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Investigación y Postgrado
ISSN: 13160087 22447474 Publisher: Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador

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Das Pädagogische und die Pädagogik : Annäherungen an eine Differenz
ISBN: 3657771549 Year: 2012 Publisher: Paderborn : Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh,

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Angesichts einer offenen Zukunft wird das, was nachwachsenden Generationen vermittelt werden soll, zu einem pädagogischen Problem. Wenn zukünftige Positionen in der Gesellschaft nicht vorhersehbar sind und Wissen sich ständig verändert, wird die Möglichkeit richtigen Handelns problematisch. Es soll Zukunft nicht verschließen und doch Begründungen für gegenwärtige Problemstellungen finden. Dies ist zumindest die Erwartung an pädagogisches Handeln. Drei unterschiedliche Begründungsversuche im Umgang mit diesem schwierigen Problem lassen sich unterscheiden. Man kann - erstens - die Identität oder Autonomie des Individuums in den Mittelpunkt pädagogischer Bemühungen stellen und hoffen, dass ein solches Individuum auch für eine offene Zukunft gerüstet ist. Man kann - zweitens - versuchen, die pädagogische Beziehung so zu bestimmen, dass ein nichtdeterminierender Einfluss möglich erscheint. Und man kann - drittens - auf die wissenschaftliche Geltung des vermittelten Wissens setzen. Alle drei Begründungsperspektiven auf einen Umgang mit der pädagogischen Problematik werden in der Konfrontation mit aktuellen Theorieangeboten überprüft.

Cesare Scurati : Sguardi sull’educazione
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Milan FrancoAngeli

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On the tenth anniversary from the death of Professor Cesare Scurati, this volume revamps research and reflection on the conceptual, methodological, and operational contribution that this scholar has offered to education at many levels, from childhood to schooling, from life-wide education to the style and ethics of being an intellectual and a teacher. The richness of the pedagogical fresco accomplished by Scurati pertains to the liveliness of a cultural season – the second half of the Twentieth century –, in which educational ideologies and epistemological fences were overcome. Despite all its contradictions and limitations, in this era Scurati achieved productive and humanistic interpretations of education and schooling. In his studies, Scurati effectively tried to improve the situation of several educational ecosystems, intertwining academic reflection and professional training, educational research, analysis of concrete institutional practices, and inspiration from abroad, especially the Anglo-Saxon world. The volume is composed by three sections: the first, Readings, offers some interpretations on the work of Cesare Scurati; the second, Paths, looks deeply on his inquiry on school systems, especially in the curricular perspective and with regards to children education; the third, Environments, gathers contributions on the multiple contexts of the so called life-wide education. The volume, therefore, proposes a non-anecdotal memory of a master, still capable of sparking interests, and promote ideals for the progress of the world.

La pédagogie par l'image en France et au Japon
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 2753507996 9782753507999 2753546835 Year: 2009 Publisher: Rennes Presses universitaires de Rennes

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Depuis la Renaissance en France et l’époque d’Edo au Japon (1600-1868), l’image a été convoquée à des fins d’enseignement : abécédaires, livres et jeux illustrés, images sur papier, images à projeter et, plus récemment, bandes dessinées ont été utilisés pour la transmission à l’enfant de connaissances, de croyances, d’idées, de valeurs et de normes de comportement. L’histoire de l’éducation, discipline florissante dans ces deux pays, a consacré peu de travaux à ces pratiques pédagogiques. Les spécialistes réunis dans le présent ouvrage visent à réparer cette lacune en présentant et confrontant, pour la première fois, les principaux supports français et japonais d’enseignement par l’image, leurs formes et leurs usages. L’hypothèse qui anime cette entreprise est que nos deux pays, où l’enfant constitue depuis des siècles un centre d’intérêt important pour la famille et pour la société, ont hérité de conceptions différentes de l’image, issues de leur système d’écriture : alors que dans la culture alphabétique, texte et image sont considérés a priori comme des médias hétérogènes, ils ne sont pas perçus comme des termes étrangers ou concurrents dans le monde de l’idéogramme. Comment se définissent dès lors, au sein de ces deux univers, les fonctions de l’image dans l’apprentissage de la lecture et de l’écriture, dans la diffusion des savoirs ? Cet ouvrage révèle les vertus heuristiques d’un tel questionnement. Il fait apparaître des convictions communes, des rencontres, des interférences, mais aussi des décalages entre des images tout à la fois proches et lointaines. Plus fondamentalement, il invite à interroger le statut épistémologique et ontologique que ces deux pays confèrent à l’image et, au-delà, à questionner leurs liens propres, issus dans les deux cas de traditions millénaires, avec l’univers visuel.

