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Bild und Latenz : Impulse für eine Didaktik der Bildlatenz

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Bilder spielen in allen Schulfächern immer schon eine zentrale Rolle. Die intellektuellen Energien, die in den Bildungs- und Erziehungswissenschaften aufgewendet werden, um Fragen des Einsatzes von Bildern zu beantworten, wirken daher beachtlich. Eingeklammert bleiben dabei bisher jedoch Phänomene der Unsichtbarkeit, obwohl sie grundlegend für alles Bildliche sind. Denn sie gehören zu jener Dimension, die wir als "latent" bezeichnen. Eine Auseinandersetzung mit den Funktionen von Bildern in Lehrkontexten kann deshalb nur erfolgreich sein, wenn die philosophischen Debatten über "Latenz", die zwischen dem Zeitalter der Aufklärung und dem frühen 21. Jahrhundert stattgefunden haben, Eingang in die bildungswissenschaftliche Theoriebildung finden.

Who You Claim
ISBN: 081473314X 0814732356 9780814733141 9780814732120 0814732127 9780814732137 0814732135 9780814732359 Year: 2010 Publisher: New York, NY

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The color of clothing, the width of shoe laces, a pierced ear, certain brands of sneakers, the braiding of hair and many other features have long been seen as indicators of gang involvement. But it’s not just what is worn, it’s how: a hat tilted to the left or right, creases in pants, an ironed shirt not tucked in, baggy pants. For those who live in inner cities with a heavy gang presence, such highly stylized rules are not simply about fashion, but markers of "who you claim," that is, who one affiliates with, and how one wishes to be seen. In this carefully researched ethnographic account, Robert Garot provides rich descriptions and compelling stories to demonstrate that gang identity is a carefully coordinated performance with many nuanced rules of style and presentation, and that gangs, like any other group or institution, must be constantly performed into being. Garot spent four years in and around one inner city alternative school in Southern California, conducting interviews and hanging out with students, teachers, and administrators. He shows that these young people are not simply scary thugs who always have been and always will be violent criminals, but that they constantly modulate ways of talking, walking, dressing, writing graffiti, wearing make-up, and hiding or revealing tattoos as ways to play with markers of identity. They obscure, reveal, and provide contradictory signals on a continuum, moving into, through, and out of gang affiliations as they mature, drop out, or graduate. Who You Claim provides a rare look into young people’s understandings of the meanings and contexts in which the magic of such identity work is made manifest.

Law, Culture, and Ritual
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0814745172 1429413964 9781429413961 9780814745175 9780814716519 0814716512 9780814716793 0814716792 Year: 2005 Publisher: New York, NY

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Disputing systems are products of the societies in which they operate—they originate and mutate in response to disputes that are particular to specific social, cultural, and political contexts. Disputing procedures, therefore, are an important medium through which fundamental beliefs, values, and symbols of culture are communicated, preserved, and sometimes altered. In Law, Culture, and Ritual, Oscar G. Chase uses interdisciplinary scholarship to examine the cultural contexts of legal institutions, and presents several case studies to demonstrate that the processes used for resolving disputes have a cultural origin and impact.Ranging from the dispute resolution practices of the Azande, a technologically simple, small-scale African society, to the rise of discretionary authority in civil litigation in America, Chase challenges the claims of some scholars that official dispute systems are more reflective of the interests and preferences of elite professionals than of the cultures in which they are embedded.

Irina Nakhova
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 1978814755 1978814771 9781978814752 1978814747 9781978814745 9781978814776 Year: 2019 Publisher: New Brunswick, NJ

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Throughout her extensive career, Russian conceptual artist Irina Nakhova has frequently pushed the limits of what constitutes art and how we experience the art museum. One of her famous early pieces, for instance, transformed a room in her very own Moscow apartment into an art installation. Released in conjunction with Nakhova’s first museum retrospective exhibition in the United States, this book includes many full-color illustrations of her work, spanning the entirety of her forty-year career and demonstrating her facility with a variety of media. It also includes essays by a variety of world-renowned curators and art historians, each cataloging Nakhova’s artistic innovations and exploring how she deals with themes of everyday life, memory, viewer engagement, and moral responsibility. It concludes with a new interview with Nakhova herself, giving new insight into her creative process and artistic goals. Irina Nakhova: Museum on the Edge provides a vivid look at the work of a visionary artist. Published in partnership with the Zimmerli Museum.

Masters of illusion
ISBN: 0814769179 0814776760 1429490233 9781429490238 9780814776766 9780814775851 0814775853 9780814769171 Year: 2007 Publisher: New York New York University Press

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Many legal theorists and judges agree on one major premise in the field of law and religion: that religion clause jurisprudence is in a state of disarray and has been for some time. In Masters of Illusion , Frank S. Ravitch provocatively contends that both hard originalism (a strict focus on the intent of the Framers) and neutrality are illusory in religion clause jurisprudence, the former because it cannot live up to its promise for either side in the debate and the latter because it is simply impossible in the religion clause context. Yet these two principles have been used in almost every S

Rebellen : van de Galliërs tot de indignados.

