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Capricci luterani? : Michelangelo artista e poeta nel contesto del dibattito religioso del Cinquecento / Michelangelo, Artist and Writer, and the Religious Debates of the Sixteenth Century

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Le sculture, gli affreschi e le poesie di Michelangelo rispecchiano l'ortodossia cattolica, o sono piuttosto l'opera di un seguace della Riforma costretto alla segretezza? La questione della religiosità di Michelangelo è tuttora dibattuta favorendo spesso prospettive fin troppo unilaterali. Questo volume, che riunisce contributi dall'ambito della storia dell'arte, degli studi letterari e della storia della religione, intende affrontare la questione in tutta la sua complessità. Do Michelangelo's sculptures, frescoes, and poems reflect Catholic orthodoxy or are they rather the work of a follower of the Reform, forced to act in secret? The question of Michelangelo's religious belief is still debated, and the positions taken tend to remain unilateral. This volume gathers contributions by art historians, literary scholars, and historians of religion who address this question in all its complexity.

Konfessionelle Mehrdimensionalität in der Frühen Neuzeit : Irland um 1600
ISBN: 3110785528 3110782715 Year: 2022 Publisher: München ; Wien : De Gruyter Oldenbourg,

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Die Glaubensspaltung zwischen Katholiken und Protestanten prägte im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert die Geschichte Europas. Die Entstehung und Ausdifferenzierung der großen christlichen Konfessionen gehört daher traditionell zu den Grundproblemen historischer Forschung. Vor dem Hintergrund neuester Erkenntnisse widmet sich dieses Buch nun der Frage, wie es Menschen unterschiedlichen Glaubens gelang, ihren gemeinsamen Alltag zu meistern – und wie sie so den Ausbruch brutaler Religionskonflikte verhinderten. Im Fokus steht ein Land, das wie kaum ein anderes bis heute durch das Erbe der Glaubensspaltung geprägt ist: Irland. Erstmals bringt die Studie neue kulturhistorische Konzepte und klassische Forschungsansätze zusammen und entwirft so das Bild einer Epoche, deren religiös-konfessionelle Praxis durch Normenvielfalt und Diversität entscheidend geprägt wurde – ein entscheidendes Fundament des Miteinanders der Konfessionen. Damit zeichnet die Studie ein neues Bild religiös-konfessioneller Koexistenz in der Frühen Neuzeit. Protestants shaped the history of Europe in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. By examining previously unknown sources, this book asks how people of different faiths managed to share everyday life – thus preventing the outbreak of brutal religious conflicts. The example of Ireland paints a new picture of religious and confessional coexistence in the early modern period.

Spatrenaissance-Philosophie in Deutschland, 1570-1650 : entwurfe zwischen Humanismus und Konfessionalisierung, okkulten Traditionen und Schulmetaphysik
ISBN: 1282715372 9786612715372 348497074X 9783484970748 9783484366244 9781282715370 6612715375 3484366249 Year: 2009 Publisher: Tubingen : Max Niemeyer Verlag,

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Der Sammelband führt den Begriff der 'Spätrenaissance-Philosophie' für diejenigen intellektuellen Strömungen in Deutschland bis zur Mitte des 17. Jahrhunderts ein, die sich als Erben der - vor allem italienischen - Renaissance fühlten und dennoch deren Spekulationen mit lutherischer oder reformierter Schulmetaphysik amalgamierten. In dreizehn Fallstudien wird von namhaften Forschern die ganze Breite dieses Prozesses in Metaphysik und Anthropologie, Ästhetik und Ethik, Philologie und Religionsphilosophie beschrieben.

