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Yuanzineng kexue jishu/#/Yuanzineng kexue jishu [[Yuan Tzu Neng K'O Hsueh Chi Shu]]
Year: 1959 Publisher: Beijing Shi "Yuan zi neng ke xue ji shu" bian ji bu

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Yuanzineng kexue jishu/#/Yuanzineng kexue jishu [[Yuan Tzu Neng K'O Hsueh Chi Shu]]
Year: 1959 Publisher: Beijing Shi "Yuan zi neng ke xue ji shu" bian ji bu

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Statement to the 39th Session of the General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency, 18 September 1995 ; Statement to the 50th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, 1 November 1995
Authors: ---
Year: 1995 Publisher: [Vienna, Austria] : International Atomic Energy Agency,

Nucléaire On/Off : analyse économique d'un pari.
ISBN: 9782100705108 2100705105 Year: 2013 Publisher: Paris Dunod

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Au début des années 2000, poussé par la croissance de la demande mondiale en énergie et la nécessité de réduire les émissions de CO2, le nucléaire avait le vent en poupe. Il semble aujourd’hui sur une voie de garage. Les États-Unis, noyés sous les gaz de schiste, s’en détournent, l’Allemagne se désengage totalement, la France ralentit, le Japon a été incapable d’éviter un accident nucléaire majeur. Cette perception est-elle juste ? L’approche adoptée dans cet ouvrage est non partisane : ni nucléariste, ni écologiste. Le seul parti est d’étudier et de comprendre en détail l’économie de l’énergie nucléaire à l’échelle de la planète : les coûts, les risques, les mesures de sûreté, les décisions politiques et les règles de gouvernance internationale de l’atome. Cet examen met en cause de nombreuses fausses certitudes : croire qu’il existe un vrai coût du nucléaire, élevé ou bas ; que le risque d’un nouvel accident majeur dans le monde est certain ou, à l’opposé, impossible en Europe ; que la régulation de la sûreté est parfaite en France ou inféodée au lobby nucléaire, etc. Les nombreuses questions sur l’énergie nucléaire doivent être tranchées en incertitude, ce qui exige de la cerner avec précision. Si le livre montre comment les débats sur le nucléaire peuvent être éclairés par l’évaluation coût-bénéfice, par l’analyse probabiliste, par la théorie de l’électeur médian et la notion de bien collectif, il affirme aussi, on ne peut plus nettement, que le nucléaire reste un pari.


Nuclear energy --- Nuclear energy. --- Energie nucléaire --- Government policy --- Politique gouvernementale --- Énergie nucléaire --- BPB1402 --- Kernenergie --- Energie nucléaire --- kernenergie --- ydinenergia --- ядрена енергия --- kerneenergi --- energía nuclear --- kärnenergi --- nuklearna energija --- energji bërthamore --- energia nucleare --- branduolinė energija --- jadrová energia --- tuumaenergia --- energie nucleară --- kodolenerģētika --- enerġija nukleari --- nuclear energy --- nukleáris energia --- jaderná energie --- jedrska energija --- πυρηνική ενέργεια --- energia jądrowa --- energia nuclear --- нуклеарна енергија --- energia di origine nucleare --- svantaggi dell'energia nucleare --- energia atómica --- energía atómica --- atoomenergie --- fonte energetica nucleare --- atómová energia --- atomska energija --- atomová energie --- atomenerģētika --- nukleární energie --- Atomenergie --- атомска централа --- nuklear energi --- atomenergia --- atomenergi --- energia atomica --- atomic energy --- energie atomică --- atomivoima --- ατομική ενέργεια --- énergie atomique --- vantaggi dell'energia nucleare --- atominė energija --- предности на нуклеарната енергија --- недостатоци на нуклеарната енергија --- атомска енергија --- aatomienergia --- fuinneamh núicléach --- Énergie nucléaire

Management of uncertainty in safety cases and the role of risk : workshop proceedings, Stockholm, Sweden, 2-4 February 2004
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1280356359 9786610356355 9264008799 9264008780 Year: 2004 Volume: 5302 Publisher: Paris, France : Nuclear Energy Agency, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development,

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These workshop proceedings discuss different approaches to treating uncertainties in safety cases for radioactive waste management facilities, and more specifically how concepts of risk can be used in both post-closure safety cases and regulatory evaluations. This report includes a synthesis of the plenary presentations and the discussions that took place during the workshop. These proceedings will be of interest to waste repository safety assessors and managers.  


