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Uprkos postojanju normativnog i institucionalnog okvira za suzbijanje korupcije, istraživanja su pokazala da u posljednjih dvadeset godina ona ostaje sveprisutna pojava u bosanskohercegovačkom društvu. Rezultati Indeksa percepcije korupcije (CPI) Transparency Internationala, koji mjeri percipirani nivo korupcije u javnom sektoru u zemljama širom svijeta, u kontekstu Bosne i Hercegovine (BiH) kontinuirano su nezadovoljavajući. Prema podacima za 2016. godinu, BiH se, od ukupno 176 država obuhvaćenih istraživanjem, nalazi na 83. mjestu. Prostor za optimizam ne nude ni nalazi Globalnog barometra korupcije Transparency Internationala za 2016. godinu, prema kojem 82% građana BiH rad vlasti u borbi protiv korupcije ocjenjuje negativno, svrstavajući zemlju među četiri najgore ocijenjene države u ovoj kategoriji, zajedno sa Ukrajinom, Moldavijom i Španijom. Ovakva statistika ne ide u prilog zahtjevima za integraciju BiH u Evropsku uniju, posebno imajući u vidu proširenje strukturiranog dijaloga o pravosuđu i na oblast korupcije, a koji uključuju usklađivanje antikoruptivnih zakonskih akata sa međunarodnim dokumentima u ovoj oblasti, te jačanje institucija koje imaju ulogu i ovlaštenja u borbi protiv korupcije. U tom smislu, posebno je značajna uloga pravosuđa, koje ima zadatak da, pored ostalog, vrši nadzor nad zakonitim djelovanjem svih drugih javnih institucija. Iz tog su razloga brojne inicijative domaćih aktera i međunarodnih donatora u prethodnoj deceniji bile usmjerene na pružanje podrške pravosudnim institucijama u postupanju povodom najkompleksnijih oblika kriminala, uključujući i predmete korupcije. Uprkos tome, nalazi iz posljednja tri izvještaja Evropske komisije o napretku Bosne i Hercegovine na putu eurointegracija ukazuju na to da je politička volja za borbu protiv korupcije i dalje nedostatna i uglavnom deklarativna. U tim izvještajima se također navodi da je ukupni nivo efikasnih istraga, krivičnih gonjenja i osuđujućih presuda za koruptivna krivična djela kontinuirano nizak, uz kaznenu politiku koja ne djeluje odvraćajuće na počinioce tih djela. Procesuiranje predmeta korupcije smatra se efikasnim ukoliko ih pravosudni sistem rješava na profesionalan i nezavisan način, bez nerazumnih odlaganja i zaostataka. Takvo postupanje i reagiranje pravosuđa u predmetima korupcije nužno je za ostvarivanje prava na pravično suđenje, ali je i preduslov za povjerenje građana u vladavinu prava i pravosudne institucije. No, to je istovremeno i dosta kompleksan zadatak. U Antikorupcijskom izvještaju Evropske unije navodi se da nedostatak kapaciteta, ali i odlučnosti pravosuđa u procesuiranju predmeta korupcije dovodi do pretjerano dugih postupaka, što u konačnici može rezultirati i zastarom tih predmeta. Osim toga, identificiran je i problem praktične primjene proceduralnih pravila na način koji može dovesti do značajnih odlaganja, koja su u nekim slučajevima usmjerena i na izbjegavanje okončanja sudskih postupaka. Efikasnost i kvalitet rada pravosuđa u postupanju povodom koruptivnih krivičnih predmeta u BiH je teško ocjenjivati, kada se uzme u obzir nedostatak pouzdanih, sveobuhvatnih i dostupnih podataka, te sistematične procjene kvalitativnog aspekta odgovora pravosuđa na korupciju. Godišnji izvještaji o radu Visokog sudskog i tužilačkog vijeća (VSTV), koji su dostupni javnosti, nude uvid u broj podignutih optužnica u predmetima korupcije, dok drugi bitni podaci, kao što su npr. broj pokrenutih istraga, potvrđenih optužnica ili pravosnažnih presuda u predmetima korupcije izostaju. Iako je tim podacima moguće