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the existence of God --- the Holy Spirit --- the body of Christ
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Die Frage nach dem Sinn gilt als Grundfrage der Religion. In säkularer Konkurrenz zu ihr steht die Philosophie mit ihrer radikalen Kritik an Verdinglichungen theologischer Redeformen und an vermeintlichen Sinngebungen durch ,heilige', vermeintlich unantastbare, Werte eines Gottes. Dabei geht es in der Rede von einem Sinn keineswegs immer schon um innerweltliche Zwecke oder gar um jenseitige Ziele, sondern um ein vernünftiges Verständnis dessen, wovon die Rede ist, um eine rechte Haltung zu ihm oder wie im konkreten Fall des Sinns des menschlichen Lebens um eine im Ganzen gute Lebensgestaltung. Dazu ist der rechte Sinn von nicht unmittelbar verständlichen Rede- und Praxisformen angemessen auszulegen, ohne einfach die problematischen Formen aus der Welt zu schaffen oder allzu defensiv auszudeuten. So ist die Vermeidung der Rede von Seele und Geist zugunsten eines am Ende bloß einzelleiblichen Verhältnisses zu sich und zur Welt wie bei Spinoza und in allen Naturalismen ebenso verfehlt wie die Verharmlosung von Religion zu einer Mystik der Gelassenheit oder einer bloßen Kontingenzbewältigung in Totenfeiern und anderen Akten des Trostes. Das Religiöse betrifft auch nicht bloß eine existenzielle Haltung zum Wunder des Seins wie bei Wittgenstein.
Meaning (Philosophy) --- Religious aspects --- Christianity. --- Meaning. --- Philosophy of Religion. --- Proof of the Existence of God. --- Secularity. --- Speech Analysis.
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Humanism. --- Humanisme --- Humanism --- Philosophy --- Classical education --- Classical philology --- Philosophical anthropology --- Renaissance --- humanism --- history --- the existence of God --- morality --- secularism --- moral education --- religious education --- humanist ceremonies
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Blick ins BuchPlatons Ideen, Hobbes Leviathan, Kants kategorischer Imperativ... Dies ist nur ein Ausschnitt von Ideen, deren Entwickler sich einen dauerhaften Platz in der Geschichte der Philosophie gesichert haben. Der Philosophiekanon jedoch wäre höchst unvollständig ohne Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz: Genie der Barockzeit. Leibniz (1646-1716) entpuppte sich im Laufe seines Lebens als bahnbrechender Mathematiker, der auch sein philosophisches System "more geometrico", d.h. logisch-axiomatisch aufgebaut hat. Er erfand nicht nur die erste "4-Spezies-Rechenmaschine" - ein früher Vorläufer des Taschenrechners. Durch Weiterentwicklung des binären Zahlensystems kann man ihn, in Zusammenhang mit der Erfindung des Computers, als frühen Wegbereiter der Digitalisierung ansehen. Nicht zuletzt begründete er parallel zu Newton die Infinitesimalrechnung und auch sein religiöses Weltbild gewann er aus dem Geist der Mathematik: Seine Auffassung der Schöpfung der Welt beruht auf der Annahme, Gott könne durch bloße "Berechnung" ermitteln, welche der vielen möglichen Welten die beste sei. Leibniz "mathematische Metaphysik" verstehen - mit "Philosophie für Einsteiger" kein Problem!
Philosophie --- Mathematik --- Metaphysik --- Gottesbeweise --- Mögliche Welten --- Calculus Ratiocinator --- Philosophy --- Mathematics --- Metaphysics --- Proof of the Existence of God --- Possible worlds --- Calculus ratiocinator --- Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, Freiherr von,
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Krishna Consciousness --- religions --- contemporey Western thought --- the Chaitanya Vaishnava tradition --- religious experience --- the existence of God --- the problem of evil --- religious language --- miracles --- the afterlife --- religion and science --- religious pluralism --- religious ethics
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According to the idea of intelligent design, nature's complexity is the result of deliberate planning by a supernatural creative force. To date, most scientific arguments against this form of creationism have been made by evolutionary biologists. In this volume, a team of earth scientists reveals that the flaws of intelligent design are not limited to the biological sciences. Indeed, the geological sciences offer some of the best refutations of intelligent design arguments. For the Rock Record is dedicated to the proposition that the idea of intelligent design should be of serious concern to everyone. Editors Jill S. Schneiderman and Warren D. Allmon have gathered leading figures from the geological community with a wide range of viewpoints that go to the heart of the debate over what is and is not science. The purveyors of intelligent design theories and its kindred philosophies threaten the scientific literacy that our society needs by confusing faith and the practice of science. This collection offers a much-needed response.