Radioactive waste disposal --- Uncertainty --- Risk assessment --- Nuclear waste disposal --- Nuclear engineering --- Radioactivity --- Refuse and refuse disposal --- Radioactive pollution --- Safety measures --- Nuclear Energy Agency --- Atomenergia-ügynökség --- Ydinenergiajärjestö --- Agenția pentru Energie Nucleară --- Agencija za jedrsko energijo --- Agjencia e Energjisë Bërthamore --- Agentúra pre jadrovú energiu --- Branduolinės energetikos agentūra --- Agenzia per l'energia nucleare --- Агенција за нуклеарна енергија --- Kernenergie-Agentur --- Agencja Energii Jądrowej --- Agência para a Energia Nuclear --- Kärnenergibyrån --- Агенција за нуклеарну енергију --- An Ghníomhaireacht Fuinnimh Adamhaigh --- Agentura pro nukleární energii --- Aġenzija ta’ l-Enerġija Nukleari --- Οργανισμός Πυρηνικής Ενεργείας --- Kerneenergiagenturet --- Agencia para la Energía Nuclear --- Agentschap voor kernenergie --- Kodolenerģijas aģentūra --- Agence pour l'énergie nucléaire --- Tuumaenergiaagentuur --- Агенция за атомна енергия --- Agencija za nuklearnu energiju --- Agenția Europeană pentru Energie Nucleară --- ЕААЕ --- AEB --- ΟΠΕ --- AEEN --- Европска агенција за нуклеарну енергију --- An Ghníomhaireacht Eorpach Fuinnimh Adamhaigh --- ААЕ --- Agjencia Europiane e Energjisë Bërthamore --- Agenzia europea per l'energia nucleare --- Euroopa Tuumaenergiaagentuur --- ЕНЕА --- AEN --- Evropska agencija za jedrsko energijo --- ЕАНЕ --- Europos branduolinės energetikos agentūra --- Euroopan ydinenergiatoimisto --- Agentura pro jadernou energii --- Europäische Kernenergie-Agentur --- GFA --- AEEB --- NEA (OECD) --- Οργανισμός για την Πυρηνική Ενέργεια --- Agência Europeia da Energia Nuclear --- Evropská agentura pro nukleární energii --- EANE --- Eiropas Kodolenerģētikas aģentūra --- Европейска агенция за атомна енергия --- Európai Atomenergia-ügynökség --- det europeiska atomenergiorganet --- EBEA --- Ευρωπαϊκός Οργανισμός για την Πυρηνική Ενέργεια --- NEA OECD --- Agence européenne pour l'énergie nucléaire --- BEA --- Europees Agentschap voor Kernenergie --- ENEA --- Det Europæiske Atomenergiagentur --- EKA --- Europejska Agencja Energii Jądrowej --- NEA --- Европска агенција за нуклеарна енергија --- European Nuclear Energy Agency --- Agencia Europea para la Energía Nuclear --- Európska agentúra pre jadrovú energiu --- Sweden --- An Ghníomhaireacht um Fhuinneamh Núicléach --- Nuclear energy --- Déchets radioactifs --- Energie nucléaire --- Safety measures. --- Sécurité --- Mesures

Bulletin of the atomic scientists : global security news & analysis.
Authors: --- ---
ISSN: 00963402 19383282 Year: 1945 Publisher: Chicago Bulletin of the atomic scientists.

