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Comparative study of the mammalian community of the core zone and the community zone of the National Park of Lobeke (Cameroon) in terms of specific richness and composition by camera traps inventory
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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In the current context of the sixth mass extinction, the conservation of large mammalian fauna, particularly threatened in Central Africa, is an important issue. From this perspective, knowledge of the animal communities present is essential in order to ensure management measures adapted to the condition of the fauna. To this end, wildlife inventories using camera traps have become a key technique. Their development, following the development of related technologies and software, allows to improve the quality of the inventories by their low-intrusive aspect and their day and night operation.
In this context, this study compares two inventories of terrestrial and semi-terrestrial mammals species conducted by camera traps in the National Park of Lobeke in Cameroon. A first grid of camera traps was set up in the community zone of the park in 2021 and this work focused on the implementation of the second grid in the non-community zone, or core zone, and on the comparison of the results of the two inventories. The main objective of this work is to characterize the differences between these two mammalian communities in terms of species richness and composition.
The two grids were composed of 40 camera traps and were following the recommendations of the international TEAM protocol. The camera traps were placed systematically with a density of 1 trap per 2 km².
First, a pre-processing of the data was done in two steps. The first step was to review all video captures to identify the species and species complexes present and their numbers. The second step was to clean the dataset to consider only independent events per species, i.e., one event every 30 minutes per species, considering the maximum number of animals, detected in one video, in this interval in case of a group.
In a second step, various statistical analyses were performed in order to compare the two communities. First, the species richness was studied in the form of a list of species and an accumulation curve of the number of species according to the sampling effort. Secondly, the study of the relative abundance index (RAI) by species allowed us to identify the most common species present (top 5 for each of the two inventories) and to compare the detection rates of the different species within the two areas. Thirdly, a non-metric multidimensional scaling was performed based on the dissimilarity matrix using the Bray-Curtis index in order to observe the differences in the compositions of the two communities.
The analyses conducted showed a higher species richness in the community zone and generally higher RAI, yet they have relatively similar animal communities in terms of composition. A higher poaching pressure in the core zone compared to the community zone could explain these differences.

Analyse de la dynamique des populations de ratons laveurs (Procyon lotor) en Wallonie et estimation des densités de population dans deux massifs forestiers par pièges photographiques
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2020 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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As an invasive species, raccoons (Procyon lotor) present explosive population dynamics on a European scale, which worries scientists and natural areas managers with regard to the potential dangers they represent for native biodiversity and the "man-wildlife" conflicts they can provoke. In Wallonia, their presence has been proven since the early 2000s and observations have been increasing since 2010, but their population level remains unknown. This work first seeks to establish the population dynamics of the species in southern Wallonia (Belgium) by analyzing nocturnal abundance indices (INA) between 2010 and 2018. Its second objective is to estimate the population densities in two forested areas using camera traps, by applying the "Random Encounter Model (REM)". The INA, multiplied by 5 between 2010 and 2018, increases significantly over time at the scale of the 19 hunting councils in which raccoons have been observed. However, the method lacks precision due to the low detectability of the species during night counts and, even if the increasing trend is confirmed, the rate of expansion remains uncertain. This is especially true if data are analyzed individually by council as the number of observations is often too small and the biases too large. The REM, applied for the first time to this species, gives estimates of population densities of 2.26 - 4.22 individuals/100ha in Gaume and 2.12 - 3.39 in the Saint-Michel Freyr massif. Although subject to numerous biases, the REM is proving to be an interesting tool and allows plausible densities to be obtained, but points of comparison are currently lacking for evaluating its reliability.

