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games --- digital games --- games in education
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game studies --- computer games --- non-digital games --- Electronic games --- Electronic games. --- Electronic toys --- Games --- play --- games --- digital games --- Computer games --- Internet games --- Television games --- Videogames --- Video games --- Video games.
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The book analyzes the multifarious exchange of algorithmic technologies and concepts between the military and the media industry from the early 1990s until now. Unlike most related scholarly work which focuses on digital games, it drafts a model of programmable media which is grounded in a close-reading of the key technologies, most notably the paradigm of object-oriented programming, and reconsiders technical disciplines from a humanities perspective. This model is then applied to analyze the effects of algorithmic logic on the military-civilian continuum, including economic practices, patterns of media usage and military decision-making.
Media; Technology Studies; Culture; Military; Digital Games; Technology; Digital Media; Computer Games; Sociology of Science; Computer Sciences; Media Studies --- Computer Games. --- Computer Sciences. --- Culture. --- Digital Games. --- Digital Media. --- Media Studies. --- Military. --- Sociology of Science. --- Technology Studies. --- Technology.
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Computerspiele sind aus medienökonomischer Sicht zwar längst ein Massenmedium, in der gesellschaftlichen Wahrnehmung werden sie jedoch tendenziell immer noch als Spielzeug vornehmlich für junge Männer wahrgenommen. Dabei liegt der Anteil derjenigen, die regelmäßig spielen, in Deutschland bei fast 50 Prozent der Bevölkerung - und hiervon sind wiederum ca. 45 Prozent Spielerinnen. Ausgehend von diesem Missverhältnis zwischen gesellschaftlicher Verbreitung und Wahrnehmung rückt Sabine Hahn einerseits aus kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive die Spielerinnen in den Fokus und wirft andererseits aus mediensoziologischer bzw. kommunikationswissenschaftlicher Perspektive einen Blick hinter die Kulissen der Games-Industrie. »Ein gutes Beispiel dafür, dass die Verquickung von Praxis und Wissenschaft funktionieren kann und keinesfalls unwissenschaftlich ist. Für alle, die sich für Game Studies, für unsere Kultur und für die technische Seite in den Gender Studies interessieren, sehr zu empfehlen.« Michael Christopher,, 05.06.2018 »Hahn [stößt] in ein wichtiges Problemfeld und zeigt umfassend auf, welch frappierende Desiderate im Sektor digitaler Spielkultur nach wie vor bestehen.« Stefan Simond, MEDIENwissenschaft, 1 (2018) »Das Buch leistet einen wichtigen Beitrag zu einer Diskussion, die bisher eher von ›Gamerinnen‹ selbst als in gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhängen geführt wurde.« Vernetzungsstelle Newsletter/Portal aus Niedersachsen für Gleichberechtigung, Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragte, 9 (2017) O-Ton: »Frauen legen mehr Wert auf Ästhetik« - Sabine Hahn im Interview beim Bieler Tagblatt am 04.09.2017. »Eine empfehlenswerte Überblicksarbeit mit einem ersten Zugang auf die Expertenperspektive der Produzenten zu einem kulturell bedeutsamen Forschungsgebiet.« Antje Müller, merz, 61/4, 8 (2017) O-Ton: »Das Thema wird immer noch hitzig diskutiert« - Sabine Hahn am 23.7. im Gespräch bei 20 Minuten Online. O-Ton: »Sobald Sie eine Frau ins Team setzen, wird die Perspektive erweitert« - Sabine Hahn im Gespräch mit Christoph Reimann am 21.06.2017 beim Deutschlandfunk. Besprochen in: Hertz 87.9, 28.06.2017, Sabrina Velibeyoglu c't, 18 (2017), Maik Schmidt GMK-Newsletter, 2 (2018)
Medienkultur; Digitale Spiele; Computerspiele; Games; Spieleindustrie; Gender; Spielerinnen; Medien; Geschlecht; Popkultur; Gender Studies; Medienästhetik; Medienwissenschaft; Media Culture; Digital Games; Computer Games; Video Games; Game Industry; Female Players; Media; Popular Culture; Media Aesthetics; Media Studies --- Computer Games. --- Digital Games. --- Female Players. --- Game Industry. --- Gender Studies. --- Gender. --- Media Aesthetics. --- Media Studies. --- Media. --- Popular Culture. --- Video Games.
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Digital games as transmedia works of art - Games as social environments - The aesthetics of play - Digital games in pedagogy - Cineludic aesthetics - Ethics in games - these were some of the important and fascinating topics addressed during the international research conference "Clash of Realities" in 2015 and 2016 by more than a hundred international speakers, academics as well as artists. This volume represents the best contributions - by, inter alia, Janet H. Murray, David OReilly, Eric Zimmerman, Thomas Elsaesser, Lorenz Engell, Susana Tosca, Miguel Sicart, Frans Mäyrä, and Mark J.P. Wolf. Besprochen in: GMK-Newsletter, 2 (2018)
Games; Design; Art; Media; Film; Audiovisuality; Technology; Digital Culture; Digital Games; Electronic Arts; Cologne Game Lab; Media Studies; Internet; Computer Games; Digital Media; Media Aesthetics; Popular Culture; --- Art. --- Audiovisuality. --- Cologne Game Lab. --- Computer Games. --- Design. --- Digital Culture. --- Digital Games. --- Digital Media. --- Electronic Arts. --- Film. --- Internet. --- Media Aesthetics. --- Media Studies. --- Media. --- Popular Culture. --- Technology.