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nuclear physics --- kernwapens --- Polemology --- Nuclear physics --- Government --- Science --- Nuclear energy --- Energie nucléaire --- periodicals --- Periodicals --- Government policy --- Politique gouvernementale --- Périodiques --- Nuclear Energy --- Politics --- Atoomfysica. --- Kernwapens. --- CIENCIA --- ENERGIA NUCLEAR --- SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. --- NUCLEAR POWER. --- PUBLICACIONES PERIODICAS. --- JEX13 --- 241 Hedendaagse wereldproblemen --- Arts and Humanities --- Engineering --- Physics --- Current Events & News --- Electrical Engineering --- Nuclear Physics --- Energie nucléaire --- Périodiques --- EBSCOASP-E EJPHYSI EPUB-ALPHA-B EPUB-PER-FT TAYFRA-E --- periodicals. --- Periodicals. --- Énergie nucléaire --- Politique --- Sciences --- Nuclear energy. --- Government policy. --- Énergie nucléaire --- Conservatism --- Decentralization --- Liberalism --- Political Factors --- Voting --- Political Activity --- Activities, Political --- Activity, Political --- Factor, Political --- Factors, Political --- Political Activities --- Political Factor --- Dissent and Disputes --- Atomic Energy --- Energy, Atomic --- Energy, Nuclear --- Nuclear Reactors --- Governments --- Atomic energy --- Atomic power --- Nuclear power --- Power, Atomic --- Power, Nuclear --- Force and energy --- Power resources --- Nuclear engineering --- Nuclear facilities --- Nuclear power plants --- Atomic energy policy --- Government. --- Nuclear Energy. --- Politics. --- Science.

The History and Science of the Manhattan Project
ISBN: 3662581752 3662581744 Year: 2019 Publisher: Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer,

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The development of atomic bombs under the auspices of the U.S. Army’s Manhattan Project during World War II is considered to be the outstanding news story of the twentieth century. In this book, a physicist and expert on the history of the Project presents a comprehensive overview of this momentous achievement. The first three chapters cover the history of nuclear physics from the discovery of radioactivity to the discovery of fission, and would be ideal for instructors of a sophomore-level “Modern Physics” course. Student-level exercises at the ends of the chapters are accompanied by answers. Chapter 7 covers the physics of first-generation fission weapons at a similar level, again accompanied by exercises and answers. For the interested layman and for non-science students and instructors, the book includes extensive qualitative material on the history, organization, implementation, and results of the Manhattan Project and the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing missions. The reader also learns about the legacy of the Project as reflected in the current world stockpiles of nuclear weapons. This second edition contains important revisions and additions, including a new chapter on the German atomic bomb program and new sections on British and Canadian contributions to the Manhattan project and on feed materials. Several other sections have been expanded; reader feedback has been helpful in introducing minor corrections and improved explanations; and, last but not least, the second edition includes a detailed index. .

Lignocellulosic Ethanol Production from a Biorefinery Perspective : Sustainable Valorization of Waste
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9811545731 9811545723 Year: 2020 Publisher: Singapore : Springer Singapore : Imprint: Springer,

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This book provides an overview of the multi-dimensional approach for the production of ethanol from lignocellulosic biomass. The sustainability of this biofuel, the current and future status of the technology and its role in waste valorization are also addressed. Bioethanol from lignocellulosic material has emerged as an alternative to the traditional first-generation bioethanol. The book also discusses various pretreatment methods for effective separation of the various components of lignocellulosic feedstock as well as their advantages, and limitations. It describes the valorization of lignocellulosic waste through the production of bioethanol and emphasizes the significance of waste utilization in managing the production cost of the fuel. Finally, the utilization of genetically engineered plants and microorganisms to increase the conversion efficiency is reviewed.


Biomedical engineering. --- Renewable energy resources. --- Biochemical engineering. --- Genetic engineering. --- Biomedical Engineering/Biotechnology. --- Renewable and Green Energy. --- Biochemical Engineering. --- Genetic Engineering. --- Designed genetic change --- Engineering, Genetic --- Gene splicing --- Genetic intervention --- Genetic surgery --- Genetic recombination --- Biotechnology --- Transgenic organisms --- Bio-process engineering --- Bioprocess engineering --- Biochemistry --- Chemical engineering --- Clinical engineering --- Medical engineering --- Bioengineering --- Biophysics --- Engineering --- Medicine --- Cellulosic ethanol. --- Chemical reactors. --- Reactors, Chemical --- Chemical reactions --- Chemistry, Technical --- Biomass energy --- Ethanol --- Biomassa --- Energies renovables --- Fonts d'energia --- Recursos energètics --- Recursos naturals --- Centrals elèctriques --- Combustibles --- Consum d'energia --- Energia elèctrica --- Energia nuclear --- Estalvi d'energia --- Política energètica --- Energia mecànica --- Energies alternatives --- Fonts alternatives d'energia --- Fonts d'energia alternatives --- Fonts d'energia renovables --- Recursos energètics alternatius --- Recursos energètics renovables --- Recursos naturals renovables --- Energia de la biomassa --- Energia eòlica --- Energia geotèrmica --- Energia hidràulica --- Energia maremotriu --- Energia solar --- Ecotecnologia --- Massa (Física) --- Biocarbó --- Biomassa forestal --- Biologia

