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Bilan de masse en surface à haute résolution au Groenland à l'aide du modèle MAR et d'une technique de régionalisation couplée
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Durant les vingt dernières années, l’inlandsis du Groenland a progressivement diminué en taille suite à une augmentation du ruissellement de l’eau de fonte en été sans compensation par une augmentation des précipitations. De plus, le taux de perte de la glace s’est aussi accéléré, ce qui a comme conséquence une élévation plus rapide du niveau général des mers et davantage d’eau douce rejetée dans l’océan (Vaughan et al., 2013; Fettweis et al., 2013(a)). Les principales incertitudes lorsqu’on estime le bilan de mase en surface (BMS) de l’inlandsis du Groenland proviennent des marges où plusieurs processus particuliers ont lieu. Par exemple, la rétroaction de l’albédo de la neige et le regel de l’eau fondue en surface peut renforcer ou au contraire diminuer la fonte. De plus, les fortes pentes en bordure d’inlandsis sont responsables de la distribution spatiale des précipitations qui correspondent à l’accumulation de masse de l’inlandsis. En modélisation, cela signifie qu’il est nécessaire d’utiliser des modèles avec une (très) haute résolution pour résoudre ces caractéristiques, ce qui est très couteux en temps de calcul. C’est pourquoi cette étude présente l’évaluation d’une nouvelle méthode de régionalisation couplée dans le modèle MAR qui permet d’utiliser une grille à haute résolution dans le module de surface (SISVAT) couplé au module atmosphérique de MAR utilisant une résolution deux fois plus basse. La méthode corrige l’humidité spécifique et la température de proche-surface de MAR à l’aide d’un gradient d’altitude avant de forcer le module de surface. Des simulations ont été lancées avec deux résolutions différentes et sont forcées avec les réanalyses ERA-Interim sur la période allant de 1979 à 2014. La régionalisation couplée est évaluée par rapport à la base de données PROMICE et montrent de meilleurs résultats avec les observations de BMS sur l’inlandsis par rapport aux résultats de MAR dans sa version standard. La comparaison de la régionalisation couplée à une régionalisation a posteriori a révélé peu de différence significative sauf près de la ligne d’équilibre. Seule la méthode couplée permet de faire regeler entièrement l’eau fondue et la pluie en surface tandis que ce processus n’est qu’implicitement pris en compte dans la méthode a posteriori. Comparé à MAR dans sa version standard à résolution équivalente, les résultats régionalisés de façon couplée montrent une surestimation de l’accumulation au centre de l’inlandsis et une surestimation de l’ablation aux marges dus aux biais que la méthode implique sur les précipitations renforçant la rétroaction de l’albédo de la neige. En outre, les gradients de température sont légèrement trop importants entraînant plus de fonte. En conclusion, la méthode de régionalisation couplée doit encore être améliorée en intégrant une correction des précipitations. Pour ce qui est du couplage entre modèle de dynamique glaciaire à très haute résolution et modèle climatique à haute résolution, la méthode a posteriori reste suffisante.

Advances in Modelling of Rainfall Fields
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3036557482 3036557474 Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Rainfall is the main input for all hydrological models, such as rainfall–runoff models and the forecasting of landslides triggered by precipitation, with its comprehension being clearly essential for effective water resource management as well. The need to improve the modeling of rainfall fields constitutes a key aspect both for efficiently realizing early warning systems and for carrying out analyses of future scenarios related to occurrences and magnitudes for all induced phenomena. The aim of this Special Issue was hence to provide a collection of innovative contributions for rainfall modeling, focusing on hydrological scales and a context of climate changes. We believe that the contribution from the latest research outcomes presented in this Special Issue can shed novel insights on the comprehension of the hydrological cycle and all the phenomena that are a direct consequence of rainfall. Moreover, all these proposed papers can clearly constitute a valid base of knowledge for improving specific key aspects of rainfall modeling, mainly concerning climate change and how it induces modifications in properties such as magnitude, frequency, duration, and the spatial extension of different types of rainfall fields. The goal should also consider providing useful tools to practitioners for quantifying important design metrics in transient hydrological contexts (quantiles of assigned frequency, hazard functions, intensity–duration–frequency curves, etc.).

