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Obesitas of zwaarlijvigheid is een thema dat de publieke opinie beroert. Jan Herman gaat in dit boek op zoek naar feiten en oorzaken en wijst op het epidemische karakter. Op een heldere en zakelijke wijze schetst de auteur vervolgens de persoonlijke en maatschappelijke gevolgen van obesitas. Het is nog niet te laat: oplossingen zijn mogelijk. Herman toetst het huidige beleid aan de realiteit en geeft duidelijke suggesties en keuzes voor de toekomst. Zijn visie is gekaderd in een bredere problematiek rond overdadige medische consumptie en besparingen in de gezondheidszorg.(Bron: covertekst)
Zwaarlijvigheid --- Obesitas --- geneeskunde --- 616.39 --- 61 --- Dietetic diseases. Diseases due to lack or excess of inorganic substances in diet. Vitamin deficiencies. Avitaminoses. Vitamin excesses. Hypervitaminoses --- 616.39 Dietetic diseases. Diseases due to lack or excess of inorganic substances in diet. Vitamin deficiencies. Avitaminoses. Vitamin excesses. Hypervitaminoses --- Obesity --- Epidemiology --- PXL-Healthcare 2016 --- voedingsgewoonten --- zwaarlijvigheid --- preventieve maatregelen
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Honorable Mention for the 2008 Robert Park Outstanding Book Award given by the ASA’s Community and Urban Sociology Section Mardi Gras, jazz, voodoo, gumbo, Bourbon Street, the French Quarter—all evoke that place that is unlike any other: New Orleans. In Authentic New Orleans, Kevin Fox Gotham explains how New Orleans became a tourist town, a spectacular locale known as much for its excesses as for its quirky Southern charm. Gotham begins in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina amid the whirlwind of speculation about the rebuilding of the city and the dread of outsiders wiping New Orleans clean of the grit that made it great. He continues with the origins of Carnival and the Mardi Gras celebration in the nineteenth century, showing how, through careful planning and promotion, the city constructed itself as a major tourist attraction. By examining various image-building campaigns and promotional strategies to disseminate a palatable image of New Orleans on a national scale Gotham ultimately establishes New Orleans as one of the originators of the mass tourism industry—which linked leisure to travel, promoted international expositions, and developed the concept of pleasure travel. Gotham shows how New Orleans was able to become one of the most popular tourist attractions in the United States, especially through the transformation of Mardi Gras into a national, even international, event. All the while Gotham is concerned with showing the difference between tourism from above and tourism from below—that is, how New Orleans’ distinctiveness is both maximized, some might say exploited, to serve the global economy of tourism as well as how local groups and individuals use tourism to preserve and anchor longstanding communal traditions.
Exhibitions --- Carnival --- Culture and tourism --- Tourism --- City promotion --- History. --- New Orleans (La.) --- Social life and customs. --- Gotham. --- Kevin. --- Orleans. --- Southern. --- became. --- charm. --- excesses. --- explains. --- known. --- locale. --- much. --- quirky. --- spectacular. --- tourist. --- town.
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Obesitas is een aandoening waarmee onherroepelijk steeds meer mensen in de wereld moeten leren leven. Want eenmaal zo dik dat de vetafzettingen tot gezondheidsproblemen leiden, is het gewicht nauwelijks nog terug te brengen. Lijnen, zo is de ervaring, leidt dan meestal tot het gevreesde jojo-effect: men begint met de beste bedoelingen, maar houdt het dieet niet vol, omdat het lichaam zich op allerlei manieren tegen afvallen verzet. Natuurlijk is voorkomen is het beste - dat kan door van jongs af aan gezond te eten en veel te bewegen. Maar die boodschap blijkt lastig te verkopen. De overheid staat hier ook voor een dilemma. Als ze te streng ingrijpt in de 'obesogene omgeving', kan dat gemakkelijk ontsporen in dwang, en in verlies van privacy. Het beste lijkt nog een combinatie aan stimulerende, preventieve maatregelen, gericht op zowel gezondere eetgewoontes als meer beweging. 1. Vruchtbare Venus2. Naar tweeënhalf miljard dikkerds wereldwijd3. Obesitas en chronische ziekten4. Vermageringspillen5. Verkeerd afvallen6. Obesitas en chirurgie7. Preventie8. Bewegen9. Invloed van de overheid10. Invloed van darmbacteriën11. Overgewicht bij allochtone Nederlanders12. Obesitas en armoede13. Obesitas, Epidemie?
