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Denna rapport är en dokumentation av forskarkonferensen Nya perspektiv på mobbning, som ägde rum i Stockholm 24-25 september 2003. Den är ett resultat av det nordiska skolsamarbetet (NSS) under Nordiska ministerrådets ledning. Nordiska läroplaner slår fast att mobbning är oförenligt med de demokratiska värden som är en hörnsten för arbetet med mänskliga rättigheter, jämlikhet och rättvisa. I en tidigare rapport Mobbning i nordiska skolor. Kartläggning av forskning om och nationella åtgärder mot mobbning i nordiska skolor har forskning och utvecklingsarbete kartlagts (TemaNord 2003:508). Genomgången pekar på ett stort behov av forskning och gav Nordiska ministerrådet anledning att gå vidare. Nordiska forskare inom området kränkande behandling och mobbning samt inom angränsande områden samlades därför till en forskarkonferens, för att identifiera forskningsbehov, initiera samarbete och bygga upp nätverk. Resultaten av detta arbete redovisas i denna rapport.
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Preventing Bullying and School Violence is a practical handbook for designing and sustaining effective interventions to address problem behaviors in schools. The book is designed to help clinicians, school counselors, and administrators create a safe climate for their students and to respond thoughtfully, but swiftly, when threats arise.
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Everyone has felt bullied at some point in their lives, whether by a family member, childhood acquaintance, colleague, boss, or client. You know you have been bullied when you feel pressured, demeaned, and angered. You walked away from a negotiation feeling like you lost ground. You gave into demands and agreed to something that was not in your best interests. And you resented the way you felt. Negotiating with a Bully will teach you how to skillfully deal with bullies in different forms and environments. You’ll explore the mindset of a bully and understand the motivations and behavior so that you can gain an advantage over him or her. Negotiating with a Bully will give you the answers you need to become a more effective negotiator when you are confronted by a bully. You will learn how to quickly and easily: Recognize the tactics of a bully—before you yield ground in a negotiation. Employ an arsenal of negotiation strategies, including some you may have never considered using before. Plan a negotiation with a bully so that you feel prepared to tackle the situation. Interpret the body language of the bully—and his or her target—to better assess his or her intentions.
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When we are bullied, we experience anxiety, stress, relationship strain, depression, and in persistent and severe cases, suicidal ideation that can lead to attempts or violent behavior against the bullies themselves or others. But what about the lasting effects? What consequences do adults face as a result of being bullied as children and adolescents - years or even decades later, how have these experiences impacted adult friendships and intimate relationships, decision making, and self-regard? In this book, Ellen deLara draws from original research including over 800 interviews to address the
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Bullying behaviour comes in many shapes and sizes, and being bullied in childhood can have lifelong effects. Recent UK research indicates that 1 in 4 primary school children and 1 in 10 secondary school children are bullied at least once a term. Bullying makes children lonely, unhappy and frightened. Tackling bullying and its side-effects can be a very delicate business, and each case is unique. Often parents don't know anything is wrong until events overtake them, or they can't think of the best way to help their child survive the experience. Being armed with the right information about bully
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L'allarme dei mass media spesso ""urlato"" su quotidiani e periodici, non appare particolarmente efficace per far comprendere agli attori (bulli, genitori, insegnanti ecc.) l'estrema gravità del ""bullismo"" che è considerato ormai un problema di salute internazionale.L'atteggiamento nella valutazione di tali agiti, è spesso superficiale, sì da provocare una semplificazione ed una banalizzazione dei comportamenti devianti, causando conseguentemente la mancata presa di consapevolezza del problema. Spesso genitori ed insegnanti percepiscono il bullismo come una realtà estranea ai propri figli ed
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