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Journal of early childhood education research.
ISSN: 23237414 Year: 2012 Publisher: [Finland] : ECEAF

Lernen zwischen freiem und instruiertem Tätigsein
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3781553752 378151997X Year: 2014 Publisher: Bad Heilbrunn Verlag Julius Klinkhardt

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Ausgehend von einer Auseinandersetzung mit dem Begriff des Tätigseins - als Voraussetzung für Lernprozesse - wird in diesem Band die Bedeutung frei gewählter gegenüber instruierter Tätigkeiten diskutiert und in die Kontexte Unterricht sowie Lernwerkstatt- Arbeit gestellt. Die Gegenüberstellung von instruiertem und freiem Tätigsein fordert heraus, das Verhältnis von Instruktion und gelingenden Konstruktionsleistungen in der Interaktion zwischen Lernbegleitung und Lernendem genauer zu bestimmen. Dies gilt für die Arbeit in Lern- und Forschungswerkstätten, in Lernlaboren und beim Lernen im ganz "normalen" Seminarraum oder Klassenzimmer. Insgesamt stellt sich die Frage: Kann man sich die Tätigkeit des entdeckenden, des forschenden, des praxisorientierten und des Disziplinen überschreitenden Lernens so zu eigen machen, dass es in habituelles Lernhandeln übergeht? Und: Soll es das überhaupt? Die Reihe "Lernen und Studieren in Lernwerkstätten - Impulse für Theorie und Praxis einer innovativen Lehrerbildung" wird herausgegeben von Hartmut Wedekind, Markus Peschel, Eva-Kristina Franz, Johannes Gunzenreiner und Barbara Müller-Naendrup.

Challenging Academia: A Critical Space for Controversial Social Issues
Authors: ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Some social issues and practices have become dangerous areas for academics to research and write about. ‘Academic freedom’ is increasingly constrained, not just by long established ‘normal’ factors (territoriality, power differentials, competition, protectionism), but also by the increased significance of social media and the rise of identity politics (and activists who treat work which challenges their world view as abusive hate-speech). So extreme are these pressures that some institutions and even statutory bodies now adopt policies and practices which contravene relevant regulations and laws. This book seeks to draw attention to the limiting and damaging effects of academic ‘gagging’. The book, drawn from a special edition of Societies, offers an eclectic series of international articles which may annoy some people. The book challenges taken for granted mainstream assumptions and practices in a number of areas, including gender mainstreaming, social work education, child sexual abuse, the ethnic disaggregation of population groups, fatherhood and masculinity, the erosion of democratic legitimacy, the trap of victimhood and vulnerability, employment practices in universities, and the challenges presented by the widespread and deliberate suppression of scholarship and research. In an analytic postscript Laurent Dubreuil discusses the nature of identity politics and the manner in which its effects can be identified across the many topics covered in these challenging articles.

Challenging Academia: A Critical Space for Controversial Social Issues
Authors: ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Some social issues and practices have become dangerous areas for academics to research and write about. ‘Academic freedom’ is increasingly constrained, not just by long established ‘normal’ factors (territoriality, power differentials, competition, protectionism), but also by the increased significance of social media and the rise of identity politics (and activists who treat work which challenges their world view as abusive hate-speech). So extreme are these pressures that some institutions and even statutory bodies now adopt policies and practices which contravene relevant regulations and laws. This book seeks to draw attention to the limiting and damaging effects of academic ‘gagging’. The book, drawn from a special edition of Societies, offers an eclectic series of international articles which may annoy some people. The book challenges taken for granted mainstream assumptions and practices in a number of areas, including gender mainstreaming, social work education, child sexual abuse, the ethnic disaggregation of population groups, fatherhood and masculinity, the erosion of democratic legitimacy, the trap of victimhood and vulnerability, employment practices in universities, and the challenges presented by the widespread and deliberate suppression of scholarship and research. In an analytic postscript Laurent Dubreuil discusses the nature of identity politics and the manner in which its effects can be identified across the many topics covered in these challenging articles.

Challenging Academia: A Critical Space for Controversial Social Issues
Authors: ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Some social issues and practices have become dangerous areas for academics to research and write about. ‘Academic freedom’ is increasingly constrained, not just by long established ‘normal’ factors (territoriality, power differentials, competition, protectionism), but also by the increased significance of social media and the rise of identity politics (and activists who treat work which challenges their world view as abusive hate-speech). So extreme are these pressures that some institutions and even statutory bodies now adopt policies and practices which contravene relevant regulations and laws. This book seeks to draw attention to the limiting and damaging effects of academic ‘gagging’. The book, drawn from a special edition of Societies, offers an eclectic series of international articles which may annoy some people. The book challenges taken for granted mainstream assumptions and practices in a number of areas, including gender mainstreaming, social work education, child sexual abuse, the ethnic disaggregation of population groups, fatherhood and masculinity, the erosion of democratic legitimacy, the trap of victimhood and vulnerability, employment practices in universities, and the challenges presented by the widespread and deliberate suppression of scholarship and research. In an analytic postscript Laurent Dubreuil discusses the nature of identity politics and the manner in which its effects can be identified across the many topics covered in these challenging articles.

