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Ethical issues in the new genetics : are genes us?

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Developments in genetic science are opening up possibilities for human beings; both the creation and the shaping of human life are now possible in the laboratory. As these techniques develop, questions are increasingly asked about how far everything that is scientifically possible should - morally, legally and socially - be pursued. Whilst much attention and policy-making has focused on the development of regulation of technologies affecting human reproduction, regulation where plants and animals are concerned is much more limited. In this book, developments in genetics are addressed in the broad sense by an international range of contributors. This includes not only issues such as eugenics and the modification of the human embryo, but also the genetic modification of plants and animals in the pursuit of commerce, agriculture and biomedical research. This title discusses developments in genetics in the broad sense. This includes not only issues such as eugenics and the modification of the human embryo, but also the genetic modification of plants and animals in the pursuit of commerce, agriculture and biomedical research.

The social management of genetic engineering
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1859726860 Year: 1998 Publisher: Aldershot Ashgate

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The emerging techniques in genetic engineering constitute a technological revolution with the potential to alter our environment and reconstitute animals and plants. This book presents recent work by European experts on moral philosophy, public policy, and the regulation and control of genetically controlled organisms. It sets out to articulate the key issues, controversies and possible solutions to the problems posed by genetic engineering and modern biotechnology. Areas covered include transgenic animals, xenografting, patenting life, human genome research, sustainable development, environmental release of genetically engineered organisms (GEO's), risk-assessment techniques and regulations. The book deals with the way this new technology can be democratized and "socially managed".

Eléments pour une éthique de la vulnérabilité : les hommes, les animaux, la nature
ISBN: 9782204088244 2204088242 Year: 2011 Publisher: Paris : Les Editions du Cerf,

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Si nous ne voulons pas que l'écologie se réduise à des déclarations d'intention, des changements dans nos styles de vie sont nécessaires. La question est de savoir quelle éthique et quelles transformations de la démocratie peuvent rendre possible la prise en compte de l'écologie dans notre vie. Reliant des champs de l'éthique appliquée qui d'ordinaire sont étudiés séparément - la culture et l'agriculture, le rapport aux animaux, l'organisation du travail et l'intégration des personnes en situation de handicap -, cette enquête élabore un concept rigoureux de responsabilité susceptible de promouvoir une autre manière de penser le sujet et une autre organisation politique. Loin de fonder la politique sur l'écologie, il s'agit de montrer que celle-ci ne peut être prise au sérieux qu'au sein d'un humanisme rénové. Ainsi, le sujet de l'éthique de la vulnérabilité s'inquiète du devoir être de son droit et intègre, dans son vouloir vivre, le souci de préserver la santé de la terre et de ne pas imposer aux autres hommes et aux autres espèces une vie diminuée.

Morality's progress : essays on humans, other animals, and the rest of nature.
ISBN: 0199251452 0199251444 Year: 2002 Publisher: Oxford Clarendon

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This volume is the summation of nearly three decades of work by Dale Jamieson, a leading figure in environmental ethics and bioethics. The 22 papers are diverse, but together tell a unified story about various aspects of the morality of our relationships to animals and to nature. Jamieson's essays aim to convince sceptics that thinking about these relations can offer great intellectual reward, and his work here sets a challenging, controversial agenda for the future.

Applied ethics : a non-consequentialist approach.
ISBN: 0631219048 0631219056 Year: 2000 Publisher: Oxford Blackwell

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Applied Ethics focuses the central concepts of traditional morality - rights, justice, the good, virtue, and the fundamental value of human life - on a number of pressing contemporary problems, including abortion, euthanasia, animals, capital punishment, and war.

Beleid en ethiek
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9023227913 9789023227915 Year: 1993 Publisher: Assen Van Gorcum

Inquiries in bioethics.
ISBN: 0878405380 0878405399 Year: 1993 Publisher: Washington Georgetown university press

Humane education : animals and alternatives in laboratory classes : aspects, attitudes and implications.
ISSN: 1102481X ISBN: 916312386X 9789163123863 Year: 2002 Volume: 4 Publisher: Stockholm Stiftelsel forskning utan djurförsök

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Christian bioethics : a guide for the perplexed.
ISBN: 0567031969 0567031977 9780567031969 9780567031976 Year: 2008 Publisher: London T & T Clark

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This is a new "Guide for the Perplexed" title providing an examination of bioethics that will couple Christian and philosophical perspectives.In this "Guide for the Perplexed", Agneta Sutton understands Bioethics in a wide sense which includes issues in medical ethics and questions concerning our relationship with animals, plants and, indeed, the whole planet Earth. The key question is that of the value of life. This, then, yields the questions of what respect we owe to human and other forms of life and of how we should care for the world in general.These questions are approached from a Christian perspective and also from more strictly philosophical perspectives. Thus, arguments from a Christian perspective regarding our relationships with fellow humans, other creatures and the planet, are coupled with discussions of different kinds of argument and counter-argument.Continuum's "Guides for the Perplexed" are clear, concise and accessible introductions to thinkers, writers and subjects that students and readers can find especially challenging - or indeed downright bewildering. Concentrating specifically on what it is that makes the subject difficult to grasp, these books explain and explore key themes and ideas, guiding the reader towards a thorough understanding of demanding material.


bio-ethiek (medische, biomedische ethiek, bio-ethische aspecten) --- embryostatuut (moreel statuut van het embryo, juridisch statuut van het embryo, potentiële persoon) --- persoon --- heiligheid van het leven (principe van heiligheid van het leven) --- abortus (vrijwillige zwangerschapsafbreking) --- euthanasie --- kloneren (klonen, therapeutisch kloneren, reproductief kloneren) --- reproductieve technologie (voortplantingstechnologie, medisch begeleide voortplanting, MBV, artificiële voortplanting, kunstmatige voortplanting) --- genetica (genen) --- eugenetica (eugenese, eugenetiek) --- transplantatie (orgaantransplantatie, weefseltransplantatie, allocatie van organen, donorschaarste) --- proefpersonen --- dier (rechten) --- ecologie (ecologische aspecten) --- bioéthique (éthique médicale, biomédicale, aspects bioéthiques) --- statut de l'embryon (statut moral de l'embryon, statut juridique de l'embryon, personne potentielle) --- personne --- sacralité de la vie (principe de la sacralité de la vie) --- avortement (interruption volontaire de grossesse, IVG) --- clonage (clonage thérapeutique, clonage reproductif) --- technique de reproduction (technique de procréation, procréation médicalement assistée, PMA, procréation artificielle) --- génétique (gènes) --- eugénisme (eugénique) --- transplantation (transplantation d'organes, transplantation de tissus humains, greffe d'organes, pénurie d'organes, allocation d'organes) --- sujets (participants) d'expérimentation --- animal (droits) --- écologie (aspects écologiques) --- Bioethics --- Religious aspects --- Christianity. --- Biology --- Biomedical ethics --- Life sciences --- Life sciences ethics --- Religious aspects&delete& --- Christianity --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Science

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