L'énergie nucléaire et les opinions publiques européennes
ISBN: 9782865922369 Year: 2008 Volume: 2 Publisher: Paris : IFRI,

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Nuclear energy --- Public opinion --- Energie nucléaire --- Opinion publique --- EEC / European Union - EU -Europese Unie - Union Européenne - UE --- 334.151.9 --- 334.151.7 --- 351.2 --- 338.753.0 --- BPB0907 --- Énergie nucléaire --- Europe --- EG : varia (leefmilieu, onderwijs, enz.). --- EG : industrieel- en energiebeleid. --- Openbare gezondheid. Milieubescherming. Milieuvervuiling. --- Energie: algemeenheden. --- Kernenergie --- Publieke opinie --- Europa --- Energie nucléaire --- Eiropa --- Ευρώπη --- Ewropa --- Euroopa --- Eurooppa --- Европа --- Európa --- hEorpa --- Evropa --- țări europene --- Europese landen --- země Evropy --- Euroopa riigid --- evropské státy --- países europeus --- evropské země --- европски земји --- European countries --- europæiske lande --- ευρωπαϊκές χώρες --- país europeo --- Euroopan maat --- paesi europei --- nazioni europee --- európske krajiny --- país de Europa --- európai országok --- Europos šalys --- pays européens --- státy Evropy --- Europese staten --- vende europiane --- europäische Länder --- europeiska länder --- opinjoni pubblika --- κοινή γνώμη --- avalik arvamus --- allmän opinion --- közvélemény --- јавно мњење --- sabiedriskā doma --- öffentliche Meinung --- yleinen mielipide --- јавно мислење --- offentlig mening --- opinione pubblica --- public opinion --- veřejné mínění --- javno mnenje --- verejná mienka --- opinión pública --- opinie publică --- opinia publiczna --- opinion publik --- viešoji nuomonė --- opinião pública --- обществено мнение --- publieke opinie --- javno mnijenje --- pubblico --- offentligheden --- kernenergie --- ydinenergia --- ядрена енергия --- kerneenergi --- energía nuclear --- kärnenergi --- nuklearna energija --- energji bërthamore --- energia nucleare --- branduolinė energija --- jadrová energia --- tuumaenergia --- energie nucleară --- kodolenerģētika --- enerġija nukleari --- nuclear energy --- nukleáris energia --- jaderná energie --- jedrska energija --- πυρηνική ενέργεια --- energia jądrowa --- energia nuclear --- нуклеарна енергија --- energia di origine nucleare --- svantaggi dell'energia nucleare --- energia atómica --- energía atómica --- atoomenergie --- fonte energetica nucleare --- atómová energia --- atomska energija --- atomová energie --- atomenerģētika --- nukleární energie --- Atomenergie --- атомска централа --- nuklear energi --- atomenergia --- atomenergi --- energia atomica --- atomic energy --- energie atomică --- atomivoima --- ατομική ενέργεια --- énergie atomique --- vantaggi dell'energia nucleare --- atominė energija --- предности на нуклеарната енергија --- недостатоци на нуклеарната енергија --- атомска енергија --- aatomienergia --- EG : varia (leefmilieu, onderwijs, enz.) --- EG : industrieel- en energiebeleid --- Openbare gezondheid. Milieubescherming. Milieuvervuiling --- Energie: algemeenheden --- An Eoraip --- tuairimí an phobail --- fuinneamh núicléach --- Énergie nucléaire

Memoires. Van kernfysicus tot Vlaams communist
ISBN: 9789401405119 Year: 2012 Publisher: Tielt Lannoo