Perspektiven auf Hochschullernwerkstätten : Wechselspiele zwischen Individuum, Gemeinschaft, Ding und Raum
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 3781557731 3781523365 Year: 2019 Publisher: Bad Heilbrunn Verlag Julius Klinkhardt

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"Perspektiven auf Hochschullernwerkstätten" bündelt Tagungsbeiträge der 11. Internationalen Tagung der Hochschullernwerkstätten im Februar 2018 in Erfurt. Es lädt dazu ein, in den breiten Diskurs über konzeptionelle Überlegungen, Forschungen und Praxiserfahrungen in und über Hochschullernwerkstätten einzutauchen. Mit der Betonung des Wechselspiels von Individuum, Gemeinschaft, Ding und Raum werden dabei vier Themenfelder und Interdependenzbeziehungen aufgegriffen, die für Hochschullernwerkstätten konstitutiv sind: • Welche Chancen und Herausforderungen bieten Lernwerkstätten für die individuelle Entwicklung? • Wie können kooperative und kollaborative Lernprozesse in Gemeinschaften gefördert werden? • Welche Bedeutung haben Dinge, Artefakte, Medien, Technologien für Lernen und Bildung in Lernwerkstätten? • Wie realisieren sich in Räumen und Raumkonstellationen von Lernwerkstätten unterschiedliche diskursive Praxen und Lernprozesse? Die Reihe "Lernen und Studieren in Lernwerkstätten - Impulse für Theorie und Praxis" wird herausgegeben von Hartmut Wedekind, Markus Peschel, Eva-Kristina Franz, Johannes Gunzenreiner und Barbara Müller-Naendrup.


BMBF-Projekt --- Internationale Tagung der Hochschullernwerkstätten --- Hochschullernwerkstätten --- Lehrerbildung --- Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung --- Studierende --- Technologien --- Hochschulpädagogik --- QUALITEACH --- Hochschule --- Hochschullehre --- Hochschuldidaktik --- Lernwerkstatt --- Forschungswerkstatt --- Forschung --- Forschungspraxis --- Student --- Erziehungswissenschaftler --- Lehramtsstudent --- Lehrerbildner --- Lehrerausbildung --- Konzeption --- Praxiserfahrung --- Individuum --- Gemeinschaft --- Individuelle Entwicklung --- Kooperatives Lernen --- Kollaboration --- Lernprozess --- Lernentwicklung --- Lehr-Lern-Prozess --- Reflexion --- Forschendes Lernen --- Raum --- Lernumgebung --- Lernort --- Raumgestaltung --- Diagnostik --- Selbstverständnis --- Konzept --- Diskurs --- Elementarpädagogik --- Studiengang --- Bildungsbegriff --- Werkstattarbeit --- Kind --- Besuch --- Frühpädagogik --- Entwicklung --- Teilnahme --- Begleitung --- Handlungsorientierung --- Anerkennung --- Praxisbezug --- Pädagogisches Handeln --- Pädagogische Praxis --- Kasuistik --- Demokratische Bildung --- Lehrer --- Professionalisierung --- Praxeologie --- Materielle Bedingungen --- Subjekt --- Mensch-Raum-Beziehung --- Lernen --- Didaktisches Material --- Lernmaterial --- Herstellung --- Problemorientiertes Lernen --- Primarbereich --- Selbstbestimmtes Lernen --- Experiment --- Sachunterricht --- Kompetenzentwicklung --- Unterrichtsplanung --- Adaptiver Unterricht --- Aufgabenstellung --- Lernausgangslage --- Lehrkompetenz --- Hochschulkooperation --- Universitätsbibliothek --- Bibliothek --- Transformation --- Raumnutzung --- Agency-Theorie --- Poster --- Umfrage --- Qualitative Analyse --- Fragebogenerhebung --- Evaluation --- Studie --- Interventionsstudie --- Interview --- Quasi-Experiment --- Sammelband --- Halle-Wittenberg --- Emden --- Siegen --- Erfurt --- Dresden --- Osnabrück --- Kassel --- Brixen --- Bozen --- Sachsen-Anhalt --- Niedersachsen --- Nordrhein-Westfalen --- Thüringen --- Sachsen --- Saarland --- Hessen --- Südtirol --- Deutschland --- Israel --- Italien --- Higher education institute --- Higher education lecturing --- University lecturing --- University teaching --- University didactics --- Learning workshop --- Research --- Research practice --- Male student --- Educationalist --- Student teachers --- Teacher educators --- Teacher education --- Teachers' training --- Teacher training --- Conception --- Individual --- Personal development --- Cooperative learning --- Learning process --- Teaching-learning process --- Educational Environment --- Learning environment --- Educational setting --- Interior design --- Diagnostic --- Self-awareness --- Fundamental concepts --- Discourse --- Early childhood education and care --- Elementary education pedagogics --- Pedagogics of elementary education --- Channel of academic studies --- Course of studies --- Course of study --- Concept of education --- Child --- Early childhood education --- Participation --- Practice relevance --- Teacher --- Professionalization --- Learning --- Advance organizers --- Manufacturing --- Problem based learning --- Primary education --- Primary level --- Instruction in natural science subjects --- Primary school science and social studies --- Skill development --- Lesson Planing --- Planning of teaching --- Task definition --- Task setting --- Teaching Skills --- Intercollegiate cooperation --- University library --- Space utilization --- Qualitative analysis --- Questionnaire survey --- Osnabrueck --- Saxony-Anhalt --- Lower Saxony --- North Rhine-Westphalia --- North-Rhine Westphalia --- Thuringia --- Saxony --- South Tyrol --- Germany --- Italy

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