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Rescuing Randy.A Family Determined to Rescue Their Son from a Cult
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781449770297 Year: 2012 Publisher: Bloomington, IN WestBow Press / Thomas Nelson

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Cults & Consequences.The Definitive Handbook.Third Printing
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0962147877 Year: 1990 Publisher: Los Angeles, CA Commission on Cults & Missionaries

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The Boston Movement:Critical Perspectives on the International Churches of Christ.Revised Edition
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0931337089 Year: 1997 Publisher: Buffalo Springs, FL American Family Foundation

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Het verborgen gevaar : sekten in België en hun infiltratie in de samenleving
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789463935913 Year: 2021 Publisher: Gent Borgerhoff & Lamberigts

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Wat is een sekte? Bestaat er zoiets als hersenspoeling? Hoe ronselen sekten hun leden? En wat als het allemaal uit de hand loopt? Is er nog een weg terug? Het zijn vragen die voor de meeste mensen tot de verbeelding spreken en uit een film lijken te komen, maar in België is het de harde realiteit. Psycholoog, vergelijkend godsdienstwetenschapper én ervaringsdeskundige Johan Detraux neemt je in ‘Het verborgen gevaar’ mee achter de schermen van sekten in België. Aan de hand van meeslepende verhalen, geduid met de expertise van Detraux, wordt een tipje van de sluier opgelicht en krijgt het verborgen gevaar uiteindelijk toch iets meer daglicht te verduren.


BPB9999 --- BPB2202 --- religieuze sekte --- Belgique --- Belgium --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- België --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- religiös sekt --- vjerska sekta --- vallási szekta --- religiöse Sekte --- religinė sekta --- sekt fetar --- secte religieuse --- религиозна секта --- secta religiosa --- verska sekta --- secte religioase --- religious sect --- reliģiska sekta --- θρησκευτική αίρεση --- sekta religijna --- seita religiosa --- seict reiligiúnach --- верска секта --- náboženská sekta --- uskonlahko --- religiøs sekt --- usulahk --- setta reliġjuża --- setta religiosa --- mormoni --- ezoterism --- езотерија --- окултизам --- ésotérisme --- Јеховини сведоци --- ezoterizmas --- мормони --- esoterism --- ezoterizëm --- esoterisme --- jehovista --- sekt --- svědkové Jehovovi --- scientologie --- esoterismo --- esoterie --- esoterismi --- εσωτερισμός --- култ --- ezoterizmus --- Církev sjednocení --- religijska sekta --- okultismus --- moonismus --- скиентологија --- ezoterisms --- Comparative religion --- Sociology of religion --- Sekten --- hersenspoeling --- controletechnieken --- sektarische bewegingen --- nieuwe religieuze bewegingen --- psychotherapie --- psychotherapeutische sekten --- transcendente meditatie (TM) --- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi --- Bruno Gröning --- heilstrom --- Grete Häusler --- genezende golven --- scientology --- Totale Biologie --- Ryke Geerd Hamer --- Claude Sabbah --- breatharians --- Jasmuheen --- Access Consciousness --- Gary Douglas --- Germaanse Nieuwe Geneeskunde (GNG) --- rekrutieringsmethoden --- rekrutieringstechnieken --- getuigen van Jehovah --- Raël --- raëlianen --- Claude Vorilhon --- Luc Jouret --- Joseph Di Mambro --- Orde van de Zonnetempel (OZT) --- Informatie- en Adviescentrum inzake Schadelijke Sektarische Organisaties (IACSSO) --- sekte --- Hare Krishna-beweging --- Drazen Zabek --- Ogyen Kunzang Chöling (OKC) --- Children of God (The Family) --- Sahaja Yoga --- Frères et Soeurs du Clavaire et Précieux Sang (FSCPS) --- Primitieve kerk van België --- floating --- deprogrammering --- exit-counseling --- strategische interactiebenadering --- Studie- en Adviesgroep Sekten (SAS) --- radicalisering --- indoctrinatie --- Mahikari (真光) --- Sukyo Mahikari (崇教真光)

Cultic Studies Journal. Psychological Manipulation and Society. Volume 18, 2001
ISSN: 07406499 Year: 2001 Publisher: American Family Foundation (A.F.F.)

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American Family Foundation (AFF) --- new religious movements (NRM) --- extremist cults --- definitions --- cults --- mental health professionals --- training --- countertransference --- treatments --- cult members --- therapy --- abuse --- child abuse --- mistreatment --- neglect --- Neo-oriental groups --- Neo-Christian groups --- Bible cult --- Cultic Child Abuse --- narcissism --- dependency --- mental health --- pseudotherapy --- Re-Entry Therapy, Information and Referral Network (RETIRN) --- interventions --- post-cult syndromes --- deprogramming --- exit counseling --- prevention --- education --- cult preventive education programs --- data analysis --- manipulation --- manipulative processes --- counseling --- surveys --- The Missing Student Project (1979-1981) --- cult involvement --- social influence --- mind control --- social psychological research --- compliance --- detachment --- discontinuities --- Jim Jones --- Jonestown --- Peoples Temple --- People's Temple --- semantic distortion --- false analogies --- metacomprehension --- reactance principle --- persuasion --- groupthink --- resistance --- proselytizing --- evangelical groups --- proselytization --- Maranatha --- evangelicals --- code of ethics --- religious pluralism --- Shepherding movement (New Covenant) --- absolute obedience --- tithing --- recruitment --- love-bombing --- Maranatha Campus Ministries international --- Crossroads (Shepherding movement) --- Christian Growth Ministries --- youth ministries for secondary schools --- youth ministers --- Unification Church (UC) --- Sun Myung Moon --- moonies --- testimonials --- testimony --- recruitment process --- group sharing --- preaching --- Second Vatican Council --- Declaration on Religious Freedom --- European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms --- Maranatha Christian Ministries (MCM) --- doctrine --- theological methodology --- Opus Dei --- jews --- United American Hebrew Congregations (UAHC) --- disciple abuse --- discipling --- proselytism --- evangelism --- secular schools --- religious freedom --- anti-religion --- religious diversity --- role theory --- Catholic Church --- Decree on Missionary Activity --- Christian evangelizers --- Judaism --- Jewry --- Hebrew Christians --- Christian Fundamentalist groups --- deception --- Emotional Manipulation --- pluralism --- criticism --- book reviews --- charisma --- charismatic leadership --- Charismatic Covenant