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Duration of Unemployment Benefits And Quality of Post-Unemployment Jobs : Evidence From A Natural Experiment
Authors: ---
Year: 2006 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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This paper investigates how the potential duration of unemployment benefits affects the quality of post-unemployment jobs. It takes advantage of a natural experiment introduced by a change in Slovenia's unemployment insurance law that substantially reduced the potential benefit duration. Although this reduction strongly increased job finding rates, the quality of the post-unemployment jobs remained unaffected. The paper finds that the law change had no effect on the type of contract (temporary versus permanent), the duration of the post-unemployment job, or the wage earned in the job.

Duration of Unemployment Benefits And Quality of Post-Unemployment Jobs : Evidence From A Natural Experiment
Authors: ---
Year: 2006 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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This paper investigates how the potential duration of unemployment benefits affects the quality of post-unemployment jobs. It takes advantage of a natural experiment introduced by a change in Slovenia's unemployment insurance law that substantially reduced the potential benefit duration. Although this reduction strongly increased job finding rates, the quality of the post-unemployment jobs remained unaffected. The paper finds that the law change had no effect on the type of contract (temporary versus permanent), the duration of the post-unemployment job, or the wage earned in the job.

The econometric analysis of recurrent events in macroeconomics and finance
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781400880935 1400880939 9780691167084 0691167087 Year: 2016 Publisher: Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press,

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The global financial crisis highlighted the impact on macroeconomic outcomes of recurrent events like business and financial cycles, highs and lows in volatility, and crashes and recessions. At the most basic level, such recurrent events can be summarized using binary indicators showing if the event will occur or not. These indicators are constructed either directly from data or indirectly through models. Because they are constructed, they have different properties than those arising in microeconometrics, and how one is to use them depends a lot on the method of construction.This book presents the econometric methods necessary for the successful modeling of recurrent events, providing valuable insights for policymakers, empirical researchers, and theorists. It explains why it is inherently difficult to forecast the onset of a recession in a way that provides useful guidance for active stabilization policy, with the consequence that policymakers should place more emphasis on making the economy robust to recessions. The book offers a range of econometric tools and techniques that researchers can use to measure recurrent events, summarize their properties, and evaluate how effectively economic and statistical models capture them. These methods also offer insights for developing models that are consistent with observed financial and real cycles.This book is an essential resource for students, academics, and researchers at central banks and institutions such as the International Monetary Fund.

Carnot Cycle and Heat Engine Fundamentals and Applications
Year: 2020 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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This book results from a Special Issue related to the latest progress in the thermodynamics of machines systems and processes since the premonitory work of Carnot. Carnot invented his famous cycle and generalized the efficiency concept for thermo-mechanical engines. Since that time, research progressed from the equilibrium approach to the irreversible situation that represents the general case. This book illustrates the present state-of-the-art advances after one or two centuries of consideration regarding applications and fundamental aspects. The research is moving fast in the direction of economic and environmental aspects. This will probably continue during the coming years. This book mainly highlights the recent focus on the maximum power of engines, as well as the corresponding first law efficiency upper bounds.

Carnot Cycle and Heat Engine Fundamentals and Applications
Year: 2020 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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This book results from a Special Issue related to the latest progress in the thermodynamics of machines systems and processes since the premonitory work of Carnot. Carnot invented his famous cycle and generalized the efficiency concept for thermo-mechanical engines. Since that time, research progressed from the equilibrium approach to the irreversible situation that represents the general case. This book illustrates the present state-of-the-art advances after one or two centuries of consideration regarding applications and fundamental aspects. The research is moving fast in the direction of economic and environmental aspects. This will probably continue during the coming years. This book mainly highlights the recent focus on the maximum power of engines, as well as the corresponding first law efficiency upper bounds.

Carnot Cycle and Heat Engine Fundamentals and Applications
Year: 2020 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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This book results from a Special Issue related to the latest progress in the thermodynamics of machines systems and processes since the premonitory work of Carnot. Carnot invented his famous cycle and generalized the efficiency concept for thermo-mechanical engines. Since that time, research progressed from the equilibrium approach to the irreversible situation that represents the general case. This book illustrates the present state-of-the-art advances after one or two centuries of consideration regarding applications and fundamental aspects. The research is moving fast in the direction of economic and environmental aspects. This will probably continue during the coming years. This book mainly highlights the recent focus on the maximum power of engines, as well as the corresponding first law efficiency upper bounds.


