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Pharmacovigilance --- European Union --- Conflict of Interest
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Health --- Ethics, Medical --- Access to Information --- Conflict of Interest
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Deze Masterproef gaat na hoe lokale politici het risico op belangenconflicten en de preventie ervan binnen lokale besturen percipiëren. Deze onderzoeksvraag is gesteld omdat binnen de huidige wetenschappelijke literatuur er onvoldoende onderzoek gevoerd is naar hoe politici hier zelf tegen aan kijken. Hoe volgens lokale politici, vanuit de praktijk, het bestuur en zijzelf zich moet wapenen tegen belangenconflicten. Want een belangenconflict schaadt de integriteit van de organisatie. Dit heeft tot gevolg dat het de overheid haar legitimiteit verliest en dat het vertrouwen van de burger in haar overheid daalt. Het belang van integriteit is niet te verwaarlozen. Integriteit en belangenconflicten komen steeds vaker onder de aandacht van de media en de overheid, gezien de cruciale relevantie voor een overheid. Na een literatuurstudie en een kwalitatieve empirische studie, waarin lokale politici deelgenomen hebben aan diepte-interviews, blijkt dat er geen coherente visie bestaat op belangenconflicten. De politici focussen elk op andere aspecten van een belangenconflict. Het bestuur kan zich het best wapenen tegen belangenconflicten door een integriteitsbeleid te implementeren. De politici zelf wapenen zich tegen belangenconflicten door te vertrouwen op hun gezond verstand en rechtschapenheid. Integer handelen geeft bovendien blijk van professionalisme.
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Financial disclosure systems are a vital component of transparency. By now 161 countries around the world have introduced financial disclosure systems, becoming commonplace around the world. But, although the rules are on the books, many practitioners are still struggling with the intricacies of the rules and how to implement them in the socioeconomic, historical, and legal context of their own country. Little guidance is available to assist them. This book aims to fill that void and provide practitioners with practical scenarios to consider before deciding on a particular course of action. This book contains short chapters that elaborate each topic and provide clear guidance on the issues that policy makers and those involved in the implementation of financial disclosure obligations will need to take into account before making a decision. How do you decide who should file? And how often? On-line or in hard copy? And what exactly? Everything they own directly-or also those apartments they own indirectly? How should information in declarations be checked? Should it be shared with public? How accessible should it be? This is the sort of practical guidance that this book aims to provide.
Anticorruption --- Asset Declaration --- Conflict Of Interest --- Corruption --- Governance --- Illicit Enrchment --- Integrity --- Public Officials --- Star Initiative --- Transparency
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"This anthology examines various ethical issues related to conflicts of interest in research and raises fundamental questions about the role of research in society. In recent years, researchers and others have expressed concern on several occasions about how research has been conducted or used for political or economic gain, where outcomes of research have been called into question and accusations of rigging or poor quality have been leveled. “Conflict of interest” is a term from research ethics that can help clarify what is at the core of many of these cases.Questions posed and explored in this anthology include: What exactly is a conflict of interest within the context of research? Is the ideal of pure, unbiased objectivity even realistic? To what degree can transparency remediate challenges associated with conflicts of interest?The objective with this collection of chapters is to encourage reflection and discourse about the ethical principles and norms that insure quality and integrity in research. The anthology will be of interest to researchers in particular, and all others concerned with ethics in research." "Denne antologien belyser ulike forskningsetiske aspekter ved interessekonflikter i forskning, og reiser grunnleggende spørsmål om forskningens rolle i samfunnet. I løpet av de siste årene har forskere og andre i flere tilfeller uttrykt bekymring over hvordan forskning styres og brukes av politiske og økonomiske interesser, der forskningsresultater trekkes i tvil, og der det fremmes anklager om fusk eller dårlig kvalitet. «Interessekonflikter» er et begrep fra forskningsetikken som kan bidra til å avklare hva som står på spill i mange av disse sakene. Spørsmål som tas opp i antologien, inkluderer:Hva er egentlig interessekonflikter i forskning?Er idealet om interesseløshet realistisk?I hvilken grad kan åpenhet bøte på utfordringene knyttet til interessekonflikter?Målet er at tekstene i denne boken skal bidra til refleksjon og debatt om de etiske prinsippene og normene som skal verne om forskningens kvalitet og troverdighet. Antologien henvender seg til forskere og en bredere offentlighet som er opptatt av forskningsetiske spørsmål. Bidragsyterne er forskere, hovedsakelig innenfor naturvitenskapelige og teknologiske fag."
conflict of interest --- research ethics --- research --- research integrity --- interessekonflikter --- forskning --- forskningens rolle
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W 50 Medical ethics --- United States --- Ethics, Medical --- Public Policy --- Drug Industry --- Physicians --- Conflict of Interest
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Conflict of Interest. --- Drug Evaluation --- Drug Industry --- Ethics, Medical. --- Medical ethics --- Medicine --- Pharmaceutical industry --- Professional Misconduct. --- Psychoanalyse --- Ethics. --- Klinische beschouwingen.