Community --- sects --- Transcendental Meditation (TM) --- Israel --- behavior control --- thought reform --- influence techniques --- control programs --- self-concept --- coercive techniques --- brainwashing --- Mental Manipulation --- milieu control --- coercive influence --- physical abuse --- women --- battering --- victim blaming --- pathological attachment --- cultic relationships --- physical violence --- marital mind control --- treatment --- People of Praise Charismatic Community --- Catholic charismatic renewal --- covenant community --- The People of Praise --- obedience --- Theodore Ratisbonne --- Mallet-Bluth Affair --- Linneweil Affair --- Notre Dame de Sion --- spiritualism --- spiritual seekers --- gurus --- Vatican report --- cultism --- TM-Sidhi Program --- social research --- hypnosis --- therapeutic relationship --- American culture --- psychological perspective --- moral concepts --- freedom --- psychological integration --- tolerance --- pragmatism --- social conditioning --- cultural change --- cultural legacy --- high-control --- cult development --- sexual rituals --- induction --- ex-cult members --- children --- children and cults --- parental reactions --- parental actions --- family therapy --- Youth With a Mission (YWAM) --- Christian missionary groups --- intercession --- confessions --- suppression of individuality --- control mechanisms --- psychotherapy --- cult therapists --- therapeutic process --- non-verbal communications --- hypnotizability --- hypnotic behavior --- transference --- interspersal --- metaphors --- hypnotic techniques --- First Amendment (US) --- American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) --- Bill of Rights (US) --- Fay Stender --- law --- legislation --- psychoanalysis --- psychiatric interventions --- psychiatric sessions --- missionary children --- vulnerability --- doctrines --- dogmatism --- dogmatic fundamentalism --- pedagogy --- epistemological relativism --- church-related schools --- fundamentalism --- psychological research --- Jewish families --- Family Environment Scale (FES) --- Cult Hot-line and Clinic --- ethnic identity --- statistical analysis --- psychosocial functioning --- cult-involved families --- adolescence --- Cult Awareness Network of Citizens Freedom Foundation --- assessment --- Cult Awareness Network (CAN) --- Family Questionnaire --- psychopathology --- Wilks' lambda (Λ) --- methodology --- statistics --- self-transformation --- mind reading --- extrasensory perception (ESP) --- mentalism --- mentalists --- social-psychological influence --- cognitive dissonance --- pseudoscience --- coercive persuasion --- loyalty-betrayal funnel --- bicameral systems --- excommunication --- Plymouth Brethren --- utopia --- OASIS --- sin-potential --- expulsion --- psychological mechanisms --- shunning --- deviance --- litigation --- child custody --- Sullivan Institute for Research in Psychoanalysis --- Fourth Wall Repertory Company --- New Age --- New Age groups --- systematic manipulation of psychological and social influence (SMPSI) --- Re-Entry Therapy, Information & Referral Network (RETIRN) --- New Age movements --- spiritual technologies --- therapist-client --- Systematic Manipulation of Experience (SME) --- Dabblers --- out-of-body experience (OBE) --- Hoppers --- therapists --- cultists --- New Age cults --- symptomatology --- depersonalization --- physical disability --- psychosis --- mind manipulation --- isolation --- nutritional deficiencies --- dietary restrictions --- voluntary deprogramming --- Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) --- Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) --- Bender Gestalt Test --- Rorschach Inkblot Test --- Holtzman Ink Blot Test --- Thematic Apperception Test --- Forer Structured Sentence Completion Tests --- mental disorders --- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders --- ritual abuse --- ritualistic abuse --- child sexual abuse --- sexual abuse --- Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) --- child maltreatment --- false confessions --- coerced confessions --- polygraph --- ethics --- manipulative psychological techniques --- psychotherapists --- American Psychological Association (APA) --- legal system --- continuum model --- intent --- liability --- exculpability --- coercive psychological influence --- social values --- psychological problems --- research --- Cults in Israel --- Church of Scientology --- dianetics --- guilt --- parents --- parents and cults --- case study --- group process --- behavior change processes --- International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) --- Hare Krishna movement --- cult conversion --- mystical manipulation --- purity --- language --- newspeak --- doubling --- social-psychological models --- persuasive conversion --- Information Processing Models --- snapping --- kidnapping --- deprogramming process --- European Parliament --- reintegration --- Voluntary Code of Conduct --- Cottrell Report --- human rights --- European Parliament’s Resolution (1984) --- Church Universal and Triumphant (CUT) --- lawsuits --- twelve-point model --- family --- family intervention --- Fishbowl Phenomenon --- totalist groups --- college students --- college campuses --- Chickering's Theory --- Psychosocial Development --- Cognitive Development --- Perry's Theory --- Moral Development --- Kohlberg's Theory --- sociocentristic reasoning --- cult recruitment --- recruitment methods --- Student Religious Organizations --- educational programs --- Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP) --- Likert scales --- Delphi procedure --- analysis --- Psychotherapy Cults --- persuasive techniques --- Bible-Based Cults --- violence --- cult violence --- indoctrination --- behavior changes --- thought reform programs --- Sullivanians --- Center for Feeling Therapy --- psychological cults --- totalist cults --- Wingspread Conference Report --- Identity Movement --- white supremacy --- conspiracy theories --- Richard Brothers (1757- 1824) --- Aryan Nations --- Ku Klux Klan --- Posse Comitatus --- Christian Conservative Church of America --- far-right --- extreme right --- The Covenant, the Sword, the Arm of the Lord (C.S.A.) --- Michael Ryan --- psychological dynamics --- Experiencing Scale --- Focus of Attention (FoA) --- Deprogramming Statements Checklist (DSC) --- speaker within a speaking turn (SWST) --- statement coding unit (SCU) --- ideological totalism --- Armageddon --- confession --- loading the language --- literalism --- historical dislocation --- mainstream religions --- cults and mainstream religions --- characteristics --- Jewish people --- Jewish community --- Jews --- Protestant