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Webinare - Alles Ganz Anders Hier! : So Gestalten Sie Wirkungsvolle und Nachhaltige Webinare
ISBN: 3658313323 Year: 2020 Publisher: Wiesbaden, Germany : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH,

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Webinare sind eine Legierung mit Bestandteilen aus Lehr-Lern-Formaten, aus Genres der Massenkommunikation und aus analogen Seminaren. Die Stärke von Webinaren liegt darin, diese Elemente zu einem neuen Format mit neuen Chancen und digitalen Mehrwerten zu verschmelzen. Dafür müssen technologische Rahmenbedingungen stimmen, Inhalte didaktisch aufbereitet und alle Aktivitäten teilnehmerorientiert ausgerichtet sein. Dieses essential vermittelt Ihnen komprimiert und sofort umsetzbar alles Notwendige, damit Ihre Webinare erfolgreich werden – mit Teilnehmern und Teilnehmerinnen, die aufmerksam und interessiert dabeibleiben sowie mit Inhalten, die nachhaltige Veränderungswirkungen entfalten. Der Inhalt Themen und Themenfelder Webinartechnik und deren Konfiguration Didaktik, Teilnehmerorientierung, Visuals, Interaktion, Sprache und Stimme Vier Wochen Vorbereitung und eine Woche Nachbereitung Die Zielgruppen Fach- und Führungskräfte, Trainer/innen und Organisationsentwickler Lehrende an Schulen, Hochschulen, Universitäten und Akademien Der Autor Prof. Dr. Winfried Krieger lehrte bis 2017 Logistik, Informationsmanagement und Change-Management an der Hochschule Flensburg. Er ist Gründer und Geschäftsführer der Prof. Krieger Consulting GmbH, die sich auf Prozess- und IT-Beratung sowie auf Lehr-Lern-Coaching konzentriert. Er berät Unternehmen, Verbände und Körperschaften bei der Planung und Umsetzung digital gestützter Qualifizierungsprogramme für Fach- und Führungskräfte.

Framing Futures in Postdigital Education : Critical Concepts for Data-driven Practices
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783031586224 3031586220 Year: 2024 Publisher: Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer,

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This book unpacks key concepts that are relevant for a critical and reflective framing of futures in postdigital education. The rich and often confusing terminology in the multidisciplinary field of digitalization and education tends to prevent conversations across disciplines and areas about core issues at stake in increasingly data-driven everyday practices, such as issues of ethics and values. The compiled chapters each focus on a concept that has pertinence for contemporary debates about the emergence of data-driven education. The selected concepts explore their implicit or explicit ethical and normative implications. The chapters provide in-depth critical reflections and perspectives for scholars in the field to engage and analyze data-driven education as an educational and cultural phenomenon. This anthology thus focuses on the value-laden and ethical aspects reflected in educational imaginaries (discourses and practices) regarding emerging data-driven sociotechnical practices in education. The anthology will address these aspects at conceptual levels that reflect observed practices in the making. Claims about data-driven practices contributing to ensuring the quality and value of the learning experience raise a series of questions that warrant ethical considerations. Concerns have arisen in connection with inequalities, discrimination, algorithmic authority, accountability, and student well-being, as well as advisors’ moral discomfort and violation of a professional, ethical code. This includes conceptual perspectives of marginalized and minoritized groups and issues closely related to intersectionality. Furthermore, questions of Bildung is re-articulated and manifested anew through evolving digital solutions, calling for critical perspectives on reproduction, transformation, and innovation in education. In this context, we argue that educational sciences need to pay attention to the values and the ethics associated with emerging sociotechnical imaginaries. The educational research community has yet to understand how such aspects are considered in the burgeoning educational sociotechnical imaginaries related to data-driven practices. To investigate these emerging practices, there is a need for various social imaginaries reflecting the envisioned role of novel technologies in education in the making. Educational actors and research communities are voicing different values and ethical considerations about the future of education within a datafication paradigm. Such plurality of voices and interests causes conceptual and terminological confusion and misunderstandings. The book is the result of scholarly exchanges between disciplines at a symposium held at VIA University College in Denmark on 5. - 6. May 2022. Contributors have singled out concepts for an in-depth discussion on their meaning with regards to the overall theme. The approach of the book caters for precise understandings and uses of concepts that presently occur in a wide range of contexts and are therefore risking to becoming empty vessels, while still accommodating the complexities and ethical dilemmas in the enactment of data-driven practices in education.