Cesare Scurati : Sguardi sull’educazione
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Milan FrancoAngeli

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On the tenth anniversary from the death of Professor Cesare Scurati, this volume revamps research and reflection on the conceptual, methodological, and operational contribution that this scholar has offered to education at many levels, from childhood to schooling, from life-wide education to the style and ethics of being an intellectual and a teacher. The richness of the pedagogical fresco accomplished by Scurati pertains to the liveliness of a cultural season – the second half of the Twentieth century –, in which educational ideologies and epistemological fences were overcome. Despite all its contradictions and limitations, in this era Scurati achieved productive and humanistic interpretations of education and schooling. In his studies, Scurati effectively tried to improve the situation of several educational ecosystems, intertwining academic reflection and professional training, educational research, analysis of concrete institutional practices, and inspiration from abroad, especially the Anglo-Saxon world. The volume is composed by three sections: the first, Readings, offers some interpretations on the work of Cesare Scurati; the second, Paths, looks deeply on his inquiry on school systems, especially in the curricular perspective and with regards to children education; the third, Environments, gathers contributions on the multiple contexts of the so called life-wide education. The volume, therefore, proposes a non-anecdotal memory of a master, still capable of sparking interests, and promote ideals for the progress of the world.

Menschenrechte - Bildung - Religion : Bezugsfelder, Potentiale, Perspektiven
ISBN: 3657704981 Year: 2020 Publisher: Paderborn Brill | Schöningh

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Menschenrechte - Bildung - Religion. Die vorliegende Arbeit bezieht diese drei in der gegenwärtigen Gesellschaft hochrelevanten Felder systematisch aufeinander und fragt von hier aus nach den spezifischen Potentialen und Herausforderungen öffentlicher religiöser Bildung für Menschenrechtsbildung. Die Pluralität der Weltanschauungen und Werte stellt die Gesellschaft, die (Bildungs-)Politik sowie die religiösen und weltanschaulichen Gemeinschaften vor bildungs- und schulpolitische, pädagogische und theologische Herausforde rungen. Diese Publikation diskutiert anhand der Menschenrechtsbildung die Grundsatzfrage, wie sich öffentliche religiöse Bildung denken und gestalten lässt, sodass sie für eine religiös und weltanschaulich plurale Gesellschaft nicht nur vertretbar, sondern dieser Gesellschaft auch in Bezug auf Zukunfts- und Friedensfähigkeit förderlich ist.

Encyclopaideia : rivista di fenomenologia, pedagogia, formazione.
ISSN: 1590492X 18258670 Year: 1997 Publisher: Torino : Il Segnalibro,

Journal of contemporary education theory & research
ISSN: 26540274 Year: 2017 Publisher: Thessaloniki, Greece : International Hellenic University,

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Educational Theory in the 21st Century : Science, Technology, Society and Education
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9811696403 981169639X Year: 2022 Publisher: Singapore : Palgrave Macmillan US,

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This open access book reviews the effects of the twenty-first century scientific-technological and social developments on the educational theory. The first part handles the subject, focusing on technology and educational philosophy. In the second part, the implications of new human and social conceptions towards the education paradigms are examined. In the chapters of the last part of the book, more practical dimensions of education are discussed. Transforming school designs, school management, learning-teaching approaches and teacher competencies are discussed in the context of broader social, cultural and technological changes.

Cesare Scurati : Sguardi sull’educazione
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Milan FrancoAngeli

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On the tenth anniversary from the death of Professor Cesare Scurati, this volume revamps research and reflection on the conceptual, methodological, and operational contribution that this scholar has offered to education at many levels, from childhood to schooling, from life-wide education to the style and ethics of being an intellectual and a teacher. The richness of the pedagogical fresco accomplished by Scurati pertains to the liveliness of a cultural season – the second half of the Twentieth century –, in which educational ideologies and epistemological fences were overcome. Despite all its contradictions and limitations, in this era Scurati achieved productive and humanistic interpretations of education and schooling. In his studies, Scurati effectively tried to improve the situation of several educational ecosystems, intertwining academic reflection and professional training, educational research, analysis of concrete institutional practices, and inspiration from abroad, especially the Anglo-Saxon world. The volume is composed by three sections: the first, Readings, offers some interpretations on the work of Cesare Scurati; the second, Paths, looks deeply on his inquiry on school systems, especially in the curricular perspective and with regards to children education; the third, Environments, gathers contributions on the multiple contexts of the so called life-wide education. The volume, therefore, proposes a non-anecdotal memory of a master, still capable of sparking interests, and promote ideals for the progress of the world.

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