Ohnmacht und chance : Leonhard von Harrach (1514-1590) und die erbländische machtelite
Year: 2011 Publisher: Wien; München Böhlau

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This study takes as its point of departure the diet in the summer of the year 1579 in Vienna. Leonhard von Harrach, Privy Councellor of Emperor Rudolf II, negotiated with leaders of the oppositional protestant nobility, who wanted to push through freedom of religious confession in the landesherrlichen cities and market towns in Lower Austria. Analysis of Harrachs's connections to opposition, his scope of action as a member of the government, councellor and mentor of the young, Spanish-catholic oriented Kaiser, professional court politician, nobleman, leader of an Austrian power elite, head of the 'House of Harrach' and a Catholic interested in reaching reconciliation with the protestants, can show the special structures of this conflict. The historiographic basis had largely to be assembled from scratch since, e.g., in recorded histories and chronics very little mention is made of an Austrian power elite within the Habsburg monarchy of the 16th century, which consisted of land-owning noblemen. The existence of this power elite has considerable consequences in gaining a proper understanding of the 'dualism' of Ständestaat as a complex dualistic system of political cooperation in the Habsburg monarchy. This power elite of functionaries from the lower nobility had a strong position in court and administration and also in estates in the Eastern hereditary lands of the Habsburgs. Noble families such as the Roggendorf, Jörger, Hoffmann, Windischgrätz or Khevenhüller, all in the same social network as Harrach, were among the most prominent families to profit from the more central organization of the state and at the same time they produced the most important leaders of the protestant opposition in Vienna and Graz. Although the conflict culture of the dualistic system wasn't strong enough against confessional polarization, the cooperation of the Habsburg dynasty with the court-oriented nobility from the provinces of the hereditary lands proved to be such a successful model of governmental organization that in the Austrian-Bohemian 'Dyarchy' it was continued on a larger scale. Skills of power elite made it possible to Harrach and his friend and relative Jörger, leader of the opposition, to employ a form of crisis management to moderate the oppositions after 1580. But the polarization of religious confessions had destroyed the Irenic of Harrach. His initiation into the Spanish-catholic Habsburg Order of the Golden Fleece gave the decisive impulse, to take on, along with the Archduke Ernst, the overall direction of moderate, but compulsory re-Catholization of the Lower-Austrian cities and market towns, organized by Melchior Khlesl, official of the Bishopric Passau in Vienna.

Ohnmacht und chance : Leonhard von Harrach (1514-1590) und die erbländische machtelite
Year: 2011 Publisher: Wien; München Böhlau

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This study takes as its point of departure the diet in the summer of the year 1579 in Vienna. Leonhard von Harrach, Privy Councellor of Emperor Rudolf II, negotiated with leaders of the oppositional protestant nobility, who wanted to push through freedom of religious confession in the landesherrlichen cities and market towns in Lower Austria. Analysis of Harrachs's connections to opposition, his scope of action as a member of the government, councellor and mentor of the young, Spanish-catholic oriented Kaiser, professional court politician, nobleman, leader of an Austrian power elite, head of the 'House of Harrach' and a Catholic interested in reaching reconciliation with the protestants, can show the special structures of this conflict. The historiographic basis had largely to be assembled from scratch since, e.g., in recorded histories and chronics very little mention is made of an Austrian power elite within the Habsburg monarchy of the 16th century, which consisted of land-owning noblemen. The existence of this power elite has considerable consequences in gaining a proper understanding of the 'dualism' of Ständestaat as a complex dualistic system of political cooperation in the Habsburg monarchy. This power elite of functionaries from the lower nobility had a strong position in court and administration and also in estates in the Eastern hereditary lands of the Habsburgs. Noble families such as the Roggendorf, Jörger, Hoffmann, Windischgrätz or Khevenhüller, all in the same social network as Harrach, were among the most prominent families to profit from the more central organization of the state and at the same time they produced the most important leaders of the protestant opposition in Vienna and Graz. Although the conflict culture of the dualistic system wasn't strong enough against confessional polarization, the cooperation of the Habsburg dynasty with the court-oriented nobility from the provinces of the hereditary lands proved to be such a successful model of governmental organization that in the Austrian-Bohemian 'Dyarchy' it was continued on a larger scale. Skills of power elite made it possible to Harrach and his friend and relative Jörger, leader of the opposition, to employ a form of crisis management to moderate the oppositions after 1580. But the polarization of religious confessions had destroyed the Irenic of Harrach. His initiation into the Spanish-catholic Habsburg Order of the Golden Fleece gave the decisive impulse, to take on, along with the Archduke Ernst, the overall direction of moderate, but compulsory re-Catholization of the Lower-Austrian cities and market towns, organized by Melchior Khlesl, official of the Bishopric Passau in Vienna.

