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Digitale Kommunikation : Sprache, Protokolle und Datenformate in offenen Netzen
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ISBN: 3110492768 3110495457 Year: 2017 Publisher: Berlin, [Germany] ; Boston, [Massachusetts] : De Gruyter Oldenbourg,

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Das Internet hat die Kommunikation der Menschen im Alltag und Geschäftsleben grundlegend verändert. Die digitale Kommunikation in den sozialen und mobilen Netzwerken überlagert die traditionellen Kommunikationsformen und prägt eine neue soziale und betriebliche Wirklichkeit. Wie aber funktioniert die digitale Kommunikation, welche Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer programmierten Welt bietet sie? Um zum Beispiel verbindliche Transaktionen abzuschließen oder eine intelligente Suche zu ermöglichen, ist es notwendig, die syntaktische Form von Daten zu erfassen und ihren semantischen Gehalt zu erschließen. Die Theorien der Kommunikations- und Sprachwissenschaft in Kombination mit der Informatik und Wirtschaftsinformatik sollen dieses Wissen bereitstellen. Dazu behandelt das Buch Digitale Kommunikation die folgenden Themen: Syntax, Semantik und Information Algorithmen, Informationsmodelle, Rekursion, Funktionen, Church-Turing, Halteproblem Sprache, Universalienstreit, Wittgenstein, Sprechakttheorie, Domänensprachen Sicherheit und Datenschutz, Vertraulichkeit in betrieblichen Anwendungen, Kommunikationswissenschaftliche Modelle Shannons mathematisches Modell der Übertragungskanäle Das Internet-Referenzmodell (OSI 7 Schichten und Internet 4 Schichten) Kommunikationsprotokolle und Datenformate von E-Mail, Web und E-Commerce Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Grimm war 2005-2015 Professor für IT-Risk-Management im Fachbereich Informatik der Universität Koblenz-Landau und ist seither in Ruhestand. Weiterhin nimmt er dort Lehr- und Projektaufgaben wahr und ist gleichzeitig wissenschaftlicher Berater und Ombudsmann im SIT - Fraunhofer Institut für Sichere Informationstechnik in Darmstadt. Seit 2010 ist R. Grimm Fellow der Gesellschaft für Informatik GI e.V. 2000-2005 war er Professor für Multimediale Anwendungssysteme an der Technischen Universität Ilmenau und Forschungsgruppenleiter im Fraunhofer-Institut für Digitale Medientechnologie. Davor hatte er in der GMD Darmstadt wissenschaftliche Aufgaben im Aufbau des Internet und insbesondere für seine Sicherheit im Rahmen des Deutschen Forschungsnetzes wahrgenommen und in der Universität Frankfurt Vorlesungen über IT Sicherheit gehalten. PD Dr. Patrick Delfmann ist seit 2015 Vertretungsprofessor für Betriebliche Kommunikationssysteme im Fachbereich Informatik der Universität Koblenz-Landau. Er lehrt und forscht dort in den Bereichen Kommunikationssysteme, Geschäftsprozesse und Predictive Systems. Zuvor war er als PostDoc am European Research Center for Information Systems (ERCIS) der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster tätig. Neben seinen Haupttätigkeiten in Münster und Koblenz hat er zahlreiche Gastdozenturen, u. a. in Moskau, Wien und Osnabrück übernommen.

Understanding media in the digital age : connections for communication, society, and culture
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ISBN: 0205595820 9780205595822 Year: 2010 Publisher: New York Allyn & Bacon

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Digital microwave communication : engineering point-to-point microwave systems
ISBN: 1118636805 1118636740 9781118636336 9780470125342 9781118636749 1118636333 Year: 2013 Publisher: Hoboken, New Jersey : [Piscataqay, New Jersey] : IEEE Press, IEEE Xplore,

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"Until now, no book has adequately treated all engineering aspects of microwave communications in the digital age. This important new work provides readers with the depth of knowledge necessary for all the practical engineering details associated with fixed point-to-point microwave radio path design: the why, what, and how of microwave transmission; design objectives; engineering methodologies; and design philosophy (in the bid, design, and acceptance phase of the project). Written in an easily accessible format, the book is complete with an appendix of specialized engineering details and formulas.?"-- "Integrated use of industry leading microwave path engineering software to solve problems introduced in the book"--

Managing emerging data technologies : concepts and use
ISBN: 9781529761627 1529761611 9781529761610 152976162X Year: 2023 Publisher: Thousand Oaks (Calif.): Sage,

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Obra Digital
ISSN: 24626384 20145039 Publisher: Spain Universitat de Vic; Universitat Central de Catalunya

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ISSN: 15780007 Publisher: Spain University of Barcelona

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Social Media in Higher Education : Case Studies, Reflections and Analysis

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How does social media affect working life in Higher Education? How are universities harnessing its power to aid student learning? This innovative collection brings together academics and those working in professional services to examine these questions and more. The diverse and expert contributors analyse the many ways social media can be used to enhance teaching and learning, research, professional practice, leadership, networking and career development. The impact of social media is evaluated critically, with an eye both to the benefits and the problems of using these new forms of digital communication. This is the first volume to give such detailed attention to this area of high interest. Its innovative approach extends to its creation, with contributors found via their presence on Twitter. The short and impactful chapters are accessible while retaining an academic focus through their application of relevant learning theories and educational context. Social Media and Higher Education is essential reading for any professional working in higher education, including lecturers teaching education courses. It is also significant for researchers looking at more recent developments in the field and what it means to work in a modern higher education environment.