Implementing Mobile Language Learning Technologies in Japan
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Singapore : Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer,

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This book explores theoretical and practical aspects of implementing mobile language learning in university classrooms for English as a Foreign Language in Japan. The technologies utilized, such as smartphones, iPads, and wi-fi, integrate students’ hand-held devices into the campus network infrastructure. The pedagogical aims of ubiquitous mobile learning further incorporate social media, blended learning, and flipped classroom approaches into the curriculum. Chapter 1 defines mobile language learning within dimensions of e-learning and technology-assisted language learning, prior to tracing the development of mobile learning in Japan. Chapter 2 documents the sociocultural theory underpinning the authors’ humanistic approach to implementation of mobile technologies. The sociocultural pedagogy represents a global consensus of leading educators that also recognizes the agency of Asian learners and brings out their capability for autonomous learning. Case studies of universities, large and small, public and private, are organized similarly in Chapters 3 to 5. Institutional/pedagogical and technological context sections are followed by detailed content on the implementation of initiatives, assessment of effectiveness, and recommendations for other institutions. Distinct from a collection of papers, this monograph tells a story in brief book length about theorizing and realizing mobile language learning, describing pioneering and original initiatives of importance to practitioners in other educational contexts.

Eltern als Mediendidaktiker : Elterlicher Einfluss auf die bildungsbezogene Computer- und Internetnutzung von Kindern
ISBN: 3658141808 Year: 2016 Publisher: Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden : Imprint: Springer VS,

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Die empirische Studie von Claudia Börner beinhaltet die differenzierte Erfassung und Analyse elterlichen Unterstützungsverhaltens im Kontext der bildungsbezogenen Nutzung digitaler Medien durch Grundschüler. Neben der Darstellung, wie sich digital gestützte Bildungs- und Lernprozesse im häuslichen Lernumfeld gestalten, wurden Faktoren analysiert, die einen Einfluss auf das elterliche Unterstützungsverhalten haben. Die empirischen Befunde geben Aufschluss über die Notwendigkeit einer handlungspraktischen Intervention zur Nutzung digitaler Bildungsmedien an der Schnittstelle von Elternhaus und Schule. Dazu wurden auf Basis der Forschungsergebnisse medienpädagogische Empfehlungen abgeleitet, die Eltern, Lehrer und die Bildungspolitik adressieren. Der Inhalt Familie als Bildungsort Bildungsbezogene Nutzung digitaler Medien im häuslichen Lernumfeld Fallstudie „Classmate PC“ Empirische Befunde einer quantitativen Elternerhebung Die Zielgruppen Dozierende und Studierende der Medienpädagogik und Mediendidaktik Eltern, Lehrer, Bildungsanbieter, Akteure in der Bildungspolitik Die Autorin Dr. Claudia Börner ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Fakultät Erziehungswissenschaften sowie Abteilungsleiterin für digitales Lehren und Lernen am Medienzentrum der TU Dresden. In dieser Funktion berät und unterstützt sie Hochschullehrende beim Einsatz digitaler Medien in der Lehre und koordiniert Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekte im Bereich der Mediendidaktik.

Implementing Mobile Language Learning Technologies in Japan
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Singapore : Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer,

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This book explores theoretical and practical aspects of implementing mobile language learning in university classrooms for English as a Foreign Language in Japan. The technologies utilized, such as smartphones, iPads, and wi-fi, integrate students’ hand-held devices into the campus network infrastructure. The pedagogical aims of ubiquitous mobile learning further incorporate social media, blended learning, and flipped classroom approaches into the curriculum. Chapter 1 defines mobile language learning within dimensions of e-learning and technology-assisted language learning, prior to tracing the development of mobile learning in Japan. Chapter 2 documents the sociocultural theory underpinning the authors’ humanistic approach to implementation of mobile technologies. The sociocultural pedagogy represents a global consensus of leading educators that also recognizes the agency of Asian learners and brings out their capability for autonomous learning. Case studies of universities, large and small, public and private, are organized similarly in Chapters 3 to 5. Institutional/pedagogical and technological context sections are followed by detailed content on the implementation of initiatives, assessment of effectiveness, and recommendations for other institutions. Distinct from a collection of papers, this monograph tells a story in brief book length about theorizing and realizing mobile language learning, describing pioneering and original initiatives of importance to practitioners in other educational contexts.

Kinder als Rezipienten von Onlinewerbung : Triangulationsstudie zum Onlinewerbeangebot und der Werbekompetenz von Grundschülern
ISBN: 3658197145 Year: 2018 Publisher: Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden : Imprint: Springer VS,

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Sonja Kröger erforscht, inwiefern Onlinewerbung die Lebenswelt von Kindern bestimmt und welche Faktoren dazu beitragen, dass Heranwachsende einen souveränen Umgang mit Onlinewerbung erlernen. Aus medienpädagogischer Sicht erweitert die empirische Studie die Befundlage zu drei Aspekten im Forschungsfeld Kinder und Werbung; Beschreibung struktureller und inhaltlicher Besonderheiten von Onlinewerbung auf den Lieblingsinternetseiten von Kindern; Erfassung der Werbekompetenz von Heranwachsenden im Kontext von Onlinewerbung; Ganzheitliche Beschreibung der kindlichen Werberezeption unter Berücksichtigung der Herausforderungen, die Onlinewerbung an Kinder stellt. Der Inhalt Sozialökologie als übergeordnetes Forschungsparadigma Quantitative und qualitative Inhaltsanalyse von 49 Webseiten Standardisierte Eltern-/Kindbefragung sowie Leitfadeninterviews mit Kindern zur Werberezeption von Onlinewerbung Triangulation quantitativer und qualitativer Methoden Die Zielgruppen Dozierende und Studierende aus den Fachrichtungen Erziehungs- und Kommunikationswissenschaft sowie Medienpädagogik Mitarbeitende von Marktforschungsinstituten mit Zielgruppe Kinder Die Autorin  Sonja Kröger vertritt die Juniorprofessur „Erziehungswissenschaftliche Medienforschung“ an der Universität zu Köln. Ihre Arbeitsschwerpunkte sind Medien- und Werbesozialisation von Kindern, Medienkompetenz sowie empirische Medienforschung mit Schwerpunkt auf triangulativen Verfahren.

