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Long covid zelfhulpgids : wetenschappelijke informatie en praktische tips voor langdurige klachten na corona
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789043925839 Year: 2022 Publisher: Amsterdam Kosmos

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De 'Long covid zelfhulpgids' is het eerste Nederlandstalige boek dat voor jou alle beschikbare en betrouwbare informatie over long covid bundelt. Dit boek is geschreven door de experts van de post-covidkliniek in Oxford én long covid-patiënten. Het bevat praktisch advies over hoe om te gaan met klachten als vermoeidheid, kortademigheid, hoofdpijn of zelfs depressie.

Haïti face à la gestion de la pandémie du COVID-19: contraintes, stratégies et conséquences
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Analyser la gestion de la pandémie du nouveau coronavirus (COVID-19) en Haïti dans une atmosphère de bouleversements sociopolitiques, conjugués à la situation de crise économique majeure et d’insécurité alimentaire est sans conteste l’un des éléments les plus complexes vu le misérabilisme du peuple haïtien. Cependant, les informations obtenues se sont avérées assez intéressantes et vont nous permettre de répondre à cette épineuse interrogation intitulée : « Comment Haïti fait-elle face à la gestion de cette pandémie de coronavirus (COVID-19) dans un contexte socio-économique complexe ? ». Des articles du journal Le Nouvelliste et d’autres articles combinés aux rapports d’études réalisées par des instances nationales et internationales ont été consultés dans l’optique de faire une analyse critique des mesures préventives prises par le gouvernement haïtien dans le cadre de l’évolution de la maladie et de proposer des alternatives qui pourraient être utiles dans la prise de décisions futures.
L’analyse des éléments obtenus montre clairement que ces mesures, en dépit de la situation de tensions et d’instabilités sociopolitiques, ont permis d’aider dans une certaine mesure à contenir la propagation de la maladie. Cependant, depuis avant même l’entrée de la pandémie sur le sol haïtien, les décideurs ont montré un certain manque de gouvernance et de leadership. La mise en place des mesures non appropriées à la réalité haïtienne et le problème de communication et de clarté au cours de la gestion de cette crise qui nécessite de la transparence, à un moment où le gouvernement souffre d’un déficit de crédibilité, ne font qu’amplifier les soupçons de corruption que connu le pays depuis après la publication du rapport d’Audit sur la gestion des Fonds du Petro Caribe par la Cour Supérieure des Comptes et du Contentieux Administratif.
Les données obtenues ont montré que la maladie impacte plus intensément les régions de grandes agglomérations où se trouvaient les plus grands marchés régionaux du pays tels les départements Ouest et l’Artibonite.
Enfin, au regard du budget rectificatif 2019-2020 qui accuse une réduction de 25% des crédits alloués au secteur agricole à un moment où plus de 4,6 millions de personnes sont dans l’attente d’une assistance alimentaire immédiate selon OCHA, combiné une croissance économique négative pour la troisième année consécutive due, en partie, aux déséquilibres budgétaires haïtiens et les contreperformances étatiques dans la mobilisation des ressources internes et externes et les situations de tensions politico-sociales, l’avenir du pays s’annonce déjà très difficile.

De limieten van de markt : de slinger tussen overheid en kapitalisme : nieuwe editie na Corona
ISBN: 9789401472326 9401472327 Year: 2020 Publisher: Tielt Lannoo

