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Le présent travail tente de mettre en lumière l’art public et son cadre législatif, et d’apporter un regard critique sur le sujet grâce à une analyse de l’art public à Liège, comparé avec celui de la ville de Bruxelles. Après avoir défini l’art public et retracé un historique expliquant l’évolution des modes d’expression artistique dans l’espace public, nous soumettons une hypothèse suivant laquelle l’art public aujourd’hui se retrouve entre deux grandes catégories, allant de l’art utilisé comme moyen de City Branding à l’art vecteur de cohésion sociale. Ensuite, nous tentons de cerner le cadre législatif relatif à l’art public. On peut parler de cadre légal mais chaque intervention dans l’espace public est différente, traitée au cas par cas. Il y a peu de temps, l’art public était exalté par l’idéologie de légitimation du pouvoir politique ou religieux, aujourd’hui l’artiste réalisant des œuvres dans l’espace urbain est investi d’une responsabilité sociale. L’espace public est devenu un lieu de création artistique. Nous le montrons en analysant certains aménagements d’espaces publics à Liège et à Bruxelles suivant deux critères : la structure initiatrice du projet et le processus collaboratif. Plus précisément, nous avons choisi trois œuvres dont le processus collaboratif diffère pour la ville de Liège, et nous analysons la structure particulière des contrats de quartier pour Bruxelles. Nous constatons que Bruxelles tente d’introduire un nouveau dynamisme autour de l’art public. Contrairement à Liège, Bruxelles présente rarement un seul projet artistique et la démarche s’inscrit dans une logique continue, avec des interventions en divers endroits d’un même quartier et souvent avec la participation des citoyens. Il nous semble que ces pratiques marqueront les esprits sur un long terme et qu’elles rendent aujourd’hui la ville plus vivante, les citoyens se montrant plus investis, plus concernés.
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These days, European cities are afraid of dealing with a terrorist attack that can undermine their image and their reputation on the national and international level and weaken their economic activity. Indeed, many major and capital cities in Europe were the targets of the terrorist organizations over the past few years. Moreover, a competition exists between cities to be as attractive as possible and city branding represents a tool to develop the attractiveness of a territory. Our research question is: Does the city branding represent an asset for these cities affected by terrorism? To answer this question, it is worth studying in detail the concept of city branding, its stakeholders, its factors of attractiveness and crisis marketing. In addition to that, it is legitimate for the cities to reconsider their security, what can be complex. By studying the case of Liege, recently hit by terrorism, we will determine how city branding could be an asset and how should it be developed to be efficient.
city branding --- place branding --- security branding --- terrorisme --- marketing de crise --- Sciences économiques & de gestion > Marketing
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La reconnaissance de l’art urbain s’établit par diverses voies que ce soit par l’intermédiaire des musées, du marché de l’art, etc. Parmi celles-ci, il y a le city branding. Le city branding par l’art urbain est employé dans de multiples villes du monde. L’objectif de cette étude est de prouver l’usage de cette technique de promotion au sein de Molenbeek-Saint-Jean et de préciser les moyens relatifs qui sont mis en place dans la commune.