History of engineering & technology --- thermodynamics --- optimization --- entropy analysis --- Carnot engine --- modelling with time durations --- steady-state modelling --- transient conditions --- converter irreversibility --- sequential optimization --- Finite physical Dimensions Optimal Thermodynamics --- global efficiency --- energy efficiency --- heat engine --- heat pump --- utilization --- Carnot efficiency --- comparison --- thermal system --- cycle analysis --- second law of thermodynamics --- Clausius Statement --- theorem of the equivalence of transformations --- linear irreversible thermodynamics --- maximum power output --- maximum ecological Function --- maximum efficient power function --- enzymatic reaction model --- ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) --- plate heat exchanger --- finite-time thermodynamics --- heat transfer entropy --- entropy production --- new efficiency limits --- two-stage LNG compressor --- energy losses --- exergy destruction --- exergy efficiency --- Stirling cycle --- refrigerator --- heat exchanger --- second law --- thermodynamics --- optimization --- entropy analysis --- Carnot engine --- modelling with time durations --- steady-state modelling --- transient conditions --- converter irreversibility --- sequential optimization --- Finite physical Dimensions Optimal Thermodynamics --- global efficiency --- energy efficiency --- heat engine --- heat pump --- utilization --- Carnot efficiency --- comparison --- thermal system --- cycle analysis --- second law of thermodynamics --- Clausius Statement --- theorem of the equivalence of transformations --- linear irreversible thermodynamics --- maximum power output --- maximum ecological Function --- maximum efficient power function --- enzymatic reaction model --- ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) --- plate heat exchanger --- finite-time thermodynamics --- heat transfer entropy --- entropy production --- new efficiency limits --- two-stage LNG compressor --- energy losses --- exergy destruction --- exergy efficiency --- Stirling cycle --- refrigerator --- heat exchanger --- second law

De regels van het huis : omgaan met vrijheidsbeperking in de gehandicaptenzorg en in de bijzondere jeugdzorg
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9033446154 Year: 2001 Publisher: Leuven Leusden Acco

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De opvoeding van kinderen en jongeren in een voorziening gaat soms gepaard met het gebruik van vrijheidsbeperkende maatregelen, zoals opsluiting op de kamer, totale isolatie en time-out plaatsing, vastbinden, verbieden van sociale contacten, maar ook medicatie. Deze maatregelen kunnen een ernstige weerslag hebben op het welzijn en op de ontwikkeling van de jongeren. Het gebruik van vrijheidsbeperkende maatregelen in de hulpverlening is dan ook een beladen thema waarover in toenemende mate gereflecteerd en gecommuniceerd wordt. Directieleden, hulpverleners en de jongeren uit voorzieningen in de bijzondere jeugdzorg en de gehandicaptenzorg formuleren in dit boek hun visie op en beleving van vrijheidsbeperkende maatregelen waarmee ze in de praktijk geconfronteerd worden. Vervolgens komt een brede waaier van wetenschappelijke visies op vrijheidsbeperking aan bod. Invalshoeken hierbij zijn: de ethiek, de sociologie, de criminologie, de klinische psychologie, de pedagogiek, het recht, de orthopedagogiek en het V.N.-verdrag inzake de rechten van het kind. Het boek is het resultaat van een studie, die werd uitgevoerd in opdracht van het V.I.W. en het C.E.Z. Met dit boek hopen de auteurs de praktijk van opvoeden in voorzieningen te ondersteunen en de ethische reflectie over het - niet evidente - thema van vrijheidsbeperking bij alle betrokkenen te stimuleren. Het boek bevat een zeer leesbaar verhaal dat iedereen binnen de gehandicaptenzorg en bijzonderejeugdzorg wellicht zal interesseren. SYBILLE OPDEBEECK is doctor in de sociale wetenschappen en projectleider bij LUCAS (K.U.Leuven). Haar onderzoekswerkzaamheden hebben zich in het verleden vooral op de geweldproblematiek geconcentreerd. Momenteel volgt zij bij LUCAS de onderzoekslijn rond welzijnszorg op. CHANTAL VAN AUDENHOVE is coördinator van LUCAS en docent aan de faculteit Geneeskunde van de K.U.Leuven. Tevens is zij verbonden aan de postgraduaatsopleiding psychotherapie van de Université Catholique de Louvain.


Psychosocial Deprivation. --- 186 Kinderrechten & Welzijn --- Dangerous Behavior. --- Commitment of Mentally Ill. --- Social Environment. --- Criminal Psychology. --- Patients --- -People with disabilities --- -Youth --- -#GBIB:CBMER --- #GSDBP --- #PBIB:2001.3 --- #PBIB:gift 2001 --- #SBIB:013.GIFT --- #SBIB:316.334.3M51 --- #SBIB:316.8H11 --- #SBIB:316.8H30 --- Academic collection --- C5 --- C6 --- gehandicaptenzorg (x) --- jeugdzorg --- opvoeding --- sociaal beleid --- 311.1 Grondwettelijke rechten en vrijheden --- 663.2 Bijzondere jeugdzorg --- 667 Gehandicapten --- vrijheid van meningsuiting --- Gehandicapten --- Jongeren --- Kinder- en jeugdpsychiatrie --- Verzorgingsinrichtingen --- 468 --- bijzondere jeugdzorg --- dwangmiddelen --- gehandicapten --- inrichtingsopvoeding --- jeugdbescherming --- maatschappelijk werk --- pedagogiek --- Bijzondere jeugdbijstand --- Vrijheidsbeperking --- Zorg voor personen met een handicap (gehandicaptenzorg) --- 364.27 --- Hulpverlening --- Instellingen --- Jeugdzorg --- Personen met een handicap --- gehandicaptenzorg --- bijzondere jeugdbijstand --- criminologie --- ethiek --- gesloten instelling --- gevallenstudie --- instellingen voor gehandicapten --- internering --- jeugddelinquentie --- mentaal gehandicapten --- recht --- residentiële gehandicaptenzorg --- residentiële jeugdzorg --- sociale vaardigheden --- wetgeving --- Young people --- Young