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Zorgen de financiële crisis, de coronapandemie en de groeiende ongelijkheid voor een definitief keerpunt in de machtsverhouding tussen vrije markt en overheid? Krijgen we een omverwerping van het kapitalisme en een nieuwe triomftocht van de staat? In De limieten van de markt buigt Paul De Grauwe zich over de vraag waarom een gezonde mix van markt en staat zo moeilijk blijkt. Periodes waarin de vrije markt aan belang wint, worden steevast afgewisseld met periodes waarin de overheid de touwtjes stevig in handen neemt. De keerpunten in deze eeuwige slingerbeweging lijken typisch samen te vallen met ontwrichtende gebeurtenissen die de limieten van de markt en de staat op de proef stellen. Vandaag is het kapitalisme na een decennialange triomftocht goed op weg om zichzelf te vernietigen en het initiatief aan de overheid te laten, waarschuwt De Grauwe. Kernproblemen als klimaatverandering, het beheersen van een pandemie en groeiende inkomensongelijkheid illustreren de onvermijdelijke limieten van de markt. Enkel de overheid lijkt een oplossing te kunnen bieden. Maar ook zij zal onvermijdelijk op grenzen botsen en de weg effenen voor een comeback van de markt. Met zijn nieuwe boek levert Vlaanderens prominentste econoom een onschatbare bijdrage aan het debat over de houdbaarheid van ons marktsysteem. De Grauwe analyseert haarfijn de externe en interne limieten van de markt en de overheid. Hij heeft daarbij ook uitgebreid aandacht voor Thomas Piketty's explosieve inzichten over inkomensongelijkheid. Om de desastreuze pendelbeweging te doorbreken, roept De Grauwe op tot internationale samenwerking rond klimaatverandering en de invoering van een vermogensbelasting. Een moeilijke opdracht, maar uitstel verhoogt alleen maar de kans op een gevaarlijke implosie. Zorgt de coronacrisis voor een nieuw keerpunt in de machtsverhouding tussen vrije markt en overheid? Krijgen we een inperking van de vrije markt en neemt de staat de macht weer over? Kernproblemen als gezondheid, klimaatverandering en groeiende inkomensongelijkheid illustreren de onvermijdelijke externe en interne limieten van de markt. Enkel de overheid lijkt een oplossing te kunnen bieden. Maar ook de staat zal op grenzen botsen en op haar beurt de weg effenen voor een comeback van de markt.

Emergencies and Public Health Crisis Management- Current Perspectives on Risks and Multiagency Collaboration
Authors: ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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The successful management of emergencies and public health crises depends on adequate measures being implemented at all levels of the emergency chain of action, from policy makers to the general population. It starts with appropriate risk assessment, prevention, and mitigation and continues to prehospital and hospital care, recovery, and evaluation. All levels of action require well-thought out emergency management plans and routines based on established command and control, identified safety issues, functional communication, well-documented triage and treatment policies, and available logistics. All these characteristics are capabilities that should be developed and trained, particularly when diverse agencies are involved. In addition to institutional responses, a robust, community-based disaster response system can effectively mitigate and respond to all emergencies. A well-balanced response is largely dependent on local resources and regional responding agencies that all too often train and operate within “silos”, with an absence of interagency cooperation. The importance of this book issue is its commitment to all parts of emergency and public health crisis management from a multiagency perspective. It aims to discuss lessons learned and emerging risks, introduce new ideas about flexible surge capacity, and show the way it can practice multiagency collaboration.

Emergencies and Public Health Crisis Management- Current Perspectives on Risks and Multiagency Collaboration
Authors: ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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The successful management of emergencies and public health crises depends on adequate measures being implemented at all levels of the emergency chain of action, from policy makers to the general population. It starts with appropriate risk assessment, prevention, and mitigation and continues to prehospital and hospital care, recovery, and evaluation. All levels of action require well-thought out emergency management plans and routines based on established command and control, identified safety issues, functional communication, well-documented triage and treatment policies, and available logistics. All these characteristics are capabilities that should be developed and trained, particularly when diverse agencies are involved. In addition to institutional responses, a robust, community-based disaster response system can effectively mitigate and respond to all emergencies. A well-balanced response is largely dependent on local resources and regional responding agencies that all too often train and operate within “silos”, with an absence of interagency cooperation. The importance of this book issue is its commitment to all parts of emergency and public health crisis management from a multiagency perspective. It aims to discuss lessons learned and emerging risks, introduce new ideas about flexible surge capacity, and show the way it can practice multiagency collaboration.