Evolutionary paleobiology. --- Historical geology. --- Intelligent design (Teleology) --- Creation. --- Earth --- Origin. --- argument from design. --- biological science. --- biology. --- christianity. --- creationism. --- deliberate planning. --- earth sciences. --- evidence based scientific theory. --- existence of god. --- geological sciences. --- geology. --- human artifacts. --- intelligent design movement. --- intelligent design. --- irreducible complexity. --- nature. --- origins of life. --- power of god. --- religion. --- scientific arguments. --- scientific debate. --- specified complexity. --- supernatural creative force. --- theology. --- Earth (Planet)
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Atheism --- myth --- theism --- religion --- God --- denial --- rebellion --- religious authority --- the supernatural --- worship --- Satan --- materialism --- meaning and purpose --- art --- death --- ethics --- morality --- moral relativism --- charity --- communism --- Adolf Hitler --- non-Christian religions --- teaching religion --- religion in public --- religious fundamentalism --- militance --- faith and reason --- the existence of God --- religion and science --- naturalism --- scientism --- evolutionary theory --- atheistic religion --- Albert Einstein --- belief in God --- miracles --- postsecularism --- history of Atheism
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God --- Analogy (Religion) --- Analogie (Religion) --- Proof from grades of perfection --- Thomas, --- Thomas, Aquinas --- Contributions in proof of existence of God from grades of perfection --- 2 THOMAS AQUINAS:231 --- 231.11 --- -Philosophy, Medieval --- #GROL:SEMI-111.92 --- Medieval philosophy --- Scholasticism --- Metaphysics --- Misotheism --- Monotheism --- Religion --- Theism --- Knowledge, Theory of (Religion) --- Godsdienst. Theologie-:-God. De Deo uno et trino:--dogmatisch--THOMAS AQUINAS --- Godsbewijzen --- Thomas Aquinas, Saint --- -Contributions in proof of existence of God from grades of perfection --- 231.11 Godsbewijzen --- 2 THOMAS AQUINAS:231 Godsdienst. Theologie-:-God. De Deo uno et trino:--dogmatisch--THOMAS AQUINAS --- Philosophy, Medieval --- Argument from grades of perfection for God's existence --- Degrees of goodness argument for God's existence --- Degrees of perfection argument for God's existence --- Fourth Way (Proof for God's existence) --- Grades of existence argument for God's existence --- Grades of perfection proof for God's existence --- Henological proof of God --- Proof from grades of perfection for God's existence --- Perfection --- Proof, Henological --- Akʻvineli, Tʻoma, --- Akvinietis, Tomas, --- Akvinskiĭ, Foma, --- Aquinas, --- Aquinas, Thomas, --- Foma, --- Thomas Aquinas, --- Tʻoma, --- Toma, --- Tomas, --- Tomasu, --- Tomasu, Akwinasu, --- Tomasz, --- Tommaso, --- Tʻovma, --- Тома, Аквінський, --- תומאס, --- תומס, --- اكويني ، توما --- Ākvīnās, Tūmās, --- اكويني، توما, --- آکويناس، توماس, --- God - Proof from grades of perfection --- Thomas, Aquinas - Saint - - Contributions in proof of existence of God from grades of perfection --- Thomas, Aquinas - Saint --- -Analogy (Religion) --- -God --- Proof from grades of perfection. --- Thomas, Aquinas - Saint -
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This study offers an interpretation of the argument of the Proslogion as an epitome of Anselm's world of thought. The main part of the book is concerned with the unum argumentum , which constitutes the whole text of the Proslogion . Interpreted as a search for the origin and limit of thought, the argument cannot be understood as an "ontological proof" for the existence of God. Next, the author shows the ways in which Anselm has been misperceived and "mystified" by subsequent interpreters, and argues that the Proslogion must be understood as an element of Anselm's practice of wisdom.
