quel processus (recollection/familiarité) va agir (1) le type de traitement lors de l’encodage (profond taxonomique, profond thématique, ou superficiel) et (2) une présentation subliminale d’une amorce sémantiquement liée (taxonomiquement ou thématiquement) lors d'une tâche de reconnaissance. Nous émettons l’hypothèse qu’en manipulant le type de traitement sémantique à l’encodage, nous allons contrôler le type d’informations qui sera activé au sein du réseau sémantique. Pour ce faire, notre tâche inspirée de Taylor et al. (2012) a été administrée. Elle consistait en une tâche d'amorçage de mémoire avec une phase d'encodage ou les sujets devaient retenir une série de mots, traités de façon profonde ou superficielle (64 mots-cibles par condition). Ensuite, lors de la tâche de reconnaissance, les 64 cibles précédentes ont été présentées parmi 64 distracteurs. Pour chaque stimulus, on présentait une amorce (liée ou non) durant 33 ms qui était suivie par le mot cible ou le distracteur. Trois groupes ont pris part à l’étude, avec un encodage différent dans chacun des trois groupes (encodage superficiel, profond taxonomique et profond thématique). La récupération s’effectuait au moyen du paradigme « Remember/Know/Guess ». Notre hypothèse principale n’a pas été démontrée. Nos résultats montrent principalement un effet de la condition d’encodage. L’encodage profond sémantique (taxonomique et thématique) présente davantage de mots rappelés que l’encodage superficiel. Notons la présence d’une amorce perceptive liée donnant lieu à plus de hits de type « Remember » que l’amorce perceptive non liée. Ces résultats de priming contradictoires vis-à-vis de la littérature ont été interprétés en comparaison avec diverses études sur l’effet d’amorçage en mémoire de reconnaissance et notamment au niveau de la méthodologie. Enfin, des limites et perspectives ont été suggérées.
masked --- primes --- conceptual --- memory --- recognition --- priming --- recollection --- familiarity --- Sciences sociales & comportementales, psychologie > Neurosciences & comportement
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Nowadays, all over the world, whether in Asia or Latin America, consumers are faced with making choices between products from all countries. In order to understand consumer purchasing decisions, numerous studies have been conducted and have shown the influencing effect of country-of-origin. The chosen subject of this thesis was the impact of "Made in Belgium" on the Vietnamese consumer purchasing behaviour on beers. The main objectives were therefore to establish which variables and factors favour the willingness to buy a Belgian product with a “Made in Belgium” label and to understand the Vietnamese perception of Belgian beers. Our study was done in two parts. The first being the theoretical part, requiring the reading of many scientific articles and studies in order to understand the factors that influence the purchasing behaviours of consumers and especially the Vietnamese. The country-of-origin was studied in depth in order to ascertain the impact it had on purchasing intentions. The second part, the empirical part, was carried out in two stages. The first part was conducted by interviewing Vietnamese consumers and professionals in the beer sector in Vietnam. The second step was achieved by an online survey reaching a larger number of people, targeted as Vietnamese currently living in Vietnam and who consume beer. From these two parts, some interesting and significant results have been shown. The main result of this study is that "Made in Belgium" does have an impact on the consumption and perception of Belgian beers by Vietnamese consumers. Indeed, the Vietnamese consider Belgian beers as being of high quality and are fond of foreign beers in general. Moreover, Belgian beer has earned a positive and solid reputation in Vietnam with many consumers considering Belgium to be the best producer in the World. To conclude, the findings of this thesis may prove to be both thought-provoking and valuable for any Belgian company eager to integrate the Vietnamese market and, more particularly, beer companies. They can now benefit from some constructive insights regarding the perception of Belgium in Vietnam as well as the impact of Made in Belgium on the purchasing behaviour of the Vietnamese.
country-of-origin --- Made in Belgium --- consumer behaviour --- buying decision --- beer consumption --- perception --- Vietnamese consumer --- consumer ethnocentrism --- social prestige --- brand familiarity --- Sciences économiques & de gestion > Marketing
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This master’s thesis explores how storytelling and co-creation enhance brand engagement in today’s plethora of marketing strategies It examines how these initiatives can be influenced by key aspects of brand engagement such as brand identification, attitude, and attachment, given the shift from consumers being passive recipients to active co-creators of brand narratives.
