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Analyzing the Sustainability of Fiscal Deficits in Developing Countries
Year: 1999 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : World Bank,

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June 1997 Two approaches to analyzing the sustainability of fiscal deficits in developing countries. Cuddington surveys the recent literature on the sustainability of fiscal deficits, most of which focuses on the United States and other industrial countries, to see how useful it might be in developing countries. The accounting approach to analysis focuses on steady states and assumes that a fiscal deficit (or surplus) that leads to unchanging debt/GDP ratios over time is sustainable. The data required to apply this approach are relatively modest. The present-value constraint (PVC) approach assumes that the sustainability of fiscal policy depends ultimately on what level of fiscal deficit is financeable, which depends in turn of the behavior of lenders. Recent empirical implementations of this approach concentrate on methods for testing whether maintaining current fiscal policy (as captured by historical time series on government spending, revenue, and debt) violates the present-value-constraint or, equivalently, the no-Ponzi-game (NPG) condition. The econometric methods used in this literature (such as tests for the presence of unit roots and cointegration) require long-time series over a constant fiscal regime, requirements that may be unrealistic in many countries. Typically, analyzing the sustainability of deficits in developing countries involves issues that are not particularly important in industrial countries. Developing countries rely far more on seignorage to finance deficits, although the degree of that reliance varies greatly among countries; the simultaneous presence of both domestic and foreign-currency borrowing is central in a growing number of developing countries; and concessional lending and grants may also be an important part of fiscal finance. Cuddington generalizes the PVC approach to economies that use money-financing of deficits, economies for which concessional financing is available, and economies that incur both domestic and foreign debt. He proposes a possible compromise in approaches: Rather than use time series techniques to describe constant fiscal regimes, one can specify fiscal rules into the foreseeable future based on country-specific information about fiscal targets (perhaps as stated in IMF stabilization programs). Then one can calculate the implied time path for domestic and foreign debt, given current debt levels as initial conditions. Using this hypothesized time path for debt, one can ask whether it satisfies the no-Ponzi-game condition. If it does, fiscal policy is - by this definition - sustainable. If the NPG condition is violated, fiscal policy is unsustainable. This paper - a product of the International Finance Division, International Economics Department - is part of a larger effort in the department to analyze the impact of public debt on the sustainability of developing countries' macroeconomic policies.

Deficit politics in the United States : taxes, spending and fiscal disconnect
ISBN: 1000538990 Year: 2022 Publisher: London ; New York, New York : Routledge,

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Fiscal Adjustments in OECD Countries : composition and macroeconomic effects
Authors: ---
Year: 1996 Publisher: Cambridge, Massachusetts : National Bureau of Economic Research,

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Can I tell you about ADHD?
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1283960141 0857007084 9780857007087 9781283960144 9781849053594 Year: 2013 Publisher: London Jessica Kingsley Publishers

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Ben invites readers to learn about ADHD from his perspective. He describes what it is and how it feels to have ADHD. Ben explains what he has learnt about ways to relieve his ADHD symptoms, and how friends and adults can help at home and school. An ideal guide for children and families, as well as professionals working with ADHD children.

Le déficit en Alpha- 1 Antitrypsine chez une population pédiatrique
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2014 Publisher: Bruxelles: UCL. Faculté de médecine,

