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La polémique sur les coxibs se justifie-t-elle de nos jours ?
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2014 Publisher: Bruxelles: UCL. Faculté de pharmacie et des sciences biomédicales,

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Nsaids are widely used throughout the world for their anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects explained by the inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX), a key enzyme i n the synthesis of prostaglandins (PGs).The cyclooxygenase exists in two forms COX-1 whose inhibition is responsible for gastrointestinal side effects of NSAIDS (ulcerations, bleeding and perforations) and COX-2. The need to save COX-1 was causing the development of selective (COX-2) inbihitors called coxibs. The arrival of these on the market created a craze which was quickely overtaken by the controversy (Vioxx ® case) due to their involvement in the occurrence of deleterious CV effects.The purpose of this study was to review most of the work published on the CV effects of coxibs and traditionalNSAIDs in order to see if it could be concluded, with a rational way, to the danger and futility of coxibs as an alternative to the traditional NSAIDs as suggested by the authors of the book “Guide of 4000 drugs useful, useless or dangerous”.In view of essential of the literature that abounds in this regard, the situation is quite different, all NSAIDs, except Naproxen, seem to be involved in the occurrence of CV events to varying degrees, including ibuprofen available over The counter. Diclofenac appears to have a bad as rofecoxib CV profile. Note that acetaminophen ; although devoid of Anti-inflammatory properties do not seem devoid of adverse CV according to several recent studies. An emerging Consensus on recommendations for the use of NSAIDs they must be taken with minimum effective doses and the Shortest time possible and this evaluation of balance benefit/risk taking into account the pathophysiological state of the patient, which must prevail in the choice of the most appropriate NSAID. Les AINS sont largement utilisés de par le monde pour leurs effets anti-inflammatoire et analgésique expliqués par r inhibition de la cyclooxygénase (COX), enzyme clé dans la synthèse des prostaglandines (PGs). La cyclooxygénase existe sous deux isoformes COX-! dont l’inbihition est responsable des effets secondaires gastro-intestinaux des AINS (ulcérations, saignements et perforations) et COX-2. Le besoin d'épargner COX-1 a été à l'origine du développement d'inhibiteurs sélectifs de COX-2 appelés coxibs. L'arrivée de ces derniers sur le marché a suscité un engouement qui fut très vite rattrapé par la polémique (l'affaire Vioxx®) suite à leur implication dans la survenue d'effets CV délétères.L'objectif de ce travail était de passer en revue l’essentiel des travaux publiés au sujet des effets CV des coxibs et des AINS traditionnels afin de voir si on peut conclure, de manière rationnelle, à la dangerosité et l'inutilité des coxibs comme alternative aux AINS traditionnels comme le laisse entendre les auteurs du livre «Guide des 4000 médicaments utiles, inutiles et dangereux». Au vu de l'essentiel de la littérature qui abonde à ce sujet, le constat est tout autre, tous les AINS, excepté le naproxène, semblent impliqués dans la survenue d'événements CV à des degrés variables, y compris l'ibuprofène disponible en vente libre. Le diclofénac semble avoir un profil CV aussi néfaste que le rofécoxib. Il faut noter que le paracétamol, bien que dépourvu de propriétés anti-inflammatoires, ne semble pas non plus dénué d'effets indésirables CV selon plusieurs études récentes. Un consensus émerge quant aux recommandations pour l'utilisation des AINS, ils doivent être pris aux doses minimales efficaces et le moins longtemps possible et c'est l'évaluation la balance bénéfice/risque, tenant compte de l’état physiopathologique du patient, qui doit primer dans le choix de l'AINS le plus adéquat.

Celecoxib et Cancer Colorectal
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2010 Publisher: Bruxelles: UCL,

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Celecoxib is a selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor. Accordingly, it has similar properties as the non-selective nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) but it shows less gastro-toxicity. However, a problem observed with this drug is an increase in cardiovascular adverse events. Today, celecoxib is still on the market because it has real painkiller and anti-inflammatory properties and there is no absolute evidence about the cardiovascular toxicity. Furthermore, it may exert an anti-proliferative activity through a variety of mechanisms My MS these will focus on these mechanisms, and more specifically in the context of the familial adenomatous polyposis disease and the colorectal cancer. After a description of the cyclooxygenase system and the major pharmacological properties of the celecoxib, I will discuss the cardiovascular effects of COXIBs and propose my view on the future of this molecule Le celecoxib est un inhibiteur sélectif de la cyclo-oxygénase 2. Il présente, dès lors, des propriétés semblables aux AINS (anti-inflammatoires non-stéroïdiens) non-sélectifs tout en évitant un de leur problème majeur, la toxicité gastrique. Cependant, la toxicité cardiovasculaire de cette classe médicamenteuse a été un frein à son développement. Actuellement, le celecoxib survit au sein de sa classe et ce par ses propriétés analgésiques et anti-inflammatoires confirmées et l’absence de preuves indiscutables au niveau de la toxicité cardiovasculaire. De plus, il présente une activité s’opposant au développement cancéreux par divers mécanismes. Mon mémoire repose sur l’explication de ces mécanismes, et ce plus particulièrement dans la cadre de la polypose adénomateuse familiale et du cancer colorectal. Après avoir explicité le fonctionnement basique des inhibiteurs de cyclo-oxygénases et avoir développé la pharmacologie et la pharmacocinétique du celecoxib, j’aborderai également al polémique autour de la problématique cardiovasculaire des COXIBs et tenterai de trancher sur l’utilité future de cette molécule controversée.