Synergies of camera traps and environmental DNA for wildlife surveys in tropical forests
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2024 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Considering the importance of addressing the current biodiversity crisis, effective wildlife monitoring is increasingly essential, particularly in logging concessions where the combined impacts of logging and hunting pose severe threats to wildlife. Traditional monitoring methods can be labor-intensive and costly, necessitating the exploration of more efficient alternatives. To address these challenges, we compared three alternative wildlife monitoring techniques—camera traps (CT), leaf swab environmental DNA (eDNA), and water eDNA—across four contrasting forest areas within an FSC-certified logging concession in northern Congo, each with different logging histories and hunting pressures. Our objectives were to (1) compare the accuracy of these methods in assessing species richness, occupancy, and relative abundance; (2) measure the effectiveness of each method in terms of species richness accuracy and precision, as well as associated costs, to propose an optimal wildlife survey method; and (3) discuss the influence of logging and hunting on species diversity. Camera traps proved highly effective for medium-to-large mammals, while leaf swab eDNA was valuable for detecting a broader range of species including bats, smaller species, and arboreal species. Water eDNA, while capturing key species with relatively less sampling effort, showed limited cost-effectiveness due to higher expenses than leaf swabs. Although leaf swab eDNA was the most cost-efficient, it required more extensive sampling to match the diversity detected by camera traps. This study highlights the strengths and complementary roles of different monitoring methods. The choice of method should align with specific conservation goals: eDNA could be used to identify areas of high conservation value, while camera traps are better suited for repeatedly monitoring medium to large mammal populations. Our findings indicate that hunting pressure was more influenced by accessibility and proximity to human settlements than logging history. The comparable species richness across forest grids suggests that well-managed, certified forests can be critical refuges for diverse wildlife. The results highlight the conservation potential of certified forests, emphasizing the importance of integrated and sustainable management practices to support diverse wildlife populations.

Evaluation de l'impact de l'exploitation forestière sélective sur la biodiversité mammalienne à l'aide de pièges photographiques et de capteurs acoustiques dans le Sud-Est du Cameroun
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2021 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Considering the importance of mammals in regulating ecological processes in rainforests and the constant expansion of logging in Central Africa, it is essential to study the influence of logging on mammalian communities. This study aims to (i) assess the impact of selective logging on mammalian biodiversity and (ii) compare two methods of surveying elephant populations, one using camera traps and the other using acoustic sensors. The study took place at the SEFAC logging company ; located in the South-East of Cameroon, north of the Lobéké National Park. Wildlife inventories were conducted in two sites with contrasting logging histories, the first having been logged until January 2021 and the second 17 to 45 years ago. In each of these, 12 camera traps and 6 acoustic sensors were set up on a 2 km2 sampling grid. Both devices were left in the field for 7 weeks. A total of 36 mammalian taxa were recorded in both study areas. The vast majority of species had comparable average detection rates between the two sites (p > 0.05). Similarly, the species richness, the species composition and the activity pattern of the most detected species varied only slightly between both areas. Regarding the second objective of this study, passive acoustic monitoring was characterized by a higher detection rate of elephants than camera trap surveys. The false positives produced by the acoustic data processing justify that the detection events of the two surveys do not follow the same trends from a temporal point of view. In clonclusion, this study confirms the high conservation potential of sustainably managed forest concessions. The one studied has a species richness comparable to the one estimated in an adjacent protected area and higher relative abundances of wild bongos, chimpanzees and elephants. This work also shows the quick recovery of mammalian communities after logging as long as hunting activities are contained. By investing in wildlife management and anti-poaching, logging concessions can act as ecological corridors at a landscape scale. Moreover, this study demonstrates the usefulness of acoustic and camera trap surveys in rainforests, it also explains their advantages and disadvantages. Further studies would help identify which type of survey is most appropriate for monitoring elephant populations. Finally, this study highlights the need to develop standardized protocols and efficient automatic detection algorithms to optimize these two survey methods.

Étude comparative de trois méthodes d'inventaire des micromammifères en Wallonie
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2024 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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Context : Considering the importance of improving knowledge of species, communities and ecosystems for
their protection and management, it is essential to study the effectiveness of different inventory
methods, particularly for under-studied taxa such as small mammals.

Objectives : This study aims to (i) determine the detection efficiency of three small mammal inventory
methods, (ii) determine the efficiency in terms of time and cost of these three methods and (iii)
analyse the influence of environmental factors on the detection of small mammals.

Location : Semois Valley, Wallonia, South-East Belgium.