Fundamentalist movement --- cult membership --- Freedom of Religion --- Covenant Community groups --- cult phenomenon --- International Conference for the Unity of Sciences (ICUS) --- conversion techniques --- control techniques --- commitment --- therapeutic groups --- cult indoctrination --- cultic evolution --- cultic residential treatment centers --- environmental control --- supervisor-supervisee relationship --- recommendations --- Holy Spirit Association --- coercive influence programs --- behavioral science --- conversion --- ritual child abuse --- ritual crimes --- terminology --- Pacific paradigm --- religious change --- cosmology --- pseudoreligions --- nazism --- fascism --- communism --- New Age Movement --- neo-hinduism --- Neo-Buddhism --- Theosophy --- Anthroposophy --- Gnosis --- Tree of Knowledge --- Neo-Gnosticism --- East-West spirituality --- recoding --- anti-cult movement (ACM) --- Fundamentalist Christianity --- Pentecostal movement --- fundamentalist religions --- socio-political communes --- Communes --- Communal organization --- millenarianism --- Native Americans --- Black Americans --- cult of Mary --- Pentecostal sects --- millenarian movements --- contemporary cults --- modern cults --- psychological intimidation --- questionnaires --- Committee for the Scientific Examination of Religion (CSER) --- satanism --- wicca --- witchcraft --- neo-paganism --- heavy metal music --- Church of Satan --- neo-nazis --- Nazi occultism --- necronomicon --- H.P. Lovecraft --- Ockham's razor --- interviews --- Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) --- political cults --- psychiatric problems --- Workers Democratic Union (WDU) --- Doreen Baxter --- Marxism --- Marxism-Leninism --- leadership --- psychological effects --- deception, dependency, and dread syndrome (DDD) --- modified DDD syndrome --- self-criticism --- Word of Life Bible School --- faith movements --- Word of Life (Sweden) --- hallucinations --- psychosomatic problems --- psychiatric care --- floating --- Council of Europe --- Legal Status of Sects --- Belgium --- Council of Europe Member States --- case-law --- laws --- freedom of religion --- psychotherapy cults --- occultism --- cults and occultism --- psychological abuse --- post-cult --- ethical conduct --- thought-reform --- indoctrinee syndrome --- group dynamics --- therapeutic cults --- categories of conduct --- Synanon --- Compulsions Analysis --- standards of conduct --- group therapy --- individual therapy --- physiology of emotions --- physiological reactions --- Louis Jolyon West --- exploitative cults --- psychological coercion --- cult-related myths --- contumely --- defamation --- magick --- Aleister Crowley --- Order of the Golden Dawn --- Arthur Machen --- Inklings --- aestheticism of evil --- Films of the Occult --- suicide --- literature --- Howard Phillips Lovecraft --- H. P. Lovecraft --- gothic novel --- gothic fiction --- Cthulhu --- Old Race --- Necronomicon --- Abdul Alhazred --- lovecraftian --- blavatsky --- Cthulhu mythos --- Marion Zimmer Bradley --- neopaganism --- Wicca --- Stephen King --- the occult in literature --- mind, autonomy, identity, dignity (MAID) --- Post-cult distress --- psychological tests --- Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI) --- ex-cultists --- Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) --- Hopkins Symptom Checklist (HSCL) --- Staff Burnout Scale (SBS-HP) --- Multiple analysis of variance (MANOVA) --- Contract and Probate Law --- psychiatry --- undue influence --- contract law --- legal concepts --- probate law --- Stockholm Syndrome --- law cases --- cultic misappropriation --- quasitherapeutic techniques --- psychotherapeutic techniques --- Neopsychoanalytic Groups --- Sullivanian Institute (Fourth Wall Theater) --- William Alanson White Institute (WAW) --- psychopolitical groups --- New Alliance Party --- Institute for Social Therapy and Research (NAP) --- Lyndon LaRouche organization --- substance abuse groups --- Special Illness Groups --- triune brain --- Carl Sagan --- triune model --- reptilian brain (R-complex) --- neocortex --- mammalian brain --- limbic system --- love bombing --- deconversion process --- research projects --- New Age characteristics --- Johannes Aagaard --- ethnicity --- essence of religion --- Atlantic paradigm --- Mediterranean paradigm --- Dwight Eisenhower syndrome --- symposium --- countercult organizations --- secularism --- libertarianism --- phenomenology --- atheistic existentialism --- logical positivism --- relativism --- political correctness movement (PC) --- Exit Counselor’s Guidelines Study Group --- thought reform model --- Cults in Latin America --- Group Psychological Abuse Scale (GPA) --- New Age movement --- Committee for the Scientific Investigation of the Paranormal (CSICOP) --- New Age ethics --- Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) --- Eternal Flame (CBJ) --- cellular awakening --- immortality --- Charles Paul Brown --- BernaDeane --- James Russell Strole --- Servicio Para el Esclarecimiento en Sectas (SPES) --- SPES Foundation (Argentina) --- Argentina --- Cults in Argentina --- Pentecostal Groups (Argentina) --- Afro-Brazilian Cults --- Argentinian Foundation for the Study of Cults (FAPES) --- destructive cults --- controversial groups --- Electronic Church --- televangelists --- Umbandanism --- Umbanda --- evil spirits --- demonology --- covenant communities --- Satan --- exorcism --- Social Manipulation --- Group Intensity --- trauma --- measurement --- scale development --- Cincinnati Church of Christ (CCC) --- InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF) --- David Berg --- Children of God (COG) --- Children of God (The Family) --- psychohistorical studies --- Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion (RSSSR) --- psychohistory --- Methodism --- sexual problems --- sexuality --- sexual experimentation --- psychosexual history --- sexual liberation movement --- incest --- sexual child abuse --- personality analysis --- fundamentalists --- ex-fundamentalists --- Christian fundamentalism --- Shattered Faith Syndrome --- following orders --- psychological experiments --- communication technology --- sleep deprivation --- sleep cycles --- physiology of sleep --- sleep disturbances --- Cults in America --- American jurisprudence --- legal principles --- Case Law Developments --- psychologically manipulative cults --- Janis’s Groupthink Model --- groupthink phenomenon --- Unification Church (Japan) --- Fukuoka District Court (Japan) --- Japanese legislation --- women and cults --- qualitative research --- experimental method --- quantitative method --- research strategies --- experiment --- archival