The Built Environment in a Changing Climate : Interactions, Challenges and Perspectives
Authors: ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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The papers included in this Special Issue tackle multiple aspects of how cities, districts, and buildings could evolve along with climate change and how this would impact our way of conceiving and applying design criteria, policies, and urban plans. Despite the multidisciplinary nature of the collection, some transversal take-home messages emerge: • Today’s energy-efficient paradigms may lose their virtuosity in the future unless accurate estimates of future scenarios are used to design modelling platforms and to inform legislative frameworks; • Acting at the local scale is key. Future climate change adaptation will be implemented at the local level. Overlooking regional and local specificities will contribute to inaccurate and inefficient action plans. As such, the smaller scale will become vital in predicting future urban metabolic rates and corresponding comfort-driven strategies; • Energy poverty, heat vulnerability, and social injustice are emerging as critical factors for planning and acting for future-proof cities on par of micro- and meso-climatological factors; • Given that the impacts of climate change will persist for many years, adaptation to this phenomenon should be prioritized by removing any prominent barrier and by enabling combinations of different mitigation technologies. These topics will receive a global reach in few decades, since also developing and underdeveloped countries are starting their fight against local climate change, with cities at the forefront.


Research & information: general --- outdoor space --- thermal environment --- radiation environment --- wind environment --- heat-related mortality --- built environment --- urban resilience --- extreme heat --- climate change --- urban heat island --- heat stress from outside --- indoor environments --- tropics --- multi-level office buildings --- coastal cities --- Mediterranean climate --- urban heat island intensity --- sample year --- climate change adaptation --- barriers --- focus group discussion --- Tehran --- structural equation modeling --- urban management --- near-zero energy buildings --- future scenarios --- energy efficiency --- adaptive comfort --- long-term performance --- urban heat --- Australia --- UHI effect --- mitigation --- bushfire smoke --- indoor air quality --- filtration --- building envelope --- energy --- future weather data --- building energy performance --- thermal comfort --- statistical downscaling of climate models --- dynamical downscaling of climate models --- urban modelling --- cities --- buildings --- decarbonization --- urbanisation --- climate --- densification --- population --- temperature --- outdoor space --- thermal environment --- radiation environment --- wind environment --- heat-related mortality --- built environment --- urban resilience --- extreme heat --- climate change --- urban heat island --- heat stress from outside --- indoor environments --- tropics --- multi-level office buildings --- coastal cities --- Mediterranean climate --- urban heat island intensity --- sample year --- climate change adaptation --- barriers --- focus group discussion --- Tehran --- structural equation modeling --- urban management --- near-zero energy buildings --- future scenarios --- energy efficiency --- adaptive comfort --- long-term performance --- urban heat --- Australia --- UHI effect --- mitigation --- bushfire smoke --- indoor air quality --- filtration --- building envelope --- energy --- future weather data --- building energy performance --- thermal comfort --- statistical downscaling of climate models --- dynamical downscaling of climate models --- urban modelling --- cities --- buildings --- decarbonization --- urbanisation --- climate --- densification --- population --- temperature

Statistical Analysis and Stochastic Modelling of Hydrological Extremes
ISBN: 3039216651 3039216643 Year: 2019 Publisher: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Hydrological extremes have become a major concern because of their devastating consequences and their increased risk as a result of climate change and the growing concentration of people and infrastructure in high-risk zones. The analysis of hydrological extremes is challenging due to their rarity and small sample size, and the interconnections between different types of extremes and becomes further complicated by the untrustworthy representation of meso-scale processes involved in extreme events by coarse spatial and temporal scale models as well as biased or missing observations due to technical difficulties during extreme conditions. The complexity of analyzing hydrological extremes calls for robust statistical methods for the treatment of such events. This Special Issue is motivated by the need to apply and develop innovative stochastic and statistical approaches to analyze hydrological extremes under current and future climate conditions. The papers of this Special Issue focus on six topics associated with hydrological extremes: Historical changes in hydrological extremes; Projected changes in hydrological extremes; Downscaling of hydrological extremes; Early warning and forecasting systems for drought and flood; Interconnections of hydrological extremes; Applicability of satellite data for hydrological studies.

