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Industrial design : latitudine e longitudine : una prima lezione
ISBN: 8884538254 8884538246 Year: 2008 Volume: 68 Publisher: Firenze : Firenze University Press,

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The first lesson on industrial design has to address questions such as «what is industrial design?» «what are its relations with the world of production?» «in what way does it change our perception of objects?». By now the word «design» is a part of our language used – relevantly, superficially or casually – to qualify myriad aspects of everyday experience. However the semantic elasticity of the term conceals a professional practice, a decision-making process and a productive research the results of which have profoundly affected our society and our lives. A designer does not simply design an object. Through the object he or she also conditions the physical and emotional scenario of the people who use it. Just as industry does not simply offer goods, but distributes culture or non-culture through its choices of product design. Explaining what this creative activity consists of, which spheres it comprises, who are the actors and what skills are required of them, this book aims to provide critical tools and stimulate further study.

Accademia delle arti del disegno : studi, fonti e interpretazioni di 450 anni di storia
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9788822263964 Year: 2015 Publisher: Firenze Leo S. Olschki

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Baccio Bandinelli e le Anatomie Degli Scartafacci : Il Libro Del Disegno , l'archivio Di Famiglia e la Questione Del Memoriale.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783111256085 3111256081 311125464X Year: 2023 Publisher: Berlin/Boston : Walter de Gruyter GmbH,

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La monografia esplora, alla luce di un’articolata ricerca archivistica, alcune questioni riguardanti le scritture attribuite allo scultore Baccio Bandinelli (1493–1560), la fortuna coeva e postuma dell’artista, la trasmissione e la dispersione dell’archivio di famiglia. Il volume comprende un’edizione critica e commentata sia dei frammenti del Libro del disegno, trattato autografo e idiografo del Bandinelli, sia del Memoriale, apocrifo secentesco messo a punto sotto la supervisione del nipote dell’artista, l’erudito Baccio Bandinelli il Giovane (1579–1636). Se il Libro del disegno viene inquadrato nell’ambito della trattatistica d’arte rinascimentale, con particolare riguardo al rapporto dello scultore con Anton Francesco Doni e all’influenza delle due lezioni accademiche di Benedetto Varchi sulle arti, il Memoriale è riletto, anche grazie al ritrovamento di documenti inediti, alla luce della complessa operazione di riordino archivistico e interpolazione documentaria attuata da Baccio il Giovane, riconducibile a prassi scrittorie comuni tra gli eruditi fiorentini del primo Seicento. This study, based on extensive archival research, sheds light on the writings attributed to the sixteenth-century sculptor Baccio Bandinelli (Libro del disegno, Memoriale) and analyses them in their historical and artistic context, while offering a portrait of the erudite activity of Bandinelli's grandson, Baccio the Younger, within the broader framework of early modern genealogical culture in Florence.

Francesco Salviati's Lamentation for Venice and the origins of the disegno/colorito debate
Year: 2021

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Werden / Divenire : l'Accademia delle Arti del Disegno di Firenze und die Kunstakademie Düsseldorf
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9783777438795 Year: 2021 Publisher: München Hirmer

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L'accademia medicea del disegno a Firenze nel Cinquecento : idea e istituzione
ISBN: 8822234839 9788822234834 Year: 1987 Publisher: Firenze : L. S. Olschki,

Michelangelo in New York
Year: 2018

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Die Notizie de' professori del disegno von Filippo Baldinucci : Verwissenschaftlichung kunsthistorischen Wissens im 17. Jahrhundert
ISBN: 9783110638011 9783110702477 3110638010 Year: 2020 Publisher: Berlin De Gruyter

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Filippo Baldinucci, a painter and savvy connoisseur of art, intensively examined the question of historiographical writing. With his monumental collection of biographies, Notizie de' Professori del disegno (1681-1728), he distanced himself from biographical literature oriented toward Vasari's Vite, and wrote a scholarly, well-founded European history of art adhering to encyclopedic standards with a source-critical and scholarly basis. A close reading of the Notizie shows that Baldinucci did not intend to provide a follow-up to the Vite: He finds harsh words for Vasari, and even though he shares his notion of the primacy of the arts, he leaves Vasari's teleological model based on normative stipulations of a history of progress behind him.

Logik des Entwerfens : Eine designphilosophische Grundlegung
ISBN: 3846763764 377056376X Year: 2018 Publisher: Paderborn Brill | Fink

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Wir leben im Zeitalter des Entwerfens. Der Umstand, dass gerade Designpraktiken unser heutiges Selbstbild prägen, deutet auf einen fundamentalen Einstellungswandel seit den Anfängen der Moderne. Seit Kants »kopernikanischer Wende« hat sich auch die philosophische Weltsicht irreversibel gewandelt: Die objektive Erscheinungswelt entpuppt sich als Produkt von gestaltenden Subjekten. Design und Philosophie verbindet so ein Entwurfsgeschehen, das kreative Tätigkeiten und kritische Reflexionen als Momente eines Ganzen ausweist. So ist Design mittlerweile zu einer praktischen Bedingung der Möglichkeit von Praxis überhaupt geworden: Komplementär zur Philosophie stellt Design eine transzendentale Praxis dar, durch die wir zugleich uns selbst umgestalten. Seiner inhärenten Logik folgend ist Entwerfen heute Ausdruck dessen, was im Sinne Heideggers den Selbst- und Weltentwurf des Menschen meint: Design ist Dasein.

Architectural diplomacy : Rome and Paris in the late Baroque
ISBN: 026219323X Year: 1993 Publisher: Cambridge (Mass.): MIT press

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