analysis --- history --- cult research --- clinical case study --- research methods --- research methodology --- research standards --- child assessment --- child development --- child psychopathology --- sociometry --- case studies --- consent forms --- form templates --- Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ-R) --- fantasy role-playing games --- Belief in the Paranormal Scale (BPS) --- Satanic and Fantasy Envelopment (SAFE) --- one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) --- fantasy gamers --- paranormal beliefs --- satanic practices --- Satanic and Fantasy Envelopment Survey (SAFE) --- Scheffe Test --- psychoticism --- extraversion --- neuroticism --- cult critics --- Massimo Introvigne --- Cult Watching Organizations --- anti-cult --- classification schemes --- typology --- gender --- New York Church of Christ --- satanic ritual abuse --- hypnotically refreshed testimony --- therapeutic hypnosis --- case law --- hypnotically enhanced testimony --- hypnosis and legislation --- post-hypnotic testimony --- hypnotically retrieved memories --- admissibility --- United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit --- repressed memories --- forensic hypnosis --- multiple personality disorder (MPD) --- Dissociative identity disorder (DID) --- incestuous child abuse (ICA) --- false memories --- iatrogenic consequences --- Recovered memory therapy --- fantasy induction --- delusions --- American Medical Association Council on Scientific Affairs (AMA) --- History of Forensic Hypnosis --- hypnotic age regression --- unreliable memories --- amnesia --- psychogenic amnesia --- ethical standards --- Thought Reform Consultants --- pseudo-identity --- personality change --- dissociation --- psychiatric disorders --- post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) --- Patricia Hearst --- identity problem --- Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS) --- Jeffrey Lundgren --- dissociative phenomenon --- regression --- dissociative symptoms --- cult victims --- personality disorders --- Dependency, Avoidant, Schizoid, Anxiety, Dysthymia scales --- psychological maltreatment --- psychosocial assessments --- forensic assessments --- informed consent --- emotional disturbance --- assessment techniques --- Re-evaluation Counselling (RC) --- co-counselling --- innovative therapies --- theory of restimulation --- group manipulation --- Lafayette Ronald Hubbard --- L. Ron Hubbard --- Dianetics Institute --- Harvey Jackins --- New Age Management Training Programs --- New Age training methods --- self-help --- ownership of women --- sexual exploitation --- cultic sexual abuse --- psychoeducation --- character disorders --- cult leaders --- cult leadership --- psychosexual abuse --- Thematic Aptitude Tests (TAT) --- interpersonal process --- mothers in cults --- mother-child bond --- pregnancy --- Cult parents --- recovery --- psychological captivity --- coercive control --- fear induction --- destruction of autonomy --- breaking of personality --- sexism --- closed groups --- courtship process --- anger --- passive aggression --- intuition --- Jehovah‟s Witnesses --- Watchtower Society --- Charles Taze Russell --- submission --- non-Witnesses --- blood transfusions --- disfellowshipping --- patriarchy --- locus of control --- high-control groups --- Control Scale (CS) --- former Witnesses --- Symptoms Scale (SS) --- Patriarchal Egalitarian Scale (PE) --- empowerment model --- female survivors of cults --- pseudopersonality --- counseling relationship --- Jehovah's Witness women --- postcult distress --- hypnotically influenced testimony --- borderline personality disorder (BPD) --- hypnotic testimony --- recovered memories --- Buridan‟s Ass dilemma --- confirmatory bias --- American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH) --- false memory syndrome (FMS) --- False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF) --- recall --- dissociative amnesia --- childhood sexual abuse --- iatrogenesis --- forensic rules --- United States Supreme Court --- polygraph evidence --- American Medical Association (AMA) --- Individual Cult Experience Index (ICE) --- Los Angeles Symptom Checklist (LASC) --- Group Psychological Abuse Scale (GPAS) --- antistalking --- state rape laws --- Violence Against Women Act (VAWA 1994) --- stalking --- rapists --- rape victims --- Rape Shield Laws --- Marital Rape --- cult-rape --- statutory rape --- acquaintance rape --- domestic violence --- domestic partnership --- left-wing organizations --- political cultism --- Committee for a Workers' International (CWI) --- Revolutionary Socialist League --- Militant Tendency --- Trotskyist political parties --- entrism --- Democratic Workers Party (DWP) --- left-wing cults --- left-wing political cults --- extreme left --- catastrophism --- Trotskyism --- ritual of confession --- Trotskyist organizations --- students and cults --- residence hall (dormitory) systems --- university campus --- Federal Rules of Evidence (FRE) --- InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (IV) --- Emissaries of Divine Light --- ex-members --- dysfunctional system --- recovery process --- dysfunctional behavior --- Self-Realization Fellowship --- Siddha Yoga --- Church of the Living Word (The Walk) --- Restoration Movement --- Latter Rain Movement --- Jesus Movement --- Group for the Advancement of Psychotherapy (GAP) --- pseudo-identity syndrome --- Symptom Checklist 90, Revised (SCL-90-R) --- Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, Revised (EPQ-R) --- psychiatric symptomatology --- Global Severity Index (GSI) --- psychological distress --- emancipation laws --- jurisprudence (US) --- cultic children --- minors and cults --- medical treatment --- International Church of Christ (ICC) --- InterVarsity Christian Fellowship graduates (IVCF) --- Boston Church of Christ --- stress disorders --- Sweden --- Swedish government --- Center for the Study of Questions of Belief (Sweden) --- Roman Catholic movements --- new Catholic movements --- Focolare Movement --- Neocatechumenate (NC) --- Communion and Liberation (CL) --- Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Covenant Communities and Fellowships --- Catholic new religious movements --- Charismatic Renewal movement --- France --- Catholic Charismatic Renewal movement --- Béatitudes --- Pain de Vie --- Verbe de Vie --- Emmanuel --- Fondations du Monde Nouveau --- Chemin Neuf --- American Catholic charismatic covenant communities --- Sword of the Spirit (SOS) --- Lamb of God (LOG) --- Word of God (WOG) --- Mother of God (MOG) --- People of Praise (POP) --- Servants of Christ the King (SOCK) --- Opus Dei Awareness Network (ODAN) --- Belgian