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Psychology of academic cheating.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780123725417 0123725410 1493300938 9786610728985 1280728981 0080466494 9780080466491 Year: 2007 Publisher: Amsterdam Elsevier

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Who cheats and why? How do they cheat? What are the consequences? What are the ways of stopping it before it starts? These questions and more are answered in this research based investigation into the nature and circumstances of Academic Cheating. Cheating has always been a problem in academic settings, and with advances in technology (camera cell phones, the internet) and more pressure than ever for students to test well and get into top rated schools, cheating has become epidemic. At the same time, it has been argued, the moral fiber of society as a whole has dampened to find cheating less

Cheating Lessons
ISBN: 0674727304 0674726235 9780674726239 9780674724631 0674724631 9780674727304 Year: 2013 Publisher: Cambridge, MA

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Cheating Lessons is a guide to tackling academic dishonesty at its roots. James Lang analyzes the features of course design and classroom practice that create cheating opportunities, and empowers teachers to build more effective learning environments. Instructors who curb academic dishonesty become better educators in other ways as well.

Aces up
ISBN: 0375895833 1299098835 0385738749 Year: 2010 Publisher: New York : ©2010 Delacorte Press,

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When Shannon Card, a sixteen-year-old high school honors student, lies about her age to get a job at a Connecticut casino so she can earn money for her college tuition, she becomes involved in a secret poker society and falls deeper into a web of deceit.

Integrity : personal and political
ISBN: 0191891983 0192603388 0192603396 0198859635 9780198859635 Year: 2020 Publisher: Oxford, England : Oxford University Press,

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This text provides a novel account of integrity and its relevance to both individual and collective conduct, and analyses a wide range of practical policy problems.

Fraude e plágio na universidade : a urgência de uma cultura de integridade no ensino superior
ISBN: 9892611233 9892611225 Year: 2016 Publisher: Coimbra University Press

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Esta obra junta-se a uma outra (também editada pela IUC) para ambas seconstituírem como duas faces de uma mesma moeda. Tendo um alcancedistinto, as duas resultam de um mesmo projeto de investigação centradona temática da fraude académica e complementam-se mutuamente. Nesta obrareunimos alguns dos textos que sustentaram as intervenções feitas pelosseus autores no colóquio final do projeto, que teve lugar na Faculdadede Economia da Universidade de Coimbra a 8 e 9 de maio de 2014. Trata-sede autores cujas reflexões foram muito importantes para a conceção e odesenvolvimento do projeto. Alguns deles assumiram a função deconsultores externos e o seu contributo estende-se muito para lá dasreflexões que aqui deixam escritas.
Esta é uma obra eminentemente teórica, ao contrário da outra (quesistematiza os resultados empíricos, alcançados no âmbito do projeto,relativos

Cheating in college
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1421407566 9781421407166 1421407167 9781421407562 Year: 2012 Publisher: Baltimore Johns Hopkins University Press

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Based on the authors' multiyear, multisite surveys, Cheating in College quantifies and analyzes student cheating to demonstrate why academic integrity is important and to describe the cultural efforts that are effective in restoring it.

Dishonest Behavior: From Theory to Practice
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Frontiers Media SA

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The rapidly growing field of behavioral ethics shows that dishonest acts are highly prevalent in all walks of life, from corruption among politicians through flagrant cases of doping in sports, to everyday slips and misdemeanors of ordinary people who nevertheless perceive themselves as highly moral. When considered cumulatively, these seemingly innocuous and ordinary unethical behaviors cause considerable societal damage and add up to billions of dollars annually. Research in behavioral ethics has made tremendous advances in characterizing many contextual and social factors that promote or hinder dishonesty. These findings have prompted the development of interventions to curb dishonesty and to help individuals become more committed to ethical standards. The current e-book includes studies that test and advance current theory and deepen our understanding of the cognitive and physiological processes underlying dishonest behavior, discuss possible implications of findings in behavioral ethics research for real life situations, document dishonest behavior in the field and/or directly examines interventions to reduce it.

Ehrliche Unehrlichkeit : Eine qualitative Untersuchung der Tugend Ehrlichkeit bei Jugendlichen an der Zürcher Volksschule
ISBN: 3863881656 3863880064 Year: 2012 Publisher: Leverkusen Budrich UniPress