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Deindustrialization weighs heavily on regions which owe their prosperity and sometimes their entire upturn to the presence of industry. It has only been in the last decades, that some regions started playing the industrial tourism card, engaging in an approach that values and reinterprets their industrial heritage and hence helps to renew their image. The European Capital of Culture program has proven to be an excellent tool for such a renewal. Ever since the inauguration of the program in 1985, the guidelines have become more rigorous and nowadays applicant cities have to perform a true balancing act between often conflicting expectancies. This master thesis seeks to study the self-presentation of two former European Capitals of Culture, rich in their industrial past, Essen(Ruhr)(2010) and Mons (2015). At the core of this study are the following questions: How did they present themselves during the year in which they held the title? What notions of Europe figure in the discourse of their program? And more importantly: what place and form do they give to their industrial heritage? La désindustrialisation pèse sur les régions où la présence industrielle avait auparavant amené la prospérité. Ce n’est qu’en ces dernières décennies qu’on voit des régions investir dans le tourisme industriel. Adoptant une approche de valorisation et réinterprétation du patrimoine industriel cette formule contribue souvent au renouveau de leur image. Le programme des Capitales Européennes de la Culture, instauré en 1985, s’est avéré être un outil par excellence pour un tel renouveau. Depuis le lancement du programme les consignes ont été renforcées et les candidats doivent faire preuve d’un véritable funambulisme entre divers aspects parfois contradictoires. Ce mémoire cherche à étudier l’auto-présentation de deux villes détentrices du titre qui ont toutes les deux été marquées d’une riche histoire industrielle, Essen(Ruhr)(2010) et Mons (2015). Au cœur de l’étude sont des questions telles que : Comment se présentaient-elles lors de l’année de programmation? Quelles images de l’Europe se dégagent à travers leur discours du programme ? Et surtout : quelle place et forme donnent-elles à leur patrimoine industriel ? Die Deindustrialisierung lastet schwer auf Regionen, welche ihren Aufschwung und Reichtum der Industriepräsenz verdanken. Erst in den letzten Jahrzehnten haben einige begonnen in Industrietourismus zu investieren, ein Ansatz der das Erbe der Industriekultur schätzt, neu interpretiert und somit zu einem Imagewandel beiträgt. Das Programm der Europäischen Kulturhauptstädte hat sich als erstklassiges Instrument für derartigen Wandel bewiesen. Seit seiner Einführung 1985 sind seine Richtlinien stark konkretisiert worden, wodurch heutige Bewerberstädte einen wahrhaften Balanceakt zwischen teils widersprüchlichen Anforderungen meistern müssen. Diese Masterarbeit untersucht die Selbstdarstellung zweier ehemaliger Titelträger mit reicher industrieller Vergangenheit, Essen(Ruhr)(2010) und Mons (2015). Im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchungen stehen folgende Fragen: Wie stellten sich die Städte in ihrem Titeljahr dar? Welche Ideen von Europa unterliegen dem Programmdiskurs? Und vor allem: Welche Rolle und Form geben sie ihrem industriellen Kulturerbe?
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For more than twenty years now, cities have been developing and aiming to attract new residents, tourists but also investors. Competition between cities exists, and many are therefore trying to stand out from the rest by using various tools. Among these ones, we find city branding, a marketing tool allowing the promotion of cities. Over the past thirty years, events have also multiplied and have found their importance in everyday life. The goal of this thesis is to identify if conducting events, and particularly a cultural event, here a Christmas Village, can have an impact on a perceived destination brand image. First, in order to answer to this question, a theorical analysis is conducted to define the main theoretical aspects. Then, questionnaires for visitors are created and distributed. Questionnaires are also made for the exhibitors of the Christmas Village, and in-depth interviews are conducted. The results show that many aspects have to be taken into account when city branders and marketers want to improve a city image. In response to the initial question, we can say that events have an influence on cities’ perceived image.
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In the current economic and social context, there is a global change in which different actors are evolving and playing a different role. In this sense, even the territories over the years have achieved an important centrality. In fact, the discipline of place branding is born, divided into three levels: national, regional and city. The objective is to develop an identity that is different from the various competitors in order to attract potential financial and human resources. Through this thesis, we have tried to understand how the role of city branding can be used in an Italian city: Treviso which is located in the Veneto region. To give the city its own unique and inimitable identity, the author has explored the role of local products, especially the wine sector in order to understand if it is one of the possible ways to brand the city. To be able to answer this question, first an analysis of the managerial literature was conducted, which saw its focus in the concept of city branding, local products and the wine sector. Subsequently, through a qualitative analysis, a series of professionals working in the wine sector were interviewed; with the aim of having a more complete and in-depth overview of what the wine sector actually is. Furthermore, the author has tried to understand if there are the prerequisites for implementing this strategy, identifying the objectives and the various stakeholders to be involved in the branding project. This study made it possible to understand that the branding process requires time, effort and financial resources but that if implemented correctly it can lead to great results. Elements such as family, passion, art, culture, history, flavors, simplicity and union are characteristics that make the local wine sector unique and inimitable and must be emphasized in the branding process. Furthermore, the presence of multiple small and medium-sized enterprises is an element of great value and makes the product different from that of the competition. It is synonymous with high quality and excellence. In light of above, in response to the initial question of the thesis we can say that the concept of city branding and the wine sector can be the perfect combination to develop a territorial identity and bring great benefits to the city and to all its stakeholders.