Ohnmacht und chance : Leonhard von Harrach (1514-1590) und die erbländische machtelite
Year: 2011 Publisher: Wien; München Böhlau

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This study takes as its point of departure the diet in the summer of the year 1579 in Vienna. Leonhard von Harrach, Privy Councellor of Emperor Rudolf II, negotiated with leaders of the oppositional protestant nobility, who wanted to push through freedom of religious confession in the landesherrlichen cities and market towns in Lower Austria. Analysis of Harrachs's connections to opposition, his scope of action as a member of the government, councellor and mentor of the young, Spanish-catholic oriented Kaiser, professional court politician, nobleman, leader of an Austrian power elite, head of the 'House of Harrach' and a Catholic interested in reaching reconciliation with the protestants, can show the special structures of this conflict. The historiographic basis had largely to be assembled from scratch since, e.g., in recorded histories and chronics very little mention is made of an Austrian power elite within the Habsburg monarchy of the 16th century, which consisted of land-owning noblemen. The existence of this power elite has considerable consequences in gaining a proper understanding of the 'dualism' of Ständestaat as a complex dualistic system of political cooperation in the Habsburg monarchy. This power elite of functionaries from the lower nobility had a strong position in court and administration and also in estates in the Eastern hereditary lands of the Habsburgs. Noble families such as the Roggendorf, Jörger, Hoffmann, Windischgrätz or Khevenhüller, all in the same social network as Harrach, were among the most prominent families to profit from the more central organization of the state and at the same time they produced the most important leaders of the protestant opposition in Vienna and Graz. Although the conflict culture of the dualistic system wasn't strong enough against confessional polarization, the cooperation of the Habsburg dynasty with the court-oriented nobility from the provinces of the hereditary lands proved to be such a successful model of governmental organization that in the Austrian-Bohemian 'Dyarchy' it was continued on a larger scale. Skills of power elite made it possible to Harrach and his friend and relative Jörger, leader of the opposition, to employ a form of crisis management to moderate the oppositions after 1580. But the polarization of religious confessions had destroyed the Irenic of Harrach. His initiation into the Spanish-catholic Habsburg Order of the Golden Fleece gave the decisive impulse, to take on, along with the Archduke Ernst, the overall direction of moderate, but compulsory re-Catholization of the Lower-Austrian cities and market towns, organized by Melchior Khlesl, official of the Bishopric Passau in Vienna.

Callings and consequences : the making of Catholic vocational culture in early modern France
ISBN: 0228009766 0228009758 Year: 2021 Publisher: Montreal, Quebec : McGill-Queen's University Press,

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This book explores efforts in early modern Catholicism to encourage young men and women to discern the "state of life" to which they were called, whether clerical, religious, or lay. Lane analyzes the origins, growth, and influence of a culture of vocation that became central to the Catholic Reformation as it unfolded in seventeenth-century France.

Motetten am Hof Maximilians II. (1527–1576) : Komponieren im Zeitalter der Konfessionalisierung
Year: 2022