605.16 --- 628 --- chirurgie --- dieetvoeding --- farmacologie --- geschiedenis --- obesitas --- pedagogiek --- preventie --- voedingshygiëne --- voedingsleer --- voedingsvoorlichting --- Physiology of nutrition. Metabolism --- preventieve gezondheidszorg --- bariatrische chirurgie --- dieet --- 616.39 --- 628.8 --- beweging --- chronische ziekten --- eetstoornissen --- overgewicht --- zwaarlijvigheid --- Dieet --- Lichaamsgewicht --- Obesitas --- 616.39 Dietetic diseases. Diseases due to lack or excess of inorganic substances in diet. Vitamin deficiencies. Avitaminoses. Vitamin excesses. Hypervitaminoses --- Dietetic diseases. Diseases due to lack or excess of inorganic substances in diet. Vitamin deficiencies. Avitaminoses. Vitamin excesses. Hypervitaminoses --- Stofwisselingsziekten - Endocrinologie --- Dieetleer
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Meer dan de helft van de Westerse mensen lijdt aan overgewicht. Nochtans was voedingsvoorlichting nog nooit zo goed georganiseerd als nu. Nog nooit werd er zoveel gejogd en gefitnesst. Blijkbaar is de moderne mens niet in staat om zijn lichaamsgewicht onder controle te houden. In dit boek wordt gezocht naar de oorzaak van dit fenomeen. Van onze verre voorouders, die geselecteerd werden in een energiearme omgeving, kregen we een automatisch energiebalansregulerend systeem overgeerfd. Bij hen leverde dat spontaan een normaal gewicht op. Dit systeem is blijkbaar niet voldoende aangepast aan onze moderne, energierijke maatschappij. Het wordt daarenboven verstoord door het beloningssysteem dat ons aanzet om te eten omwille van ons plezier in plaats van omwille van honger. De auteur bespreekt hoe dit energiebalansregulerend systeem en het beloningssysteem werken en stelt daarbij realistische remedies voor. Dit boek richt zich in eerste instantie naar de beoefenaars van beroepen die met de voedingsproblematiek te maken hebben: dietisten, huisartsen en specialisten inwendige geneeskunde, endocrinologen, maagchirurgen, biomedici, landbouwingenieurs, biologen en anderen, maar daarnaast ook naar de geïnteresseerde leek die zelf wil weten waarom zijn harde strijd tegen overgewicht zo moeilijk is en die door deze kennis die strijd met meer succes wil voeren.
Endocrinologie --- Endocrinology --- Obesitas --- 616.39 --- Academic collection --- #KVHB:Gezondheidspsychologie --- #KVHB:Obesitas --- obesitas --- 605.16 --- overgewicht --- voedingsgewoonten --- 628.4 --- 628.6 --- Bewegingsopvoeding; algemeen --- dieet (diëtetiek) --- obesitas (vermageringsdieet) --- voedingshygiëne (voedingsgewoonten) --- 616.39 Dietetic diseases. Diseases due to lack or excess of inorganic substances in diet. Vitamin deficiencies. Avitaminoses. Vitamin excesses. Hypervitaminoses --- Dietetic diseases. Diseases due to lack or excess of inorganic substances in diet. Vitamin deficiencies. Avitaminoses. Vitamin excesses. Hypervitaminoses --- stofwisselingsziekten, endocrinologie, diabetes, vetzucht --- Stofwisselingsziekten - Endocrinologie --- Voedingsleer; algemeen --- Physiology of nutrition. Metabolism --- dieet --- voedingsleer --- stofwisseling --- voedingspsychologie --- Obesity --- Treatment --- Prevention and control --- PHL-Healthcare 12 --- ouderengezondheidszorg --- ouderenzorg --- PXL-Healthcare 2015 --- zwaarlijvigheid
