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Credit risk modeling : theory and applicaties
ISBN: 9788122416961 Year: 2007 Publisher: Princeton : Princeton Univers,

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Credit risk.

Southeast European capital markets : dynamics, relationship and sovereign credit risk
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3110648326 Year: 2019 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : Walter de Gruyter GmbH,

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Important contribution of this book is testing the investors’ influence and accounting information on the Bulgarian capital markets and their relations with credit default swap spreads. Bulgarian capital market is a part of the SEE group countries and it is a developing country and in the process of its development, people and investors should learn more about risk, credit risk management, and their relation to the rules of the listed companies and agencies. Many factors may provoke a change in stock prices: financial and monetary policies, macroeconomic conditions, investors’ expectations and country’s sovereign credit risk. Accepting sovereign CDS spreads as measurements of investment expectations regarding the development of Bulgarian capital market, we review the role of accounting information in CDS pricing because the accounting data may help investors make the most effective decision. The aim will be accomplished by creating an empirical model, based on the theoretical ones, including a panel data approach, several accounting variables, which are expected to have an impact on CDS spreads.n this research, we analyze the joint movement of eleven financial markets of South East Europe (SEE) - Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey, Romania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Banja Luka and Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) using correlation and regression analysis during the period 2005-2015. We reveal the role of investors’ expectations on the capital markets dynamics and sovereign credit risk in Bulgaria. ABSTRACTING & INDEXING Southeast European Capital Markets: Dynamics, Relationship and Sovereign Credit Risk is covered by the following services: Baidu Scholar EBSCO Discovery Service Google Books Google Scholar J-Gate Naviga (Softweco) Primo Central (ExLibris) ReadCube Semantic Scholar Summon (ProQuest) TDOne (TDNet)

Zinsen, Anleihen, Kredite
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3110396963 3486853406 Year: 2014 Publisher: Munich, Germany : De Gruyter Oldenbourg,

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Dieses Buch behandelt die Geld- und Kapitalmärkte sowie das Management von Rentenportfolios unter Beachtung der Risiken, zu denen neben dem Zinsänderungsrisiko und dem Währungsrisiko das Kreditrisiko gehört. Es wendet sich an Studierende, die eine berufliche Tätigkeit im Finanzbereich, im Investment, im Portfoliomanagement, in der Vermögensverwaltung, im Kreditwesen, oder im Bereich der Unternehmensberatung anstreben - sei es bei einer Bank, bei einem Asset Manager, in einer Consulting-Firma oder als Selbständiger. Sodann möchte ";Zinsen, Anleihen, Kredite"; jene Personen ansprechen, die bereits im Beruf stehen und Funktionen der Anlageberatung und der Kreditbeurteilung wahrnehmen. Natürlich ist das Buch ebenso offen und zugänglich für Alle, die ein Interesse an Finanzinvestitionen haben, vielleicht weil sie privat Geld anlegen. Aus dem Inhalt: Zinsinstrumente. Zinsstruktur. Theorien und Paritäten. Zinsmodelle. Duration und Konvexität. Swaps und Zinsfutures. Währungsrisiko. Kreditrisiko. Reserven. Kreditportfolio. Basel II.

Determinants of credit risk: a comparative study of foreign and local banks in Ghana
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Banks play a critical role in financial intermediation. These institutions are channels for monetary circulation in the national economy. However, in its financial intermediation process, banks assume credit, market and operational risks. The dominant of these risks is credit and is associated with the loan book of banks. Banks risk eroding their capital if the quality of their risk assets (loans) deteriorates. Due to the detrimental effect of toxic assets on the profitability, liquidity and solvency of banks in particular and public confidence in the broader financial sector of a country, it is important to have a good understanding of the factors that affect or influence credit risk geographically (economy). This empirical study examines credit risk in Ghana, a Sub-Saharan African country positioned on the west coast of the continent. The study shows that only the bank specific variable of management efficiency and macroeconomic variable of previous year inflation affect credit risk in both locally and foreign owned banks. The study concludes that comparatively the determinants of credit risk do not differ between the ownership structure of the commercial banks. The result also suggests that bank management teams should carefully consider their decision making processes because it has a significant influence on value creation especially because it is a variable that is within their control unlike the macroeconomic indicator of inflation.