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In the present volume sacred motets composed by members of the chapel of the Archduke and later Emperor Maximilian II – among them Jacobus Vaet, Philippe de Monte and Jacob Regnart – are documented and analysed for the first time. The chapel and its repertoire cultivated at the court not only served as a means for the representation of the court but also needed to comply with the emperor’s personal artistic and religious wishes. Maximilian II officially confessed to the Roman-Catholic church but personally sympathised with the Reformation. Therefore, the analysis of the texts and music addresses also the question of how the gap between the Roman-Catholic ceremony at court and the emperor’s personal faith is reflected in motets. Dieser Band verzeichnet und erschließt erstmals das von Mitgliedern der Hofkapelle des Erzherzogs und späteren Kaisers Maximilian II. – unter ihnen Jacobus Vaet, Philippe de Monte und Jacob Regnart – komponierte geisteliche Motettenrepertoire. Die Musikpflege einer Hofkapelle dieser Zeit diente nicht nur der höfischen Repräsentation, sondern musste auch den künstlerischen und religiösen Vorlieben eines Herrschers genügen. Da Maximilian II. trotz seines öffentlichen Bekenntnisses zum Vatikan Sympathien für die Reformation hegte, gehen die umfangreichen Analysen der Texte und Kompositionen auch der Frage nach, wie sich diese Diskrepanz zwischen romtreuem Hofzeremoniell und dem persönlichen Glauben des Herrschers im Motettenschaffen seiner Hofmusiker widerspiegelt.

Motetten am Hof Maximilians II. (1527–1576) : Komponieren im Zeitalter der Konfessionalisierung
Year: 2022

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In the present volume sacred motets composed by members of the chapel of the Archduke and later Emperor Maximilian II – among them Jacobus Vaet, Philippe de Monte and Jacob Regnart – are documented and analysed for the first time. The chapel and its repertoire cultivated at the court not only served as a means for the representation of the court but also needed to comply with the emperor’s personal artistic and religious wishes. Maximilian II officially confessed to the Roman-Catholic church but personally sympathised with the Reformation. Therefore, the analysis of the texts and music addresses also the question of how the gap between the Roman-Catholic ceremony at court and the emperor’s personal faith is reflected in motets. Dieser Band verzeichnet und erschließt erstmals das von Mitgliedern der Hofkapelle des Erzherzogs und späteren Kaisers Maximilian II. – unter ihnen Jacobus Vaet, Philippe de Monte und Jacob Regnart – komponierte geisteliche Motettenrepertoire. Die Musikpflege einer Hofkapelle dieser Zeit diente nicht nur der höfischen Repräsentation, sondern musste auch den künstlerischen und religiösen Vorlieben eines Herrschers genügen. Da Maximilian II. trotz seines öffentlichen Bekenntnisses zum Vatikan Sympathien für die Reformation hegte, gehen die umfangreichen Analysen der Texte und Kompositionen auch der Frage nach, wie sich diese Diskrepanz zwischen romtreuem Hofzeremoniell und dem persönlichen Glauben des Herrschers im Motettenschaffen seiner Hofmusiker widerspiegelt.

Motetten am Hof Maximilians II. (1527–1576) : Komponieren im Zeitalter der Konfessionalisierung
Year: 2022

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In the present volume sacred motets composed by members of the chapel of the Archduke and later Emperor Maximilian II – among them Jacobus Vaet, Philippe de Monte and Jacob Regnart – are documented and analysed for the first time. The chapel and its repertoire cultivated at the court not only served as a means for the representation of the court but also needed to comply with the emperor’s personal artistic and religious wishes. Maximilian II officially confessed to the Roman-Catholic church but personally sympathised with the Reformation. Therefore, the analysis of the texts and music addresses also the question of how the gap between the Roman-Catholic ceremony at court and the emperor’s personal faith is reflected in motets. Dieser Band verzeichnet und erschließt erstmals das von Mitgliedern der Hofkapelle des Erzherzogs und späteren Kaisers Maximilian II. – unter ihnen Jacobus Vaet, Philippe de Monte und Jacob Regnart – komponierte geisteliche Motettenrepertoire. Die Musikpflege einer Hofkapelle dieser Zeit diente nicht nur der höfischen Repräsentation, sondern musste auch den künstlerischen und religiösen Vorlieben eines Herrschers genügen. Da Maximilian II. trotz seines öffentlichen Bekenntnisses zum Vatikan Sympathien für die Reformation hegte, gehen die umfangreichen Analysen der Texte und Kompositionen auch der Frage nach, wie sich diese Diskrepanz zwischen romtreuem Hofzeremoniell und dem persönlichen Glauben des Herrschers im Motettenschaffen seiner Hofmusiker widerspiegelt.

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