La face cachée de l'activité cyclooxygénase : les dérivés oxygénés du 2-Arachidonoylglycérol
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2014 Publisher: Bruxelles: UCL. Faculté de pharmacie et des sciences biomédicales,

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Cyclooxygcnascs are not limited to metabolism of arachidonic acid.Indeed COX-2 can metabolise other substrates, like 2-arachidonoyglycerol, and consequently form derived prostaglandins like PG-G. Properties of these products could be more studied to create new therapeutical classes of drugs and to understand a little more the effects of marketed NSAIs. Based on the current state of the art, we can already say that PGE2-G activates macrophages. PGF2α-G has similar effects to PGF2-G on macrophages. Researchers have also found anti-inflammatory molecules that can selectevely inbihit the metabolism of endocannabinoïds by COX-2 compared to the metabolism of arachidonic acid. Researches continue to investigate in this direction but also towards the inhibition of other enzymes like MAGL, ABDH6 and FAAH that play a role in 2-AG metabolism. La voie des cyclooxygénases ne se limitent pas à la métabolisation de l'acide arachidonique en prostanoïdes. En effet, la COX-2 peut prendre en charge d'autres substrats (comme le 2- AG) et donc former d'autres produits (comme les PGs-G). Les propriétés de ces produits sont encore peu connues. Mais la connaissance approfondie de ces propriétés physiologiques pourrait mener à terme à de nouvelles classes médicamenteuses et à une plus ample compréhension des AINS classiques. Nous pouvons quand même dès à présent dire que la PGE2-G active les macrophages, induit une hyperalgésie et une activation du NFkB. La PGI2-G active le PPARo et diminue l'expression du facteur tissulaire. La PGD2-G diminue l'activité macrophagique. Et la PGF2a-G agit de manière similaire à la PGE2-G au niveau des macrophages. Les chercheurs ont également pu obtenir un effet anti-inflammatoire par inhibition de l'axe COX-2/endocannabinoïdes sélectivement par rapport à la voie de l'acide arachidonique. Les recherches continuent dans ce sens mais également dans l'inhibition d'autres enzymes de métabolisation de ces endocannabinoïdes (MAGL, ABDH6, FAAH,. ..) dans le but d'unjour mettre au point de nouvelles classes thérapeutiques.

Trends in the use and expenditures for COX-2 inhibitors and traditional nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, 1997-2003
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2006 Publisher: [Rockville, Md.] : Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality,

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This Statistical Brief uses data from the Household Component of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS-HC) to document trends in use and expenditures for COX-2 inhibitors from 1997 to 2003 in relation to trends for traditional NSAIDS.

COX-2 inhibitors
ISBN: 3764369019 9783764369019 Year: 2004 Publisher: Basel: Birkhäuser,

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Nimesulide : actions and uses
ISBN: 128041314X 9786610413140 3764374101 Year: 2005 Publisher: Basel : Birkhauser Verlag,

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Nimesulide is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) which acts as a cyclooxygenase- 2 inhibitor but also has other novel pharmacological features which account for its effect in the control of pain and inflammation. It has become a leading NSAID in over 50 countries worldwide. This book provides a comprehensive and fully up-to-date critical review of the published literature on nimesulide, including comparisons with anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic agents. The emphasis is on the action of nimesulide in relation to its therapeutic and side effects in comparison with other established NSAIDs, including the new class of Coxibs. The chapters are written by leading experts and cover development of nimesulide, including synthesis and production, introduction, and approved uses and applications, followed by pharmacokinetics and toxicological properties, adverse reactions and their mechanisms.

Inflammation in the pathogenesis of chronic diseases : the COX-2 controversy
ISBN: 1280865318 9786610865314 1402056885 1402056877 9048174295 Year: 2007 Publisher: New York : Springer,

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Discusses the role of inflammation in the pathogenesis of major chronic diseases and the controversy regarding risk versus benefit of selective cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors. This volume is intended for scientists in medicine, epidemiology, pharmacology, molecular biology, and related fields.