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Turf, Jef --- eurocommunisme --- egodocumenten --- België --- Nuclear physicists --- Communists --- Turf, Jef, --- BPB1304 --- Biographie --- Communisme --- Guerre froide --- Relation internationale --- Énergie nucléaire --- #SBIB:323H100 --- #SBIB:323H318 --- #SBIB:949.3H3 --- Biografie --- Koude oorlog --- Internationale betrekking --- Kernenergie --- Belgische politiek: algemene documentatie en bronnen --- Belgische politieke partijen: kleine of tijdelijke partijen --- Politieke geschiedenis van België --- kernenergie --- ydinenergia --- ядрена енергия --- kerneenergi --- energía nuclear --- kärnenergi --- nuklearna energija --- energji bërthamore --- energia nucleare --- branduolinė energija --- jadrová energia --- tuumaenergia --- energie nucleară --- kodolenerģētika --- enerġija nukleari --- nuclear energy --- nukleáris energia --- jaderná energie --- jedrska energija --- πυρηνική ενέργεια --- energia jądrowa --- energia nuclear --- нуклеарна енергија --- energia di origine nucleare --- svantaggi dell'energia nucleare --- energia atómica --- energía atómica --- atoomenergie --- fonte energetica nucleare --- atómová energia --- atomska energija --- atomová energie --- atomenerģētika --- nukleární energie --- Atomenergie --- атомска централа --- nuklear energi --- atomenergia --- atomenergi --- energia atomica --- atomic energy --- energie atomică --- atomivoima --- ατομική ενέργεια --- énergie atomique --- vantaggi dell'energia nucleare --- atominė energija --- предности на нуклеарната енергија --- недостатоци на нуклеарната енергија --- атомска енергија --- aatomienergia --- mednarodni odnosi --- rahvusvahelised suhted --- tarptautiniai santykiai --- internationella förbindelser --- mezinárodní vztahy --- nemzetközi kapcsolatok --- меѓународни односи --- marrëdhënie ndërkombëtare --- kansainväliset suhteet --- international relations --- relazioni internazionali --- међународни односи --- relazzjonijiet internazzjonali --- международни отношения --- relación internacional --- starptautiskās attiecības --- internationale relationer --- internationale betrekking --- internationale Beziehungen --- διεθνείς σχέσεις --- stosunki międzynarodowe --- medzinárodné vzťahy --- relações internacionais --- relații internaționale --- međunarodni odnosi --- internacionální styky --- államközi kapcsolatok --- internationale forbindelser --- starptautiski sakari --- mezinárodní styky --- zwischenstaatliche Beziehungen --- internationale anliggender --- aukstais karš --- guerra fria --- hladna vojna --- ψυχρός πόλεμος --- külm sõda --- koude oorlog --- cold war --- kallt krig --- zimna wojna --- kold krig --- guerra fredda --- kalter Krieg --- gwerra bierda --- студена војна --- hladni rat --- război rece --- studená válka --- хладни рат --- luftë e ftohtë --- студена война --- kylmä sota --- studená vojna --- guerra fría --- šaltasis karas --- hidegháború --- železná opona --- equilíbrio do terror --- destruição mútua assegurada --- dissuasão nuclear --- Komuniżmu --- komunizm --- communisme --- comunismo --- комунизам --- komunisms --- komunizam --- komunizmus --- kommunisme --- komunizmas --- kommunizmus --- komunismus --- kommunism --- kommunismi --- comunism --- komunizëm --- komunizem --- Kommunismus --- κομμουνισμός --- комунизъм --- Communism --- reálný socialismus --- reformní komunismus --- komunistické hnutí --- комунистичка идеологија --- реалсоцијализам --- komunistické učení --- komunistická ideologie --- komunistički režim --- anarchokomunismus --- bolševismus --- elulookirjeldus --- bijografija --- biography --- elämäkerta --- biografia --- biografija --- biografía --- βιογραφία --- biografie --- životopis --- življenjepis --- биография --- биографија --- életrajz --- biogrāfija --- biografi --- autobiografi --- önéletrajz --- autobiography --- gyvenimo aprašymas --- autobiografija --- autobiografía --- semblanza --- biografický slovník --- autobiografie --- autobiogrāfija --- автобиографија --- omaelämäkerta --- självbiografi --- biográfia --- biograafia --- autobiografia --- önéletírás --- selvbiografi --- αυτοβιογραφία --- Autobiografie --- memoárová literatura --- autobiographie --- autobiograafia --- caidreamh idirnáisiúnta --- cumannachas --- beathaisnéis --- fuinneamh núicléach --- cogadh fuar --- 960 --- communisme geschiedenis --- politieke partijen --- levensbeschrijvingen --- biographies et mémoires --- Énergie nucléaire --- relation internationale --- guerre froide --- biographie --- Turf, Jef. --- België.

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