Participants : The Department for the Study of the Natural and Agricultural Environment, the Semois and Chiers
River Contract, the Semois Valley National Park and the Flemish Institute for Nature and Forest

Methods : Inventory methods using photographic traps adapted to the study of small mammals, live trapping
and analysis of environmental DNA samples from water and soil were tested at 12 sites bordering
watercourses in the Semois catchment area. At each of these sites, 5 adapted photographic traps,
20 Sherman brand live traps set in pairs, 20 water DNA sample collection points and 20 soil DNA
sample collection points were placed along a 100 meter transect. Each survey period lasted 4

Results : The adapted photographic traps detected 5 taxa of small mammals and the live traps detected 6.
Live traps allow precise identification of species, unlike photographic traps, which nevertheless
detected taxa on a greater number of sites and on average twice as many taxa per site. The 4
nights of sampling were not always necessary to achieve the maximum number of detections in
this study. Nevertheless, no method reached a detection plateau. Live traps outperformed
photographic traps after 5.5 surveys. Environmental DNA was the only method to capture the
target species (Neomys fodiens), with better results for water samples than for soil samples. eDNA
is fast and economical, but camera traps are more cost-effective in the long term. The main
environmental factors are the width of the watercourse, the height of the bank and the species
richness of the vegetation.

Discussion : This study has several limitations, in particular the small amount of data collected over two months
and the unfavourable weather conditions, which influenced the results. Despite this, certain
trends are consistent with the literature. Photographic traps detected more taxa, but with often
limited identification, unlike live traps, which captured a wide diversity of small mammals but
required more effort. Environmental DNA showed great potential despite the need for further
validation. In the long term, photographic traps are more economical and less labour-intensive,
although they do present a risk of theft. The analysis of environmental factors did not provide any
clear conclusions, but more precise surveys could confirm the impact of weather conditions.
Camera traps are useful for participatory science, while live traps raise ethical questions.

Conclusion : This study analyses small mammal sampling methods in Wallonia to help identify the most suitable
for the study objective, improving the monitoring of rare species and enabling investment in
larger-scale studies, facilitating ecosystem management Contexte: Considérant l’importance d’améliorer la connaissance des espèces, des communautés et des
écosystèmes, pour leur protection et leur gestion il est essentiel d’étudier l’efficacité des
différentes méthodes d’inventaire, particulièrement pour les taxons sous étudiés tels que les

Objectifs : Cette étude vise à (i) déterminer l’efficacité de détection de trois méthodes d’inventaires des
micromammifères, (ii) déterminer l’efficacité en termes de temps et de coût de ces trois
méthodes et (iii) analyser l’influence des facteurs environnementaux sur la détection des

Localisation : Vallée de la Semois, Wallonie, Sud-Est de la Belgique.

Acteurs : Le Département de l’Etude du Milieu Naturel et Agricole, le Contrat Rivière Semois et Chiers, le
Parc National de la Vallée de la Semois et l’institut flamand de recherche sur la nature et la forêt.

Méthodes : Les méthodes d’inventaires par pièges photographiques adaptés à l’étude des micromammifères,
par piégeage vivant et par analyse d’échantillons d’ADN environnemental d’eau et de sol ont été
testées sur 12 sites bordant des cours d’eau du bassin hydrographique de la Semois. Dans chacun
de ceux-ci, 5 pièges photographiques adaptés, 20 pièges vivants de la marque Sherman mis deux
à deux, 20 points de relevé d’échantillons d’ADNe d’eau et 20 points de relevé d’échantillons
d’ADNe de sol ont été placés le long d’un transect de 100 mètres. Chaque période d’inventaire a
duré 4 nuits.

Résultats : Les pièges photographiques adaptés ont détecté 5 taxons de micromammifères et les pièges
vivants en ont détecté 6. Les pièges vivants permettent une identification précise des espèces,
contrairement aux pièges photographiques, qui ont cependant détecté des taxons sur un plus
grand nombre de sites et en moyenne deux fois plus de taxons par site. Les 4 nuits
d’échantillonnage n’étaient pas toujours nécessaires pour atteindre le maximum de détections de
cette étude. Néanmoins, aucune méthode n’a atteint un plateau de détection. Les pièges vivants
surpassent les pièges photographiques après 5,5 inventaires. L’ADN environnemental est la seule
méthode ayant capté l’espèce cible (Neomys fodiens), avec de meilleurs résultats pour les
échantillons d’eau que de sol. L'ADNe est rapide et économique, mais les pièges photographiques
sont plus rentables à long terme. Les principaux facteurs environnementaux sont la largeur du
cours d’eau, la hauteur de la berge et la richesse spécifique de la végétation.