Anticancer Drugs
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3039215876 3039215868 Year: 2019 Publisher: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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The past decades have seen major developments in the understanding of the cellular and molecular biology of cancer. Significant progress has been achieved regarding long-term survival for the patients of many cancers with the use of tamoxifen for treatment of breast cancer, treatment of chronic myeloid leukaemia with imatinib, and the success of biological drugs. The transition from cytotoxic chemotherapy to targeted cancer drug discovery and development has resulted in an increasing selection of tools available to oncologists. In this Special Issue of Pharmaceuticals, we highlight the opportunities and challenges in the discovery and design of innovative cancer therapies, novel small-molecule cancer drugs and antibody–drug conjugates, with articles covering a variety of anticancer therapies and potential relevant disease states and applications. Significant efforts are being made to develop and improve cancer treatments and to translate basic research findings into clinical use, resulting in improvements in survival rates and quality of life for cancer patients. We demonstrate the possibilities and scope for future research in these areas and also highlight the challenges faced by scientists in the area of anticancer drug development leading to improved targeted treatments and better survival rates for cancer patients.

MicroRNA and Cancer
Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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MicroRNAs (miRs) are small noncoding RNAs that function as post-transcriptional regulators of gene expression and have important roles in almost all biological pathways. Deregulated miR expression has been detected in numerous cancers, where miRs act as both oncogene and tumor suppressors. Due to their important roles in tumorigenesis, miRs have been investigated as prognostic and diagnostic biomarkers and as useful targets for therapeutic intervention. From a therapeutic point of view, two modalities can serve to rectify gene networks in cancer cells. For oncomiRs, a rational means is downregulation through antagomirs. Moreover, observations of the pathological reductions in tumor-suppressive miRs have inspired the concept of “miR replacement therapy” to enhance the amount of these miRs, thereby restoring them to normal levels. However, the clinical applicability of miR-based therapies is severely limited by the lack of effective delivery systems. Therefore, to understand the role of this new class of regulators, we need to identify the mRNA targets regulated by individual miRs as well as to develop specific, efficient, and safe delivery systems for therapeutic miRs.


Research & information: general --- Biology, life sciences --- Breast cancer --- Hypoxia inducible factor 1-alpha (HIF-1α) --- MicroRNA (miRNA) --- miR526b --- miR655 --- Oxidative stress --- Migration --- Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) --- Prostaglandin E2 receptor 4 (EP4) --- PI3K/Akt --- adipokines --- endometrial cancer --- estrogens --- hyperinsulinemia --- insulin --- insulin resistance --- insulin signaling --- insulin-like growth factors --- microRNA --- miRNA --- ovarian cancer --- survival --- prognostic factor --- serum LDH --- blood biomarker --- circulating microRNA --- plasma --- immunotherapy --- immune checkpoint inhibitors --- metastatic melanoma --- hepatocellular carcinoma --- metastasis --- exosome --- bioinformatics analysis --- renal cancer --- RCC --- ccRCC --- meta-analysis --- miRNAs --- normal B-cell development --- B-CLL --- miRNA-transcription factor network --- regulation --- biomarker --- therapy --- prognosis --- diagnosis --- progression --- prediction --- smoking --- non-small cell lung cancer --- methylation --- miR-584-5p --- YKT6 --- snoRNA --- 2′-O-methylation --- pseudouridylation --- malignant melanoma --- cancer stem cell --- stemness --- head and neck squamous cell carcinoma --- colon cancer --- cancer stem cells --- microRNAs --- deformability --- PARP --- replication stress --- targeted therapy --- breast cancer --- circulating biomarkers --- medulloblastoma --- brain tumour --- subgroups --- stem cells --- n/a --- 2'-O-methylation

MicroRNA and Cancer
Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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MicroRNAs (miRs) are small noncoding RNAs that function as post-transcriptional regulators of gene expression and have important roles in almost all biological pathways. Deregulated miR expression has been detected in numerous cancers, where miRs act as both oncogene and tumor suppressors. Due to their important roles in tumorigenesis, miRs have been investigated as prognostic and diagnostic biomarkers and as useful targets for therapeutic intervention. From a therapeutic point of view, two modalities can serve to rectify gene networks in cancer cells. For oncomiRs, a rational means is downregulation through antagomirs. Moreover, observations of the pathological reductions in tumor-suppressive miRs have inspired the concept of “miR replacement therapy” to enhance the amount of these miRs, thereby restoring them to normal levels. However, the clinical applicability of miR-based therapies is severely limited by the lack of effective delivery systems. Therefore, to understand the role of this new class of regulators, we need to identify the mRNA targets regulated by individual miRs as well as to develop specific, efficient, and safe delivery systems for therapeutic miRs.

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