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The returns to schooling and the skill premium are key parameters in various fields and policy debates, including the literatures on globalization and inequality, international migration, and technological change. This paper explores the skill premium and its correlation with exports in Latin America, thus linking the skill premium to the emerging literature on the structure of trade and development. Using data on employment and wages for over seven million workers from sixteen Latin American economies, the authors estimate national and industry-specific returns to schooling and skill premiums and study some of their determinants. The evidence suggests that both country and industry characteristics are important in explaining returns to schooling and skill premiums. The analyses also suggest that the incidence of exports within industries, the average income per capita within countries, and the relative abundance of skilled workers are related to the underlying industry and country characteristics that explain these parameters. In particular, sectoral exports are positively correlated with the skill premium at the industry level, a result that supports recent trade models linking exports with wages and the demand for skills.
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methodological developments in sociology --- social reality in empirical studies --- Sociology --- Sociologie
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In order to counteract introspective approaches and the detailed analysis of individual cases in historical grammar research, this volume brings together essays by experts working on the empirical analysis of (text)grammatical structures in Old German and Middle High German texts, also taking into account sociolinguistic parameters. These scholars have developed promising concepts and outline their projects here. Introspektive Zugänge und die Detailanalyse von Einzelfällen gehören in der historischen Grammatikforschung nach wie vor zu den gängigen Praktiken. Dieser Vorgehensweise kommt nicht von ungefähr: Eine umfassende empirische Analyse historischen Quellenmaterials ist aus mehreren Gründen schwierig, und selbst im Falle einer solchen sieht sich die sprachhistorische Disziplin prinzipiell immer noch mit den von Labov in Bezug auf den Sprachwandel formulierten Problemen hinsichtlich des historischen Paradoxons konfrontiert. Zudem sind bei der Analyse historischer Quellen weitere Hürden zu nehmen: Die Quelltexte sind nicht sehr zahlreich und durch externe Einflussfaktoren geprägt, was Rückschlüsse auf einen „tatsächlichen" Sprachgebrauch oder das Sprachsystem als Ganzes zusätzlich erschwert. Hinzu kommen Interpretationsprobleme, Zweifelsfälle und der oft implizite Vergleich mit dem Neuhochdeutschen. Trotzdem, oder gerade deshalb, sollte besonderes Augenmerk auf die Methodik der Analyse historischer Texte gelegt werden, und genau das hat die vorliegende Publikation zum Ziel: Vereint werden Aufsätze von Fachwissenschaftler*innen, die im Bereich der Germanistischen Sprachgeschichte an der empirischen Analyse grammatischer und textgrammatischer Strukturen, auch unter Berücksichtigung soziolinguistischer Parameter, in alt- und mittelhochdeutschen Texten arbeiten, vielversprechende Konzepte entwickelt haben und ihre Projekte skizzieren.
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Recent trade theory emphasizes the role of market-share reallocations across firms ("stealing") in driving productivity growth, while the older literature focused on average productivity improvements ("learning"). The authors use comprehensive, firm-level data from India's organized manufacturing sector to show that market-share reallocations did play an important role in aggregate productivity gains immediately following the start of India's trade reforms in 1991. However, aggregate productivity gains during the overall period from 1985 to 2004 were driven largely by improvements in average productivity, which can be attributed to India's trade liberalization and FDI reforms.
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As the fate of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) hangs in balance, an evaluation of what it offers could inform current decisions and shape future negotiations. The TPP's services component has been hailed as one of the agreement's major accomplishments. To assess the agreement's impact on national policy in the major services sectors, we created a new public database. This database reveals that TPP commitments seldom go beyond countries' applied policies, suggesting the explicit liberalization resulting from the agreement is limited only to a few countries and a few areas. However, the TPP enhances transparency and policy certainty because parties' services commitments cover more trading partners, more sectors and are in some cases closer to applied policies than their commitments under previous agreements. Furthermore, new TPP rules, including on state-owned enterprises, government procurement and competition policy, could enhance services market access. In particular, the TPP breaks new ground in prohibiting restrictions on international data flows, while at the same time creating unprecedented obligations on all parties to protect consumers from fraud and protect privacy. These dual obligations on importing and exporting countries represent a model for regulatory cooperation that could elicit greater market opening if applied to other areas.
Economic Integration --- Empirical Studies Of Trade --- International Agreements --- Services --- Trade Policy
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Computer science. --- User studies --- Empirical studies in HCI --- HCI design and evaluation methods
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Computer science. --- Empirical studies in HCI --- User studies --- Mixed / augmented reality
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