government --- Parishioners Against a Secret Church (PASCH) --- Intentional communities --- role-playing games (RPG) --- medical neglect --- Re-Indoctrination Programs --- mystification --- Group Philosophy --- Falun Gong --- Falun Dafa --- faith healing --- child mortality --- child fatalities --- faith-healing sects --- Christian Identity Movement --- neo-nazism --- right wing militias --- Identity theology --- The Armageddon Paradigm --- Survivalism --- British Israelism --- cult dynamics --- relational violence --- Teen Training Camps (TTC) --- Victor program --- pro-cultists --- anti-cultists --- harm --- anti-cult movements (ACM) --- apostates --- Belgian Parliament --- mental manipulation --- Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR) --- philosophy of separation --- membership --- social organization --- philosophy of purity --- segregation --- philosophy of indulgence --- Chinese government --- Li Hongzhi (李洪志) --- psychological manipulation --- pro-cult --- Italy --- Gruppo di Ricerca ed Informazione sulle Sette (GRIS) --- Italian Law --- psychological movements --- pastoral memorandum --- pseudo-Catholic cults --- Fringe Catholic Movements --- behavior, information, thought, and emotional control (BITE) --- freedom of belief --- Aum Shinrikyo (オウム真理教) --- Shoko Asahara (麻原彰晃) --- Aleph --- sarin --- Poa (Buddhism) --- Sarin gas attack --- cults in Japan --- Live Space movement --- Kofuku no Kagaku (幸福の科学) --- Soka Gakkai (創価学会) --- Buddhist religion --- Nichiren Seishu Sect --- Millennium --- preventive programs --- unhealthy spiritual community (USC) --- recruitment techniques --- folk tales --- myths --- vampires --- Baha‘i Faith --- Mirza Husayn ‘Ali Baha‘u‘llah --- National Spiritual Assemblies (NSA) --- Baha‘i cyberspace --- indoctrination process --- intense indoctrination --- Happy Science (幸福の科学, Kōfuku-no-Kagaku)

Cultic Studies Review. An Internet Journal of Research, News & Opinion. Volume 9, Nr. 1, 2010
ISSN: 15390152 Year: 2010 Publisher: Bonita Springs, Florida International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA)

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American Family Foundation (AFF) --- Citizens Freedom Foundation (CFF) --- Cult Awareness Network (CAN) --- Kay Barney --- internet --- psychological research --- Arthur Conan Doyle --- James Randi --- Stanford Research Institute (SRI) --- hoax --- Institute for Creation Research (ICR) --- Noah‘s Ark --- social psychology --- Soka Gakkai International (SGI) --- German Faith Movement --- new religious movements (NRM) --- cult victims --- Violence Against Women Act (VAWA 1994) --- Violence Against Women Office (VAWO) --- legal assistance --- violence --- abuse --- Amish --- Aum Shinrikyo (オウム真理教) --- Fumihiro Joyu (上祐史浩) --- Aleph --- terrorism --- Shoko Asahara (麻原彰晃) --- Aylmer Church of God --- Attleboro Cult (The Body) --- Falun Gong --- The Family --- Winnfred Wright --- Friends of Andrew Cohen Everywhere (FACE) --- curanderismo --- Hebrew Israelites --- International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) --- Hare Krishna movement --- Kashi Ashram --- Life Space Movement (Japan) --- Ndawula cult --- Operations and Reconnaissance Agents (OARA) --- Opus Dei --- polygamy --- Raël --- raelians --- UFO Religions --- UFOs --- ufology --- al Fuqra (Jamaat ul-Fugra) --- The Shouters (China) --- Church of Scientology --- Lafayette Ronald Hubbard --- L. Ron Hubbard --- Jesus’ Ark (Japan) --- Sengoku Jesus (Japan) --- South China Church --- Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) --- Patty Hearst --- Stockholm Syndrome --- The Twelve Tribes --- Osama bin Laden --- teenage spirituality --- Asatru --- neopaganism --- neo-paganism --- Odinism --- Aesir --- Reconstructionalists --- Vinland --- Leif Eriksson (975-1020) --- Sveinbjörn Beinteinsson --- Iceland --- Runic Era calendar --- Ásatrú Alliance (AA) --- Ring of Troth --- Kindred --- autonomy --- Nine Noble Virtues --- Odin Brotherhood --- white supremacy --- Christian Identity Movement --- Aryan Nations --- Bruder Schweigen --- Wotansvolk --- 14 Words --- Skertru --- Lars Agnarsson --- Skergard --- Lars Anthony Cone --- polytheism --- polytheistic religions --- cults --- conversion --- psychological harm --- manipulation --- Shoko Egawa (江川 紹子) --- sarin --- Jacques Robidoux --- Branch Davidians --- Church Universal and Triumphant (CUT) --- Eastern Lightning (東方閃電, Dōngfāng Shǎndiàn) --- Humana (Tvind) --- Planet Aid --- Junichiro Higashi --- Kaeda Cram School --- Kaeda Juku (加江田塾) --- Herbert F. Rosedale --- Church of God Congregation --- Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God (MRTCG) --- mass murder --- United Nuwaubian Nation --- Tent of the Living God --- Unification Church --- Sun Myung Moon --- United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors --- deprogramming --- exit counseling --- countercult movement --- mind control --- brainwashing --- North Korea --- violent cults --- cult definitions --- Juche cult --- Jucheism --- Kim Jong-Il --- apocalypse --- Sunshine Policy --- South Korea --- situational power --- Unification Church (UC) --- apocalypticism --- apocalyptic movements --- Japan --- Ho No Hana Sanpogyo (法の華三法行) --- Nichiren Kenshokai (Japan) --- Cascade Center for Family Growth (Utah) --- Charles Manson --- Church of God (Aylmer) --- child spanking --- Waco --- David Koresh --- Divine Light Mission (Elan Vital) --- Lenora Fulani --- East Side Institute for Short Term Psychotherapy --- Four Winds --- anti-cult legislation --- House of Prayer --- Irish Travelers --- Jehovah’s witnesses --- Kabbalah --- Rabbi Philip Berg --- Kyirebentua Faith Church --- MOVE movement --- Neo-Phare (New Lighthouse) --- New Life Tabernacle --- Latter-day Saints --- mormonism --- Queen Shahmia --- rebirthing therapy --- Roch Thériault --- Narconon --- Transcendental Meditation (TM) --- Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG) --- testimonials --- testimony --- moonies --- mass weddings --- Blessed Children --- cult members --- cults and children --- paranoia --- projection --- marital relations --- therapy --- charisma --- spiritual harm --- New Age movements --- Holy Order of MANS --- Eastern Orthodox Christian sects --- Spiritual Sales --- Japan Federation of Bar Associations (JFBA) --- legislation --- Standards for determining human rights violations resulting from religious activities --- Ariel Ben Sherman --- Black Hebrews --- Roland Robidoux --- Colonia Dignidad (Chile) --- Paul Schäfer --- Christian Science --- faith healing --- Faith Tabernacle Congregation --- Fidencismo --- Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints --- God’s Creation Outreach Ministry Church --- Heartland