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Steeds meer kinderen hebben te kampen met gewichtsproblemen. In Nederland en België komt kinderobesitas grofweg voor bij 15% van de kinderen, één op zeven dus. De prognoses zijn daarenboven niet goed, zeker niet wanneer ook een of beide ouders last hebben van zwaarlijvigheid. De kansen op spontaan herstel worden geringer naarmate de leeftijd stijgt. Hoe vroeger de problemen beginnen, hoe langer ze aanhouden, des te groter ook de gezondheidsrisico's. Bovendien rapporteren vele obese kinderen en adolescenten ook psychosociale problemen. Door verschillende instanties wordt ervoor gepleit om het obesitasprobleem duidelijk in kaart te brengen. Er is vraag naar eenduidige informatie. De laatste decennia is er ook meer expertise over obese kinderen voorhanden, waardoor het momenteel mogelijk is om vanuit verschillende disciplines het probleem te benaderen. Het is dan ook de opzet geweest van dit boek om obesitas vanuit deze verschillende invalshoeken te bespreken.Er zijn nog steeds mensen die zich de vraag stellen of ingrijpen gewenst is. Men hoopt dat het er wel 'uit zal groeien'. Vaak is dit uit vrees om meer kwaad dan goed te doen. Toch zijn er voldoende aanwijzingen dat interventies op kinderleeftijd het meest hoopgevende perspectief bieden in de strijd tegen het inperken van de immense obesitasproblemen in de Westerse wereld. Wel zijn er terecht veel twijfels omtrent 'verantwoorde' therapieën. Dit boek besteedt daarom uitvoerig aandacht aan de diverse mogelijkheden tot interventie en kan een goed hulpmiddel zijn voor allen die te maken hebben met (te) dikke kinderen.
Klinische psychologie --- Obesitas --- Specifieke problemen. --- Kinderen. --- 616.39 --- kindergeneeskunde --- obesitas --- overgewicht --- psychiatrische verpleegkunde --- Kindergeneeskunde --- 605.16 --- eetstoornissen --- jeugdigen --- kinderen --- voeding --- zwaarlijvigheid --- (kind) --- Beweging (motoriek, lichaamsbeweging) --- Dieet --- Eetstoornissen (dwangmatig eten) --- Fysieke activiteit (lichamelijke activiteit, inspanning, fysieke inspanning) --- Fysieke conditie (fitheid) --- Gedragstherapie --- Jeugd --- Residentiële hulpverlening --- 613.24 --- Behandelingen --- Bewegen --- Fitheid --- Oorzaken --- Voeding --- Kinderen : dieten --- Kinderobesitas : behandeling --- 616.39 Dietetic diseases. Diseases due to lack or excess of inorganic substances in diet. Vitamin deficiencies. Avitaminoses. Vitamin excesses. Hypervitaminoses --- Dietetic diseases. Diseases due to lack or excess of inorganic substances in diet. Vitamin deficiencies. Avitaminoses. Vitamin excesses. Hypervitaminoses --- Pédiatrie --- Obésité --- Stofwisselingsziekten - Endocrinologie --- Kinderen --- Provincie West-Vlaanderen --- 2KUL --- SMV:België --- SMV:Nederland --- SMV:geneeskunde --- SMV:categorie --- SMV:agogiek --- Kind --- Media --- Ontwikkelingsstoornis --- Fysiotherapie
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Eye --- Ocular Motility Disorders --- Brown's Tendon Sheath Syndrome --- Convergence Excess --- Cyclophoria --- Deficiency, Smooth Pursuit --- Eye Motility Disorders --- Parinaud's Syndrome --- Paroxysmal Ocular Dyskinesia --- Pseudoophthalmoplegia --- Spasm of Conjugate Gaze --- Syndrome, Brown's Tendon Sheath --- Tendon Sheath Syndrome of Brown --- Brown Tendon Sheath Syndrome --- Convergence Insufficiency --- Eye Movement Disorders --- Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia --- Ocular Torticollis --- Opsoclonus --- Parinaud Syndrome --- Skew Deviation --- Smooth Pursuit Deficiency --- Conjugate Gaze Spasm --- Conjugate Gaze Spasms --- Convergence Excesses --- Convergence Insufficiencies --- Cyclophorias --- Deficiencies, Smooth Pursuit --- Deviation, Skew --- Deviations, Skew --- Dyskinesia, Paroxysmal Ocular --- Dyskinesias, Paroxysmal Ocular --- Excess, Convergence --- Eye Motility Disorder --- Eye Movement Disorder --- Gaze Spasms, Conjugate --- Insufficiencies, Convergence --- Insufficiency, Convergence --- Internuclear Ophthalmoplegias --- Ocular Dyskinesia, Paroxysmal --- Ocular Dyskinesias, Paroxysmal --- Ocular Motility Disorder --- Ophthalmoplegia, Internuclear --- Ophthalmoplegias, Internuclear --- Parinauds Syndrome --- Paroxysmal Ocular Dyskinesias --- Pseudoophthalmoplegias --- Pursuit Deficiencies, Smooth --- Pursuit Deficiency, Smooth --- Skew Deviations --- Smooth Pursuit Deficiencies --- Syndrome, Parinaud --- Syndrome, Parinaud's --- Eyes --- Examination