persons --- Youngsters --- Youths --- Age groups --- Life cycle, Human --- Cripples --- Disabled --- Disabled people --- Disabled persons --- Handicapped --- Handicapped people --- Individuals with disabilities --- People with physical disabilities --- Persons with disabilities --- Physically challenged people --- Physically disabled people --- Physically handicapped --- Persons --- Disabilities --- Sociology of disability --- Sick --- Psychology, Criminal --- Criminal Behavior --- Environment, Social --- Social Ecology --- Ecologies, Social --- Ecology, Social --- Environments, Social --- Social Ecologies --- Social Environments --- Environment --- Duration of Commitment --- Outpatient Commitment --- Involuntary Commitment --- Commitment Duration --- Commitment Durations --- Commitment, Involuntary --- Commitment, Outpatient --- Commitments, Involuntary --- Commitments, Outpatient --- Involuntary Commitments --- Mentally Ill Commitment --- Mentally Ill Commitments --- Outpatient Commitments --- Mentally Ill Persons --- Dangerousness --- Hazardous Behavior --- Behavior, Dangerous --- Behavior, Hazardous --- Behaviors, Hazardous --- Dangerous Behaviors --- Hazardous Behaviors --- Risk-Taking --- Deprivation, Psychosocial --- Deprivations, Psychosocial --- Psychosocial Deprivations --- Civil rights --- -Services for --- -Organisatie van de gezondheidszorg: modellen van therapeutisch handelen --- Welzijns- en sociale problemen: gehandicapten (fysiek, mentaal) --- Professies en methoden in het welzijnswerk: sociaal werk, vrijwilligerswerk, hulpverleningsmethoden … --- Maatschappelijke organisaties en maatschappelijk leven --- Opvoeding, onderwijs, wetenschap --- Handicapés --- Jeunes --- Pédopsychiatrie --- Etablissements de soins --- Gemeenschaps- en Inrichtingsopvoeding --- 362.74 --- 362.3 --- Dwangmiddelen --- Mensen met een verstandelijke beperking --- Jeugdgezondheidszorg --- Criminologie --- Ethiek --- Sociologie --- Orthopedagogiek --- People with disabilities --- Youth --- Sociale agogiek --- Services for --- handboeken en inleidingen --- handboeken en inleidingen. --- crisisinterventies --- residentiële hulp --- vrijheidsbeperking (zorg) --- Orthopedagogics --- kinderen met een beperking --- orthopedagogiek --- zorg voor personen met een beperking --- Social policy and particular groups --- Handboeken en inleidingen. --- Assistance à la jeunesse --- Droits de l'enfant --- Gehandicaptenzorg --- Jeugdwerk --- Kinderrecht --- Peine privative de liberté --- Soins aux handicapés --- Vrijheidsstraf --- Commitment of Mentally Ill --- Criminal Psychology --- Dangerous Behavior --- Psychosocial Deprivation --- Social Environment --- #GBIB:CBMER --- Health Risk Behaviors --- Organisatie van de gezondheidszorg: modellen van therapeutisch handelen --- 186 Kinderrechten en Welzijn --- Social Context --- Context, Social --- Contexts, Social --- Social Contexts

AIDS : the burdens of history
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0520063961 0585041199 0520063953 9780520063969 Year: 1988 Publisher: Berkeley : University of California Press

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AIDS (Disease) --- Medicine --- History. --- Social aspects. --- History --- Research --- Methodology. --- Government Regulation --- Mandatory Programs --- Prejudice --- Freedom --- Human Rights --- Preventive Medicine --- Public Health --- Immunization --- Mass Screening --- Minority Groups --- Morals --- Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome --- Coercion --- Social Justice --- Socioeconomic Factors --- History, 19th Century --- HIV Seropositivity --- Public Policy --- Sexually Transmitted Diseases --- Stereotyping --- Delivery of Health Care --- Moral Obligations --- Homosexuality --- Social Control, Formal --- Attitude --- Health Education --- Physicians --- AIDS Serodiagnosis --- Epidemiology --- History, 20th Century --- Commitment of Mentally Ill --- Communicable Diseases --- Disease --- History, Medieval --- Patient Care --- Politics --- Internationality --- Sexuality --- Social Responsibility --- International Cooperation --- Mentally Ill Persons --- Quarantine --- Voluntary Programs --- Social Welfare --- Women's Rights --- Primary Prevention --- Diagnostic Services --- HIV Infections --- Immunotherapy --- Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms --- Health Personnel --- Health Occupations --- Social Control Policies --- Social Sciences --- Serologic Tests --- History, Modern 1601 --- -Health Care Quality, Access, and Evaluation --- Humanities --- Sociology --- Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures --- Ethics --- Infection --- Social Behavior --- Patient Care Management --- Forensic Psychiatry --- Health Services --- Organization and Administration --- Population Characteristics --- Therapeutics --- Infection Control --- Reproductive Physiological Phenomena --- Virus Diseases --- Psychology, Social --- Sexual Behavior --- Health Care Economics and Organizations --- Slow Virus Diseases --- Health Surveys --- Disabled Persons --- Pathologic Processes --- Immunologic Techniques --- Principle-Based Ethics --- Public Health Practice --- Environment and Public Health --- Health --- Preventive Health Services --- Genital Diseases, Male --- Social Control, Informal --- Communicable Disease Control --- Education, Nonprofessional --- Genital Diseases, Female --- Health Care --- Female Urogenital Diseases --- Diseases --- Philosophy --- Diagnosis --- Investigative Techniques --- Behavior --- Health Care Facilities, Manpower, and Services --- Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Viral --- Data Collection --- Health Services Administration --- Jurisprudence --- Education --- Psychiatry and Psychology --- Policy --- Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes --- Bacterial Infections and Mycoses --- Pathological Conditions, Signs and Symptoms --- Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment --- Immunomodulation --- Immunologic Tests --- Anthropology, Education, Sociology and Social Phenomena --- Occupational Groups --- Lentivirus Infections --- Psychiatry --- Persons --- Community Health Services --- Male Urogenital Diseases --- Disciplines and Occupations --- Reproductive and Urinary Physiological Phenomena --- Epidemiologic Methods --- Biological Therapy --- Retroviridae Infections --- Female Urogenital Diseases and Pregnancy Complications --- Named Groups --- Immune System Diseases --- Phenomena and Processes --- Laboratory Techniques and Procedures --- Health Care Evaluation Mechanisms --- Behavioral Sciences --- RNA Virus Infections --- Behavioral Disciplines and Activities --- Quality of Health Care --- Health & Biological Sciences --- Social aspects --- Methodology --- STDs --- STIs --- Sexually Transmitted Infections --- Venereal Diseases --- Disease, Sexually Transmitted --- Disease, Venereal --- Diseases, Sexually Transmitted --- Diseases, Venereal --- Infection, Sexually Transmitted --- Infections, Sexually Transmitted --- STI --- Sexually Transmitted Disease --- Sexually Transmitted Infection --- Transmitted Infection, Sexually --- Transmitted Infections, Sexually --- Venereal Disease --- Migration Policy --- Population Policy --- Social Protection --- Social Policy --- Migration Policies --- Policies, Migration --- Policies, Population --- Policies, Public --- Policies, Social --- Policy, Migration --- Policy, Population --- Policy, Public --- Policy, Social --- Population Policies --- Protection, Social --- Public Policies --- Social Policies --- Diseases of Immune System --- Immune Diseases --- Immunological Diseases --- Immune Disorders --- Immunologic Diseases --- Disease, Immune --- Disease, Immune System --- Disease, Immunologic --- Disease, Immunological --- Diseases, Immune --- Diseases, Immune System --- Diseases, Immunologic --- Diseases, Immunological --- Disorder, Immune --- Disorders, Immune --- Immune Disease --- Immune Disorder --- Immune System Disease --- Immunologic Disease --- Immunological Disease --- Quality of Care --- Quality of Healthcare --- Care Qualities --- Care Quality --- Health Care Quality --- Healthcare Quality --- Infections, RNA Virus --- Infection, RNA Virus --- RNA Virus Infection --- Virus Infection, RNA --- Virus Infections, RNA --- Proxemics --- Behavioral Science --- Proxemic --- Science, Behavioral --- Sciences, Behavioral --- Healthcare Evaluation Mechanisms --- Evaluation Mechanism, Healthcare --- Evaluation Mechanisms, Healthcare --- Healthcare Evaluation Mechanism --- Mechanism, Healthcare Evaluation --- Mechanisms, Healthcare Evaluation --- Infections, Retroviridae --- Infections, Retrovirus --- Retrovirus Infections --- Infection, Retroviridae --- Infection, Retrovirus --- Retroviridae Infection --- Retrovirus Infection --- Biologic Therapy --- Biotherapy --- Therapy, Biological --- Biologic Therapies --- Biological Therapies --- Biotherapies --- Therapies, Biologic --- Therapies, Biological --- Therapy, Biologic --- Epidemiologic Method --- Epidemiological Methods --- Methods, Epidemiologic --- Epidemiological Method --- Method, Epidemiologic --- Method, Epidemiological --- Methods, Epidemiological --- Physiology, Reproductive and Urinary --- Reproductive and Urinary Physiological Phenomenon --- Reproductive and Urinary Physiology Concepts --- Reproductive and Urinary Physiology Phenomenon --- Reproductive and Urinary Tract Physiological Concepts --- Reproductive and Urinary Tract Physiological Phenomena --- Reproductive and Urinary Tract Physiological Phenomenon --- Reproductive and Urinary Tract Physiology --- Reproductive and Urinary Physiology --- Reproductive and Urinary Physiology Phenomena --- Male Genitourinary Diseases --- Genitourinary Disease, Male --- Genitourinary Diseases, Male --- Male Genitourinary Disease --- Male Urogenital Disease --- Urogenital Disease, Male --- Urogenital Diseases, Male --- Community Healthcare --- Health Services, Community --- Services, Community Health --- Community Health Care --- Care, Community Health --- Community Health Service --- Community Healthcares --- Health Care, Community --- Health Service, Community --- Healthcare, Community --- Healthcares, Community --- Service, Community Health --- Person --- Psychiatrists --- Psychiatrist --- Infections, Lentivirus --- Infection, Lentivirus --- Lentivirus Infection --- Group, Occupational --- Groups, Occupational --- Occupational Group --- Diagnosis, Immunologic --- Immunologic Diagnosis --- Immunologic Test --- Immunological Tests --- Tests, Immunologic --- Diagnosis, Immunological --- Immunodiagnosis --- Diagnoses, Immunologic --- Diagnoses, Immunological --- Immunodiagnoses --- Immunologic Diagnoses --- Immunological Diagnoses --- Immunological Diagnosis --- Immunological Test --- Test, Immunologic --- Test, Immunological --- Tests, Immunological --- Immunomodulatory Therapy --- Immunomodulations --- Immunomodulatory Therapies --- Therapies, Immunomodulatory --- Therapy, Immunomodulatory --- Symptoms and General Pathology --- Deficiency Syndrome, Immunologic --- Deficiency Syndromes, Antibody --- Deficiency Syndromes, Immunologic --- Immunologic Deficiency Syndrome --- Immunological Deficiency Syndromes --- Antibody Deficiency Syndrome --- Antibody Deficiency Syndromes --- Deficiency Syndrome, Antibody --- Deficiency Syndrome, Immunological --- Deficiency Syndromes, Immunological --- Immunological Deficiency Syndrome --- Syndrome, Antibody Deficiency --- Syndrome, Immunologic Deficiency --- Syndrome, Immunological Deficiency --- Syndromes, Antibody Deficiency --- Syndromes, Immunologic Deficiency --- Syndromes, Immunological Deficiency --- Antibodies --- Policies --- Activities, Educational --- Educational Activities --- Workshops --- Literacy Programs --- Training Programs --- Activity, Educational --- Educational Activity --- Literacy Program --- Program, Literacy --- Program, Training --- Programs, Literacy --- Programs, Training --- Training Program --- Workshop --- Students --- Constitutional Law --- Court Decision --- Law --- Legal Aspects --- Legal Obligations --- Legal Status --- State Interest --- Litigation --- Medical Jurisprudence --- Aspect, Legal --- Aspects, Legal --- Constitutional Laws --- Court Decisions --- Decision, Court --- Decisions, Court --- Interest, State --- Interests, State --- Jurisprudence, Medical --- Law, Constitutional --- Laws --- Laws, Constitutional --- Legal Aspect --- Legal Obligation --- Litigations --- Obligation, Legal --- Obligations, Legal --- State Interests --- Status, Legal --- Administration, Health Services --- Data Aggregation --- Data Collection Methods --- Dual Data Collection --- Aggregation, Data --- Collection Method, Data --- Collection Methods, Data --- Collection, Data --- Collection, Dual Data --- Data Collection Method --- Method, Data Collection --- Methods, Data Collection --- Sexually Transmitted Disease, Viral --- Viral Sexually Transmitted Disease --- Viral Sexually Transmitted Diseases --- Viral Venereal Diseases --- Venereal Diseases, Viral --- Disease, Viral Venereal --- Diseases, Viral Venereal --- Venereal Disease, Viral --- Viral Venereal Disease --- Healthcare Facilities, Manpower, and Services --- Acceptance Process --- Acceptance Processes --- Behaviors --- Process, Acceptance --- Processes, Acceptance --- 19th Cent. History (Medicine) --- 19th Cent. History of Medicine --- 19th Cent. Medicine --- Historical Events, 19th Century --- History of Medicine, 19th Cent. --- History, Nineteenth Century --- Medical History, 19th Cent. --- Medicine, 19th Cent. --- 19th Century History --- 19th Cent. Histories (Medicine) --- 19th Century Histories --- Cent. Histories, 19th (Medicine) --- Cent. History, 19th (Medicine) --- Century Histories, 19th --- Century Histories, Nineteenth --- Century History, 19th --- Century History, Nineteenth --- Histories, 19th Cent. (Medicine) --- Histories, 19th Century --- Histories, Nineteenth Century --- History, 19th Cent. (Medicine) --- Nineteenth Century Histories --- Nineteenth Century History --- AIDS Seroconversion --- AIDS Seropositivity --- Anti-HIV Positivity --- HIV Antibody Positivity --- HIV Seroconversion --- HTLV-III Seroconversion --- HTLV-III Seropositivity --- AIDS Seroconversions --- AIDS Seropositivities --- Anti HIV Positivity --- Anti-HIV Positivities --- Antibody Positivities, HIV --- Antibody Positivity, HIV --- HIV Antibody Positivities --- HIV Seroconversions --- HIV Seropositivities --- HTLV III Seroconversion --- HTLV III Seropositivity --- HTLV-III Seroconversions --- HTLV-III Seropositivities --- Positivities, Anti-HIV --- Positivities, HIV Antibody --- Positivity, Anti-HIV --- Positivity, HIV Antibody --- Seroconversion, AIDS --- Seroconversion, HIV --- Seroconversion, HTLV-III --- Seroconversions, AIDS --- Seroconversions, HIV --- Seroconversions, HTLV-III --- Seropositivities, AIDS --- Seropositivities, HIV --- Seropositivities, HTLV-III --- Seropositivity, AIDS --- Seropositivity, HIV --- Seropositivity, HTLV-III --- Factors, Socioeconomic --- High-Income Population --- Inequalities --- Land Tenure --- Standard of Living --- Factor, Socioeconomic --- High Income Population --- High-Income Populations --- Inequality --- Living Standard --- Living Standards --- Population, High-Income --- Populations, High-Income --- Socioeconomic Factor --- Tenure, Land --- Common Good --- Justice --- Obligations of Society --- Good, Common --- Justice, Social --- Aspects, Historical --- Historical Aspects --- Aspect, Historical --- Historical Aspect --- Histories --- Involuntary Fertility Control --- Fertility Control, Involuntary --- Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome --- Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome --- AIDS --- Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Acquired --- Immunologic Deficiency Syndrome, Acquired --- Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome --- Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndromes --- Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndromes --- Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome, Acquired --- Immuno-Deficiency Syndromes, Acquired --- Immunodeficiency Syndromes, Acquired --- Syndrome, Acquired Immuno-Deficiency --- Syndrome, Acquired Immunodeficiency --- Syndromes, Acquired Immuno-Deficiency --- Syndromes, Acquired Immunodeficiency --- Investigative Technics --- Investigative Technic --- Investigative Technique --- Technic, Investigative --- Technics, Investigative --- Technique, Investigative --- Techniques, Investigative --- Antemortem Diagnosis --- Diagnoses and Examinations --- Examinations and Diagnoses --- Postmortem Diagnosis --- Antemortem Diagnoses --- Diagnoses --- Diagnoses, Antemortem --- Diagnoses, Postmortem --- Diagnosis, Antemortem --- Diagnosis, Postmortem --- Postmortem Diagnoses --- Philosophical Overview --- Hedonism --- Stoicism --- Overview, Philosophical --- Overviews, Philosophical --- Philosophical Overviews --- Philosophies --- Female Genitourinary Diseases --- Female Genitourinary Disease --- Female Urogenital Disease --- Genitourinary Disease, Female --- Genitourinary Diseases, Female --- Urogenital Disease, Female --- Urogenital Diseases, Female --- Community-Based Distribution --- Contraceptive Distribution --- Delivery of Healthcare --- Dental Care Delivery --- Distribution, Non-Clinical --- Distribution, Nonclinical --- Distributional Activities --- Healthcare --- Healthcare Delivery --- Healthcare Systems --- Non-Clinical Distribution --- Nonclinical Distribution --- Delivery of Dental Care --- Health Care Delivery --- Health Care Systems --- Activities, Distributional --- Activity, Distributional --- Care, Health --- Community Based Distribution --- Community-Based Distributions --- Contraceptive Distributions --- Deliveries, Healthcare --- Delivery, Dental Care --- Delivery, Health Care --- Delivery, Healthcare --- Distribution, Community-Based --- Distribution, Contraceptive --- Distribution, Non Clinical --- Distributional Activity --- Distributions, Community-Based --- Distributions, Contraceptive --- Distributions, Non-Clinical --- Distributions, Nonclinical --- Health Care System --- Healthcare Deliveries --- Healthcare System --- Non Clinical Distribution --- Non-Clinical Distributions --- Nonclinical Distributions --- System, Health Care --- System, Healthcare --- Systems, Health Care --- Systems, Healthcare --- Female Genital Diseases --- Gynecologic Diseases --- Diseases, Female Genital --- Diseases, Gynecologic --- Female Genital Disease --- Genital Disease, Female --- Gynecologic Disease --- Education, Parenting --- Nonprofessional Education --- Parenting Education --- Male Genital Diseases --- Disease, Male Genital --- Diseases, Male Genital --- Genital Disease, Male --- Male Genital Disease --- Parasite Control --- Control, Communicable Disease --- Control, Parasite --- Informal Social Control --- Control, Informal Social --- Controls, Informal Social --- Informal Social Controls --- Social Controls, Informal --- Morality --- Group, Minority --- Groups, Minority --- Minority Group --- Screening --- Mass Screenings --- Screening, Mass --- Screenings --- Screenings, Mass --- Immunologic Sensitization --- Immunological Stimulation --- Sensitization, Immunological --- Stimulation, Immunologic --- Immunologic Stimulation --- Immunostimulation --- Sensitization, Immunologic --- Variolation --- Immunizations --- Immunological Sensitization --- Immunological Sensitizations --- Immunological Stimulations --- Sensitizations, Immunological --- Stimulation, Immunological --- Stimulations, Immunological --- Variolations --- Environment, Preventive Medicine & Public Health --- Environment, Preventive Medicine and Public Health --- Health, Public --- Medicine, Preventive --- Preventative Care --- Preventative Medicine --- Preventive Care --- Care, Preventative --- Care, Preventive --- Medicine, Preventative --- Equal Rights --- Equal Right --- Human Right --- Right, Equal --- Right, Human --- Rights, Equal --- Rights, Human --- Libertarianism --- Liberty --- Freedoms --- Prejudices --- Mandatory Program --- Program, Mandatory --- Programs, Mandatory --- Government Regulation and Oversight --- Government Regulations --- Regulation, Government --- Regulations, Government --- Clinical sciences --- Medical profession --- Acquired immune deficiency syndrome --- Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome --- Acquired immunological deficiency syndrome --- Health Services, Preventive --- Preventive Health --- Preventive Health Care --- Preventive Health Programs --- Preventive Programs --- Services, Preventive Health --- Care, Preventive Health --- Health Care, Preventive --- Health Program, Preventive --- Health Programs, Preventive --- Health Service, Preventive --- Health, Preventive --- Preventive Health Program --- Preventive Health Service --- Preventive Program --- Program, Preventive --- Program, Preventive Health --- Programs, Preventive --- Programs, Preventive Health --- Service, Preventive Health --- Normalcy --- Normality --- Normalities --- Health Practice, Public --- Health Practices, Public --- Practice, Public Health --- Practices, Public Health --- Public Health Practices --- Principlism --- Ethic, Principle-Based --- Ethics, Principle-Based --- Principle Based Ethics --- Principle-Based Ethic --- Antibody Dissociation --- Immunologic Technic --- Immunologic Technics --- Immunologic Technique --- Immunological Technics --- Immunological Techniques --- Technic, Immunologic --- Technics, Immunologic --- Technique, Immunologic --- Techniques, Immunologic --- Antibody Dissociations --- Dissociation, Antibody --- Dissociations, Antibody --- Immunological Technic --- Immunological Technique --- Technic, Immunological --- Technics, Immunological --- Technique, Immunological --- Techniques, Immunological --- Allergy and Immunology --- Pathological Processes --- Processes, Pathologic --- Processes, Pathological --- Physically Disabled --- Handicapped --- People with Disabilities --- Persons with Disabilities --- Physically Challenged --- Physically Handicapped --- Disabilities, People with --- Disabilities, Persons with --- Disability, Persons with --- Disabled Person --- Disabled, Physically --- Handicapped, Physically --- People with Disability --- Person, Disabled --- Persons with Disability --- Persons, Disabled --- Abortion Surveys --- Abortion Survey --- Health Survey --- Survey, Abortion --- Survey, Health --- Surveys, Abortion --- Surveys, Health --- Disease, Slow Virus --- Diseases, Slow Virus --- Slow Virus Disease --- Virus Disease, Slow --- Virus Diseases, Slow --- Healthcare Economics and Organizations --- Premarital Sex Behavior --- Sex Behavior --- Sex Orientation --- Sexual Activities --- Anal Sex --- Oral Sex --- Sexual Activity --- Sexual Orientation --- Activities, Sexual --- Activity, Sexual --- Behavior, Premarital Sex --- Behavior, Sex --- Behavior, Sexual --- Orientation, Sexual --- Sex, Anal --- Sex, Oral --- Social Psychology --- Psychologies, Social --- Social Psychologies --- Viral Diseases --- Viral Infections --- Virus Infections --- Disease, Viral --- Disease, Virus --- Diseases, Viral --- Diseases, Virus --- Infection, Viral --- Infection, Virus --- Infections, Viral --- Infections, Virus --- Viral Disease --- Viral Infection --- Virus Disease --- Virus Infection --- Reproductive Physiologic Concepts --- Reproductive Physiological Phenomenon --- Reproductive Physiological Process --- Reproductive Physiological Concepts --- Reproductive Physiological Processes --- Concept, Reproductive Physiologic --- Concept, Reproductive Physiological --- Concepts, Reproductive Physiologic --- Concepts, Reproductive Physiological --- Phenomena, Reproductive Physiological --- Phenomenon, Reproductive Physiological --- Physiologic Concept, Reproductive --- Physiologic Concepts, Reproductive --- Physiological Concept, Reproductive --- Physiological Process, Reproductive --- Physiological Processes, Reproductive --- Process, Reproductive Physiological --- Processes, Reproductive Physiological --- Reproductive Physiologic Concept --- Reproductive Physiological Concept --- Control, Infection --- Therapy --- Treatment --- Therapeutic --- Therapies --- Treatments --- Population Heterogeneity --- Population Statistics --- Characteristic, Population --- Characteristics, Population --- Heterogeneity, Population --- Population Characteristic --- Statistics, Population --- Administration and Organization --- Administrative Technics --- Administrative Techniques --- Coordination, Administrative --- Logistics --- Supervision --- Technics, Administrative --- Techniques, Administrative --- Administration --- Administrative Coordination --- Administrative Technic --- Administrative Technique --- Technic, Administrative --- Technique, Administrative --- Services, Health --- Health Service --- Service, Health --- Jurisprudence, Psychiatric --- Psychiatric Jurisprudence --- Psychiatry, Forensic --- Care Management, Patient --- Management, Patient Care --- Behavior, Social --- Behaviors, Social --- Social Behaviors --- Infections --- Egoism --- Ethical Issues --- Metaethics --- Moral Policy --- Natural Law --- Situational Ethics --- Ethical Issue --- Ethics, Situational --- Issue, Ethical --- Issues, Ethical --- Law, Natural --- Laws, Natural --- Moral Policies --- Natural Laws --- Policies, Moral --- Policy, Moral --- Diagnostic Technics and Procedures --- Technics and Procedures, Diagnostic --- Techniques and Procedures, Diagnostic --- General Social Development and Population --- Healthcare Quality, Access, and Evaluation --- History of Medicine, Modern --- Medicine, Modern --- Modern History (Medicine) --- Modern Medicine --- History, Modern --- Modern History --- 1601- History, Modern --- History, Modern (Medicine) --- Modern 1601- History --- Serologic Test --- Serological Tests --- Test, Serologic --- Tests, Serologic --- Serodiagnosis --- Serodiagnoses --- Serological Test --- Test, Serological --- Tests, Serological --- Science, Social --- Sciences, Social --- Social Science --- Control Policies, Social --- Control Policy, Social --- Policies, Social Control --- Policy, Social Control --- Social Control Policy --- Health Professions --- Health Occupation --- Health Profession --- Occupation, Health --- Occupations, Health --- Profession, Health --- Professions, Health --- Field Workers --- Fieldworkers --- Healthcare Providers --- Health Care Providers --- Field Worker --- Fieldworker --- Health Care Provider --- Healthcare Provider --- Personnel, Health --- Provider, Health Care --- Provider, Healthcare --- Providers, Health Care --- Providers, Healthcare --- Worker, Field --- Workers, Field --- Immunotherapies --- HTLV-III Infections --- HTLV-III-LAV Infections --- T-Lymphotropic Virus Type III Infections, Human --- HIV Infection --- HTLV III Infections --- HTLV III LAV Infections --- HTLV-III Infection --- HTLV-III-LAV Infection --- Infection, HIV --- Infection, HTLV-III --- Infection, HTLV-III-LAV --- Infections, HIV --- Infections, HTLV-III --- Infections, HTLV-III-LAV --- T Lymphotropic Virus Type III Infections, Human --- Services, Diagnostic --- Diagnostic Service --- Service, Diagnostic --- Prevention, Primordial --- Primordial Prevention --- Prevention, Primary --- Preventions, Primordial --- Primordial Preventions --- Woman's Rights --- Women's Status --- Women's Liberation --- Liberation, Women's --- Right, Woman's --- Right, Women's --- Rights, Woman's --- Rights, Women's --- Status, Women's --- Woman Rights --- Woman's Right --- Women Status --- Women's Right --- Community Services --- Services, Community --- Community Service --- Service, Community --- Welfare, Social --- Program, Voluntary --- Programs, Voluntary --- Voluntary Program --- Quarantines --- Mentally Ill --- Mental Patients --- Ill, Mentally --- Mentally Ill Person --- Person, Mentally Ill --- Persons, Mentally Ill --- Treaties --- Foreign Aid --- Aid, Foreign --- Cooperation, International --- Treaty --- Accountability --- Communitarianism --- Future Generations --- Obligations to Society --- Social Accountability --- Obligation, Social --- Responsibility, Social --- Accountability, Social --- Future Generation --- Generation, Future --- Generations, Future --- Obligations, Social --- Responsibilities, Social --- Social Obligation --- Social Obligations --- Social Responsibilities --- Society, Obligations to --- Globalization --- International Aspects --- International Perspectives --- International Relations --- Multinational Aspects --- Multinational Perspectives --- Aspect, International --- Aspect, Multinational --- Aspects, International --- Aspects, Multinational --- International Aspect --- International Perspective --- Multinational Aspect --- Multinational Perspective --- Perspective, International --- Perspective, Multinational --- Perspectives, International --- Perspectives, Multinational --- Relations, International --- Conservatism --- Decentralization --- Liberalism --- Political Factors --- Voting --- Political Activity --- Activities, Political --- Activity, Political --- Factor, Political --- Factors, Political --- Political Activities --- Political Factor --- Informal care --- Care, Patient --- Informal cares --- care, Informal --- cares, Informal --- History of Medicine, Medieval --- History of Medicine, Renaissance --- Medicine, Medieval History --- Medicine, Renaissance --- Medieval History (Medicine) --- Renaissance Medicine --- Medieval History --- Histories, Medieval (Medicine) --- History Medicine, Medieval --- History, Medieval (Medicine) --- Medieval Histories (Medicine) --- Medieval History Medicine --- Infectious Diseases --- Communicable Disease --- Disease, Communicable --- Disease, Infectious --- Diseases, Communicable --- Diseases, Infectious --- Infectious Disease --- Duration of Commitment --- Outpatient Commitment --- Involuntary Commitment --- Commitment Duration --- Commitment Durations --- Commitment, Involuntary --- Commitment, Outpatient --- Commitments, Involuntary --- Commitments, Outpatient --- Involuntary Commitments --- Mentally Ill Commitment --- Mentally Ill Commitments --- Outpatient Commitments --- 20th Cent. History (Medicine) --- 20th Cent. History of Medicine --- 20th Cent. Medicine --- Historical Events, 20th Century --- History of Medicine, 20th Cent. --- History, Twentieth Century --- Medical History, 20th Cent. --- Medicine, 20th Cent. --- 20th Century History --- 20th Cent. Histories (Medicine) --- 20th Century Histories --- Cent. Histories, 20th (Medicine) --- Cent. History, 20th (Medicine) --- Century Histories, 20th --- Century Histories, Twentieth --- Century History, 20th --- Century History, Twentieth --- Histories, 20th Cent. (Medicine) --- Histories, 20th Century --- Histories, Twentieth Century --- History, 20th Cent. (Medicine) --- Twentieth Century Histories --- Twentieth Century History --- Serodiagnosis, AIDS --- Serodiagnosis, HIV --- Serodiagnosis, HTLV-III --- Serology, AIDS --- Serology, HTLV-III --- AIDS Serology --- HIV Serodiagnosis --- HTLV-III Serodiagnosis --- HTLV-III Serology --- AIDS Serodiagnoses --- HIV Serodiagnoses --- HTLV III Serodiagnosis --- HTLV III Serology --- HTLV-III Serodiagnoses --- Serodiagnoses, AIDS --- Serodiagnoses, HIV --- Serodiagnoses, HTLV-III --- Serodiagnosis, HTLV III --- Serology, HTLV III --- Medical Specialities --- Medical Specialties --- Medical Specialty --- Specialities, Medical --- Specialties, Medical --- Specialty, Medical --- Medical Speciality --- Speciality, Medical --- Physician --- Education, Community Health --- Health Education, Community --- Community Health Education --- Education, Health --- Attitudes --- Regulation --- Social Control --- Control, Social --- Controls, Social --- Formal Social Control --- Formal Social Controls --- Regulations --- Social Controls --- Homosexuality, Ego-Dystonic --- Ego-Dystonic Homosexuality --- Homosexuality, Ego Dystonic --- Moral Duties --- Duties, Moral --- Duty, Moral --- Moral Duty --- Moral Obligation --- Obligation, Moral --- Obligations, Moral --- Stigmatization --- methods --- deficiency --- education --- organization & administration --- diagnosis --- prevention & control --- therapy --- epidemiology --- Venereology --- Reproductive Tract Infections --- Policy Making --- Pharmacy Audit --- Audit, Pharmacy --- Pharmacy Audits --- XMRV Infection --- Xenotropic MuLV-related Virus Infection --- Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Virus-related Virus Infection --- Infection, XMRV --- Infections, XMRV --- XMRV Infections --- Xenotropic MuLV related Virus Infection --- Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Virus related Virus Infection --- Public Health Administration --- Social Work --- Community Health Planning --- Occupations --- Defamation --- Lawyers --- Medical History Taking --- Empirical Research --- HIV Seronegativity --- Economics --- Behavior Control --- Informed Consent By Minors --- CD4-Positive T-Lymphocytes --- HIV-1 --- AIDS Arteritis, Central Nervous System --- Pharmacy Philosophy --- Pharmacy Philosophies --- Philosophies, Pharmacy --- Philosophy, Pharmacy --- Gynecology --- Infectious Disease Medicine --- Disease Eradication --- Power (Psychology) --- Social Conformity --- Retrospective Moral Judgment --- Minority Health --- Community Health --- Health, Community --- Education, Public Health Professional --- Human Rights Abuses --- Human biology --- Life sciences --- Medical sciences --- Pathology --- HIV infections --- Immunological deficiency syndromes --- Virus-induced immunosuppression --- Preventive Psychiatry --- Ethical Theory --- Immunity --- Immunochemistry --- Rehabilitation Research --- Bedridden Persons --- Immobilization --- Sports for Persons with Disabilities --- Health Services for Persons with Disabilities --- Sex --- Reproductive Behavior --- Cross Infection --- Censorship, Research --- Sensitivity and Specificity --- Healthcare Workers --- Healthcare Worker --- Immunity, Active --- HIV Coinfection --- Coinfection, HIV --- Coinfections, HIV --- HIV Coinfections --- Disease Prevention, Primary --- Disease Preventions, Primary --- Primary Disease Prevention --- Primary Disease Preventions --- Preventive Dentistry --- Prophylactic Surgical Procedures --- Public Assistance --- Mental Disorders --- International Law --- Dissent and Disputes --- Disease Outbreaks --- Disease Transmission, Infectious --- HIV Antibodies --- Opinions --- Opinion --- Intention --- Sexual and Gender Minorities --- Social Perception --- Health Workforce --- Psychology, Perceptual --- Perceptual Psychology --- history --- AIDS (Disease) - History. --- AIDS (Disease) - Social aspects. --- Medicine - History - Research - Methodology.

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