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Ces dernières années, l’intérêt de la communauté scientifique s’est largement concentré sur la compréhension du rôle de l’hippocampe dans la cognition, mais il s’agit d’un sujet qui nécessite des recherches plus approfondies. L’hippocampe a traditionnellement été considéré comme un substitut du traitement mnémonique et de la cognition spatiale. Tout au long de notre vie, nous vivons un nombre incalculable d’événements que nous serons amenés à stocker et à récupérer en mémoire épisodique (ex : souvenir de son mariage) et en mémoire sémantique (ex : savoir en quelle année l’homme est allé sur la lune). La connaissance des mécanismes impliqués dans les processus d’encodage, de consolidation et de récupération est essentielle pour comprendre comment l’esprit humain évolue en fonction des informations qu’il enregistre et perçoit (Yonelinas & al., 2019). L'hippocampe code également une grande variété d'informations afin de créer une organisation systématique des informations sur les objets en relation avec le contexte spatiotemporel dans lequel ils ont été rencontrés (Eichenbaum, 2017). Ces mécanismes et leurs évolutions sont débattus dans cette revue de littérature par l’investigation de l’évolution de ces processus au sein du vieillissement cognitif sain. Avec comme objectif l’identification d’un facteur commun aux différentes fonctions médiées par l’hippocampe. Il s’agit donc d’une synthèse des connaissances et résultats antérieurs afin d’obtenir davantage de visibilité sur cette thématique.
hippocampe --- mémoire --- épisodique --- sémantique --- navigation spatiale --- familiarité --- recollection --- binding --- séparation de pattern --- complétion de pattern --- perception --- vieillissement --- hippocampus --- spatial navigation --- binding --- pattern separation --- pattern completion --- familiarity --- recollection --- memory --- perception --- aging --- Sciences sociales & comportementales, psychologie > Neurosciences & comportement
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Human body --- Ritual --- Symbolism --- Mythology --- Religious aspects --- bodily symbols and social meaning --- culture --- symbolism --- ritual and symbolic expression --- patterns of social life --- authority and established institutions --- physical control and social control --- escape and abandonment --- intimacy and familiarity --- formal behaviour --- natural symbols --- belief and style --- society --- anti-ritualism --- contemporary Christianity --- tribal religions --- religious and political movements
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Today in many studies, mental images are still either treated as conscious by definition, or as empirical operations implicit to completing some type of task, such as the measurement of reaction time in mental rotation, an underlying mental image is assumed, but there is no direct determination of whether it is conscious or not. The vividness of mental images is a potentially helpful construct which may be suitable, as it may correspond to consciousness or aspects of the consciousness of images. In this context, a complicating factor seems to be the surprising variety in what is meant by the term vividness or how it is used or theorized. To fill some of the gaps, the goal of the present Special Issue is to create a publication outlet where authors can fully explore through sound research the missing theoretical and empirical links between vividness, consciousness and mental imagery across disciplines, neuroscience, psychology, philosophy, cognitive science, to mention the most obvious ones, as well as transdisciplinary methodological (single, combined, or multiple) approaches.
Psychology --- vividness --- mental imagery --- consciousness --- cognitive neuroscience --- neuroimaging --- cognitive psychology --- behavior --- verbal report --- phenomenology --- perception --- DMN --- TPN --- familiarity --- memory --- amodal completion --- shape perception --- perceptual organization --- depth perception --- visual illusions --- color-gustatory synesthesia --- taste --- taste modulator --- synesthesia --- bibliometrics --- map of science --- term co-occurrence --- contrast polarity --- simplicity principle --- likelihood principle --- simplicity-likelihood equivalence --- Bayes --- classical information theory --- modern information theory --- Bayes' framework --- visual imagery --- stroke --- posterior cerebral artery --- aphantasia --- prosopagnosia --- visual perception --- vividness --- mental imagery --- consciousness --- cognitive neuroscience --- neuroimaging --- cognitive psychology --- behavior --- verbal report --- phenomenology --- perception --- DMN --- TPN --- familiarity --- memory --- amodal completion --- shape perception --- perceptual organization --- depth perception --- visual illusions --- color-gustatory synesthesia --- taste --- taste modulator --- synesthesia --- bibliometrics --- map of science --- term co-occurrence --- contrast polarity --- simplicity principle --- likelihood principle --- simplicity-likelihood equivalence --- Bayes --- classical information theory --- modern information theory --- Bayes' framework --- visual imagery --- stroke --- posterior cerebral artery --- aphantasia --- prosopagnosia --- visual perception
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Today in many studies, mental images are still either treated as conscious by definition, or as empirical operations implicit to completing some type of task, such as the measurement of reaction time in mental rotation, an underlying mental image is assumed, but there is no direct determination of whether it is conscious or not. The vividness of mental images is a potentially helpful construct which may be suitable, as it may correspond to consciousness or aspects of the consciousness of images. In this context, a complicating factor seems to be the surprising variety in what is meant by the term vividness or how it is used or theorized. To fill some of the gaps, the goal of the present Special Issue is to create a publication outlet where authors can fully explore through sound research the missing theoretical and empirical links between vividness, consciousness and mental imagery across disciplines, neuroscience, psychology, philosophy, cognitive science, to mention the most obvious ones, as well as transdisciplinary methodological (single, combined, or multiple) approaches.