Impacts of Basel III finalised regulations on banks and their credit risk assessment
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Executive summary:&#13;The BCBS crusade to eliminate the scars of the 2007-2009 financial and economic crisis continues with the new Basel III finalised framework which will be set in place by 2022. This new regulation brings a series of novelties and review of existing mechanisms under the Basel III regulation. Indeed, it will revise the operational risk and market frameworks as well as the leverage ratio requirements. However, the most controversial measures are identified as the setting up of an output ratio for all IRBs assessment methods and the proposal of more constrained IRBAs for credit risk RWA calculations. &#13;The scientific working papers available on the potential impacts which will be caused by the new Basel regulation by 2022 are very scarce. The research carried out by the author aims at determining the aftermaths of the input floor policy on the bank risk appetite, competitiveness and portfolio composition. To do so, the most significant 25 European G-SIBs were selected based on the asset size criterion. Then, they were divided into 3 business model: universal bank, retail bank and wholesale bank. An overview of the breakdowns of their exposure portfolio, credit risk RWA and application of IRBAs methods has been done based on the data retrieved in the pillar 3 disclosure reports required by the CRD IV and CRR.&#13;When assessing the impact of the increase of the input floors, we observed an increase in the RWA amount even after having subtracted the scaling factor reduction. Moreover, the lower the maturity, the more significant the augmentation in RWA was. &#13;The relative results were very homogenous, meaning that the different correlation formula have an impact on the absolute amounts, but the variation proportions are well preserved by the IRBA RWA formula from an exposure class to another. Then, variations of RWA due to LGD and EAD floors were considered. The relationship between those risk parameters and the RWA amount was forecasted as to have a linear impact on the RWA amount when their value is below the different thresholds. With these results, we determine that UL and risk weight density will be the main drivers of credit portfolio and will trigger the decision to shift from a lending strategy to another. The risk of a credit crunch for safest exposures exists as banks will consider the input floors as an incentive to take more risk.

Mise en place d'une méthodologie de calcul des provisions et réductions de valeur à comptabiliser sur les prêts subordonnés à la Sowalfin
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2016 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Since its creation in 2002, SOWALFIN has been facilitating access to finance to the SMEs in Wallonia, and has given them the opportunity to realize or complete their projects by providing solutions to their financial needs at key moments in their existence. One of these solutions is the granting of subordinated loans as a complement to bank lending.&#13;These subordinated loans concern companies in the creation, development or transfer phases. The amount of the credit varies from €25,000 to €350,000 and SOWALFIN benefits from a bank guarantee of 1/3 of the amount of each loan. &#13;Financing activities are subject to credit risks that should be controlled by the company and reflected in its financial account in order not to jeopardize the company’s survival. These risks are covered through a provision for risks and charges and impairment of some specific assets. The willingness of SOWALFIN is to set up a methodology for calculating provisions and impairments more related to the risks to which it is exposed. In 2013-2014, SOWALFIN developed a risk scoring system which may be used in the methodology. The title of the project is: “The establishment of a methodology for calculating provisions and impairments to be recognized on subordinated loans at SOWALFIN”.&#13;Several steps are necessary in order to realise this mission. Firstly, the realization of sector analyses in order to identify risks specific to each sector treated at SOWALFIN. This step allows classifying loans in portfolios in terms of the probability of default. Secondly, the assessment of the relevance of this sector analysis and of the credit scoring system in the risk of a company’s default. Thirdly, the analysis of the outcome of loans with specific risks (loans in judicial reorganisation procedure, loans with moratorium and with payment delays). The final step consists of the establishment of a methodology based on the sector risk analysis, on the individual risk identified through the credit scoring system, and on the specific risks. &#13;Carrying out these four steps will enable SOWALFIN to account for provisions and impairments representing the credit risks to which it is exposed.

