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Boka er sett saman av 19 artiklar frå ei rekke ulike samfunnsområde. Alle handlar om korleis digitalisering påverkar måten vi samhandlar med andre menneske. Artiklane er innanfor tre hovudtema: Det første omtalar korleis digitalisering påverkar forholdet vårt til omgjevnadane. Her er digitaliseringa eit tviegga sverd. Sosiale medium kan gi auka forståing for kvarandre på tvers av samfunn og kulturar, men viskar ut skiljet mellom det offentlege og det private, og vert brukt til spreiing av usanne faktum. Digitalisering bidreg soleis til å viske ut skiljet mellom kva som er ekte og kva som er konstruert. Det andre hovudtemaet er korleis digitalisering påverkar samhandling og tenester i næringslivet. Her set boka søkelys på korleis ny teknologi vert fortolka og tatt i bruk, men også feiltolka og motarbeidd av dei etablerte aktørane innanfor bransjar og føretak. Teknologiske endringar kan utfordre etablerte maktstrukturar og praksisar, og kan soleis vere ei kjelde til ustabilitet. Bidraga syner på ulike vis at utfallet av møtet mellom det etablerte og dei nye aktørane og praksisane i stor grad vert avgjort av samhandlinga mellom det tradisjonelle og det nye. Det siste hovudtemaet er digital samhandling i skule og høgare utdanning. Artiklane viser at digitale læringsmiddel, undervisingsformer og evalueringsformer skaper moglegheiter, men òg nye utfordringar. Teknologien påverkar ikkje berre kvardagen til elevane, men også skular, høgskular og universitet som institusjonar. Samla sett syner boka at digitalisering fører til store og gjennomgripande endringar i samfunnet. Dei færraste av desse er enten negative eller positive. Utfallet er i stor grad avhengig av korleis vi samhandlar med den digitale teknologien og med kvarandre.
society --- digitization --- technology
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Geology --- Maps --- Digitization.
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Digitization --- Internet --- Digital media
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Algorithms. --- Digitization. --- Everyday life.
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Elegant, lofty, charming, brilliant, bellicose, refined, capricious, superb, temerarious, vain. Giulio Einaudi is an oxymoron. From the extensive literature that has furthered our understanding of his figure, he emerges as the synthesis of divergent behaviours and contrasting inclinations. This oxymoron translates in the features of his publishing house, which integrates diachronicity and current affairs, tradition and newness, scientificity and militancy. The book deepens our knowledge of one of the most neglected aspects of Giulio Einaudi's outstanding service towards Italian culture: namely his promotion of public libraries in the 1960s in Italy. Our starting point is the establishment of Dogliani's civic library, dedicated to his father the President Luigi Einaudi. Setting out from this event - which we have retraced with a particular eye towards oral history - the book proposes to rethink the relationship between Einaudi's view on library project and his cultural programme, which he expressed in the same years through an intense political campaign for the promotion of public access to reading.
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Elegant, lofty, charming, brilliant, bellicose, refined, capricious, superb, temerarious, vain. Giulio Einaudi is an oxymoron. From the extensive literature that has furthered our understanding of his figure, he emerges as the synthesis of divergent behaviours and contrasting inclinations. This oxymoron translates in the features of his publishing house, which integrates diachronicity and current affairs, tradition and newness, scientificity and militancy. The book deepens our knowledge of one of the most neglected aspects of Giulio Einaudi's outstanding service towards Italian culture: namely his promotion of public libraries in the 1960s in Italy. Our starting point is the establishment of Dogliani's civic library, dedicated to his father the President Luigi Einaudi. Setting out from this event - which we have retraced with a particular eye towards oral history - the book proposes to rethink the relationship between Einaudi's view on library project and his cultural programme, which he expressed in the same years through an intense political campaign for the promotion of public access to reading.
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Here is a concise guide to the nuts and bolts of converting flat media (books, papers, maps, posters, slides, micro formats, etc) into digital files. It provides librarians and archivists with the practical knowledge to understand the process and decision making in the digitization of flat media. Instead of having to learn by trial and error, they will get a well-rounded education of the practical aspects of digitization and have a better understanding of their options. This is the stuff they don't teach you in school. Digitizing Flat Media: Principles and Practices is intended to give librari
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Forschung wird zunehmend aus Sicht ihrer Ergebnisse gedacht - nicht zuletzt aufgrund der Umwälzungen im System Wissensschaft. Der Band lenkt den Fokus jedoch auf diejenigen Prozesse, die Forschungsergebnisse erst ermöglichen und Wissenschaft konturieren. Dabei ist der Titel Doing Research als Verweis darauf zu verstehen, dass forschendes Handeln von spezifischen Positionierungen, partiellen Perspektiven und Suchbewegungen geformt ist. So knüpfen alle Beitragenden auf reflexive Weise an ihre jeweiligen Forschungspraktiken an. Ausgangspunkt sind Abkürzungen - die vermeintlich kleinsten Einheiten wissenschaftlicher Aushandlung und Verständigung. Der in den Erziehungs-, Sozial-, Medien- und Kunstwissenschaften verankerte Band zeichnet ein vieldimensionales Bild gegenwärtigen Forschens mit transdisziplinären Anknüpfungspunkten zwischen Digitalität und Bildung.
Archival materials --- Digitization. --- Educational research.
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"Thanks to the digital revolution, even a traditional discipline like philology has been enjoying a renaissance within academia and beyond. Decades of work have been producing groundbreaking results, raising new research questions and creating innovative educational resources. This book describes the rapidly developing state of the art of digital philology with a focus on Ancient Greek and Latin, the classical languages of Western culture. Contributions cover a wide range of topics about the accessibility and analysis of Greek and Latin sources. The discussion is organized in five sections concerning open data of Greek and Latin texts; catalogs and citations of authors and works; data entry, collection and analysis for classical philology; critical editions and annotations of sources; and finally linguistic annotations and lexical databases. As a whole, the volume provides a comprehensive outline of an emergent research field for a new generation of scholars and students, explaining what is reachable and analyzable that was not before in terms of technology and accessibility.".
Digital Humanities. --- Archival materials --- Digitization.
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