Natural theology --- Anselm of Canterbury --- God --- Dieu --- Proof, Ontological --- History of doctrines --- Existence --- Preuve ontologique --- Histoire des doctrines --- Anselm, --- Anselm --- Contributions in metaphysics --- 211.1 --- 2 ANSELMUS CANTUARIENSIS --- -Metaphysics --- Misotheism --- Monotheism --- Religion --- Theism --- Godsbewijzen: ontologisch argument; deontologisch argument;--via de wetenschap; via de kunst --- Godsdienst. Theologie--ANSELMUS CANTUARIENSIS --- -History of doctrines --- -Anselm Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury --- -Contributions in metaphysics --- -Godsbewijzen: ontologisch argument; deontologisch argument;--via de wetenschap; via de kunst --- 2 ANSELMUS CANTUARIENSIS Godsdienst. Theologie--ANSELMUS CANTUARIENSIS --- -2 ANSELMUS CANTUARIENSIS Godsdienst. Theologie--ANSELMUS CANTUARIENSIS --- Metaphysics --- Anselmus, --- Anzelm, --- Anselmo, --- Anselme, --- Ansèlm, --- Anshelmus, --- Contributions in ontological proof of the existence of God --- Proof [Ontological ] --- Middle Ages, 600-1500 --- Middle Ages, 500-1500 --- Anselmus Cantuariensis --- Anselme d'Aoste --- Anselme de Cantorbéry --- Anselmus van Canterbury --- Anselmus --- God - Proof, Ontological - History of doctrines - Middle Ages, 600-1500 --- Anselm - Contributions in metaphysics
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Walter M. Fitch, a pioneer in the study of molecular evolution, has written this cogent overview of why creationism fails with respect to all the fundamentals of scientific inquiry. He explains the basics of logic and rhetoric at the heart of scientific thinking, shows what a logical syllogism is, and tells how one can detect that an argument is logically fallacious, and therefore invalid, or even duplicitous. Fitch takes his readers through the arguments used by creationists to question the science of evolution. He clearly delineates the fallacies in logic that characterize creationist thinking, and explores the basic statistics that creationists tend to ignore, including elementary genetics, the age of the Earth, and fossil dating. His book gives readers the tools they need for detecting and disassembling the ideas most frequently repeated by creationists.
Creationism. --- Religion and science. --- Logic. --- Evolution (Biology) --- Faith and reason. --- Faith and logic --- Logic and faith --- Reason --- Reason and faith --- Reason and religion --- Religion and reason --- Animal evolution --- Animals --- Biological evolution --- Darwinism --- Evolutionary biology --- Evolutionary science --- Origin of species --- Biology --- Evolution --- Biological fitness --- Homoplasy --- Natural selection --- Phylogeny --- Argumentation --- Deduction (Logic) --- Deductive logic --- Dialectic (Logic) --- Logic, Deductive --- Intellect --- Philosophy --- Psychology --- Science --- Reasoning --- Thought and thinking --- Christianity and science --- Geology --- Geology and religion --- Science and religion --- Creation science --- Scientific creationism --- Modernist-fundamentalist controversy --- Bible and evolution --- Creation --- Intelligent design (Teleology) --- Religious aspects --- Methodology --- Christianity --- beginning of earth. --- beginning of mankind. --- big bang theory. --- biology and anthropology. --- charles darwin. --- creation of earth. --- creationist thinking. --- ecology. --- evolution and creationism. --- evolution and genetics. --- evolutionary science. --- evolutionary theory. --- existence of god. --- fossil dating. --- genes and evolution. --- god and science. --- human biology. --- human genetics. --- mendelian genetics. --- natural selection. --- religion and evolution. --- science and christianity. --- science and logic. --- science and religion. --- science of evolution.
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