pristupiti formalnim putem, po osnovu važećih zakona o slobodi pristupa informacijama, takav je pristup nedostatan za procjenu efikasnosti institucija u procesuiranju korupcije. Osim toga, formalni proces pristupa informacijama nerijetko je dugotrajan, što dodatno komplicira činjenica da VSTV u pravilu ne prikuplja niti sortira podatke koji se odnose specifično na procesuiranje korupcije pred pravosudnim institucijama u BiH. Ovaj izvještaj nastao je upravo iz potrebe da se praznina u pogledu dostupnih pouzdanih podataka u ovoj oblasti popuni. Temeljni cilj izvještaja jest na sistematičan i metodološki rigorozan način utvrditi kvalitet odgovora pravosuđa na korupciju u BiH. Izvještaj se zasniva na rezultatima istraživanja provedenog tokom 2016. i 2017. godine, u kojem su učestvovali predstavnici pravosudne zajednice u BiH, te nezavisni eksperti u oblasti korupcije, a čiji je osnovni cilj bio evaluirati rad pravosuđa na svim nivoima u BiH u postupanju povodom predmeta korupcije. Pored upotrebe kvantitativnih podataka o procesuiranju korupcije u BiH iz zvaničnih izvora (VSTVBiH), ovaj izvještaj prvi put nudi komplementaran uvid u sudsku praksu iz oblasti koruptivnih krivičnih djela. Analizom sadržaja optužnica i pravosnažnih presuda u odabranim predmetima korupcije, ovaj dokument omogućava dublje i sistematičnije razumijevanje izazova s kojima se pravosudni sistem suočava u oblasti procesuiranja korupcije, a posebno u odnosu na vlastite kapacitete da se nosi s tom kompleksnom problematikom. Konačno, izvještaj nudi novi, sveobuhvatni metodološki pristup za procjenu kvaliteta odgovora pravosuđa na korupciju, koji nadograđuje postojeće istraživačke napore u ovoj oblasti u BiH i drugim zemljama. Ovaj dokument ujedno predstavlja i prvi pilot-izvještaj, kao svojevrsni uvod u planiranu seriju redovnih godišnjih izvještaja o ovoj tematici. U tom smislu, ovaj izvještaj treba shvatiti kao važan, ali ne i posljednji korak u razvoju metodologije i u sistematiziranju podataka relevantnih za razumijevanje i ocjenu odgovora pravosuđa u BiH na korupciju, te će i metodologija i prezentacija nalaza svakako postati sofisticiranija u narednim godinama. U nastavku izvještaja najprije slijede opća razmatranja o rijetkim dostupnim istraživanjima i metodologijama koje se bave odgovorom pravosuđa na korupciju u BiH. Nakon toga se predstavlja problematika transparentnosti pravosuđa u ovoj oblasti, s posebnim fokusom na dostupnost informacija o postupcima za koruptivna krivična djela. U četvrtom poglavlju predstavljeni su rezultati statističke obrade podataka o procesuiranju korupcije u BiH u 2015. godini, nakon čega su prezentirani i rezultati analize konkretnih pravosudnih akata. Na kraju, zaključna razmatranja sumiraju ambiciju i ograničenja ovog istraživanja, kao i njegove ključne nalaze, te upućuju na daljnja istraživanja i analize koje je u ovoj oblasti neophodno provesti kako bi se bolje sagledao rad pravosuđa u BiH u domenu borbe protiv korupcije.
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Ovaj zbornik je nastao kao rezultat projekta “Procesuiranje mržnje: prema usvajanju i implementaciji najboljih standarda i praksi Evropske unije u borbi protiv krivičnih djela počinjenih iz mržnje u BiH”, koji implementiraju Udruženje tužilaca Federacije BiH i Analitika – Centar za društvena istraživanja, a uz podršku Ambasade Kraljevine Norveške u BiH.
Constitutional Law --- Criminal Law --- International Law --- Human Rights and Humanitarian Law --- Civil Society --- Penal Policy --- EU-Legislation --- Sociology of Law --- Court case --- Bosnia and Herzegovina --- Politics and government.