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"Eye Movement Disorders, by Dr. Agnes Wong, fills a great void in the Ophthalmology and Neurology literature by presenting eye movement disorders in a full-color, highly illustrative format. This text explains eye movement disorders in a concise yet comprehensive manner, which makes it an excellent reference book and an outstanding learning text for anyone trying to master the intricate relationship between eye movement disorders, and their underlying neuroanatomy and pathophysiology. Its easy-to-read and user-friendly approach will appeal to specialists in Ophthalmology, Neurology, and Neurosurgery who need a rapid reference on less familiar clinical problems. Key features include: Provides a coherent, concise, and easy to assimilate description and explanation of different eye movement disorders Presents over 100 full-color clinical photographs, radiographs, and color illustrations highlighting pertinent anatomy and brain pathways Highlights key information and important features through boxes, tables, and algorithms."--Provided by publisher.
Eye --- Eye movement disorders --- Ocular motility disorders --- Oculomotor disorders --- Movement disorders --- Neuroophthalmology --- Binocular vision disorders --- Movement disorders. --- Diseases --- Ocular Motility Disorders. --- Ocular Motility Disorders --- Brown's Tendon Sheath Syndrome --- Convergence Excess --- Cyclophoria --- Deficiency, Smooth Pursuit --- Eye Motility Disorders --- Parinaud's Syndrome --- Paroxysmal Ocular Dyskinesia --- Pseudoophthalmoplegia --- Spasm of Conjugate Gaze --- Syndrome, Brown's Tendon Sheath --- Tendon Sheath Syndrome of Brown --- Brown Tendon Sheath Syndrome --- Convergence Insufficiency --- Eye Movement Disorders --- Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia --- Ocular Torticollis --- Opsoclonus --- Parinaud Syndrome --- Skew Deviation --- Smooth Pursuit Deficiency --- Conjugate Gaze Spasm --- Conjugate Gaze Spasms --- Convergence Excesses --- Convergence Insufficiencies --- Cyclophorias --- Deficiencies, Smooth Pursuit --- Deviation, Skew --- Deviations, Skew --- Dyskinesia, Paroxysmal Ocular --- Dyskinesias, Paroxysmal Ocular --- Excess, Convergence --- Eye Motility Disorder --- Eye Movement Disorder --- Gaze Spasms, Conjugate --- Insufficiencies, Convergence --- Insufficiency, Convergence --- Internuclear Ophthalmoplegias --- Ocular Dyskinesia, Paroxysmal --- Ocular Dyskinesias, Paroxysmal --- Ocular Motility Disorder --- Ophthalmoplegia, Internuclear --- Ophthalmoplegias, Internuclear --- Parinauds Syndrome --- Paroxysmal Ocular Dyskinesias --- Pseudoophthalmoplegias --- Pursuit Deficiencies, Smooth --- Pursuit Deficiency, Smooth --- Skew Deviations --- Smooth Pursuit Deficiencies --- Syndrome, Parinaud --- Syndrome, Parinaud's