The Built Environment in a Changing Climate : Interactions, Challenges and Perspectives
Authors: ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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The papers included in this Special Issue tackle multiple aspects of how cities, districts, and buildings could evolve along with climate change and how this would impact our way of conceiving and applying design criteria, policies, and urban plans. Despite the multidisciplinary nature of the collection, some transversal take-home messages emerge: • Today’s energy-efficient paradigms may lose their virtuosity in the future unless accurate estimates of future scenarios are used to design modelling platforms and to inform legislative frameworks; • Acting at the local scale is key. Future climate change adaptation will be implemented at the local level. Overlooking regional and local specificities will contribute to inaccurate and inefficient action plans. As such, the smaller scale will become vital in predicting future urban metabolic rates and corresponding comfort-driven strategies; • Energy poverty, heat vulnerability, and social injustice are emerging as critical factors for planning and acting for future-proof cities on par of micro- and meso-climatological factors; • Given that the impacts of climate change will persist for many years, adaptation to this phenomenon should be prioritized by removing any prominent barrier and by enabling combinations of different mitigation technologies. These topics will receive a global reach in few decades, since also developing and underdeveloped countries are starting their fight against local climate change, with cities at the forefront.

Remote Sensing Monitoring of Land Surface Temperature (LST)
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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This book is a collection of recent developments, methodologies, calibration and validation techniques, and applications of thermal remote sensing data and derived products from UAV-based, aerial, and satellite remote sensing. A set of 15 papers written by a total of 70 authors was selected for this book. The published papers cover a wide range of topics, which can be classified in five groups: algorithms, calibration and validation techniques, improvements in long-term consistency in satellite LST, downscaling of LST, and LST applications and land surface emissivity research.

Remote Sensing Monitoring of Land Surface Temperature (LST)
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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This book is a collection of recent developments, methodologies, calibration and validation techniques, and applications of thermal remote sensing data and derived products from UAV-based, aerial, and satellite remote sensing. A set of 15 papers written by a total of 70 authors was selected for this book. The published papers cover a wide range of topics, which can be classified in five groups: algorithms, calibration and validation techniques, improvements in long-term consistency in satellite LST, downscaling of LST, and LST applications and land surface emissivity research.

The Built Environment in a Changing Climate : Interactions, Challenges and Perspectives
Authors: ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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The papers included in this Special Issue tackle multiple aspects of how cities, districts, and buildings could evolve along with climate change and how this would impact our way of conceiving and applying design criteria, policies, and urban plans. Despite the multidisciplinary nature of the collection, some transversal take-home messages emerge: • Today’s energy-efficient paradigms may lose their virtuosity in the future unless accurate estimates of future scenarios are used to design modelling platforms and to inform legislative frameworks; • Acting at the local scale is key. Future climate change adaptation will be implemented at the local level. Overlooking regional and local specificities will contribute to inaccurate and inefficient action plans. As such, the smaller scale will become vital in predicting future urban metabolic rates and corresponding comfort-driven strategies; • Energy poverty, heat vulnerability, and social injustice are emerging as critical factors for planning and acting for future-proof cities on par of micro- and meso-climatological factors; • Given that the impacts of climate change will persist for many years, adaptation to this phenomenon should be prioritized by removing any prominent barrier and by enabling combinations of different mitigation technologies. These topics will receive a global reach in few decades, since also developing and underdeveloped countries are starting their fight against local climate change, with cities at the forefront.

