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Being an ‘active citizen’ involves exercising social rights and duties, enjoying choice and autonomy, and participating in political decision-making processes which are of importance for one’s life. Amid the new challenges facing contemporary welfare states, debate over just how ‘active’ citizens can and ought to be has redoubled. Presenting research from the first major comparative and cross-national study of active citizenship and disability in Europe, this book analyses the consequences of ongoing changes in Europe – what opportunities do persons with disabilities have to exercise Active Citizenship? The Changing Disability Policy System: Active Citizenship and Disability in Europe Volume 1 approaches the conditions for Active Citizenship from a macro perspective in order to capture the impact of the overall disability policy system. This system takes diverse and changing forms in the nine European countries under study. Central to the analysis are issues of coherence and coordination between three subsystems of the disability policy system, and between levels of governance. This book identifies the implications and policy lessons of the findings for future disability policy in Europe and beyond. It will appeal to policymakers and policy officials, as well as to researchers and students of disability studies, comparative social policy, international disability law and qualitative research methods.
Citizenship --- People with disabilities --- disabled person --- integration of the disabled --- social participation --- political involvement --- Europe --- Government policy
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Sheltered workshops are enterprises which have as first goal the employment of disabled people who are excluded from the traditional labour market. In order to ensure their first social mission, sheltered workshops need to have a lasting and minimum remunerative business. Thus, these enterprises must determine with precision their activities’ positioning. Therefore, in this dissertation five business sectors are going to be analysed: packaging, electrical, soldering and mechanics, environment and wood’s sector. The model used is elaborated from the Porter’s five forces model: threat of entry, intensity of rivalry among existing competitors, pressure from substitute products, bargaining power of buyers and bargaining power of suppliers. Then, for each force, we will determine if it is suffered or wanted and depending on the case we will see what are the solutions or strategies put in place by the company. Moreover, we are also going to look into the social finality’s impact in each force. This lead us to find different possible positioning strategies for sheltered workshops: price positioning, social positioning, positioning on flexibility and small production, positioning on high added value, positioning on public tender offer, alliances with classical enterprises (corporate social responsibility), alliances with other social enterprises and alliances with other sheltered workshops. Naturally, these different types of positioning can be combined together in order to implement a far more efficient strategic mix. At the end, they will choose according to their type of activities, their wishes and their sensitivity.
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Mentally Disabled Persons. --- Enuresis --- Encopresis --- Constipation --- Toilet Training. --- 606.4 --- bedwateren --- fecale incontinentie (encopresis) --- incontinentie (urine-incontinentie) --- kinderen --- mentaal gehandicapten --- zindelijkheidstraining (toilettraining) --- Toilet Trainings --- Training, Toilet --- Trainings, Toilet --- Mentally Retarded --- Mentally Disabled --- Mentally Handicapped --- Disabled, Mentally --- Mentally Disabled Person --- Person, Mentally Disabled --- Persons, Mentally Disabled --- therapy. --- (zie ook: zwakzinnigheid) --- Intellectually Disabled Persons --- Mentally Disabled Persons --- Persons with Intellectual Disability --- Disabled Persons, Intellectually --- Intellectually Disabled Person --- Persons, Intellectually Disabled --- Toilet Training --- therapy