Christian Academy --- House of Prayer (Atlanta) --- International Churches of Christ (ICC) --- Jemaah Islamiah --- Jesus Morning Star Church (JMS) --- American Psychology Association (APA) --- Mountain Park Baptist Academy (Missouri) --- Osho Rajneesh --- Lucille Poulin --- Reformed Mennonite Church --- Satya Sai Baba --- Salva Me --- Salva Me Pater Omnis Oculus Meus (Philippines) --- Santamaria religion --- Waldorf schools --- Word of Faith Fellowship (North Carolina) --- Church of Bible Understanding --- Jehovah‘s Witnesses --- New Life Ministries --- Our Savior‘s Church --- Panawave Laboratory --- Salva Me Pater Omnis Oculos Meus --- World Ministries --- narcissism --- Siddha Yoga --- SYDA --- sexual abuse --- Swami Muktananda --- psychopathology --- cult leaders --- psychoanalysis --- thought reform --- Swami Chidvilasananda (Gurumayi) --- pathological behaviors --- victim blaming --- Heinz Kohut --- self psychology --- Selfobject --- Erich Fromm --- somatization --- annihilation of the self --- Cult Watching Groups --- Info-Cult --- Order of the Solar Temple (OTS) --- Joseph Di Mambro --- Médecins du Ciel --- anticult movement (ACM) --- cult wars --- Jim Roberts Group (JRG) --- The Roberts Group Parents Network (TRGPN) --- cognitive therapy --- Boston Movement --- Pana-Wave Laboratory (パナウェーブ研究所) --- Yuko Chino (千乃裕子) --- Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh --- Osho --- Reiji Kiraku Nijo-kai --- Awaiting Christ --- child abuse --- Church of God in Upland --- Franz Edmund Creffield --- Cult Education --- Emankaya --- Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints --- General Assembly and Church of the First Born --- God‘s Creation Outreach Ministry --- Kabbalah Centre --- Lord‘s Resistance Army (LRA) --- LaRouche --- Magnificat Meal Movement (MMM) --- Mujahedeen Khalk --- One Love Family --- Pathways Church --- Puchon Sect --- Rael --- Raelian Religion --- Claude Vorilhon --- Reiki --- Repressed Memories Sikh --- Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) --- memory-recovered --- memory-false --- traumatists --- gurukula --- Ananda (Perugia) --- Apostles and Prophets Church of Jesus --- Marc Dutroux --- Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS) --- God's Creation Outreach Ministry --- Allen Harrod --- Juan Pablo Delgado --- Mungiki (Kenya) --- Satanic Cults --- Yongsaenggyo --- spiritual abuse --- authoritarianism --- Zen --- American Zen Center --- Zen Buddhism --- David Berg --- Children of God (The Family) --- alcoholism --- pedophilia --- Joseph Kony --- f Lyndon LaRouche --- Mental Manipulation --- Monster of Florence --- Cho Hui-song --- Mental Illnesses --- drugs --- Religious Irrationality --- sexism --- patriarchalism --- alienation --- stalking --- Australia --- United Kingdom (UK) --- Charity Law --- John Henry Newman --- Miguel de Unamuno --- addictive relationships --- pathological attachment --- behavioural addiction --- cultic addiction --- social addiction --- Attention and Research on Socio-Addictions (AIS) --- Unification Church of Japan --- films --- television --- Heaven’s Gate --- UFO religions --- UFO cults --- bounded choice --- suicide cults --- Bonnie Lu Nettles (Ti) --- Marshall Herff Applewhite Jr. (Do) --- charismatic authority --- Transformation Theory --- totalist groups --- indoctrination --- Jim Jones --- Peoples Temple --- Social Identity Theory --- leadership --- Synanon --- Children of God (COG) --- Kundalini Yoga --- 3HO --- Yogi Bhajan --- Alusi Okija --- Beasts of Satan --- Brother Julius Schacknow --- rehabilitation centers --- Children of Thunder --- Église du Centre-ville (Montreal) --- Exclusive Brethren --- Faith Temple Church of the Apostolic Faith --- General Assembly and Church of the Firstborn --- Gentle Wind Project --- Gilbert Deya --- Great Deliverance Spiritual Baptist Church --- Greater Grace World Outreach --- Knutby Church --- Helge Fassmo --- Jesus Christians --- Kaufman Treatment Center --- Kaufman House --- Kingston Clan (The Order) --- Manganin Sibuea --- Ministerial Christian Academy --- Mountain Park Baptist Boarding Academy --- Palm Lane Academy --- Movement for Spiritual Integration into Absolute (MISA) --- peyote --- Native American Church --- NXIVM --- Palo Mayombe --- Poeticized Union for Developing Social Happiness --- Remnant Fellowship Church --- satanism --- Spiritual Healing --- Sri Chinmoy --- Sri Haribharranidhara Swamigal --- Taxation --- Unitarian Church --- Twelve Tribes --- World Message Last Warning Church --- parenthood --- divorce --- Emotional Manipulation --- Persuasion Techniques --- depression --- conditioning techniques --- Social Psychological Conditioning --- Depluralization --- Self-deindividuation --- Other-deindividuation --- Dehumanization --- Demonization --- anorexia --- dietary restrictions --- Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ --- Breatharianism --- Great White Brotherhood --- Food and Religion --- Anne Hamilton-Byrne --- exorcism --- Caritas of Birmingham --- Children of God (Family International) --- Destiny church --- Faith Based Initiative --- Helge Fossmo --- Knutby Church (Sweden) --- National Alliance --- Gene Scott --- Gilbert Deya Ministries --- Gospel Outreach Church --- O Centro Espirita Beneficiente Uniao do Vegetal --- People's Temple --- Servants of the Holy Family --- Social Therapy --- steiner schools --- Suicide Bombers --- vampirism --- education --- second-generation members --- Social-Psychological Conditioning --- self-deindividuation --- other-deindividuation --- dehumanization --- demonization --- biopsychosocial dysfunction --- Vandari --- Cult Awareness Groups --- anti-cult movement (ACM) --- counseling --- Living Love Fellowship --- Keroyan --- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints --- mormons --- Paul Schaefer --- Warren Jeffs --- Grigory Gravoboy --- European Federation of Research and Information Centers on Sectarianism (FECRIS) --- Manson Family --- Mujahedin Khalq (MEK) --- New Gnostic Church --- Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) --- Order of St. Charbel --- panawave --- Pana Wave --- Saviour Sect --- Seishin Chuo Kyokai (Central Church of Holy God) --- ritual abuse --- Ssali Kilimba Mwaka (Uganda) --- Marcus Wesson --- children --- Psychological Manipulation --- conditioning --- cult mind control --- Child Protective Service (CPS) --- child protection --- Personal Experience of Childhood Abuse and Neglect (PECAN) survey --- physical abuse --- mental illnesses --- alcohol --- mass suicides --- Honohana Sanpogyo (法の華三法行) --- Sky Kingdom (Malaysia) --- Bethel World Outreach Center --- Vaikuntha --- Vijayadev Yogendra --- Universal Church of God's Kingdom --- salafism --- suicide bombers --- osho --- Love Holy Trinity Blessed Mission --- Living Spirit Foundation --- Centre d'information et d'avis sur les organisations sectaires nuisibles (CIAOSN) --- Belgian Cult Commission --- Belgium --- Grigory Grabovoi --- All Stars Project --- Apostolic United Brethren --- Academy at Ivy Ridge (WWASP) --- ego development --- psychological development --- pseudo-personality --- pseudo-identity --- childhood trauma --- Flirty Fishing (FFing) --- hate --- hate groups --- Nazi Low Riders (NLR) --- skinheads --- skinhead groups --- San Fernando Valley Peckerwoods (SVP) --- Hate Model --- law enforcement --- Peer Pride (California) --- charismatic leadership --- Kenneth Lay --- Jeffrey Skilling --- cultic phenomenon --- Enron --- love bombing --- recruitment --- CEOs --- Apostolic Faith Church Body of Jesus Christ of the Newborn Assembly --- Aryan Brotherhood --- Bay County Boot Camp --- Benny Hinn --- Boston Church of Christ --- LaRouche Youth Movement --- Central Church of the Holy God (Japan) --- The Brethren (Garbage Eaters) --- Chapel Hill Harvester Church --- Dahn Hak --- Independence Party --- Falun Dafa --- International Communion of Charismatic Churches --- International Association of Charismatic Churches (ICCC) --- John Daniel Kingston --- Kingdom of Eden --- Legion of Christ --- mormon church --- Movement of Spiritual Integration into the Absolute --- Pentecostalism --- Gregorian Bivolaru --- raelianism --- Santa Muerte (Saint Death) --- Satanism --- Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) --- Tom Cruise --- Singh Khalsa --- voodoo --- White Revolution --- cultism --- London bombings (2005) --- cultism and terrorism --- cults and terrorism --- Al Qaeda --- terrorist groups --- security organizations --- Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) --- Cult Information and Family Support, Inc. (CIFS) --- research methodology --- Jack Roche --- International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA) --- Cult-watch groups --- Group Psychological Abuse Scale --- Iraqi Rulers (Baath party) --- Heaven‘s Gate --- terror --- terminology --- state terrorism --- anarchical terrorism --- guerilla --- Euzkadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA) --- Irish Republican Army (IRA) --- fanaticism --- modern terrorism --- Naradnaja Wolja (Russia) --- Young Bosnians --- Narodna Odbrana (Defense of the People) --- Crna Ruka (Black Hand) --- Sinn Fein --- Northern Ireland --- Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) --- religious terrorism --- Hisbollah (Party of God) --- Hamas (Devotion) --- fundamentalism --- morality --- justice --- ethics --- International Law --- Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) --- chemical weapons --- biological weapons --- nuclear weapons --- jihad --- jihadism --- cultic studies --- psychodynamic model --- thought reform model --- deliberative model --- resocialization process --- suicide bombings --- psychotherapy --- communication --- prevention --- educational programs --- prediction --- preparation --- recovery --- Boot Camps --- Jim Bakker --- Gentle Wind Project Gospel Outreach Christian Fellowship --- Gospel Outreach Christian Fellowship --- Kaotians --- Kenja group --- Landmark --- Legionaries of Christ --- Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) --- neurotheology --- Potter’s House --- Satmar Hasidim --- Seas of David --- Moorish Science Temple of America --- Smiths Friends (Norway) --- Westboro Baptist Church --- Wicca --- wiccan --- Witch School --- Yoga College of India --- neurobiology --- neglect --- psychobiology --- affect regulation --- self-regulation --- stress response --- adrenaline --- Hypothalmic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis (HPA) --- cortisol --- amygdala --- brain --- hippocampus --- implicit memory --- explicit memory --- prefrontal cortex (PFC) --- information processing --- post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) --- Brain Impairments --- dissociation --- norepinephrine (NE) --- attachment --- trauma --- autonomic nervous system (ANS) --- memories --- proselytizing --- evangelism --- Group Psychological Abuse Scale (GPA) --- antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) --- dependent personality disorder (DPD) --- ideologies --- behavioral disorders --- behavioural disorders --- anxiety --- Agape Christian Fellowship --- Arcadian Fields Ministries --- Ironwood Kindred --- Ayurveda --- Baptist Foundation of Arizona --- Bikram Choudhury Yoga (Yoga College of India) --- black magic --- Christ of the Hills Monastery (Texas) --- Church of Cognizance (Arizona) --- Church of the Lamb of God --- Communities in Harmony (Utah) --- mormon group --- Creation Science Evangelism Ministry (Florida) --- Cresciendo en Gracia (Miami) --- Dalai Lama --- Dominion Christian Center (DCC) --- Educo --- Enlightenment Society (Texas) --- fraud --- Global Empire Covenant Divine Government --- Greenville Hills Academy --- Growing in Grace (Miami) --- New Life Church (Colorado) --- Ted Haggard --- Higher Balance Institute --- House of Yahweh (Kenya) --- Jeffrey Lundgren --- Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints --- Community of Christ --- Jews for Jesus --- JMS --- Setsuri (Korea) --- Kingsway International Christian Centre (KICC) --- Life Church Worldwide --- Lyndon LaRouche --- LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM) --- Nation of Islam --- Executive Success Program (ESP) --- past life regression --- Phoenix First Assembly Church --- David Bawden (Pope Michael) --- psychics --- pyramid scheme --- Renaissance Asset Fund --- Sathya Sai Baba --- Salvation Healing Ministry Church (Nairobi) --- Scientology (Belgium) --- Setsuri (JMS) --- Jung Myung Suk --- Solar Temple --- Swami Ram Dev --- Teak Street neo-Nazis --- Trinity Foundation --- Word of Life (Christian Evangelical group) --- Yahweh Ben Yahweh --- psychological abuse --- cult involvement --- psychology --- non-cultic groups --- cult-recruitment --- research --- Joseph Smith --- Centrepoint Community (New Zealand) --- Joseph Smith Jr. --- prophets --- Len Oakes --- Lawrence Foster --- destructive cults --- critical rhetoric --- ideographs --- emotions --- fear --- pride --- Amway --- IPIC Investments --- The Local Church --- Association of American Publishers (AAP) --- UFO religion --- Soldiers of Heaven --- Criminon --- John Travolta --- World Outreach Church (Detroit) --- John Harrell --- Second Chance Program (SCP) --- James D. Chancellor --- The Family International (TFI) --- prostitution --- religious prostitution --- Law of Love --- Merry Berg --- Perry Bulwer --- Latter Day Saint movement --- psychological disorders --- manic-depression --- hallucinations --- delusions --- Hikari no Wa (光の輪) --- The Circle of Rainbow Light (Hikari no Wa) --- Creciendo en Gracia (Florida) --- John David Kingston --- First Baptist Church Palm Beach --- Heaven’s Army (Iraq) --- Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) --- Yahweh Ben Yahweh (Miami) --- Council of ex-Muslims --- Jose Luis De Jesus Miranda --- Li Hongzhi (李洪志) --- People‘s Republic of China (PRC) --- Chinese Communist Party (CCP) --- qigong --- Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (CSI) --- Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP) --- Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) --- pseudoscience --- International Religious Freedom Report (IRF) --- persecutions --- qigong (氣功) --- Australian law --- The Greens (Australia) --- North Star Expeditions --- Community of Jesus --- Community of All Nations (Arkansas) --- Army of Mary (Arkansas) --- Good Shepherd Monastery of Charity and Refuge --- Crenshaw Christian Center --- Earth Liberation Front --- Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Chirst of Latter Day Saints (FLDS) --- Mel Gibson‘s Holy Family Catholic Church --- neo-nazism --- Soldiers of Heaven (Iraq) --- Rudolph Steiner --- steiner system --- Swami Maharaj --- Swaminayaran sect --- Grenville Christian College --- Kigenkai (Japan) --- Ramtha School of Enlightenment --- Indonesia --- Anonymous --- Tony Alamo Christian Ministries --- True Russian Orthodox Church --- Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (Brazil) --- Salafism --- Wahhabism --- Youth With a Mission (YWAM) --- Robidoux --- Graeme John Slattery --- Lee Boyd Malvo --- Chinese government --- China --- child abduction --- Acholi Spiritualism (Uganda) --- child soldiers --- psychological manipulation --- cannibalism --- Columbia Training School --- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi --- cult personality --- doubling --- concentration camps --- Auschwitz --- false self --- adaptation --- disorders --- dissociative disorders --- integration --- Lucian of Samosata --- Alexander of Abonuteichos --- Glycon cult --- narcissistic disorder --- malignant narcissism --- human rights --- Liaison Committee on Human Rights and Mass Media Conduct (JIMPOREN) --- anti-Aum --- One Mind Ministries --- 1 Mind Ministries --- Ahmadiyya Muslim Community --- The Bible Speaks --- Church of the Universe --- Church of Downtown Montreal --- Krishna Avanti School --- Jung Myung-seok --- Joel’s Army --- Kingdom Center --- Regnum Christi --- William Kamm --- The Lord Our Righteousness Church --- Peneil Pentecostal Church --- Pleasant Glade Assembly of God --- Recovered memory therapy --- gangs --- Tablighi Jamaat (Propagators of the Faith) --- The Way International --- manipulative techniques --- psychologically manipulative groups --- Psychological Manipulation Technique Prevention Program --- mental health --- thought control --- group-think --- high-intensity faith groups --- stress --- post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) --- Buddhist psychology --- taxonomy --- traumatic stress disorders --- mindfulness --- disorders of extreme stress not otherwise specified (DESNOS) --- Person-Centered Therapy (PCT) --- Pre-Therapy Contact Work (PTCW) --- forewarning --- cultic groups --- persuasive strategies --- attitudes --- alternative medicines --- Unani --- traditional medicines --- Barsana Dham Hindu temple (Texas) --- Jagadgru Kripalu Parishat (JKP) --- Daniel Cormier --- Dominion Christian Center of Canada --- Stefan Molyneux --- Freedomain Radio (FDR) --- Kazakhstan --- Grail Movement --- The House of Prayer (Ireland) --- House of Yahweh (Texas) --- Jonestown --- Kenneth Copeland Ministry --- Local Churches of Watchman Nee --- The Lord of Righteousness Church (New Mexico) --- madrasas (Muslim religious schools) --- Mandaeans (Iraq) --- John Rogers’ Movement for Spiritual Inner Awareness (MSIA) --- Order of Christ Sophia --- Center of Light --- Prosperity Preachers --- Society of St. Pius X --- David Chenery-Wickens --- Summum sect --- New York Theosophical Society --- Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky --- Total Biology --- Todd Bentley --- Fresh Fire Ministries --- Stanley Milgram --- Family Federation for World Peace and Unification --- cult disaffiliation --- Method of exit --- surveys --- Global Severity Index (GSI) --- psychological distress --- Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) --- Post-Cult Trauma Syndrome (PCTS) --- Validity of Cognitions Scale (VOC) --- Subjective Units of Distress Scale (SUDS) --- Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) --- Impact of Event Scale (IES) --- treatments --- terrorist organizations --- Mojahedin e Khalq e Iran (MEK) --- phobia --- isolation --- Abbotsford Church of God in Christ --- alien abduction --- Amway (India) --- Emile Leshtanski --- Boko Harem --- Christian Assemblies International (CAI) --- Dahn Yoga --- clergy abuse --- The Family (Australia) --- Interministerial Mission for Monitoring and Combating Cultic Deviancy (MIVILUDES) --- Ultra Orthodox Jews (Haredi) --- Islamic fundamentalism --- Jacques Robideaux --- Mission de l’Espirt-Saint (Québec) --- Lord Our Righteousness Church --- Marian apparitions --- Medjugore (Herzegovina) --- Mujahedin Khalk (MK) --- Muslim brotherhoods --- North Dominion Christian Centre --- Outreach Judaism --- Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) --- paganism --- Chick Corea --- Sant Rama Nand --- Sogyal Rinpoche ( Rigpa) --- Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary --- taliban --- Satia Piningit Weteng Buwono --- witchcraft --- harmful cults --- healthy cults --- Red Mosque (Lal Masjid) --- Islam --- Pakistan --- Abdul Aziz --- Abdul Rashid Ghazi --- mass suicide --- Assemblies of Yahweh (Pennsylvania) --- Global Community Communications Alliance (GCCA) --- Global Revolution Church --- Hutterite communities --- Messianic Israelites --- Messianic Christians --- Israel in Solidarity --- People Knowhow --- The Process Church of the Final Judgment --- Radiant Life Church --- James Ray --- Oliver Shanti --- Cults and Creativity --- creativity --- neuroscience --- cognitive psychology --- Cult Recovery Model --- rehumanization --- regression --- Folie à deux --- psychosis --- hypnosis --- malignant regression --- suppression --- second-generation adults (SGA) --- Control-Mastery --- survivor guilt --- separation guilt --- Pseudo-Creativity --- The Love of God Community (England) --- pre-cult --- Gestalt Psychotherapy (Gestalt) --- Carl Jung --- strong creative self (SCS) --- symbolic interactionist (SI) theory --- Communication Theories --- conceptual models

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