Discussion : Cette étude présente plusieurs limites, notamment la faible quantité de données collectées sur
deux mois et les conditions météorologiques défavorables, influençant les résultats. Malgré cela,
certaines tendances correspondent à la littérature. Les pièges photographiques ont détecté plus
de taxons, mais avec une identification souvent limitée, contrairement aux pièges vivants, qui ont
capté une grande diversité de micromammifères mais nécessitent plus d'efforts. L'ADN
environnemental a montré un grand potentiel malgré un besoin de validation supplémentaire. À
long terme, les pièges photographiques sont plus économiques et moins exigeants en main-
d'œuvre, bien qu'ils présentent un risque de vol. L'analyse des facteurs environnementaux n'a pas
fourni de conclusions claires, mais des relevés plus précis pourraient confirmer l'impact des
conditions météorologiques. Les pièges photographiques sont utiles pour la science participative,
tandis que les pièges vivants posent des questions éthiques.

Conclusion : Cette étude analyse les méthodes d'échantillonnage des micromammifères en Wallonie pour
aider à identifier la plus adaptée à l’objectif d’étude, améliorant la surveillance des espèces rares
et permettant des investissements dans des études à plus grande échelle, facilitant la gestion des

Zoonoses and Wildlife: One Health Approach
Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Throughout history, wildlife has been an important source of infectious diseases transmissible to humans. Today, zoonoses with a wildlife reservoir constitute a major public health problem, affecting all continents. The importance of such zoonoses is increasingly recognized, and the need for more attention in this area is being addressed. The total number of zoonoses is unknown, some 1,415 known human pathogens have been catalogued, and 62% are of zoonotic origin [1]. With time, more and more human pathogens are found to be of animal origin. Moreover, most emerging infectious diseases in humans are zoonoses. Wild animals seem to be involved in the epidemiology of most zoonoses and serve as major reservoirs for transmission of zoonotic agents to domestic animals and humans [2]. The concept of the ‘One Health’ approach involving collaboration between veterinary and medical scientists, policy makers, and public health officials, is necessary to foster joint cooperation and control of emerging zoonotic diseases [3]. Zoonotic diseases caused by a wide range of arthropods, bacteria, helminths, protozoans, and viruses can cause serious and even life-threatening clinical conditions in animals, with a number of them also affecting the human population due to their zoonotic potential. The aim of the current Special Issue is to cover recent and novel research trends in zoonotic diseases in wildlife, including the relevant topics related to wildlife, zoonosis, public health, emerging diseases, infectious diseases and parasitic diseases.

Zoonoses and Wildlife: One Health Approach
Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Throughout history, wildlife has been an important source of infectious diseases transmissible to humans. Today, zoonoses with a wildlife reservoir constitute a major public health problem, affecting all continents. The importance of such zoonoses is increasingly recognized, and the need for more attention in this area is being addressed. The total number of zoonoses is unknown, some 1,415 known human pathogens have been catalogued, and 62% are of zoonotic origin [1]. With time, more and more human pathogens are found to be of animal origin. Moreover, most emerging infectious diseases in humans are zoonoses. Wild animals seem to be involved in the epidemiology of most zoonoses and serve as major reservoirs for transmission of zoonotic agents to domestic animals and humans [2]. The concept of the ‘One Health’ approach involving collaboration between veterinary and medical scientists, policy makers, and public health officials, is necessary to foster joint cooperation and control of emerging zoonotic diseases [3]. Zoonotic diseases caused by a wide range of arthropods, bacteria, helminths, protozoans, and viruses can cause serious and even life-threatening clinical conditions in animals, with a number of them also affecting the human population due to their zoonotic potential. The aim of the current Special Issue is to cover recent and novel research trends in zoonotic diseases in wildlife, including the relevant topics related to wildlife, zoonosis, public health, emerging diseases, infectious diseases and parasitic diseases.