Can digital evolution be a growth driver for the company Teconex ?
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Teconex is a company which mainly assembles and distributes electronic products and led&#13;lighting solutions. For a few years, the led lighting branch has been experiencing a growth in&#13;sales and, at the same time, fierce competition in the market. To remain competitive, nurture&#13;relationship with customers and enter new markets, the company is wondering if digital&#13;involvement could back these aspirations. There are clear evidences that Teconex lags behind&#13;in terms of digital communication. Therefore, we established a digital marketing plan&#13;supported by literature reviews, experts’ interviews, an internal Delphi survey and personal&#13;interviews with customers.&#13;This digital marketing plan was divided in six steps, accordingly to the SOSTAC framework.&#13;Firstly, we performed a situation analysis. It confirmed our thoughts: Teconex must make&#13;efforts and invest in web presence. Indeed, customers’ expectations and competitors Internet&#13;predomination urge the company to at least align on counterparts.&#13;Next, objectives and strategies were selected and explained, based on previous analysis.&#13;These objectives were divided following to the RACE framework. Basically, digital&#13;marketing objectives are categorized in four steps to help firms connect with customers&#13;throughout different buying stages. Then, specific digital marketing channels were advised to&#13;the organization, following its situation and requirements. These channels aim at reaching,&#13;acting, converting and engaging different segments of customers of the sales chain. The next&#13;step concerns the real implementation of these recommended tactics into actions. Decisions&#13;must be made by the firm and we provided it with different options to help select best&#13;solutions. Finally, a steady control of objectives and KPIs were advised. The last part of this&#13;paper will deal with ethical issues the company could face while implementing our&#13;recommendations.&#13;In conclusion, it is not anymore a question of knowing whether going online is necessary for&#13;Teconex; it is now more a question of what should be done and when, in order to remain&#13;competitive and to satisfy customers’ needs and expectations. The completion of this work&#13;can be considered a guideline for the firm Teconex to take future decisions about digital&#13;communication implication.

Comment les startups implémentent leur communication digitale auprès de leurs clients et potentiels clients ?
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Nowadays, we live in an interconnected world. Through the Internet and new technologies, we all have access to an abundance of information everywhere and all the time. As a result, this has changed consumers behaviour. The way businesses interact with their customers has also changed dramatically. &#13;&#13;Startups, which often have budget, time or knowledge constraints, should take advantage of the Internet, social networks and all these new means of communication, which are often affordable. Therefore, this study tries to understand how they communicate with their customers and potential customers through digital ?&#13;&#13;This research work is based on a literature review followed by an exploratory qualitative study. In this study, ten Belgian or Luxembourg startups revealed their way of communication, their reasons and motivations for using specific tools. Also, their barriers and their expectations for the future with regard to their communication were explained. We had the possibility to compare their answers, make links with the literature review, and try to understand their choices.&#13;&#13;At the end of this research, startups we met revealed to us that they are aware of the need to be present on the Internet. They proved that they were establishing concrete actions in order to be active on the Internet. However, despite these efforts, most of them realize that they have things to improve and install in order to be even more efficient in terms of digital communication. As a result, with the complementarity of primary and secondary data, a non-exhaustive list of recommendations for these startups has been proposed to startup managers in order to take advantage of this digital communication.

Création d'outils de communication digitale interactive pour la microbrasserie de la ferme des loups
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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This project thesis was conducted in the frame of an internship for the project of la Ferme des Loups. The latter is a building, recently renovated to become a zytho-bistro-naturo-touristic complex in the village of Forêt. The main activity of the place will be driven by its microbrewery and the launch of a range of beers called “La Louve” (the she-wolf). Therefore, in order to start a marketing strategy, a set of 3 interactive digital communication tools were created: a legend (storytelling), social media accounts (Facebook and Instagram), and a website.&#13;The aim of this paper is to find good practices for the three tools to properly develop and handle the marketing strategy of la Ferme des Loups. &#13;The scientific literature about the three topics was analyzed and allowed to note elements to take into consideration for each. Unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 crisis, the storytelling and social media parts could not be practically measured to confirm the theory and to see how it can specifically apply in this case. &#13;However, in addition to the scientific review, more practical insights could be collected for the website. Indeed, a benchmark analyzing 9 other microbrewery websites was conducted as well as a qualitative study with 15 respondents. It allowed to bring more specific information regarding the “conventions” used for these kinds of platforms, as well as the users’ expectations but also how they feel a microbrewery website should look like and provide information about. &#13;All the resources examined and analyzed compared with what had already be done about the legend, social media, and the website made it possible to provide practical and managerial recommendations to lead the marketing strategy with success moving forward.

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