Medicine --- disasters --- healthcare workers --- hospital preparedness --- hospitals --- coronavirus (COVID-19) --- public-private partnerships (PPPs) triage --- crisis management --- resilience --- exercises --- learning --- inter-organisational --- off-shore --- on-shore --- emergencies --- collaboration --- cycle of expansive learning --- full-scale exercises --- major incident --- organizational learning --- preparedness --- underground mine --- capacity --- community --- crisis --- disaster --- flexible --- surge --- management --- flexible surge capacity --- leadership --- Thailand --- 3LC --- utility --- ecoterrorism --- environmental extremism --- animal-rights extremism --- deep ecology --- ecologically motivated violence --- critical infrastructure --- drinking water --- risk management --- risk reduction --- interaction --- concurrent learning --- exercise --- unforeseen --- COVID-19 --- nurse --- job engagement --- social support --- emergency --- healthcare --- readiness --- public health --- urgent care centre --- emergency department --- length of stay --- surge capacity --- Sweden --- disasters --- healthcare workers --- hospital preparedness --- hospitals --- coronavirus (COVID-19) --- public-private partnerships (PPPs) triage --- crisis management --- resilience --- exercises --- learning --- inter-organisational --- off-shore --- on-shore --- emergencies --- collaboration --- cycle of expansive learning --- full-scale exercises --- major incident --- organizational learning --- preparedness --- underground mine --- capacity --- community --- crisis --- disaster --- flexible --- surge --- management --- flexible surge capacity --- leadership --- Thailand --- 3LC --- utility --- ecoterrorism --- environmental extremism --- animal-rights extremism --- deep ecology --- ecologically motivated violence --- critical infrastructure --- drinking water --- risk management --- risk reduction --- interaction --- concurrent learning --- exercise --- unforeseen --- COVID-19 --- nurse --- job engagement --- social support --- emergency --- healthcare --- readiness --- public health --- urgent care centre --- emergency department --- length of stay --- surge capacity --- Sweden

Digital Transformation in Healthcare
Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI Books

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This book presents a collection of papers revealing the impact of advanced computation and instrumentation on healthcare. It highlights the increasing global trend driving innovation for a new era of multifunctional technologies for personalized digital healthcare. Moreover, it highlights that contemporary research on healthcare is performed on a multidisciplinary basis comprising computational engineering, biomedicine, biomedical engineering, electronic engineering, and automation engineering, among other areas.


Medicine --- eHealth --- mHealth --- telemedicine --- telehealth --- social sciences --- bibliometrics --- telediagnostic --- project management --- funding --- IT infrastructure --- cross-border multiprofessional team --- European Union --- Interreg --- reporting --- quality control --- resident --- diagnostic error --- artificial intelligence --- healthcare AI --- deployment and scaling --- medical center --- critical factors --- stakeholders --- health information technology --- information sharing --- hospital costs --- poverty ratio --- concentration --- continuous glucose monitoring --- insulin pump --- continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion --- pediatric diabetes --- biomedical data --- medical imaging --- shared data --- massive databases --- AI-based healthcare solutions --- trueness --- 3D printing --- milling --- interim dental crown --- digital dentistry --- dental device --- data mining --- bio-signal analysis --- bio-signal repository --- execution engine --- bio-signal monitoring --- digital healthcare --- patient-centric --- blockchain --- federated learning --- coronavirus (COVID-19) --- pandemic management --- healthcare transformation --- public health strategies --- stroke detection --- portable head scanner --- low-intensity EM waves --- intrinsically safe --- low carbon footprint --- orthodontic treatment --- clear aligners --- smart application --- AI --- computerized learning --- behavior change techniques --- decision tree algorithm --- digital interventions --- mental health literacy --- audiovisual --- dentistry --- computer-controlled local anesthetic delivery --- ultrasounds --- chemomechanical caries removal --- modern technologies --- laser --- ozone --- healthcare --- emergency department --- patient flow --- simulation modeling --- agent-based modeling --- pandemic decision support --- additive manufacturing --- patient-centric dosage form --- eHealth --- mHealth --- telemedicine --- telehealth --- social sciences --- bibliometrics --- telediagnostic --- project management --- funding --- IT infrastructure --- cross-border multiprofessional team --- European Union --- Interreg --- reporting --- quality control --- resident --- diagnostic error --- artificial intelligence --- healthcare AI --- deployment and scaling --- medical center --- critical factors --- stakeholders --- health information technology --- information sharing --- hospital costs --- poverty ratio --- concentration --- continuous glucose monitoring --- insulin pump --- continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion --- pediatric diabetes --- biomedical data --- medical imaging --- shared data --- massive databases --- AI-based healthcare solutions --- trueness --- 3D printing --- milling --- interim dental crown --- digital dentistry --- dental device --- data mining --- bio-signal analysis --- bio-signal repository --- execution engine --- bio-signal monitoring --- digital healthcare --- patient-centric --- blockchain --- federated learning --- coronavirus (COVID-19) --- pandemic management --- healthcare transformation --- public health strategies --- stroke detection --- portable head scanner --- low-intensity EM waves --- intrinsically safe --- low carbon footprint --- orthodontic treatment --- clear aligners --- smart application --- AI --- computerized learning --- behavior change techniques --- decision tree algorithm --- digital interventions --- mental health literacy --- audiovisual --- dentistry --- computer-controlled local anesthetic delivery --- ultrasounds --- chemomechanical caries removal --- modern technologies --- laser --- ozone --- healthcare --- emergency department --- patient flow --- simulation modeling --- agent-based modeling --- pandemic decision support --- additive manufacturing --- patient-centric dosage form