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In Germany, Weimar Classicism (roughly the period from Goethe's return to Germany from Italy in 1788 to the death of his friend and collaborator Schiller in 1805) is widely regarded as an apogee of literary art. But outside of Germany, Goethe is considered a Romantic, and the notion of Weimar Classicism as a distinct period is viewed with skepticism. This volume of new essays regards the question of literary period as a red herring: Weimar Classicism is best understood as a project that involved the ambitious attempt not only to imagine but also to achieve a new quality of wholeness in human life and culture at a time when fragmentation, division, and alienation appeared to be the norm. By not succumbing to the myth of Weimar and its literary giants, but being willing to explore the phenomenon as a complex cultural system with a unique signature, this book provides an account of its shaping beliefs, preoccupations, motifs, and values. Contributions from leading German, British, and North American scholars open up multiple interdisciplinary perspectives on the period. Essays on the novel, poetry, drama, and theater are joined by accounts of politics, philosophy, visual culture, women writers, and science. The reader is introduced to the full panoply of cultural life in Weimar, its accomplishments as well as its excesses and follies. Emancipatory and doctrinaire by turns, the project of Weimar Classicism is best approached as a complex whole. Contributors: Dieter Borchmeyer, Charles Grair, Gail Hart, Thomas Saine, Jane Brown, Cyrus Hamlin, Roger Stephenson, Elisabeth Krimmer, Helmut Pfotenhauer, Benjamin Bennett, Astrida Orle Tantillo, W. Daniel Wilson. Simon J. Richter is associate professor of German at the University of Pennsylvania.
German literature --- History --- 830 <09> --- 830 <09> Duitse literatuur--Geschiedenis van ... --- Duitse literatuur--Geschiedenis van ... --- History and criticism --- Duitse literatuur--Geschiedenis van .. --- Enlightenment --- Influence --- Classicism --- Pseudo-classicism --- Aesthetics --- Literature --- Civilization, Classical --- Civilization, Germanic --- Germanic literature --- Germanic peoples --- Literature, Medieval --- Germanic tribes --- Ethnology --- Indo-Europeans --- Teutonic race --- Germanic civilization --- Teutonic civilization --- Civilization --- Young Germany --- Sturm und Drang movement --- Storm and stress --- History and criticism. --- Influence. --- anno 1300-1399 --- anno 1400-1499 --- anno 1500-1599 --- anno 1600-1699 --- Duitse literatuur--Geschiedenis van . --- Duitse literatuur--Geschiedenis van --- German literature - Middle High German, 1050-1500 - History and criticism. --- German literature - Early modern, 1500-1700 - History and criticism. --- Sturm und Drang movement. --- British literature. --- German literature. --- Goethe. --- North American literature. --- Romantic. --- Weimar Classicism. --- accomplishments. --- alienation. --- complex cultural system. --- cultural life. --- culture. --- division. --- drama. --- excesses. --- follies. --- fragmentation. --- human life. --- literary period. --- motifs. --- novel. --- philosophy. --- poetry. --- politics. --- preoccupations. --- science. --- shaping beliefs. --- theater. --- values. --- visual culture. --- women writers. --- Charms. --- Chronicles. --- Early Middle Ages. --- German Literature. --- Heroic Material. --- Hildebrandlied. --- Latin Influence. --- Literary Language. --- Ludwigslied. --- Manuscript Culture. --- Old High German Literature. --- Otfrid's Gospel-Poem. --- Prayers. --- Translations. --- Clayton Koelb. --- Drama. --- Eric Downing. --- Impressionism. --- Lyric Poetry. --- Music-Drama. --- Naturalism. --- Nineteenth-Century German Literature. --- Poetic Realism. --- Prose Fiction. --- Romanticism. --- Social and Political Context. --- Symbolism.