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Digital games as transmedia works of art - Games as social environments - The aesthetics of play - Digital games in pedagogy - Cineludic aesthetics - Ethics in games - these were some of the important and fascinating topics addressed during the international research conference "Clash of Realities" in 2015 and 2016 by more than a hundred international speakers, academics as well as artists. This volume represents the best contributions - by, inter alia, Janet H. Murray, David OReilly, Eric Zimmerman, Thomas Elsaesser, Lorenz Engell, Susana Tosca, Miguel Sicart, Frans Mäyrä, and Mark J.P. Wolf. Besprochen in: GMK-Newsletter, 2 (2018)
Games; Design; Art; Media; Film; Audiovisuality; Technology; Digital Culture; Digital Games; Electronic Arts; Cologne Game Lab; Media Studies; Internet; Computer Games; Digital Media; Media Aesthetics; Popular Culture --- Art. --- Audiovisuality. --- Cologne Game Lab. --- Computer Games. --- Design. --- Digital Culture. --- Digital Games. --- Digital Media. --- Electronic Arts. --- Film. --- Internet. --- Media Aesthetics. --- Media Studies. --- Media. --- Popular Culture. --- Technology.
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Education --- Culture --- Digital media --- Computers and civilization --- Computers and civilization. --- Culture. --- Digital media. --- Education. --- #FARO e-journal educatie --- E-journals --- Arts and Humanities --- Education & Careers --- digital culture --- education --- digital games --- new media --- digital literacy
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Over the past two decades, much attention has been given to the new media culture of video games, due to their unique features and pervasive nature among young people. This book critically examines the role of video games in education, arguing that they encourage strategic thinking, planning, communicating, negotiation skills, multi-tasking and group decision-making. It is also observed that video games promote higher levels of attention and concentration among players. The book contains multiple perspectives and presents thought-provoking ideas, innovative approaches, systemic exploration, exemplary and promising efforts, and future-oriented scenarios. The book draws together distinguished researchers, educational and curriculum planners, game creators, educational and social psychologists, and instructional designers to explore how video games can transform the future of education. «This volume makes a substantial contribution to the growing field of games and learning. Both the range of topics and the depth of exploration make it well worth the read. A forward-leaning discussion that will certainly help shape this emerging field.» (Constance Steinkuehler, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA) «To push the field forward we need more critical thinking, like this book, that will find innovative ways to get us from experiments to practical use in schools.» (Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Adrian --- Colin --- Digital Games --- Education --- Educational Games --- Edutainment --- Exploring --- Future --- Game Research --- Game-based Learning --- Games --- Instructional Game Design --- Khine --- Knobel --- Lankshear --- Learning --- Michael --- Michele --- Myint --- Pedagogy --- Peters --- Play --- Video
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Gaming no longer only takes place as a »closed interactive experience« in front of TV screens, but also as broadcast on streaming platforms or as cultural events in exhibition centers and e-sport arenas. The popularization of new technologies, forms of expression, and online services has had a considerable influence on the academic and journalistic discourse about games. This anthology examines which paratexts gaming cultures have produced - i.e., in which forms and formats and through which channels we talk (and write) about games - as well as the way in which paratexts influence the development of games. How is knowledge about games generated and shaped today and how do boundaries between (popular) criticism, journalism, and scholarship have started to blur? In short: How does the paratext change the text?
Digital Games; Paratext; Fan Studies; Let's Plays; Media; Popular Culture; Computer Games; Digital Media; Media Aesthetics; Media Studies --- SOCIAL SCIENCE / Media Studies. --- Computer Games. --- Digital Media. --- Fan Studies. --- Let's Plays. --- Media Aesthetics. --- Media Studies. --- Media. --- Paratext. --- Popular Culture. --- Computer games. --- Application software --- Electronic games --- Computer games --- Internet games --- Television games --- Videogames --- Games --- Digital Games --- Paratext --- Fan Studies --- Let's Plays --- Media --- Popular Culture --- Computer Games --- Digital Media --- Media Aesthetics --- Media Studies --- Video games.
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This book examines the notion of storytelling in videogames. This topic allows new perspectives on the enduring problem of narrative in digital games, while also opening up different avenues of inquiry. The collection looks at storytelling in games from many perspectives. Topics include the remediation of Conrad's Heart of Darkness in games such as Spec Ops: The Line; the storytelling similarities in Twin Peaks and Deadly Premonition, a new concept of 'choice poetics'; the esthetics of Alien films and games, and a new theoretical overview of early game studies on narrative
play --- n/a --- storytelling --- poetics --- roleplay --- survival horror --- game storytelling --- game narrative --- pornography --- empathy games --- games --- ludonarrative dissonance --- Larry McMurtry --- digital games --- AAA --- mapping --- ludology --- fantasy --- fifth look --- choice poetics --- film --- musicals --- literary adaptation --- choices --- video games --- politics --- gender --- interactive storytelling --- FPS --- narrative games --- Gamergate --- transmedia --- remediation --- narrative theory --- psychology --- the uncanny --- shared vocabulary --- complicity --- ability --- Haraway --- videogames --- Twin Peaks --- Deadly Premonition --- Alien --- gaming --- defamiliarization --- ludonarrative --- Walter Benjamin --- narratology --- carnivalesque --- Bakhtin --- player goals --- interactive digital narrative --- game fiction --- cyborg --- Video games. --- Storytelling --- Computer games. --- Computer games --- Electronic games --- Internet games --- Television games --- Videogames --- Games --- Story-telling --- Telling of stories --- Oral interpretation --- Children's stories --- Folklore --- Oral interpretation of fiction --- Performance
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