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The Prussian elementary schools
Year: 1918 Publisher: New York : The Macmillan Company,

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Español : sexto grado
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9682962544 9789682962547 9682901413 9789682901416 Year: 1994 Publisher: México : Subsecretaría de Educación Básica, Secretaría de Educación Pública,

International Handbook of Student Experience in Elementary and Secondary School
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1280938099 9786610938094 1402033672 1402033664 9781402033674 Year: 2007 Publisher: Dordrecht springer

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The International Handbook of Student Experience in Elementary and Secondary School is the first handbook of its kind to be published. It brings together in a single volume the groundbreaking work of scholars who have conducted studies of student experiences of school in Afghanistan, Australia, Canada, England, Ghana, Ireland, Pakistan, and the United States. Drawing extensively on students’ interpretations of their experiences in school as expressed in their own words, chapter authors offer insights into how students conceptualize and approach school, how students understand and address the ongoing social opportunities for and challenges in working with other students and teachers, and the multiple ways in which students shape and contribute to school improvement. The individual chapters are framed by an opening chapter, which provides background on, bases of, and trends in research on students’ experiences of school, and a final chapter, which uses the interpretive framework translation provided to explore how researching students’ experiences of school challenges those involved to translate the qualitative research methods they use, the terms they evoke to describe and define students’ experiences of schools, and, in fact, themselves as researchers.


Classroom environment. --- School environment. --- Environment, School --- Educational sociology --- Classroom climate --- Climate, Classroom --- Environment, Classroom --- Classroom management --- School environment --- Teacher-student relationships --- Curriculum planning. --- Early childhood education. --- Learning & Instruction. --- Teaching and Teacher Education. --- Curriculum Studies. --- Educational Policy and Politics. --- Early Childhood Education. --- Education --- Curriculum development --- Instructional systems --- Planning --- Curricula --- Design --- Learning. --- Instruction. --- Teaching. --- Curriculums (Courses of study). --- Education—Curricula. --- Educational policy. --- Education and state. --- Child development. --- Core curriculum --- Courses of study --- Curricula (Courses of study) --- Curriculums (Courses of study) --- Schools --- Study, Courses of --- Didactics --- Instruction --- Pedagogy --- School teaching --- Schoolteaching --- Pedagogical content knowledge --- Training --- Learning process --- Comprehension --- Child study --- Children --- Development, Child --- Developmental biology --- Education policy --- Educational policy --- State and education --- Social policy --- Endowment of research --- Development --- Government policy --- Investigación cualitativa --- Aprendizaje --- Política educativa --- Enseñanza primaria --- Enseñanza secundaria --- Estudiantes --- Educación secundaria --- Enseñanza media --- Escuelas secundarias --- Estudiantes de enseñanza secundaria --- Educación primaria --- Enseñanza elemental --- Educación y Estado --- Estado y educación --- Política de educación escolar --- Derecho a la educación --- Proceso de aprendizaje --- Comprensión --- Educación --- Autoaprendizaje --- Análisis cualitativo (Investigación) --- Métodos cualitativos (Investigación) --- Investigación científica

Meester, meester, meester! Verhalen van meesters en juffen van toen
ISBN: 9789401405072 Year: 2012 Publisher: Tielt Lannoo

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Julien Van Remoortere interviewde tientallen schoolmeesters en onderwijzeressen over de lagere school van toen. Het resultaat zijn honderden opmerkelijke en humoristische getuigenissen, die afgewisseld worden met een bloemlezing van anekdotes, weetjes en herinneringen.