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Die Studie gibt am Beispiel der Tugend Ehrlichkeit einen Einblick in normative und subjektive Orientierungen Jugendlicher in ihrem alltäglichen Schulkontext. Dem Tugendbegriff in den bisherigen Erziehungsdebatten wird eine Perspektive gegenübergestellt, die die Sichtweise der Schülerinnen und Schüler einbezieht: Im Gegensatz zum normativ verwendeten Tugendbegriff präsentiert sich in den vorliegenden Befunden die Tugend Ehrlichkeit als ambivalente Verhaltensweise, die situations-, kontext- und personenabhängig ist. Seit der griechischen Antike sind Tugenden ein zentrales Thema der Pädagogik. Erziehungsphilosophen haben immer wieder Tugendkataloge entwickelt, von denen sie annahmen, dass sie die praktische Erziehung leiten können. Die vorliegende Arbeit fragt, wie sich Jugendliche auf Erziehungsansprüche einstellen und diese zu ihrem eigenen Vorteil unterlaufen. Der Frage wird am Beispiel der schulrelevanten Tugend Ehrlichkeit nachgegangen, indem die Studie 16 Jugendliche mittels problemzentrierter Interviews im Schulkontext befragt. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung verweisen auf explizite und implizite Ehrlichkeitsregeln, die sich in konventionelle und unkonventionelle Regeln unterteilen lassen. Aus dem Inhalt: · Zum Ehrlichkeitsbegriff · Methodik der qualitativen Untersuchung · Von konventionellen Ehrlichkeitsregeln zu Ehrlichkeitsregeln der Schülerinnen und Schüler · Komplexität der unkonventionellen Ehrlichkeitsregeln · Ehrlichkeitsregeln in realen Dilemmasituationen Empfohlen sei das Buch allen, die mit Jugendlichen zu tun haben und/oder die sich mit Werten befassen - insbesondere LehrerInnen, (Sozial-)PädagogInnen, EthikerInnen, ErziehungswissenschaftlerInnen und Eltern., 11.06.2013 Ein Buch, das es schafft, hinter die Kulissen zu schauen, offenlegt, was Lehrpersonen eigentlich schon immer mal wissen wollten und u weiterem Nachdenke, Beobachtungen und - zu einem neuen Blick anregt. Denn: Ehrlich ist nicht immer gleich ehrlich. PZ.BS-Bibliothek - Basler Schulblatt 3/2013 Dank der dieser Studie unterliegenden qualitativen Forschungsmethode können bisher vorliegende Ergebnisse einzelner standardisierter Jugenduntersuchungen ergänzt und vertieft werden, erlauben quantitative Studien doch vielmehrgeneralisierende Aussagen zu Einstellungen der Jugendlichen gegenüber Sekundärtugenden, als dass sie Deutungsmuster der Befragten rekonstruieren. Die Interpretation der mittels Einzelinterviews erhobenen Daten gewährt denn eine Einsicht in das Verständnis Heranwachsender von Ehrlichkeit und Ehrlichkeitspraxen, das deutlich macht, dass konventionelle begriffliche Ansätze nicht zwangsläufig mit den Deutungen Jugendlicher übereinstimmen. Die Studie bietet nicht nur für die Tugendforschung einen Mehrwert, sondern lässt sich aufgrund eines sorgfältig gestalteten Forschungsdesigns durchaus auf andere Bereiche der Schüler- und Jugendforschung übertragen. Zeitschrift für Qualitative Forschung - ZQF 1/2013

Dishonest Behavior: From Theory to Practice
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Frontiers Media SA

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The rapidly growing field of behavioral ethics shows that dishonest acts are highly prevalent in all walks of life, from corruption among politicians through flagrant cases of doping in sports, to everyday slips and misdemeanors of ordinary people who nevertheless perceive themselves as highly moral. When considered cumulatively, these seemingly innocuous and ordinary unethical behaviors cause considerable societal damage and add up to billions of dollars annually. Research in behavioral ethics has made tremendous advances in characterizing many contextual and social factors that promote or hinder dishonesty. These findings have prompted the development of interventions to curb dishonesty and to help individuals become more committed to ethical standards. The current e-book includes studies that test and advance current theory and deepen our understanding of the cognitive and physiological processes underlying dishonest behavior, discuss possible implications of findings in behavioral ethics research for real life situations, document dishonest behavior in the field and/or directly examines interventions to reduce it.

Dishonest Behavior: From Theory to Practice
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Frontiers Media SA

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The rapidly growing field of behavioral ethics shows that dishonest acts are highly prevalent in all walks of life, from corruption among politicians through flagrant cases of doping in sports, to everyday slips and misdemeanors of ordinary people who nevertheless perceive themselves as highly moral. When considered cumulatively, these seemingly innocuous and ordinary unethical behaviors cause considerable societal damage and add up to billions of dollars annually. Research in behavioral ethics has made tremendous advances in characterizing many contextual and social factors that promote or hinder dishonesty. These findings have prompted the development of interventions to curb dishonesty and to help individuals become more committed to ethical standards. The current e-book includes studies that test and advance current theory and deepen our understanding of the cognitive and physiological processes underlying dishonest behavior, discuss possible implications of findings in behavioral ethics research for real life situations, document dishonest behavior in the field and/or directly examines interventions to reduce it.

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