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Binocular vision --- Eye --- Movements --- Binocular vision. --- Vision, Binocular --- Ocular Motility Disorders --- Ophthalmology --- Movements. --- Ophthalmologic Surgical Procedures --- Brown's Tendon Sheath Syndrome --- Convergence Excess --- Cyclophoria --- Deficiency, Smooth Pursuit --- Eye Motility Disorders --- Parinaud's Syndrome --- Paroxysmal Ocular Dyskinesia --- Pseudoophthalmoplegia --- Spasm of Conjugate Gaze --- Syndrome, Brown's Tendon Sheath --- Tendon Sheath Syndrome of Brown --- Brown Tendon Sheath Syndrome --- Convergence Insufficiency --- Eye Movement Disorders --- Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia --- Ocular Torticollis --- Opsoclonus --- Parinaud Syndrome --- Skew Deviation --- Smooth Pursuit Deficiency --- Conjugate Gaze Spasm --- Conjugate Gaze Spasms --- Convergence Excesses --- Convergence Insufficiencies --- Cyclophorias --- Deficiencies, Smooth Pursuit --- Deviation, Skew --- Deviations, Skew --- Dyskinesia, Paroxysmal Ocular --- Dyskinesias, Paroxysmal Ocular --- Excess, Convergence --- Eye Motility Disorder --- Eye Movement Disorder --- Gaze Spasms, Conjugate --- Insufficiencies, Convergence --- Insufficiency, Convergence --- Internuclear Ophthalmoplegias --- Ocular Dyskinesia, Paroxysmal --- Ocular Dyskinesias, Paroxysmal --- Ocular Motility Disorder --- Ophthalmoplegia, Internuclear --- Ophthalmoplegias, Internuclear --- Parinauds Syndrome --- Paroxysmal Ocular Dyskinesias --- Pseudoophthalmoplegias --- Pursuit Deficiencies, Smooth --- Pursuit Deficiency, Smooth --- Skew Deviations --- Smooth Pursuit Deficiencies --- Syndrome, Parinaud --- Syndrome, Parinaud's --- Eyeball --- Eyes --- Visual system --- Face --- Photoreceptors --- Vision --- Panum's fusional area --- Binocular Vision --- Ocular motility --- Oculomotor system --- Biomechanics --- Rapid eye movement sleep --- Vision, Binocular. --- Ocular Motility Disorders. --- Ophthalmology. --- Visió binocular --- Trastorns de la visió --- Exercici terapèutic --- Visió binocular. --- Exercici terapèutic.
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Central Nervous System Diseases --- Eye Diseases --- Cranial Nerve Diseases --- Sensation Disorders --- Visual Perception --- Neurologic Manifestations --- Nervous System Diseases --- Diseases --- Perception --- Mental Processes --- Signs and Symptoms --- Psychological Phenomena and Processes --- Pathological Conditions, Signs and Symptoms --- Psychiatry and Psychology --- Ocular Motility Disorders --- Vision Disorders --- Vision, Binocular --- Medicine --- Health & Biological Sciences --- Ophthalmology & Optometry --- Binocular Vision --- Day Blindness --- Metamorphopsia --- Vision Disability --- Visual Disorders --- Visual Impairment --- Hemeralopia --- Macropsia --- Micropsia --- Blindness, Day --- Disabilities, Vision --- Disability, Vision --- Disorder, Visual --- Disorders, Visual --- Hemeralopias --- Impairment, Visual --- Impairments, Visual --- Macropsias --- Metamorphopsias --- Micropsias --- Vision Disabilities --- Vision Disorder --- Visual Disorder --- Visual Impairments --- Brown's Tendon Sheath Syndrome --- Convergence Excess --- Cyclophoria --- Deficiency, Smooth Pursuit --- Eye Motility Disorders --- Parinaud's Syndrome --- Paroxysmal Ocular Dyskinesia --- Pseudoophthalmoplegia --- Spasm of Conjugate Gaze --- Syndrome, Brown's Tendon Sheath --- Tendon Sheath Syndrome of Brown --- Brown Tendon Sheath Syndrome --- Convergence Insufficiency --- Eye Movement Disorders --- Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia --- Ocular Torticollis --- Opsoclonus --- Parinaud Syndrome --- Skew Deviation --- Smooth Pursuit Deficiency --- Conjugate Gaze Spasm --- Conjugate Gaze Spasms --- Convergence Excesses --- Convergence Insufficiencies --- Cyclophorias --- Deficiencies, Smooth Pursuit --- Deviation, Skew --- Deviations, Skew --- Dyskinesia, Paroxysmal Ocular --- Dyskinesias, Paroxysmal Ocular --- Excess, Convergence --- Eye Motility Disorder --- Eye Movement Disorder --- Gaze Spasms, Conjugate --- Insufficiencies, Convergence --- Insufficiency, Convergence --- Internuclear Ophthalmoplegias --- Ocular Dyskinesia, Paroxysmal --- Ocular Dyskinesias, Paroxysmal --- Ocular Motility Disorder --- Ophthalmoplegia, Internuclear --- Ophthalmoplegias, Internuclear --- Parinauds Syndrome --- Paroxysmal Ocular Dyskinesias --- Pseudoophthalmoplegias --- Pursuit Deficiencies, Smooth --- Pursuit Deficiency, Smooth --- Skew Deviations --- Smooth Pursuit Deficiencies --- Syndrome, Parinaud --- Syndrome, Parinaud's --- Symptoms and General Pathology --- Symptoms and Signs --- Human Information Processing --- Information Processing, Human --- Perceptions --- Sensation --- Nervous System Disorders --- Neurological Disorders --- Neurologic Disorders --- Disease, Nervous System --- Diseases, Nervous System --- Disorder, Nervous System --- Disorder, Neurologic --- Disorder, Neurological --- Disorders, Nervous System --- Disorders, Neurologic --- Disorders, Neurological --- Nervous System Disease --- Nervous System Disorder --- Neurologic Disorder --- Neurological Disorder --- Neurology --- Focal Neurologic Deficits --- Manifestations, Neurologic --- Manifestations, Neurological --- Neurologic Dysfunction --- Neurologic Findings --- Neurologic Manifestation --- Neurologic Signs --- Neurologic Symptoms --- Neurological Manifestations --- Neurologic Deficits --- Neurologic Signs and Symptoms --- Deficit, Focal Neurologic --- Deficit, Neurologic --- Deficits, Focal Neurologic --- Deficits, Neurologic --- Dysfunction, Neurologic --- Dysfunctions, Neurologic --- Finding, Neurologic --- Findings, Neurologic --- Focal Neurologic Deficit --- Manifestation, Neurologic --- Manifestation, Neurological --- Neurologic Deficit --- Neurologic Deficit, Focal --- Neurologic Deficits, Focal --- Neurologic Dysfunctions --- Neurologic Finding --- Neurologic Sign --- Neurologic Symptom --- Neurological Manifestation --- Sign, Neurologic --- Signs, Neurologic --- Symptom, Neurologic --- Symptoms, Neurologic --- Nervous System --- Perception, Visual --- Perceptions, Visual --- Visual Perceptions --- Vision, Ocular --- Sensory Disorders --- Special Senses Disorders --- Sensation Disorder --- Senses Disorder, Special --- Senses Disorders, Special --- Sensory Disorder --- Special Senses Disorder --- Cranial Nerve Disorders --- Cranial Nerve Palsies --- Nervus Cranialis Disorders --- Cranial Neuropathies --- Cranial Neuropathies, Multiple --- Neuropathies, Cranial --- Cranial Nerve Disease --- Cranial Nerve Disorder --- Cranial Nerve Palsy --- Cranial Neuropathy --- Cranial Neuropathy, Multiple --- Multiple Cranial Neuropathies --- Multiple Cranial Neuropathy --- Nervus Cranialis Disorder --- Neuropathies, Multiple Cranial --- Neuropathy, Cranial --- Neuropathy, Multiple Cranial --- Palsies, Cranial Nerve --- Palsy, Cranial Nerve --- Meningitis, Cryptococcal --- Neuroaspergillosis --- Eye Disorders --- Eye Disease --- Eye Disorder --- Ophthalmology --- CNS Diseases --- Central Nervous System Disorders --- CNS Disease --- Sensory Processing --- Processing, Sensory --- Visual Processing --- Processing, Visual --- Central Nervous System Disease --- Central Nervous System Disorder
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