Digital Transformation in Healthcare
Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI Books

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This book presents a collection of papers revealing the impact of advanced computation and instrumentation on healthcare. It highlights the increasing global trend driving innovation for a new era of multifunctional technologies for personalized digital healthcare. Moreover, it highlights that contemporary research on healthcare is performed on a multidisciplinary basis comprising computational engineering, biomedicine, biomedical engineering, electronic engineering, and automation engineering, among other areas.


Medicine --- eHealth --- mHealth --- telemedicine --- telehealth --- social sciences --- bibliometrics --- telediagnostic --- project management --- funding --- IT infrastructure --- cross-border multiprofessional team --- European Union --- Interreg --- reporting --- quality control --- resident --- diagnostic error --- artificial intelligence --- healthcare AI --- deployment and scaling --- medical center --- critical factors --- stakeholders --- health information technology --- information sharing --- hospital costs --- poverty ratio --- concentration --- continuous glucose monitoring --- insulin pump --- continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion --- pediatric diabetes --- biomedical data --- medical imaging --- shared data --- massive databases --- AI-based healthcare solutions --- trueness --- 3D printing --- milling --- interim dental crown --- digital dentistry --- dental device --- data mining --- bio-signal analysis --- bio-signal repository --- execution engine --- bio-signal monitoring --- digital healthcare --- patient-centric --- blockchain --- federated learning --- coronavirus (COVID-19) --- pandemic management --- healthcare transformation --- public health strategies --- stroke detection --- portable head scanner --- low-intensity EM waves --- intrinsically safe --- low carbon footprint --- orthodontic treatment --- clear aligners --- smart application --- AI --- computerized learning --- behavior change techniques --- decision tree algorithm --- digital interventions --- mental health literacy --- audiovisual --- dentistry --- computer-controlled local anesthetic delivery --- ultrasounds --- chemomechanical caries removal --- modern technologies --- laser --- ozone --- healthcare --- emergency department --- patient flow --- simulation modeling --- agent-based modeling --- pandemic decision support --- additive manufacturing --- patient-centric dosage form

Digital Transformation in Healthcare
Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI Books

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This book presents a collection of papers revealing the impact of advanced computation and instrumentation on healthcare. It highlights the increasing global trend driving innovation for a new era of multifunctional technologies for personalized digital healthcare. Moreover, it highlights that contemporary research on healthcare is performed on a multidisciplinary basis comprising computational engineering, biomedicine, biomedical engineering, electronic engineering, and automation engineering, among other areas.


eHealth --- mHealth --- telemedicine --- telehealth --- social sciences --- bibliometrics --- telediagnostic --- project management --- funding --- IT infrastructure --- cross-border multiprofessional team --- European Union --- Interreg --- reporting --- quality control --- resident --- diagnostic error --- artificial intelligence --- healthcare AI --- deployment and scaling --- medical center --- critical factors --- stakeholders --- health information technology --- information sharing --- hospital costs --- poverty ratio --- concentration --- continuous glucose monitoring --- insulin pump --- continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion --- pediatric diabetes --- biomedical data --- medical imaging --- shared data --- massive databases --- AI-based healthcare solutions --- trueness --- 3D printing --- milling --- interim dental crown --- digital dentistry --- dental device --- data mining --- bio-signal analysis --- bio-signal repository --- execution engine --- bio-signal monitoring --- digital healthcare --- patient-centric --- blockchain --- federated learning --- coronavirus (COVID-19) --- pandemic management --- healthcare transformation --- public health strategies --- stroke detection --- portable head scanner --- low-intensity EM waves --- intrinsically safe --- low carbon footprint --- orthodontic treatment --- clear aligners --- smart application --- AI --- computerized learning --- behavior change techniques --- decision tree algorithm --- digital interventions --- mental health literacy --- audiovisual --- dentistry --- computer-controlled local anesthetic delivery --- ultrasounds --- chemomechanical caries removal --- modern technologies --- laser --- ozone --- healthcare --- emergency department --- patient flow --- simulation modeling --- agent-based modeling --- pandemic decision support --- additive manufacturing --- patient-centric dosage form

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