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Particlephysicsdiscoveriesattheendofthe20thcenturycon?rmedanam- ingly simple, yet powerful theory that describes fundamental interactions of elementaryparticles. ThistheoryisusuallyreferredtoastheStandardModel of particle physics. It postulates the existence of three generations of quarks andleptons,fourelectroweakandeightstronglyinteractinggaugebosonsand one scalar particle, the Higgs boson. Apart from the Higgs boson, the ex- tenceofallotherparticleshasbeenunambiguouslyestablished. TheStandard Model withstood numerous experimental tests during the last ?fteen years, and has been tested at the level of precision sensitive to quantum loop c- rections. Given the fact that the Standard Model is so successful in describing - ture, is there any reason to believe that this theory is incomplete? There are di?erent answers to this question, depending upon how seriously one takes certain theoretical prejudices. Most severe phenomenological problems appear when the Standard Model of particle physics is confronted with c- mological observations. For example, most of the matter in our Universe is in the form of a cold nonbaryonic dark matter that is not possible to - scribe within the Standard Model. The Standard Model has di?culties - plaining observed baryon asymmetry in the Universe because the Cabbibo- Kobayashi-Maskawa mechanism of CP violation is too weak to produce a su?cientmatter-antimatterasymmetryduringthecosmologicalphasetran- tion. Although neutrino oscillations can be easily incorporated into the St- dard Model, such a solution is not considered theoretically appealing. Inadditiontotheseproblemsrootedinexperimentalfacts,therearesho- comings of the Standard Model of a theoretical nature. For example, it does not explain the fermion mass spectrum; there is a hierarchy and naturalness problem;gravityisnotincludedintheStandardModel,andsoon. Manyt- oretical ideas to address these issues have been proposed in the past; among them,themostprominentandwell-developedisthesupersymmetry .
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12.1 Neutron-rich nuclei Eur. Phys.J.A 25, s01, 767-771 (2005) DOI: 10.1140/epjad/i2005-06-004-6 EPJ A direct electronic only Concluding remarks of the ENAM'04 Conference a ¨ J. Ayst¨ o Department of Physics, P.O. Box35(YFL), FIN-40014 University of Jyv¨ askyla, ¨ Finland Received: 1 February 2005 / Published online: 12 April 2005 - c Societa ` Italiana di Fisica / Springer-Verlag 2005 Abstract. In this talk a summary of the program and scienti?c highlights of the ENAM2004 conference will be presented. 1Introduction communicate their results andinteract with the rest of theconference participants. Theconference covered basically all of its traditional To start,I would like to congratulate Witek Nazarewicz, areas. I could not helpnoticing that thecommunity work- Carl Gross, andthe team fromOak Ridgefor putting - ing innuclear spectroscopy, especially in in-beam sp- gether andrunning this magni?centconference. Ofcourse troscopy,has been directing its interests toward nuclei far they could not havedonethis withoutthe activeroleof from stability andcontributing in an importantwayto participants in theconference, whoareto bethanked as this conference. I estimated that about 30% of thec- well. Theconference programhas been really outsta- ference contributions havecomefrom the ?eldofin-beam ing andextremely interesting, and has demonstrated the spectroscopy,providing a nice complementary addition to scienti?cimpact of the ?eld in an importantway. I am in the ?eld.
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This up-to-date volume reviews the recent contributions of electron-positron colliders to the precision test of the electroweak Standard Model. In particular, it contains a short summary of the measurements at the Z resonance and gives an overview of the electroweak processes above the Z. Subsequently, the measurement of the W mass at LEP is discussed in detail. The implications for the precision test of the Standard Model are presented, giving the status of the global electroweak fit before the startup of Large Hadron Collider. The final chapters give an outlook on the electroweak physics at a future linear collider. The book also features many illustrations and tables. Readers obtain a coherent overview of the results of 20 years of electroweak physics conducted at electron-positron colliders.
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It seems to be a strange enterprise to attempt write a physics book about a single number. It was not my idea to do so, but why not. In mathematics, maybe, one would write a book about ?. Certainly, the muon's anomalous magnetic moment is a very special number and today re?ects almost the full spectrum of e?ects incorporated in today's Standard Model (SM) of fun- mental interactions, including the electromagnetic, the weak and the strong forces. The muon g? 2, how it is also called, is a truly fascinating theme both from an experimental and from a theoretical point of view and it has played a crucial role in the development of QED which ?nally developed into the SM by successive inclusion of the weak and the strong interactions. The topic has fascinated a large number of particle physicists, last but not least it was always a benchmark for theory as a monitor for e?ects beyond what was known at the time. As an example, nobody could believe that a muon is just a heavy version of an electron; why should nature repeat itself, it hardly can make sense.
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Particlephysicsdiscoveriesattheendofthe20thcenturycon?rmedanam- ingly simple, yet powerful theory that describes fundamental interactions of elementaryparticles. ThistheoryisusuallyreferredtoastheStandardModel of particle physics. It postulates the existence of three generations of quarks andleptons,fourelectroweakandeightstronglyinteractinggaugebosonsand one scalar particle, the Higgs boson. Apart from the Higgs boson, the ex- tenceofallotherparticleshasbeenunambiguouslyestablished. TheStandard Model withstood numerous experimental tests during the last ?fteen years, and has been tested at the level of precision sensitive to quantum loop c- rections. Given the fact that the Standard Model is so successful in describing - ture, is there any reason to believe that this theory is incomplete? There are di?erent answers to this question, depending upon how seriously one takes certain theoretical prejudices. Most severe phenomenological problems appear when the Standard Model of particle physics is confronted with c- mological observations. For example, most of the matter in our Universe is in the form of a cold nonbaryonic dark matter that is not possible to - scribe within the Standard Model. The Standard Model has di?culties - plaining observed baryon asymmetry in the Universe because the Cabbibo- Kobayashi-Maskawa mechanism of CP violation is too weak to produce a su?cientmatter-antimatterasymmetryduringthecosmologicalphasetran- tion. Although neutrino oscillations can be easily incorporated into the St- dard Model, such a solution is not considered theoretically appealing. Inadditiontotheseproblemsrootedinexperimentalfacts,therearesho- comings of the Standard Model of a theoretical nature. For example, it does not explain the fermion mass spectrum; there is a hierarchy and naturalness problem;gravityisnotincludedintheStandardModel,andsoon. Manyt- oretical ideas to address these issues have been proposed in the past; among them,themostprominentandwell-developedisthesupersymmetry .
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This thesis is based on the first data from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. Its theme can be described as the classical Rutherford scattering experiment adapted to the LHC: measurement of scattering angles to search for new physics and substructure. At the LHC, colliding quarks and gluons exit the proton collisions as collimated particle showers, or jets. The thesis presents studies of the scattering angles of these jets. It includes a phenomenological study at the LHC design energy of 14 TeV, where a model of so-called large extra dimensions is used as a benchmark process for the sensitivity to new physics. The experimental result is the first measurement, made in 2010, by ATLAS, operating at the LHC start-up energy of 7 TeV. The result is compatible with the Standard Model and demonstrates how well the physics and the apparatus are understood. The first data is a tiny fraction of what will be accumulated in the coming years, and this study has set the stage for performing these measurements with confidence as the LHC accumulates luminosity and increases its energy, thereby probing smaller length scales.
Elementary particles --- elementaire deeltjes --- kwantumleer
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