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Natural resources have the transformational potential to support economic and political stability as well as contribute to national prosperity and economic development. However, in countries dependent upon natural resource sectors, poor management of these sectors often contributes to corruption, illicit financial flows (IFFs) and thus, poverty. Adequate transparency and accountability in regulatory management of these sectors is a challenge for resource rich countries. Poor licensing decisions in natural resource management can open a pandora's box of corruption risks. This manual provides methods and options based on good practices to improve transparency, accountability, and integrity in the regulatory licensing process and integrity due diligence. The manual borrows models from the Basel Core Principle 'fit and proper' concept, and provides options for conducting effective (a) beneficial ownership; (b) criminal/legal; and (c) conflicts of interest checks, with a goal of integrating these into the regulatory licensing process. The manual also identifies common legal framework defects that can facilitate corruption risks, and offers options based on principles of regulatory integrity to reduce these risks. The good practices identified can help countries allocate limited financial resources in conducting thorough background checks in a cost-effective manner, as well as meet EITI's requirements for public disclosure of beneficial owners and politically exposed persons. These strategies for reducing opportunities for corruption in extractive sectors can help reduce IFFs that can sap resources from the economy and inhibit a country's ability to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
Background Checks --- Beneficial Ownership --- Conflict Of Interest --- Corruption --- Criminal Background Check --- Extractives Sector --- Integrity Due Diligence --- Licensing --- Natural Resources --- Transparency
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Research. --- Research --- Scientists --- Vocational guidance. --- Science --- Ethics, Research. --- Conflict of Interest. --- Research Personnel --- Scientific Miscondust. --- ethics. --- United States. --- Scientific Misconduct.
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Quatrième de couverture : "Nos systèmes de soins sont en proie à des conflits d'intérêts. Ces conflits bafouent les règles morales qui gouvernent les professions de santé : la loyauté envers le patient le fait d'agir dans son intérêt et l'indépendance professionnelle et économique vis-à-vis des laboratoires pharmaceutiques, des investisseurs et des assureurs. Dans cet ouvrage, l'auteur examine le développement de ces conflits en France, aux Etats-Unis et au Japon. Il montre que les différences nationales dans les modalités du système de soins, l'organisation de la médecine, du marché et de l'Etat font varier l'importance et le type de ces conflits. Il analyse également les stratégies politiques et les règles juridiques de chaque pays pour y faire face. Si cette maladie apparaît incurable à bien des égards, Marc A Rodwin montre que l'on peut atténuer ces problèmes en tentant de réguler le système par des réformes prudentes. En s'appuyant sur l'expérience de ces trois pays, il examine un ensemble de mesures qui peuvent être prises dans les secteurs public et privé pour préserver les missions de la pratique médicale. "Ce livre est remarquable de clarté. Il est à prescrire sans aucune modération. La problématique des conflits d'intérêts n'est pas à la marge du système de santé. Y répondre, ce n'est pas pourchasser quelques praticiens malhonnêtes, c'est modifier les équilibres structurels des relations entre les institutions publiques et privées. La lutte contre les conflits d'intérêts permet d'infléchir la courbe des dépenses de santé, permet de réallouer les ressources vers des objectifs de santé publique, permet d'améliorer l'égalité d'accès aux soins et conduit à davantage de qualité et de sécurité. Autant d'objectifs qui ne peuvent pas être atteints quand la médecine est sous influence". Extrait de la préface de Martin Hirsch."
Medical economics --- Medical ethics --- Conflict of interests --- Economie de la santé --- Ethique médicale --- Conflits d'intérêts --- Comparative studies --- Etudes comparatives --- Conflict of Interest --- Professional Practice --- Comparative Studies --- Ethics, Medical --- Economie de la santé --- Ethique médicale --- Conflits d'intérêts --- Verstrekkingen GV : Geneeskundige verstrekkingen (in de enge zin) --- Zorgverleners (personen) : Artsen --- Prestations SS : Prestations de santé (au sens strict) --- Dispensateurs de soins (personnes) : Médecins --- Conflict of Interest - France --- Conflict of Interest - Japan --- Conflict of Interest - United States --- Professional Practice - France --- Professional Practice - Japan --- Professional Practice - United States
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