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Klinische psychologie --- Zelfverminking. --- Specifieke problemen. --- Self-Injurious Behavior --- Mental Disorders --- Mentally Disabled Persons. --- #KVHB:Automutilatie --- #KVHB:Zelfverwonding --- mensen met een mentale beperking --- persoonlijkheidsstoornissen --- psychiatrie --- zelfverminking --- 606.3 --- Psychiatrie --- Psychologie --- 606.329 --- borderlinesyndroom --- mentaal gehandicapten --- elektroconvulsietherapie (ECT, elektroshock, elektrotherapie) --- zelfverminking (automutilatie) --- Mentally Retarded --- Mentally Disabled --- Mentally Handicapped --- Disabled, Mentally --- Mentally Disabled Person --- Person, Mentally Disabled --- Persons, Mentally Disabled --- therapy. --- psychopathologie, psychiatrische ziektekunde, neurosen, psychosen, oorlogssyndromen en verslavingsziekten --- Overige neurosen --- (zie ook: zwakzinnigheid) --- Zelfverminking --- Therapie --- Borderlinestoornis --- Mentally Disabled Persons --- therapy --- Intellectually Disabled Persons --- Persons with Intellectual Disability --- Disabled Persons, Intellectually --- Intellectually Disabled Person --- Persons, Intellectually Disabled --- Borderline-persoonlijkheidsstoornis
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What happens when the mad are let out of the asylum and there is nowhere for them to go?This hard-hitting and controversial new book traces the terms on which the mad occupy the city's streets, homeless shelters, shopping centres and fast food outlets. This social geography of madness is situated within the broader parameters of systems of social welfare and globalization, arguing that the 'community mental health care' system is actually a system of neglect.Bedlam on the Streets is a richly textured ethnography combining stark photographic images of people and places
Mentally Disabled Persons. --- Community Mental Health Services. --- Assertive Community Treatment --- Health Services, Community Mental --- Services, Community Mental Health --- Services, Mental Health Community --- Mental Health Services, Community --- Community Treatment, Assertive --- Treatment, Assertive Community --- Mentally Retarded --- Intellectually Disabled Persons --- Mentally Disabled --- Mentally Disabled Persons --- Mentally Handicapped --- Persons with Intellectual Disability --- Disabled Persons, Intellectually --- Disabled, Mentally --- Intellectually Disabled Person --- Mentally Disabled Person --- Person, Mentally Disabled --- Persons, Intellectually Disabled --- Persons, Mentally Disabled --- Quebec. --- Persons with Mental Disabilities. --- Social policy and particular groups --- Psychiatry --- Montreal --- Mentally ill --- Community mental health services --- Care --- Social conditions. --- Deinstitutionalization --- Services for --- Montreal (Quebec) --- Montréal (Québec)
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moeilijk opvoedbare jongeren --- Disabled Persons --- 376 --- Educational psychology --- Orthopedagogics --- Paediatrics --- Physically Disabled --- Handicapped --- People with Disabilities --- Persons with Disabilities --- Physically Challenged --- Physically Handicapped --- Disabilities, People with --- Disabilities, Persons with --- Disability, Persons with --- Disabled Person --- Disabled, Physically --- Handicapped, Physically --- People with Disability --- Person, Disabled --- Persons with Disability --- Persons, Disabled --- Rehabilitation Research --- Bedridden Persons --- Immobilization --- Sports for Persons with Disabilities --- Health Services for Persons with Disabilities
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Barrierefreie Umwelten ermöglichen Menschen mit Beeinträchtigungen, am gesellschaftlichen Leben teilhaben zu können.Aber was genau bedeutet Barrierefreiheit? Was macht eine Gegebenheit in der Umwelt zu einer Barriere? Welche Aspekte entscheiden darüber, ob Umwelten förderlich oder hinderlich für die gesellschaftliche Teilhabe sind? Wie lassen sich diese Aspekte messen, beurteilen und klassifizieren? Was bedeutet das für die Planung und Beurteilung gestalteter Umwelten? Die Beiträge des Buches nähern sich diesen Fragen aus unterschiedlichen disziplinären Perspektiven. Sie zeigen die Vielschichtigkeit und Komplexität des Themas Barrierefreiheit. Das Buch soll der Diskussion um Barrieren und Barrierefreiheit - einem noch wenig erforschten Gebiet - Substanz verleihen sowie zum interdisziplinären Dialog und zur Reflexion der Praxis inspirieren.
