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Welk potentieel abnormaal rendement schuilt in een investeringsstrategie die uitgebouwd wordt op basis van een publieke aandelenscore voor aandelen van de BEL 20?
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2012 Publisher: Gent : s.n.,

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Uit verschillende literaire bronnen blijkt dat aanbevelingen van analisten toch niet volledig waardeloos zijn. In deze thesis onderzoeken wij aan de hand van IBES data voor Belgische aandelen die deel uitmaken van de BEL 20 index of we inderdaad abnormale rendementen kunnen genereren. Na een grondige studie van de literatuur testen we aan de hand van event studies en een portfoliobenadering welke rendementen we kunnen realiseren. Aan de hand van de event study concluderen we dat dit niet mogelijk is. Op basis van de portfoliomethode stellen we echter dat door middel van een buy- en holdstrategie gebaseerd op een publieke consensusscore het mogelijk moet zijn om significante abnormale rendementen te behalen.

Corporate Name Change:Strategic move or financial nightmare?
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2012 Publisher: Gent : s.n.,

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This paper is a master study about the valuation effects on security prices in the case of a corporate name change.

Corporate name change: Strategic Move or financial nightmare
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2012

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This paper is a master study about the valuation effects on security prices in the case of a corporate name change.Authors: Ruben De Saegher and Anouk Himpe

The impact of IMF related news events on the Turkish stock market
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2013 Publisher: Gent : s.n.,

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De paper is een studie naar de impact van IMF gerelateerde nieuws gebeurtenissen op de Turkse aandelen markt. De paper bevat twee luiken. In het eerste leuk wordt de Turkse economische geschiedenis nader beken. In het tweede luik ligt de focus op de gebruikte methode, data en een bespreking van de resultaten. Door gebruik van de vermelde methode splitsen we nieuws gebeurtenissen op in de 'announcement' en 'approval'. Via een event-study wordt statistisch onderzocht of deze gebeurtenissen een impact hebben op de aandelen markt van Turkije en zijn twee belangrijkste sectoren.

Prediction markets used in political event studies and their ability to anticipate stock market reactions : the case of the United States presidential election of 2016
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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This research thesis aims at examining the ability of prediction markets in event studies to account for the stock market behaviour and to accurately forecast its reaction to a political event. The 2016 US presidential election seems to be an interesting setting to conduct that sort of political event study, given the surprise caused by the unexpected election of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States.&#13;The equity markets whose expected and actual reactions are analysed are the US, the European and the Developed Countries ex USA stock markets, respectively proxied by the S&P 500, the MSCI Europe and the MSCI World ex USA indexes.&#13;Two methods are applied to conduct this political event study. On the one hand, the first method consists of using a multifactor model to obtain the equity market return not influenced by economic variables. A regression is then conducted to assess whether that part of the market return can be explained by prediction market prices implying a Trump win during the period encompassing pre-election events and the Election Day itself. On the other hand, the alternative method compares the reaction of equity markets to sudden changes in prediction market’s election probabilities following far-reaching election-related events in an attempt to estimate the stock market reaction to the future announcement of the election outcome.&#13;The results from the first method reveal that election probabilities implied by the prediction market had a significant influence on the equity market behaviour, provided that only election-related events which sharply shifted the election odds were considered. The second method indicates that globally market participants were slightly more favourable to a Clinton administration during the last weeks leading to the election, even though her expected positive effect on equities was narrowing as the Election Day approached. While the global prediction market anticipation of a slightly lower equity market value if Trump came to win is consistent with the reaction of the Developed Countries ex USA stock market to the election results, it is not coherent with the response of both the US and the European stock markets. Nonetheless, anticipations about stock market responses to the election outcome were heading in the right direction as far-reaching events occured. Therefore, even though prediction market expectations about market reactions were not really accurate, their evolution was a good indicator of the trend followed by equity markets after the election results’ announcement.

How do markets react to the outcome of a referendum ? An event study for Catalonia
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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The Spanish economy has been challenged in October 2017 with the occurrence of a referendum in Catalonia in order to determine whether its people wanted it to become an independent state. This event was declared unconstitutional by the Central Government but it did not prevent the leaders of the separatist party to organise it. The majority of participants voted in favour although the participation rate did not reach half of the population. Following the announcement, many companies decided to change their head offices and move outside of Catalonia leading us to wonder about the consequences of this type of political event.&#13;This paper focuses on the Spanish market reaction to the outcome of the referendum using an event study methodology. We chose the market model with an estimation period of 200 trading days and the Euro Stoxx50 as the market proxy. The sample used for our research consisted of the 35 firms listed on the Madrid stock exchange that constitute the IBEX35. The investigation was performed on several event windows in order to verify the duration of the impact. A comparison between sectors and between head offices’ locations was also accomplished.&#13;The empirical results suggest that the most significant negative impact took place two days following the referendum (on October 4th 2017) for all the portfolios under consideration. The pre-event period is marked by negative ARs suggesting that investors anticipated bad news (i.e. a “yes” answer to the question). As mentioned, the two event-windows corresponding to the event period are the moments where we observe the significant negative effects. Nonetheless, the markets seem to recover rapidly and exhibit positive cumulative abnormal returns in the post-event period. &#13;We found evidence for major impacts for the real estate, banking and consumer goods sectors. On the other side, the sectors of consumer services and basic material, industry and construction seem to be less affected. Concerning the distribution according to head offices, we find that the CARs for firms in Catalonia are a bit more negative than the ones of firms located in the rest of Spain.

