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Bulgarian and Macedonian are the only Slavic languages with definite and indefinite articles. Macedonian is among the few languages that differentiate the definite article deictically. This innovative study presents a complete semantic analysis of nominal determination in both languages, including article-less nominal phrases. Der vorliegende Band legt erstmals eine umfassende semantische Analyse der definiten und indefiniten Determination im Bulgarischen und Mazedonischen vor, den einzigen slawischen Standardsprachen mit definitem und indefinitem Artikel. Überdies ist Mazedonisch eine der wenigen Sprachen überhaupt, die den definiten Artikel deiktisch als neutral, proximal oder distal differenzieren. Als theoretischer Rahmen wird die Concept Types and Determination-Theorie von Löbner herangezogen. Dieser Ansatz ergibt eine typologische Einordnung der Befunde und erlaubt den Nachweis, dass es sich bei den differenzierten Formen im Mazedonischen nicht um klitische Demonstrativa handelt, sondern um Definitartikel. Um den ganzen Bereich der Definitheit abzudecken, untersucht Sachliyan für beide Sprachen auch weak definites. Sie kommen mit und ohne Artikel vor und lassen sich klar von artikellosen Indefinita abgrenzen. Die Verwendung des Indefinitartikels und der indefinite Gebrauch von bloßen NPs runden die Analyse ab.
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Präpositionen und Artikelformen gehen in vielen europäischen Sprachen klitische Verbindungen ein, die spezielle Ausdrucksklassen wie die deutschen Verschmelzungsformen (z. B. ans, vom, zur) und italienischen ,preposizioni articolate' (z. B. alla, delle, nel) konstituieren. Dieses Buch widmet sich dem Sprachvergleich dieser Ausdrucksklassen im Deutschen und Italienischen, die ausgehend von ähnlichen Voraussetzungen divergente diachrone Entwicklungen repräsentieren. Gezeigt wird dies anhand intra- und interlingualer Analysen zu Phonologie, Morphologie, Syntax und funktionalen Aspekten im Rede- und Textzusammenhang, die sowohl diachrone als auch synchrone Aspekte berücksichtigen und unmittelbar korpusempirisch abgesichert werden. Zentrale Erkenntnisse liefern außerdem sprachspezifische Fallstudien in großen Korpora, die auf methodisch innovativen, quantitativ und qualitativ ausgerichteten Distributionsanalysen struktureller und orthographischer Varianten von Präposition-Definitartikel-Verbindungen basieren.
German language --- Italian language --- Bestimmter Artikel. --- Cliticization. --- Contraction. --- Definite Article. --- Klitisierung. --- Preposition. --- Präposition. --- Verschmelzung. --- Italienisch --- Klitisierung --- Enklise --- Kontrastive Linguistik --- Bestimmter Artikel --- Deutsch --- Sprachwandel --- Präposition --- Artikel --- Amalgamierung --- LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General. --- Articles. --- Grammar, Comparative --- Italian. --- Prepositions. --- German. --- Verschmelzung --- Koaleszenz --- Determinator --- Verhältniswort --- Präpositionen --- Adposition --- Ambiposition --- Sprachvariation --- Sprachveränderung --- Variation --- Sprachentwicklung --- Neuhochdeutsch --- Deutsche Sprache --- Hochdeutsch --- Südgermanische Sprachen --- Sprachvergleich --- Vergleichende Linguistik --- Konfrontative Linguistik --- Linguistik --- Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft --- Enklitikon --- Klitikon --- Clitics --- Klise --- Phonetik --- Italienische Sprache --- Italoromanisch --- Dalmatisch --- Romance languages --- Ashkenazic German language --- Judaeo-German language (German) --- Judendeutsch language --- Judeo-German language (German) --- Jüdisch-Deutsch language --- Jüdischdeutsch language --- Germanic languages --- Sprachveränderung --- Südgermanische Sprachen
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The articles in this volume present contemporary and original research on linguistic meaning, concept formation and conceptual analysis. A central theme across the articles is the question of how concepts are structured, how they are represented in the mind, and how they are expressed in language. Two introductory papers on concept types and frames set out the crucial role of attributes and frames for the representation of concepts. The topics of the contributions range from the interrelation between determination and reference of nominal expressions, the verbal and adjectival expression of attributes, and the analysis of metonymy to the frame-based representation of action-related concepts and the classification of mental disorders in psychiatry. The collection of articles provided by this volume will be of interest to researchers and advanced students in the fields of semantics, pragmatics, philosophy of mind, and the cognitive sciences.