Psychology --- vividness --- mental imagery --- consciousness --- cognitive neuroscience --- neuroimaging --- cognitive psychology --- behavior --- verbal report --- phenomenology --- perception --- DMN --- TPN --- familiarity --- memory --- amodal completion --- shape perception --- perceptual organization --- depth perception --- visual illusions --- color-gustatory synesthesia --- taste --- taste modulator --- synesthesia --- bibliometrics --- map of science --- term co-occurrence --- contrast polarity --- simplicity principle --- likelihood principle --- simplicity–likelihood equivalence --- Bayes --- classical information theory --- modern information theory --- Bayes’ framework --- visual imagery --- stroke --- posterior cerebral artery --- aphantasia --- prosopagnosia --- visual perception --- n/a --- simplicity-likelihood equivalence --- Bayes' framework
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Today in many studies, mental images are still either treated as conscious by definition, or as empirical operations implicit to completing some type of task, such as the measurement of reaction time in mental rotation, an underlying mental image is assumed, but there is no direct determination of whether it is conscious or not. The vividness of mental images is a potentially helpful construct which may be suitable, as it may correspond to consciousness or aspects of the consciousness of images. In this context, a complicating factor seems to be the surprising variety in what is meant by the term vividness or how it is used or theorized. To fill some of the gaps, the goal of the present Special Issue is to create a publication outlet where authors can fully explore through sound research the missing theoretical and empirical links between vividness, consciousness and mental imagery across disciplines, neuroscience, psychology, philosophy, cognitive science, to mention the most obvious ones, as well as transdisciplinary methodological (single, combined, or multiple) approaches.
vividness --- mental imagery --- consciousness --- cognitive neuroscience --- neuroimaging --- cognitive psychology --- behavior --- verbal report --- phenomenology --- perception --- DMN --- TPN --- familiarity --- memory --- amodal completion --- shape perception --- perceptual organization --- depth perception --- visual illusions --- color-gustatory synesthesia --- taste --- taste modulator --- synesthesia --- bibliometrics --- map of science --- term co-occurrence --- contrast polarity --- simplicity principle --- likelihood principle --- simplicity–likelihood equivalence --- Bayes --- classical information theory --- modern information theory --- Bayes’ framework --- visual imagery --- stroke --- posterior cerebral artery --- aphantasia --- prosopagnosia --- visual perception --- n/a --- simplicity-likelihood equivalence --- Bayes' framework
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This book reprinted from articles published in the Special Issue “Novel Techniques to Measure the Sensory, Emotional, and Physiological (Biometric) Responses of Consumers toward Foods and Packaging” of the journal Foods aims to provide a deeper understanding of novel techniques to measure the different sensory, emotional, and physiological responses toward foods. The editor hopes that the findings from this Special Issue can help the broader scientific community to understand the use of novel sensory science techniques that can be used in the evaluation of products.
Psychology --- virtual reality --- acceptability --- Cabernet Sauvignon --- wine --- context --- emotions --- immersive environments --- chocolate products --- hordenine --- happiness --- beer consumption --- sensory analysis --- beer styles --- entomophagy --- neophobia --- alternative protein source --- emojis --- EsSense profile® --- facial expressions --- purchase intention --- energy drinks --- beef --- chocolate --- biometrics --- Cochran’s Q test --- ethnic --- plant --- conscious --- unconscious --- check-all-that-apply --- linear model --- correspondence analysis --- RPPG and PPG heart rate --- branding --- familiarity --- soy sauce --- food images --- consumer --- approach–avoidance --- Approach–Avoidance Task (AAT) --- valence --- arousal --- wanting --- implicit measure --- self-report --- mobile phone --- home-use test --- ecological validity --- jambalaya --- online auction --- n/a --- Cochran's Q test --- approach-avoidance --- Approach-Avoidance Task (AAT)
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This book reprinted from articles published in the Special Issue “Novel Techniques to Measure the Sensory, Emotional, and Physiological (Biometric) Responses of Consumers toward Foods and Packaging” of the journal Foods aims to provide a deeper understanding of novel techniques to measure the different sensory, emotional, and physiological responses toward foods. The editor hopes that the findings from this Special Issue can help the broader scientific community to understand the use of novel sensory science techniques that can be used in the evaluation of products.
virtual reality --- acceptability --- Cabernet Sauvignon --- wine --- context --- emotions --- immersive environments --- chocolate products --- hordenine --- happiness --- beer consumption --- sensory analysis --- beer styles --- entomophagy --- neophobia --- alternative protein source --- emojis --- EsSense profile® --- facial expressions --- purchase intention --- energy drinks --- beef --- chocolate --- biometrics --- Cochran’s Q test --- ethnic --- plant --- conscious --- unconscious --- check-all-that-apply --- linear model --- correspondence analysis --- RPPG and PPG heart rate --- branding --- familiarity --- soy sauce --- food images --- consumer --- approach–avoidance --- Approach–Avoidance Task (AAT) --- valence --- arousal --- wanting --- implicit measure --- self-report --- mobile phone --- home-use test --- ecological validity --- jambalaya --- online auction --- n/a --- Cochran's Q test --- approach-avoidance --- Approach-Avoidance Task (AAT)
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