How and why are green bonds arousing more interest nowadays ?
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Today, despite the literature abounds with mixed results and no consensus has been indeed reached, it seems anyway that a larger proportion of researchers provides evidence in favor of a green bond premium. In other words, green bonds’ yields would be lower than that of conventional bonds with the same characteristics, which makes these green bonds priced higher from an investor perspective, or funded cheaper from an issuer perspective. In addition to that, the spread appears to vary depending on the sector, credit-ratings or issuer type. &#13;Issuers’ lower borrowing costs through the debt market may constitute a first potential answer to the research question ‘How and why are green bonds arousing more interest nowadays?’, however it is certainly not the only explanation to their surge. Indeed, some authors highlight the reporting, labeling and monitoring costs GBs issuers have to bear, saying that the premium they obtain is offset by these costs. Therefore, what is the point to issue green bonds? Is there any interest other than the premium that motivates issuers to go for GBs? This paper investigates the case of listed corporations and, more specifically, through a difference-in-differences methodology and using historical stock returns data, we first investigate the effect of first green bond issue on the systematic risk as well as on the abnormal returns. In a second time, we investigate the stock market reaction to first green bond issue announcement. &#13;We find that neither the systematic risk nor the abnormal returns are affected by first GB issue. Similarly, the stock market seems insensitive to first green bond issue announcement since both the average abnormal returns and cumulative average abnormal returns appear not statistically different from zero. Note, however, that tests were conducted on a sample comprised of 2 x 33 large capitalization (mainly) stocks, which is relatively small and not diversified in terms of size; the problems that come along therefore constitute the main drawback of the study.

How the GARCH structure of the GBP has changed after the EU referendum and did the releases of Brexit news impacted the volatility of the GBP?
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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This research aims to shed light on the impact of the Brexit on the volatility of the British currency. In order to do so, two questions are investigated. The first focuses on the change in the volatility structure, the GARCH structure of the GBP after the EU referendum. The second question analyzes how the Brexit announcements impacted the volatility of the GBP. Regarding the result of the first question, the innovation term of the GARCH models decreases significantly after the EU referendum. However, the volatility persistence term does not change significantly between the pre-referendum period and the post-referendum period. Moreover, the unconditional variance of the GBP decreased after the Brexit announcement. Then, the second question demonstrates that only the Brexit announcements that occurred between May 2018 and May 2019 impacted the volatility of the British pound.

Abnormal returns to acquirers and their determinants in the global personal luxury goods industry
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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The impact of M&A deals on the stock prices of acquiring firms has been extensively studied in the event study literature. By measuring the abnormal returns from acquisitions in different industries or regions, researchers have reported mixed results concerning the short- and long-term effects of those events. In similar studies, the determinants of the abnormal returns have been examined by looking at the influence of transaction-, bidder- and target- specific characteristics. The purpose of this thesis is thus to evaluate the performance of acquirers operating in the personal luxury goods industry as well as its drivers. &#13;First of all, the luxury market and its associated takeover activity are presented. The purpose is to underline the relevance of this research for this uncommon sector. The event study literature is then summarized together with its underlying assumptions. The short-and long- term abnormal returns from M&A announcements identified in the prior country- or industry- specific studies are thus reported. The impact of the prevailing drivers of the post- announcement performance on the abnormal returns is also outlined. &#13;Secondly, the data gathering process and the criteria applied to clean the sample are introduced. The methodologies to detect and assess the size of the abnormal returns from M&A deals over short-and long-term periods are then detailed. We report each approach with its associated statistical tests. The cross-sectional regressions used to determine the impact of specific variables on the abnormal returns are further presented. &#13;Then, the results of both short-and long-term methodologies are reported with the results of the regressions in the subsequent order. Firstly, the abnormal returns measured around the deal announcement date are introduced. They highlight the positive impact of the event over a 3-day time window. The long-term abnormal returns measured with the buy-and-hold benchmark procedure are then presented. However, only the calendar-time abnormal return approach is considered as reliable for our post-announcement findings. This approach does not report any abnormal return in the long-term which is consistent with the efficient market hypothesis. Finally, the significance of GDP per capita related variables in the target country identified in the regressions outlines their positive relationship with the abnormal returns.

Does an environmental misconduct have cross-sectoral spillover effects on the stock market : the case of the Volkswagen scandal
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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The Volkswagen emissions scandal of 2015 led to numerous financial consequences at&#13;different levels and for a substantial variety of stakeholders. This event therefore opened the&#13;way for a large research field. As most of the previous published papers investigating it focused&#13;on an intra-sectoral analysis, this thesis aims to assess the potential cross-sectoral spillover&#13;effects on the stock market caused by the event. In other words, the point of this research is to&#13;determine, based on the case of this scandal, whether an environmental misconduct in one&#13;industry engenders spillover effects on other external industries (which are potentially harmful&#13;for the environment). After briefly reminding the reader of the context of this event and&#13;covering the existing literature about the issue, a first hypothesis tries to answer this research&#13;question, using a GARCHX methodology with a dummy variable representing the event days&#13;of the scandal. In the models, each sector is introduced by a global index.&#13;Given the not significant results of this first analysis, a second hypothesis is investigated&#13;thanks to a VAR model and a Granger causality test. It questions the potential importance of&#13;the closeness of the business activities of the analyzed sectors when implementing such a crosssectoral spillovers research. Again, no significant impact was found on these new sectors&#13;supposed to be closer to the automotive industry.&#13;The main conclusions then suggest that an environmental corporate misconduct in one&#13;sector does not affect stock markets of external sectors, no matter the closeness they have with&#13;the event announcing sector. Nevertheless, it is important to remind that, to confirm that these&#13;findings may be applied to all events similar to the Volkswagen scandal, such a research should&#13;be carried out using a wider sample of events rather than focusing on one only.

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