City branding --- brand image --- territorial identity --- local products --- wine sector --- objectives and stakeholders --- Sciences économiques & de gestion > Marketing
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Aujourd’hui, le centre commercial est un sujet d’actualité suite à son influence sur notre manière de vivre et de consommer autour de nouveaux espaces. Son importance relève également de son rôle aux yeux des politiques publiques dans les stratégies de marketing territorial et des défis environnementaux concernant la gestion des territoires. D’abord excentrés dans les banlieues puis de retour en ville suite à une ré-enchantement de la consommation au travers du « fun shopping », les centres commerciaux font débats quant à leurs répercussions sur le tissu urbain existant. Au travers de l’étude de cas de la Médiacité, établie dans le quartier populaire du Longdoz, nous tentons d’établir la pertinence et les enjeux environnementaux, sociaux et politiques des centres commerciaux en milieu urbain.
Centre commercial --- Médiacité --- City Branding --- Marketing territorial --- Architecture iconique --- Centre urbain --- Fun shopping --- Ingénierie, informatique & technologie > Architecture
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For the majority of travelers seeking inspiration for their destination choice, internet is the first source of information. The advent of Web 2.0 enabled tourists to share their advice and feelings about the places they visit, enriching the image of those places but at the same time making it more difficult to control for city's promotion managers. This thesis aims to compare the image of a fictitious city as perceived by people who had access to the official web site of the destination or to a travel forum about the destination. The results of this thesis suggest that when user generated contents on the forum were able form a richer image of the city, the website conveyed an image that was more structured.
City Branding --- Place Branding --- User Generated Content --- Brand Concept Mapping --- Marketing --- Etude exploratoire --- Image de la destination --- Sciences économiques & de gestion > Marketing
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In order to increase the attractiveness as well as the hospitality of their area, in a growing competition between different European cities, many cities are investing today in large urban mobility projects. Used to respond to the climate and mobility challenges of the future, they also address the needs of the various stakeholders that make up the city’s microcosm. Nevertheless, these projects involve broad public works that can tarnish the image of the city and the final project. The aim of this master thesis is to define through the concrete analysis of a case study composed of the new tram network project of the city of Liège and the Stuttgart 21 railway project, the strategies put in place by the actors of these projects and the local authorities in terms of image management. Composed of two major axes, the first one aim at promoting the final project, the second one at communicating with the different stakeholder groups during the public works period. Thanks to our research as well as about twenty interviews with the different actors of the two projects, we were first able to discover the numerous communication channels put in place by the project stakeholders. Secondly, we were able to underline the importance of co-creation among citizens in order to ensure a better approval of the final project. Thanks to a quantitative study among the population of Liège and visitors to the city, we were also able to analyse the effect of the different actions put in place by the actors of the Tram project in Liège. The opinion of experts as well as the comparison with the Stuttgart project and other projects finally allowed us to make recommendations concerning the Liège project.
city branding --- city marketing --- place marketing --- place branding --- public works --- communication --- urban mobility project --- Liège --- Stuttgart --- stakeholder management --- image management --- project management --- architecture --- Sciences économiques & de gestion > Marketing
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Cultural and musical events have been increasing in the last two decades, in an attempt to either celebrate the spirit of a city or as a tool to promote the city's image itself. While there has been extensive research made on the economic impacts festivals had on the city, there is a need to further research how the hosting community perceives the socio-cultural impacts generated by a cultural or musical event and how this impacts the city's image. This is what this study will focus on. For this research paper I decided to make a study case comparing two particular music festivals, namely the festival "Les Ardentes" in the city of Liège and the festival "Les Francofolies de Spa" in the city of Spa. With the intent of assessing the perception of positive and negative socio-cultural impacts, I conducted a survey among locals from both host communities (attendees and non-attendees). Also included in this research study are two in-depth semi-structured interviews, one with one of the co-founders of the festival Les Francofolies de Spa (Charles Gardier) and one with one of the co-founders of the festival Les Ardentes (Fabrice Lamproye). This paper also includes recommendations for future festival organisers as well as recommendations for future academical researches that will be done in the same field of research.
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