Sozialwesen --- Teilhabe --- Teilhabeforschung --- Barrierefreiheit --- Behinderung --- Sozialpolitik --- Sozialrecht --- Gestaltung --- Partizipation --- Umweltgestaltung --- Zugänglichkeit --- Raum --- Raumgestaltung --- Integration --- Interdisziplinarität --- Hindernis --- Gesellschaft --- Arbeitsgestaltung --- Behaviorismus --- Standardisierung --- Interview --- Gesundheitsversorgung --- Behinderter --- Hilfsmittel --- Assistenz --- Technisches Hilfsmittel --- Digitalisierung --- Inklusion --- Environmental design --- Accessibility (for Disabled) --- Interior design --- Interdisciplinarity --- Handicap --- Society --- Job engineering --- Behaviorism --- Behaviourism --- Standard setting --- Standards --- Health care --- Disabled person --- Handicapped --- Manipulative materials --- Resources --- Utilities --- Digitalization --- Inclusion --- Physical handicap
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Das Buch befasst sich mit der Qualität Partizipativer und Inklusiver Forschung gemeinsam mit Menschen, denen eine sogenannte geistige Behinderung zugeschrieben wird. In der inklusionssensiblen Hochschulentwicklung kommt dem gemeinsamen Forschen eine wichtige Rolle zu und wird unter dem Motto "Nothing about us without us" im Rahmen der Disability Studies schon lange gefordert und umgesetzt. Für die Nachhaltigkeit und Wirkkraft der durch diese Forschungsansätze gewonnenen Erkenntnisse ist die Auseinandersetzung mit der Qualität der Forschungsarbeiten von zentraler Bedeutung. Als Grundlage dafür ist jedoch zunächst die Frage zu klären, was denn wissenschaftliche Qualität eigentlich ausmacht? Darauf werden unter anderem in Rückbezug auf die wissenschaftstheoretischen Perspektiven der Kritischen Theorie und der Feministischen Forschung Antworten gegeben. Auf der Basis einer Analyse themenspezifischer Publikationen, über Interviews mit forschungserfahrenen Personen und durch die Erörterung spezifischer Schwierigkeiten und Herausforderungen werden daran anknüpfend Qualitätskriterien erarbeitet, die den besonderen Wert partizipativer und inklusiver Forschungsansätze herausstellen und eine qualitativ hochwertige Forschung ermöglichen.
Inklusionsforschung --- Partizipation --- Feministische Forschung --- Integration --- Inklusion --- Disability Studies --- Forschung --- Hochschule --- Nachhaltigkeit --- Qualitätssicherung --- Geistige Behinderung --- Qualität --- Wissenschaftlichkeit --- Integrationsforschung --- Lernschwierigkeit --- Lernbehinderung --- Ethisches Handeln --- Sozialforschung --- Empowerment --- Behinderter --- Nicht Behinderter --- Wissenschaftstheorie --- Empirische Untersuchung --- Qualitative Forschung --- Hochschulforschung --- Inclusion --- Research --- Oligophrenia --- Quality --- Scientific character --- Learning Difficulties --- Learning Difficulty --- Learning disorder --- Learning handicap --- Social research --- Disabled person --- Handicapped --- Theory of science --- Empirical study --- Qualitative research --- Higher education institute --- Academic research
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Sociology of health --- Social problems --- Age group sociology --- Assistance sociale --- Bejaarden --- Colloques --- Colloquia --- Gehandicapten --- Handicapés --- Maatschappelijk werk --- Personnes âgées --- Disabled Persons --- Geriatrics --- Geriatrics. --- Disabled Persons. --- Physically Disabled --- Handicapped --- People with Disabilities --- Persons with Disabilities --- Physically Challenged --- Physically Handicapped --- Disabilities, People with --- Disabilities, Persons with --- Disability, Persons with --- Disabled Person --- Disabled, Physically --- Handicapped, Physically --- People with Disability --- Person, Disabled --- Persons with Disability --- Persons, Disabled --- Rehabilitation Research --- Immobilization --- Sports for Persons with Disabilities --- Health Services for Persons with Disabilities --- Gerontology --- Disabled Persons - congresses --- Geriatrics - congresses
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