How Does Bank Competition Affect Systemic Stability?
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2012 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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Using bank level measures of competition and co-dependence, the authors show a robust positive relationship between bank competition and systemic stability. Whereas much of the extant literature has focused on the relationship between competition and the absolute level of risk of individual banks, they examine the correlation in the risk taking behavior of banks, hence systemic risk. They find that greater competition encourages banks to take on more diversified risks, making the banking system less fragile to shocks. Examining the impact of the institutional and regulatory environment on systemic stability shows that banking systems are more fragile in countries with weak supervision and private monitoring, with generous deposit insurance and greater government ownership of banks, and public policies that restrict competition. Furthermore, lack of competition has a greater adverse effect on systemic stability in countries with low levels of foreign ownership, weak investor protections, generous safety nets, and where the authorities provide limited guidance for bank asset diversification.

Psychometrics as a Tool to Improve Screening and Access to Credit
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2015 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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This paper studies the use of psychometric tests, which were designed by the Entrepreneurial Finance Lab as a tool to screen out high credit risk and potentially increase access to credit for small business owners in Peru. The analysis uses administrative data covering the period from June 2011 to April 2014 to compare debt accrual and repayment behavior patterns across entrepreneurs who were offered a loan based on the traditional credit-scoring method versus the Entrepreneurial Finance Lab tool. The paper finds that the psychometric test can lower the risk of the loan portfolio when used as a secondary screening mechanism for already banked entrepreneurs-that is, those with a credit history. For unbanked entrepreneurs-those without a credit history-using the Entrepreneurial Finance Lab tool can increase access to credit without increasing portfolio risk.

Contingent Liabilities Risk Management : A Credit Risk Analysis Framework for Sovereign Guarantees and On-Lending: Country Experiences from Colombia, Indonesia, Sweden, and Turkey
Year: 2016 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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Sovereign credit guarantees and government on-lending can catalyze private sector investment and fulfill specific policy objectives. However, contingent liabilities stemming from guarantees and contingent assets stemming from on-lending expose governments to risk. Prudent risk management, including risk analysis and measurement, can help identify and mitigate these risks. This paper proposes a four-step structure for analyzing and measuring credit risk: (i) defining key characteristics to determine the choice of a risk analysis approach; (ii) analyzing risk drivers; (iii) quantifying risks; and (iv) applying risk analyses and quantification to the design of risk management tools. This structure is based on an assessment of approaches discussed in academia and applied in practice. The paper demonstrates how the four steps of credit risk management are applied in Colombia, Sweden, and Turkey. It also discusses how the proposed framework is applied in Indonesia as it develops a credit risk management framework for sovereign guarantees. Country experiences show that although sovereign risk managers can draw on insights from credit risk management in the private sector, academic literature, and practices in other countries, approaches to risk management need to be highly context-specific. Key differentiating factors include characteristics of the guarantee and on-lending portfolio, the sovereign's specific risk exposure, the availability of market information and data, and resources and capacity in the public sector. Developing a sound risk analysis and measurement framework requires significant investments in resources, capacity building, and time. Governments should view this process as iterative and long-term.

Financing Firms in Hibernation during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : The World Bank,

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The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has halted economic activity worldwide, hurting firms and pushing them toward bankruptcy. This paper provides a unified framework to organize the policy debate related to firm financing during the downturn, centered along four main points. First, the economic crisis triggered by the spread of the virus is radically different from past crises, with important consequences for optimal policy responses. Second, to avoid inefficient bankruptcies and long-term detrimental effects, it is important to preserve firms' relationships with key stakeholders, like workers, suppliers, customers, and creditors. Third, firms can benefit from "hibernating," using the minimum bare cash necessary to withstand the pandemic, while using credit to remain alive until the crisis subdues. Fourth, the existing legal and regulatory infrastructure is ill-equipped to deal with an exogenous systemic shock such as this pandemic. Financial sector policies can help increase the provision of credit, while posing difficult choices and trade-offs.

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