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'In ons land is het nooit de straat die beslist', sprak oud-premier Jean-Luc Dehaene tijdens de algemene staking van 1993. Het is een echo van wat onze leerkracht geschiedenis ons vroeger al doceerde. Maar wel een echo met een lange, valse baard. Want, tot spijt van wie het benijdt, zijn de belangrijkste maatschappelijke en politieke veranderingen in onze historie niet te danken aan vorsten, parlementen of stembusgangen.In Rebellen leggen historici díe bladzijden uit onze geschiedenis bloot waarvan de officiële bronnen – onveranderlijk die van de gevestigde macht – geen gewag maken.Van boerenopstanden en stedelijk oproer tot religieuze oppositie en stakingen die aan de basis liggen van onze sociale zekerheid. Van het 'verzet' van de Galliërs tot de Indignados. Van Jacob Van Artevelde tot Julien Lahaut.Een pantheon van onze vaderlandse onruststokers, u raadt dat goed. Of dacht u echt dat er alleen in de bossen van Sherwoord Robin Hoods hebben rondgelopen?Met bijdragen van Anne Morelli, Jan Dumolyn, Bruno Bernard, Francine Bolle, Gita Deneckere, Serge Deruette, Michel de Waha, José Gotovitch, Jelle Haemers, Freddy Joris, Serge Lewuillon, Francis Sartorius, Anne-Laure Van Bruaene, Pierre Van den Dungen, Monique Weis, Els Witte en een epiloog van Thomas Blommaert. (Bron: covertekst)


Labour conflicts --- History of Belgium and Luxembourg --- Social change --- sociale geschiedenis --- sociale stromingen --- sociale strijd --- BPB1402 --- Verzetsbewegingen --- Droit de manifester --- Gouvernement insurrectionnel --- Histoire --- 858.1 Politiek geweld --- 308 --- Recht tot betogen --- Rebellenregering --- Geschiedenis --- protestbewegingen --- verzet --- Radicals --- Belgium --- History --- Insurgency --- História --- ιστορία --- storja --- histori --- historie --- historia --- história --- история --- stair --- geschiedenis --- történettudomány --- povijest --- zgodovina --- history --- историја --- Geschichtswissenschaft --- storia --- istorija --- ajalugu --- vēsture --- istorie --- Geschichte --- historiografie --- storiografia --- dějiny národů --- historiador --- dějepis --- historická věda --- történelem --- revolutionsregering --- forradalmi kormány --- guvern insurecțional --- dumpinieku valdība --- побуњеничка влада --- povstalecká vláda --- революционно правителство --- revolutsioonivalitsus --- revolucionarna vlada --- governo insurrezionale --- gvern ribelli --- επαναστατική κυβέρνηση --- sukilėlių vyriausybė --- pobunjenička vlada --- qeveri rebele --- governo insurrecional --- Gobierno insurreccional --- rebel government --- oprørsregering --- rząd rewolucyjny --- rebellenregering --- бунтовничка влада --- Revolutionsregierung --- kapinahallitus --- револуционерна влада --- governo insurreccional --- governo rivoluzionario --- qeveri revolucionare --- Gobierno revolucionario --- governo revolucionário --- revoliucinė vyriausybė --- gouvernement révolutionnaire --- Gegenregierung --- revolučná vláda --- revolutionærregering --- ellenkormány --- guvern revoluționar --- revolucionārā valdība --- revoluční vláda --- revolutionaire regering --- vallankumouksellinen hallitus --- revolutionary government --- pravica do demonstriranja --- tüntetéshez való jog --- право на демонстрация --- demonstrationsret --- právo na demonštráciu --- õigus meelt avaldada --- dritt għad-dimostrar --- derecho de manifestación --- recht tot betogen --- diritto di manifestare --- právo na demonstrace --- direito de manifestação --- e drejtë për demonstratë --- δικαίωμα διαδήλωσης --- mielenosoitusoikeus --- right to demonstrate --- tiesības uz demonstrācijām --- teisė rengti demonstracijas --- drept de manifestare --- Demonstrationsrecht --- право на демонстрације --- demonstrationsfrihet --- pravo na demonstracije --- право на протест --- prawo do manifestacji --- право на мирни демонстрации --- libertà di sciopero --- libertà di manifestare --- право на мирно собирање во јавноста --- право на мирни протести --- právo shromažďovací --- demonstrāciju tiesības --- rialtas reibiliúnach --- ceart chun léirsiú --- België

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