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Le déficit en Alpha- 1 Antitrypsine est une maladie métabolique, qui prédispose les enfants à une pathologie hépatique. L'affection se caractérise par des taux sériques bas Alpha- 1 Antitrypsine (AAT), le principal inhibiteur de l'élastase libérée par les polynucléaires neutrophiles. La synthèse de l'AAT est principalement hépatique et déterminée par les 2 allèles du gène SERPINA 1 codant la protéine. La transmission du gène muté, SERPINA1, se fait par mode autosomique récessif et a pour conséquence le déficit en Alpha- 1 Antitrypsine chez. Les allèles déficients les plus fréquents en Belgique sont PI Z et PI S, et la majorité des enfants souffrant d'une pathologie hépatite sévère est de type PI ZZ. Le variant Z de l'AAT se polymérise et s'accumule dans le réticulum endoplasmique granuleux. Ainsi,entrainant une circulation plasmique d'environ 15% du taux normale de l'AAT. La rétention de 80 à 90% est liée à des changements de la conformation de la molécule AAT et est impliquée dans la pathogenèse de l'emphysème chez des adultes uniquement et l'hépatopathie chez des adultes et enfants. Les manifestations cliniques de la pathologie hépatique chez des enfants de type PI ZZ sont très variables, mais il est important de la détecter. La majorité des enfants de type PI ZZ sont asymptomatiques sur le plan clinique avec ou sans élévation des transaminases. Certains enfants de type PI ZZ (10%) présentent une cholestase néonatale ou un ictère persistant entre 1 mois et 3 mois. Une révolution spontanée s'observe dans la majorité des cas (80 %) à l'âge de 1 à 10 ans. Dans un petit groupe d'enfants de type PI ZZ (3%), une cirrhose hépatique nécessitant une transplantation hépatique peut se développer. Les enfants de sexe masculin ont un risque plus élevé de développer une cirrhose hépatique nécessitant une transplatation hépatique. Il n'existe aucun traitement spécifique pour la maladie hépatique de type PI ZZ, mais une transplantation hépatique inverse les symptômes de l'insufficance hépatique et apporte des taux sériques normaux de l'AAT. Généralement, les enfants de type PI ZZ ne développent pas d'emphysème pulmonaire mais de l'asthme ou d'autres maladies pulmonaires peuvent être observés. La plupart des enfants atteignent l'adolescence avec une fonction pulmonaire et hépatique normale.

What causes ADHD ? Understanding what goes wrong and why
ISBN: 1593852673 9781593852672 Year: 2006 Publisher: New York (N.Y.) : Guilford press,

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Rethinking ADHD : from brain to culture
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780230507128 0230507123 Year: 2009 Publisher: Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan,

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ADHD and hyperkinetic disorder
ISBN: 9780198724308 0198724306 Year: 2015 Publisher: London : Oxford university,

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Superdotação, transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividade e dupla excepcionalidade : um estudo de indicadores e habilidades sociais
Year: 2020 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : SciELO Books - Editora UNESP,

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O livro apresenta uma discussão extremamente necessária ao século XXI e traz reflexões sobre os fenômenos da Superdotação e do Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção/Hiperatividade, delineando, desmitificando e alertando sobre a possibilidade de sua coocorrência - a denominada Dupla Excepcionalidade -, que se manifesta em indicadores de um e de outro fenômeno, mas, como todo encontro, se transforma e apresenta indicadores específicos. A complexidade e a heterogeneidade intrínseca aos grupos podem dificultar o diagnóstico e a atuação com esses estudantes, nos diferentes âmbitos: família, escola e sociedade. Compreendê-los e atendê-los em suas necessidades é necessário a quem se dedica ao ofício de ensinar, pois eles podem se tornar líderes mais empáticos com as necessidades humanas e promover o desenvolvimento cultural e tecnológico da nossa sociedade. Com uma abordagem multidisciplinar e de caráter multimodal, são investigados os indicadores dos fenômenos e suas habilidades sociais, apontando pontos fortes e fracos, o que pode oportunizar o entendimento diante de uma realidade tão paradoxal, dinâmica e com traços aparentemente contraditórios.

ADHD : from etiology to comorbidity
Year: 2021 Publisher: London : IntechOpen,

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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the most prevalent neurodevelopmental disorder. Previously, it was considered a disorder that affected children only. Recently, however, there is no doubt that ADHD can affect adults as well, but with different clinical presentation. Thus, it is critical to understand how the clinical picture of the disorder changes with development. Traditional ADHD diagnostic procedures are broadening and incorporating new entities like endophenotypes. Comorbidity is a rule, especially if ADHD is not recognized and treated early. New genetic studies bring deeper and more concise knowledge about the disorder's etiology. This book addresses these aspects of ADHD to bring about more clarity and understanding of the disorder.

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