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Lee D. Baker explores what racial categories mean to the American public and how these meanings are reinforced by anthropology, popular culture, and the law. Focusing on the period between two landmark Supreme Court decisions-Plessy v. Ferguson (the so-called "separate but equal" doctrine established in 1896) and Brown v. Board of Education (the public school desegregation decision of 1954)-Baker shows how racial categories change over time. Baker paints a vivid picture of the relationships between specific African American and white scholars, who orchestrated a paradigm shift within the social sciences from ideas based on Social Darwinism to those based on cultural relativism. He demonstrates that the greatest impact on the way the law codifies racial differences has been made by organizations such as the NAACP, which skillfully appropriated the new social science to exploit the politics of the Cold War.
Racism in anthropology --- Anthropology --- Racism in popular culture --- African Americans --- Public opinion --- Afro-Americans --- Black Americans --- Colored people (United States) --- Negroes --- Africans --- Ethnology --- Blacks --- Popular culture --- Human beings --- History. --- Public opinion. --- United States --- Race relations. --- Race question --- History --- Black people --- Primitive societies --- Social sciences --- 1800s. --- 19th century. --- 20th century. --- academic. --- african american. --- america. --- american history. --- anthropology. --- black lives matter. --- cold war. --- court case. --- cultural relativism. --- law. --- legal issues. --- modern world. --- naacp. --- plessy v ferguson. --- popular culture. --- race in america. --- race. --- racial categories. --- racial. --- racism. --- scholarly. --- separate but equal. --- social darwinism. --- social science. --- supreme court case. --- supreme court.
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The traditional definition of torts involves bizarre, idiosyncratic events where a single plaintiff with a physical impairment sues the specific defendant he believes to have wrongfully caused that malady. Yet public attention has focused increasingly on mass personal-injury lawsuits over asbestos, cigarettes, guns, the diet drug fen-phen, breast implants, and, most recently, Vioxx. Richard A. Nagareda's Mass Torts in a World of Settlement is the first attempt to analyze the lawyer's role in this world of high-stakes, multibillion-dollar litigation.These mass s
Torts --- Class actions (Civil procedure) --- Complex litigation --- law school, legal, higher ed, lawyer, college, university, testing, plaintiff, impairment, impaired, sue, courtroom, court, case, wrongful, illness, malady, injury, mistreatment, academic, scholarly, research, personal, asbestos, cigarettes, guns, fen phen, implants, vioxx, system, policymaker, lawmaker, investor, united states, usa, america, american.
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For centuries, the writ of habeas corpus has served as an important safeguard against miscarriages of justice, and today it remains at the center of some of the most contentious issues of our time-among them terrorism, immigration, crime, and the death penalty. Yet, in recent decades, habeas has been seriously abused. In this book, Nancy J. King and Joseph L. Hoffmann argue that habeas should be exercised with greater prudence. Through historical, empirical, and legal analysis, as well as illustrative case studies, the authors examine the current use of the writ in the United States and offer sound reform proposals to help ensure its ongoing vitality in today's justice system. Comprehensive and thoroughly grounded in a modern understanding of habeas corpus, this informative book will be an insightful read for legal scholars and anyone interested in the importance of habeas corpus for American government.
Habeas corpus --- Detention of persons --- habeas corpus, writ, justice, litigation, legal, law school, scholarly, academic, educational, learning, debate, debatable, controversial, professor, textbook, terrorism, immigration, crime, criminal, judicial, death penalty, abuses, ethics, morals, values, unethical, historical, history, empirical, evidence, analysis, proposals, reform, united states, usa, america, government, conviction, courtroom, court case, capital punishment.
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While freedom of speech has been guaranteed us for centuries, the First Amendment as we know it today is largely a creation of the past eighty years. Eternally Vigilant brings together a group of distinguished legal scholars to reflect boldly on its past, its present shape, and what forms our understanding of it might take in the future. The result is a unique volume spanning the entire spectrum of First Amendment issues, from its philosophical underpinnings to specific issues like campaign regulation, obscenity, and the new media. "With group efforts, such as this collection of essays, it is almost inevitable that there will be a couple-and often several-duds among the bunch, or at least a dismaying repetition of ideas. Such is not the case here. . . . Whether one agrees with a given author or not (and it is possible to do both with any of the essays), each has something to add. Overall, Eternally Vigilant is a thoughtful and thought-provoking book, consistently intelligent and, at times, brilliant."-Richard J. Mollot, New York Law Journal Contributors: Lillian R. BeVier Vincent Blasi Lee C. Bollinger Stanley Fish Owen M. Fiss R. Kent Greenawalt Richard A. Posner Robert C. Post Frederick Schauer Geoffrey R. Stone David A. Strauss Cass R. Sunstein
Freedom of speech --- civil rights, constitutional law, first amendment, us constitution, legal scholars, american government, governing, press, media, affirmative action, diversity, higher education, supreme court, case studies, john milton, brandeis, marketplace of ideas, free speech, freedoms, jurisprudence, opportunism, censorship, television, modern era, social issues.