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / General. --- Action-Frames. --- Alexander Tokar. --- Alexander Ziem. --- Associative Anaphora. --- Barsalou Frames. --- Brigitte Schwarze. --- Christian Horn. --- Cognitive Frames. --- Cognitive Linguistic. --- Concept Frames. --- Concept Types. --- Concept of FEAR. --- Definiteness Effect. --- Determination. --- Diachrony. --- Experimental Method. --- Frame Theory. --- FrameNet. --- French. --- Functional Concepts. --- Functional Frames. --- Gerhard Schurz. --- Gottfried Vosgerau. --- Hana Filip. --- Hans Geisler. --- Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf. --- Irem Girgin. --- Irene Russo. --- Italian Nouns. --- Julia Weiland. --- Jürgen Zielasek. --- Karin Fauerbach. --- Laura Kallmeyer. --- Liane Ströbel. --- Linguistic Realizations. --- Manner Adjectives. --- Metonymic Euphemism. --- Michael T. Stuart. --- New Classification. --- Nominal Concept Types. --- Non-Intersectivity. --- Nouns across Languages. --- Peter Indefrey. --- Possessive Constructions. --- Psychiatric Classification. --- Representation of Concepts. --- Representation of Frames. --- Robert D. van Valin. --- Ryo Oda. --- SFB 991. --- Sarah Jungbluth. --- Sascha Alexeyenko. --- Sebastian Löbner. --- Stative Dimensional Verbs. --- The definite article. --- Tim Seuchter. --- Tommaso Caselli. --- Wolfgang Gaebel. --- Yoshiki Mori. --- Yuko Kobukata.
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The aim of this book is to investigate how definiteness is expressed in Polish, a language which is claimed to have no definite and in-definite articles. The central question is how the difference in definiteness is indicated between 'a woman' and 'the woman' in Polish. In English, the definite article 'the' and the indefinite article 'a' express the category of definiteness explicitly. Since definiteness is also relevant in articleless languages, there are other means to indicate that a nominal phrase is definite or indefinite. This study is delimited to four means for expressing definiteness in Polish, which are demonstratives, aspect, case alternation, and information structure. Each strategy is investigated independently from the others, although they interact in a complex way, which is shown at the end of this book resulting in a decision tree. Polish is not investigated in isolation, however, the study is complemented by comparisons with other Slavic languages and also with a Polish dialect called 'Upper Silesian', which differs from Polish. The analysis in this book is based on Löbner's theory of 'Concept Types and Determination' (CTD). Löbner's distinction of the four concept types (sortal, relational, functional, individual) is crucial since definiteness phenomena under discussion can be explained. Therefore, the interaction of the four concept types with the four definiteness strategies plays a central role in this book. This series explores issues of mental representation, linguistic structure and representation, and their interplay. The research presented in this series is grounded in the idea explored in the Collaborative Research Center 'The structure of representations in language, cognition and science' (SFB 991) that there is a universal format for the representation of linguistic and cognitive concepts.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / General. --- Collaborative Research Center. --- Concept Types and Determination. --- Die Struktur von Repräsentationen in Sprache, Kognition und Wissenschaft. --- English. --- Filip's approach. --- Gerhard Schurz. --- German. --- Hana Filip. --- Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf. --- Lambrecht. --- Laura Kallmeyer. --- Löbner's approach to definiteness. --- Mathesius. --- Peter Indefrey. --- Polish case system. --- Polish determiners. --- Polish. --- Robert D. Van Valin, Jr. --- SFB 991. --- Sebastian Löbner. --- Slavistic literature. --- Sonderforschungsbereich 991. --- The structure of representations in language, cognition and science. --- Thetic sentences. --- analysis of ten. --- anaphoric SNs. --- anaphors. --- articleless languages. --- aspectual composition. --- case alternation. --- category of definiteness. --- complex ICs. --- concept type. --- concept types. --- count distinction. --- definite article. --- definiteness condition. --- definiteness strategies. --- definiteness. --- deictic SNs. --- demonstrative. --- differential object marking. --- equation of definiteness. --- familiarity. --- fluid case alternation. --- functional concept type. --- grammaticalization. --- incremental theme verbs. --- indefinite article. --- individual concept type. --- information structure in Polish. --- information structure. --- inherent relationality. --- inherent uniqueness. --- lexical FNs. --- lexical INs. --- mass distinction. --- nominal phrase. --- non-incremental theme verbs. --- paradigm of ten. --- part-whole DAAs. --- pragmatic uniqueness. --- relational DAAs. --- relational concept type. --- scale of uniqueness. --- semantic. --- situational DAAs. --- slavic comparison. --- sortal concept type. --- studies on demonstratives in Polish. --- topic-focus structure. --- uniqueness. --- upper Silesian tyn. --- upper Silesian. --- word order.
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