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After reviewing the history of cancer and its impact on the population, the author exposes the antiquated notions that have driven cancer drug development, documents the stagnation in treatment outcomes despite major advances in cancer genomics and growing NCI budgets, and identifies the multiple factors that sustain the status quo.
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1 in 2 of us will develop cancer at some point in our lives and yet many of us don't understand how cancers arise. How many different kinds of cancer are there? What treatments are available? What does the future hold in terms of developing new therapies? This book demystifies cancer by explaining the underlying cell and molecular biology in a clear and accessible style. It answers the questions commonly asked about cancer such as what causes cancer and how cancer develops. It explains how DNA makes proteins and how mutations can corrupt those proteins. It also gives an overview of current therapies and how treatments may advance over the next decades, as well as explaining what actions we can take to help prevent cancer developing. Understanding Cancer is an accessible and engaging introduction to cancer biology for any interested reader.
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Les profils sur le cancer par pays identifient les forces, les faiblesses et les domaines d'action spécifiques de chacun des 27 États membres de l'UE, de l'Islande et de la Norvège, afin d'orienter les investissements et les interventions aux niveaux européen, national et régional dans le cadre du plan "Vaincre le cancer en Europe". Le profil sur le cancer fournit une synthèse des points suivants : la charge nationale du cancer, les facteurs de risque du cancer (en mettant l'accent sur les facteurs de risque liés au comportement et à l'environnement), les programmes de détection précoce, les performances en matière de soins oncologiques en mettant l'accent sur l'accessibilité, la qualité des soins, les coûts et l'impact de COVID-19 sur les soins oncologiques.
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Landprofilene peker på styrker, utfordringer og områder med behov for handling i de 27 medlemslandene i EU samt Island og Norge, som en veileder for investeringer og helsepolitiske tiltak på EU-plan, nasjonalt plan og regionalt plan. Hver landskreftprofil gir en kort syntese av: den nasjonale kreftbyrden; risikofaktorer for kreft (med fokus på atferds- og miljørisikofaktorer); programmer for tidlig oppdagelse; ytelse ved kreftomsorg (med fokus på tilgjengelighet, omsorgskvalitet, kostnader og virkningen av COVID-19 på kreftomsorg).
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I landsprofilerna om cancer identifieras styrkor, utmaningar och särskilda åtgärdsområden för var och en av EU:s 27 medlemsländer samt Island och Norge för att vägleda investeringar och åtgärder på EU-nivå, nationell nivå och regional nivå som del av Europas plan mot cancer. Varje landscancerprofil innehåller en kort sammanfattning av följande: den nationella cancerbördan ; riskfaktorer för cancer (med fokus på beteendeoch miljöriskfaktorer); program för tidig upptäckt; cancervårdens resultat (med fokus på tillgänglighet, vårdkvalitet, kostnader och COVID-19:s inverkan på cancervården).
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"Molecules at Play in Cancer" is a collection of 24 research articles on recent findings about some important molecules responsible for either cancer development and proliferation, or anti-cancer therapy. It covers a wide range of tissues and organs affected by cancer: adrenal glands, blood, breasts, muscles, ovaries, prostate, stomach, and testicles.
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This book provides healthcare professionals with a practice theory for the care and management of patients who have been diagnosed with cancer. It explores what patients experience and how healthcare professionals can assist them in dealing with their uncertainty and fear as well as planning for the future. Unique to the book is its explication of the emerging theory, `The Omnipresence of Cancer', which is set in the context of a discussion of earlier theories also concerned with cancer care. Chapters demonstrate how `The Omnipresence of Cancer' has been developed, validated through research and being further tested in relation to cancer care. In particular, a chapter on philosophical reflections using theory to produce knowledge for practice is included. Each chapter provides essential background, a synthesis of the current state of knowledge, and practice examples associated with cancer care. The combination of theoretical reflection and practice examples is designed to promote comprehension and guidance on implementation of the theory, as well as recommendations for practice. This book will be of significant interest to healthcare students and professionals working in the field of cancer care and oncology, particularly healthcare professionals working in advanced practice roles and nurse educators. It is also anticipated that professionals working in pastoral care, occupational therapy, social work and radiography will be interested in this book.
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