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Most people understand property as something that is owned, a means of creating individual wealth. But in Commodity and Propriety, the first full-length history of the meaning of property, Gregory Alexander uncovers in American legal writing a competing vision of property that has existed alongside the traditional conception. Property, Alexander argues, has also been understood as proprietary, a mechanism for creating and maintaining a properly ordered society. This view of property has even operated in periods-such as the second half of the nineteenth century-when market forces seemed to dominate social and legal relationships. In demonstrating how the understanding of property as a private basis for the public good has competed with the better-known market-oriented conception, Alexander radically rewrites the history of property, with significant implications for current political debates and recent Supreme Court decisions.
Property --- Civil society --- Social contract --- Economics --- Possession (Law) --- Things (Law) --- Wealth --- Social aspects --- History. --- Law and legislation --- Social aspects&delete& --- History --- E-books --- United States --- Property - Social aspects - United States - History. --- Civil society - United States - History. --- Primitive property --- property, rights, america, american, united states, usa, history, historical, legal, litigation, law, lawyer, 1700s, 1800s, 1900s, 20th century, scholarly, scholarship, analysis, overview, student, college, university, higher ed, textbook, ownership, proprietary, market, economy, wealth, supreme court, case, judge, jury, civic, definition, thomas jefferson, commercial, republican, era, time period, politics, political, debate.
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the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment --- freedom from State religion --- the separation between church and state --- the US Constitution --- freedom of religion --- the protection of religious liberty --- America --- public schools --- religion in the classroom --- prayer --- Bible study --- prayer in public schools --- the Supreme Court --- state law --- Ellery Schempp --- the Schempp Court Case --- church-state separation --- religious practices --- school prayer --- compulsory school attendance laws --- the rights of the Amish --- the free exercise of religion --- voluntary prayer --- religious authorities --- public school graduations --- student-led prayer --- football games --- freedom of speech --- secularism --- religious speech --- anti-secularism --- limiting students religious speech --- religion in public schools --- Americans United for Separation of Church and State --- freedom from religion --- the 1963 Abington Township v. Schempp Case --- the Ten Commandments --- Court decisions and public opinion
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Do mergers lead to financial instability? How are shareholders' interests best served? How significant a role do taxes play? What are the implications for the structure and concentration of industry? Mergers and Acquisitions, prepared in an nontechnical format, answers these and other questions that have arisen from the takeover boom that began in the mid-1980s. "A significant piece of scholarship."-Peter Fuhrman, Forbes "Accessible to interested laypersons and policy makers. . . . [A] thoroughly readable and informative book."-Gregg A. Jarrell, Journal of Economic Literature
Financial organisation --- Consolidation and merger of corporations --- Junk bonds --- Entreprises --- Congresses --- Taxation --- Fusion --- Congrès --- Impôts --- Congresses. --- AA / International- internationaal --- US / United States of America - USA - Verenigde Staten - Etats Unis --- 658.47 --- 336.214 --- 338.048 --- 333.605 --- 333.67 --- Fusies en liquidatie van ondernemingen. Concentratie. Sluiting. --- Belastingstelsel van de genootschappen. --- Fusies van ondernemingen. Industriële concentratie. --- Nieuwe financiële instrumenten. --- openbaar overnamebod. --- Conferences - Meetings --- Congrès --- Impôts --- High-yield bonds --- High-yield junk bonds --- NIG bonds --- Non-investment grade bonds --- Corporate bonds --- Acquisition of corporations --- Acquisitions and mergers --- Amalgamation of corporations --- Business combinations --- Business mergers --- Buyouts, Corporate --- Corporate acquisitions --- Corporate buyouts --- Corporate mergers --- Corporate takeovers --- Corporations --- Fusion of corporations --- Hostile takeovers of corporations --- M & A (Mergers and acquisitions of corporations) --- Merger of corporations --- Mergers and acquisitions of corporations --- Mergers, Corporate --- Takeovers, Corporate --- Corporate reorganizations --- Golden parachutes (Executive compensation) --- Industrial concentration --- Trusts, Industrial --- Taxation&delete& --- Nieuwe financiële instrumenten --- openbaar overnamebod --- Belastingstelsel van de genootschappen --- Fusies van ondernemingen. Industriële concentratie --- Fusies en liquidatie van ondernemingen. Concentratie. Sluiting --- Consolidation --- Mergers --- United States --- Companies --- Mergers & take-overs --- E-books --- Consolidation and merger of corporations - Congresses. --- Junk bonds - Congresses. --- Consolidation and merger of corporations - Taxation - Congresses. --- finance, financial, economy, economics, wealth, stability, instability, shareholders, taxes, taxation, structure, industry, industrial, 1980s, questions, answers, academic, scholarly, research, history, historical, diachronic, essay collection, policy, bonds, junk, growth, takeover, defense, market, management, buyout, court case, advice, handbook.