Remote Sensing Monitoring of Land Surface Temperature (LST)
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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This book is a collection of recent developments, methodologies, calibration and validation techniques, and applications of thermal remote sensing data and derived products from UAV-based, aerial, and satellite remote sensing. A set of 15 papers written by a total of 70 authors was selected for this book. The published papers cover a wide range of topics, which can be classified in five groups: algorithms, calibration and validation techniques, improvements in long-term consistency in satellite LST, downscaling of LST, and LST applications and land surface emissivity research.


Environmental science, engineering & technology --- Land Surface Temperature (LST) --- satellite retrievals of LST --- LST from GOES satellites --- land surface temperature --- drones --- unmanned aerial vehicles --- thermal remote sensing --- MODIS --- Bayesian Maximum Entropy --- interpolation --- Himalaya --- air temperature --- topography --- Landsat --- split window algorithm --- TIRS --- thermal --- Landsat 8 --- stray light correction --- split-window algorithm --- single-channel algorithm --- AMSR2 --- annual cycle parameters --- random forest --- cloudy sky LST --- evapotranspiration --- data fusion --- field-scale --- machine-learning --- physical model --- Sentinel-2 --- Sentinel-3 --- Downscaling --- thermal infrared --- disaggregation --- Copernicus --- hyperspectral thermal infrared --- spectral smoothness --- temperature-emissivity separation --- sensitivity analysis --- noise --- land surface temperature (LST) --- daytime LST --- nighttime LST --- validation --- land surface emissivity (LSE) --- single channel algorithm --- radiative transfer equation --- mono window algorithm --- SURFRAD data --- GK2A --- split-window method --- BSRN --- LST --- downscaling --- LSA-SAF --- Sentinel 2 --- DEM --- spatial averaging biases --- land surface emissivity --- measurement uncertainties --- emissivity box method --- Fourier transform infrared spectrometer --- portable spectrometer --- Land Surface Temperature (LST) --- satellite retrievals of LST --- LST from GOES satellites --- land surface temperature --- drones --- unmanned aerial vehicles --- thermal remote sensing --- MODIS --- Bayesian Maximum Entropy --- interpolation --- Himalaya --- air temperature --- topography --- Landsat --- split window algorithm --- TIRS --- thermal --- Landsat 8 --- stray light correction --- split-window algorithm --- single-channel algorithm --- AMSR2 --- annual cycle parameters --- random forest --- cloudy sky LST --- evapotranspiration --- data fusion --- field-scale --- machine-learning --- physical model --- Sentinel-2 --- Sentinel-3 --- Downscaling --- thermal infrared --- disaggregation --- Copernicus --- hyperspectral thermal infrared --- spectral smoothness --- temperature-emissivity separation --- sensitivity analysis --- noise --- land surface temperature (LST) --- daytime LST --- nighttime LST --- validation --- land surface emissivity (LSE) --- single channel algorithm --- radiative transfer equation --- mono window algorithm --- SURFRAD data --- GK2A --- split-window method --- BSRN --- LST --- downscaling --- LSA-SAF --- Sentinel 2 --- DEM --- spatial averaging biases --- land surface emissivity --- measurement uncertainties --- emissivity box method --- Fourier transform infrared spectrometer --- portable spectrometer

Extreme Floods and Droughts under Future Climate Scenarios
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3039218999 3039218980 Year: 2019 Publisher: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Hydroclimatic extremes, such as floods and droughts, affect aspects of our lives and the environment including energy, hydropower, agriculture, transportation, urban life, and human health and safety. Climate studies indicate that the risk of increased flooding and/or more severe droughts will be higher in the future than today, causing increased fatalities, environmental degradation, and economic losses. Using a suite of innovative approaches this book quantifies the changes in projected hydroclimatic extremes and illustrates their impacts in several locations in North America, Asia, and Europe.

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