Knowledge and Digital Technology
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3031391012 Year: 2024 Publisher: Cham : Springer Nature Switzerland : Imprint: Springer,

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This open access book explores the multifaceted interplay of technology, knowledge, and place. While digital technology is increasingly influencing our way of knowing, conversely it is itself the consequence of human creativity and local social interaction. Part I analyzes how digital technologies transform markets through artificial intelligence and decentralized blockchain models. Its contributions discuss novel governance mechanisms, including the responsible use and analysis of big data. Part II illustrates various ways in which technology supports humanity, be it algorithms supporting complex decision-making processes or the use of robotics in care services. The chapters highlight that technology's efficiency and potential rely on social norms and human capital. Finally, Part III shows that digitization is generating vibrant entrepreneurship, reflected in geographically clustered urban scale-up economies, as well as opening up new ways for people to connect with one another, organize civic engagement and enable new forms of labor. The book offers theoretical reflections as well as empirical cases from the United States, Canada, Japan, South Africa, and Europe. This volume provides a valuable read for scholars, students and professionals in the fields of knowledge creation, technology and governance.

Gamification in A Flipped Classroom : Pedagogical Methods and Best Practices
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789819722198 9819722195 Year: 2024 Publisher: Singapore : Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer,

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This book introduces to researchers and teaching practitioners the concept of gamification within a flipped classroom setting, which resonates with the best practices of flipped learning, gamified learning, and gamified flipped learning. The gamified flipped learning (flipped learning plus gamification) approach combines two emerging pedagogies into a single pedagogical form of instruction and serves as an alternative resolution to counter the challenges that arise from flipped learning and gamified learning as separate pedagogies. This book also examines assessment systems for flipped classrooms, showcases various examples of gamification in flipped classroom designs, and reviews educational applications containing game elements for a flipped classroom setting.

Assessment Analytics in Education : Designs, Methods and Solutions
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3031563654 Year: 2024 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer,

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This book is about the current state of research in online assessment. The growth of this field is set to accelerate exponentially with emerging opportunities for automatic data collection and analysis. Yet, the future of online assessment faces major challenges including, perhaps most importantly, the extent to which assessments, when enabled by technology, can serve simultaneously the needs of learners, teachers and those of the enterprise of education. This book details, specifically, the multiple ways in which online assessment can be utilized, such as: Providing virtual coaching or tutoring Offering appropriate scaffolding Allowing analysis of student decision-making Providing the mechanism for students to review and comment on each others digital creations Creating a space for online discussion Providing expert coaching for modeling and animation work With the increased availability of vast and highly varied amounts of data from learners, teachers, learning environments, and administrative systems within educational settings, further opportunities arise for advancing pedagogical assessment practice (Ifenthaler et al., 2018). This book fully details these opportunities, as well as privileges and constraints of analytics-enhanced assessment, harnessing formative as well as summative data from learners and their contexts in order to facilitate learning processes in near real-time and help decisionmakers to improve learning environments. .

Implementing Mobile Language Learning Technologies in Japan
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Singapore : Springer Nature Singapore : Imprint: Springer,

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This book explores theoretical and practical aspects of implementing mobile language learning in university classrooms for English as a Foreign Language in Japan. The technologies utilized, such as smartphones, iPads, and wi-fi, integrate students’ hand-held devices into the campus network infrastructure. The pedagogical aims of ubiquitous mobile learning further incorporate social media, blended learning, and flipped classroom approaches into the curriculum. Chapter 1 defines mobile language learning within dimensions of e-learning and technology-assisted language learning, prior to tracing the development of mobile learning in Japan. Chapter 2 documents the sociocultural theory underpinning the authors’ humanistic approach to implementation of mobile technologies. The sociocultural pedagogy represents a global consensus of leading educators that also recognizes the agency of Asian learners and brings out their capability for autonomous learning. Case studies of universities, large and small, public and private, are organized similarly in Chapters 3 to 5. Institutional/pedagogical and technological context sections are followed by detailed content on the implementation of initiatives, assessment of effectiveness, and recommendations for other institutions. Distinct from a collection of papers, this monograph tells a story in brief book length about theorizing and realizing mobile language learning, describing pioneering and original initiatives of importance to practitioners in other educational contexts.

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