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"Since the 2001 overthrow of the Taliban government in Afghanistan, violence against women has emerged as the single most important issue for Afghan gender politics. The Politics of Protection, based on research conducted in Afghanistan between 2009 and 2015, locates the struggles over gender violence in local and global power configurations. The author finds that aid flows and geopolitics have served as both opportunities and obstacles to feminist politics in Afghanistan. Showing why Afghan activists often chose to use the leverage of Western powers instead of entering into either protracted negotiations with powerful national actors or broad political mobilization, the book examines both the achievements and the limits of this strategy."--Provided by publisher.
History --- Regional & national history --- Society & social sciences --- Feminism & feminist theory --- afghanistan. --- contemporary. --- court case. --- female issues. --- feminist studies. --- feminist. --- gender inequality. --- gender. --- global. --- government. --- injustice. --- international. --- justice system. --- justice. --- legal issues. --- middle east. --- modern world. --- politics. --- protection. --- rape. --- runaway. --- sexual violence. --- violence against women. --- violence. --- war on terror. --- women in afghanistan. --- womens issues. --- womens shelters. --- Sex crimes --- Women --- Women's rights --- Violence against --- Social conditions --- Afghanistan --- Politics and government --- Human females --- Wimmin --- Woman --- Womon --- Womyn --- Females --- Human beings --- Femininity --- Rights of women --- Human rights --- Abuse, Sexual --- Sex offenses --- Sexual abuse --- Sexual crimes --- Sexual delinquency --- Sexual offenses --- Sexual violence --- Crime --- Prostitution --- Civil rights --- Law and legislation --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- A-fu-han --- Afeganistão --- Affganistan --- Affghanistan --- Afganistan --- Afġānistān Islāmī Jumhoryat --- Afganistėn --- Afganistėn Myslimėn Respublikė --- Afghānistān Islāmī Imārat --- Afghánská islámská republika --- Afghanstan --- Afghanstan Islam Respublikaḣy --- Afhanistan --- Ăfqanıstan --- Ăfqanıstan İslam Respublikası --- Afuganisutan --- Ahyganitã --- Apganistan --- Aphganistan --- Da Afġānistān Islāmī Jumhoryat --- Democratic Republic of Afghanistan --- DRA --- Efẍanistan --- Gweriniaeth Islamaidd Affganistan --- Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan --- Islamic Republic of Afghanistan --- Islamic State of Afghanistan --- Islamikong Republika kan Apganistan --- Islamitiese Republiek van Afghanistan --- Islamska republika Afganistan --- Islamskai︠a︡ Rėspublika Afhanistan --- Isli︠a︡mska republika Afganistan --- Jamhuri-ye Islami-ye Afghanistan --- Jomhūrī-ye Eslāmī-ye Afġānestān --- Jumhūrī-i Islāmī-i Afghānistān --- Republic of Afghanistan --- República Democrática de Afganistán --- Republik Islamek Afghanistan --- Tetã Islãrehegua Ahyganitã --- Афганистан --- Афганистэн --- Афганистэн Мыслимэн Республикэ --- Афганістан --- Ислямска република Афганистан --- Ісламская Рэспубліка Афганістан --- افغانستان --- جمهورى اسلامى افغانستان --- アフガニスタン
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