History of education and educational sciences --- Primary education --- anno 1900-1999 --- Flanders --- onderwijs --- leerkracht --- Vlaanderen --- BPB1403 --- Enseignement --- Basisonderwijs ; Vlaanderen ; geschiedenis --- Basisonderwijs . Vlaanderen --- Geschiedenis : basisonderwijs --- 473.1 --- Histoire --- Enseignement primaire --- Communauté flamande --- Onderwijs --- Geschiedenis --- Basisonderwijs --- Vlaamse Gemeenschap --- Teachers --- Belgium --- History --- Elementary school teachers --- Tales --- flämische Gemeinschaft --- Komuniteti Flaman --- Komunità Fjamminga --- flaamikeelne kogukond --- flámska komunita --- Comunità fiamminga --- wspólnota flamandzka --- Flāmu kopiena --- Flemish Community --- flamanska zajednica --- comunidade flamenga --- flanderská oblast --- Comunitatea Flamandă --- flamandų bendruomenė --- фламандска общност --- flamländskt språkområde --- flamand közösség --- Comunidad flamenca de Bélgica --- Φλαμανδική Κοινότητα --- flaaminkielinen yhteisö --- фламанска заједница --- фламанска заедница --- Flamska skupnost --- det flamske sprogsamfund --- Belgium flamand közössége --- Flaami kogukond --- základní vzdělání --- sākumizglītība --- основно школско образовање --- enseñanza primaria --- ensino primário --- основно образование --- Primarstufe --- szkolnictwo podstawowe --- grundskoleundervisning --- първоначално образование --- arsim parësor --- prvostupňové vzdelávanie --- grundskoleutbildning --- pradinis ugdymas --- algharidus --- alapfokú oktatás --- πρωτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση --- osnovnoškolsko obrazovanje --- perusasteen koulutus --- basisonderwijs --- edukazzjoni primarja --- primary education --- osnovnošolsko izobraževanje --- învățământ primar --- istruzione primaria --- primarno obrazovanje --- istruzione elementare --- Grundschule --- základní školství --- grundskole --- arsim elementar --- první stupeň --- põhikool --- esimese taseme haridus --- примарно образование --- primary school --- låg- och mellanstadieutbildning --- învățământ elementar --- école primaire --- scuola elementare --- escola primária --- ensino básico --- kansakoulu --- általános iskola --- enseñanza elemental --- основно образование во образовниот систем --- ensi asteen koulutus --- δημοτικό σχολείο --- högstadium --- elementary education --- jednotřídka --- basisschool --- ciclo di istruzione primaria --- peruskoulun ala-aste --- στοιχειώδης εκπαίδευση --- sākumskola --- lågstadium --- pradinis lavinimas --- ciclo d'istruzione elementare --- EGB --- ниско образование --- základná škola --- základní škola --- druhý stupeň --- escuela primaria --- folkskola --- pradinė mokykla --- enseignement élémentaire --- shkollë parësore --- osnovna škola --- educación general básica --- mellanstadium --- Primarbereich --- dvoutřídka --- școală primară --- základné vzdelanie --- algkool --- lagere school --- begynderundervisning --- História --- ιστορία --- storja --- histori --- historie --- historia --- história --- история --- stair --- geschiedenis --- történettudomány --- povijest --- zgodovina --- history --- историја --- Geschichtswissenschaft --- storia --- istorija --- ajalugu --- vēsture --- istorie --- Geschichte --- historiografie --- storiografia --- dějiny národů --- historiador --- dějepis --- historická věda --- történelem --- εκπαίδευση --- Unterrichtswesen --- teaching --- mokymas --- poučevanje --- pedagogie --- vyučovanie --- undervisning --- mācīšana --- ensino --- utbildningsväsen --- enseñanza --- tanítás --- настава --- õpetamine --- opetus --- преподаване --- tagħlim --- insegnamento --- mësimdhënie --- školství --- nastava --- szkolnictwo --- предавање --- обучување --- výučba --- výuka --- obuka --- predare --- skoleuddannelse --- pagesë shkollimi --- поучување --- часови --- vyučování --- schoolopleiding --- podučavanje --- подучување --- skolväsen --- διδασκαλία --- poučavanje --- tuition --- Schulwesen --- #gsdbP --- An Pobal Pléimeannach --- bunoideachas --- teagasc --- leraar --- Boekgeschiedenis (kennisdomein) --- Socioculturele geschiedenis na 1830 (kennisdomein) --- Communauté flamande --- leraar. --- onderwijs. --- Vlaanderen.

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