Zoonoses and Wildlife: One Health Approach
Year: 2022 Publisher: Basel MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Throughout history, wildlife has been an important source of infectious diseases transmissible to humans. Today, zoonoses with a wildlife reservoir constitute a major public health problem, affecting all continents. The importance of such zoonoses is increasingly recognized, and the need for more attention in this area is being addressed. The total number of zoonoses is unknown, some 1,415 known human pathogens have been catalogued, and 62% are of zoonotic origin [1]. With time, more and more human pathogens are found to be of animal origin. Moreover, most emerging infectious diseases in humans are zoonoses. Wild animals seem to be involved in the epidemiology of most zoonoses and serve as major reservoirs for transmission of zoonotic agents to domestic animals and humans [2]. The concept of the ‘One Health’ approach involving collaboration between veterinary and medical scientists, policy makers, and public health officials, is necessary to foster joint cooperation and control of emerging zoonotic diseases [3]. Zoonotic diseases caused by a wide range of arthropods, bacteria, helminths, protozoans, and viruses can cause serious and even life-threatening clinical conditions in animals, with a number of them also affecting the human population due to their zoonotic potential. The aim of the current Special Issue is to cover recent and novel research trends in zoonotic diseases in wildlife, including the relevant topics related to wildlife, zoonosis, public health, emerging diseases, infectious diseases and parasitic diseases.


Research & information: general --- Biology, life sciences --- Zoology & animal sciences --- west nile virus --- arbovirus --- zoonotic --- macaque --- bats --- c-ELISA --- RT-PCR --- Anaplasma phagocytophilum --- zoonosis --- tick --- wild ungulates --- phylogenesis --- molecular epidemiology --- Coxiella burnetii --- Q fever --- serology --- epidemiology --- wildlife --- European bison --- micromammals --- Cryptosporidium --- Giardia --- Blastocystis --- Enterocytozoon bieneusi --- Balantioides coli --- Troglodytella --- non-human primates --- rats --- zoological garden --- one health --- Helicobacter spp. --- PCR --- Sus scrofa --- Meles meles --- badger --- tuberculosis --- Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex --- P22 ELISA --- isolation --- cattle --- Atlantic Spain --- filter card --- faeces --- transportation --- storage --- preservation --- Giardia duodenalis --- Cryptosporidium hominis --- seroprevalence --- ruminants --- humans --- dust --- aerosols --- Salmonella --- turtles --- wildlife rescue centres --- camera-traps --- interactions --- wildlife-livestock interface --- non-tuberculous mycobacteria --- Leptospira interrogans --- microscopic agglutination test --- Slovenia --- west nile virus --- arbovirus --- zoonotic --- macaque --- bats --- c-ELISA --- RT-PCR --- Anaplasma phagocytophilum --- zoonosis --- tick --- wild ungulates --- phylogenesis --- molecular epidemiology --- Coxiella burnetii --- Q fever --- serology --- epidemiology --- wildlife --- European bison --- micromammals --- Cryptosporidium --- Giardia --- Blastocystis --- Enterocytozoon bieneusi --- Balantioides coli --- Troglodytella --- non-human primates --- rats --- zoological garden --- one health --- Helicobacter spp. --- PCR --- Sus scrofa --- Meles meles --- badger --- tuberculosis --- Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex --- P22 ELISA --- isolation --- cattle --- Atlantic Spain --- filter card --- faeces --- transportation --- storage --- preservation --- Giardia duodenalis --- Cryptosporidium hominis --- seroprevalence --- ruminants --- humans --- dust --- aerosols --- Salmonella --- turtles --- wildlife rescue centres --- camera-traps --- interactions --- wildlife-livestock interface --- non-tuberculous mycobacteria --- Leptospira interrogans --- microscopic agglutination test --- Slovenia

Camera trapping
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 1486300405 9781486300402 9781486300419 1486300413 1486300391 9781486300396 Year: 2014 Publisher: Collingwood, VIC

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Camera trapping in wildlife management and research is a growing global phenomenon. The technology is advancing very quickly, providing unique opportunities for collecting new biological knowledge. In order for fellow camera trap researchers and managers to share their knowledge and experience, the First International Camera Trapping Colloquium in Wildlife Management and Research was held in Sydney, Australia.Camera Trapping brings together papers from a selection of the presentations at the colloquium and provides a benchmark of the international developments and uses of camera traps for moni

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