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Audit of the wealth management
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Liège Université de Liège (ULiège)

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In this study, we were interested in the Wealth Management offer on the Belgian market. The objective was to establish map of the products and services offered to thus type of clients. We considered the core businesses, like portfolio management and estate planning; but also satellite businesses: philanthropy, accompanying in Art, etc. To realise this study, interviews were conducted with eight banks totalling 184 Billion EUR under management for the Private Banking clientele in Belgium. These are retail banks as well as pure players, large asset managers as well as smaller asset managers.
This distinction between pure players and retail banks is important. The role of the branches network of the latter as business introducer is significant and their size confers them an advantage to face the burden of regulation.
The role of the private banker was also highlighted as a decisive element for a good relationship with one’s bank. If the private banker establishes a long-lasting trust relationship with their client, the latter will be reluctant to change. There is the rub with online management or robo-advisors. These cannot develop this unique and personal link.
To conclude, Wealth Management is today a mature market. Therefore, growth goes through taking away market shares from competitors. It is crucial to be attentive to stimulate every point that creates durable ties between the client and the bank and that are difficult to copy. Dans cette étude, nous nous sommes intéressés à l’offre de gestion de fortune sur le marché belge. L’objectif était d’établir une carte des produits et services offerts à ce type de clients. Nous avons envisagé les activités principales, comme la gestion de portefeuille et la planification patrimonial ; mais aussi les activités annexes : philanthropie, accompagnement en Art, etc. Pour réaliser cette étude, des interviews ont été menées auprès de huit banques rassemblant 184 Milliards EUR sous gestion pour la clientèle banque privée en Belgique. Celles-ci sont aussi bien des banques de réseau que des joueurs purs ; des gros gestionnaires d’actifs que des plus petits gestionnaires d’actifs.
Cette distinction entre joueurs purs et banques de réseau est importante. Le rôle du réseau de ces dernières en tant qu’apporteur d’affaires est conséquent et leur taille leur confère un avantage pour affronter le poids de la régulation.
Le rôle du private banker a aussi été mis en évidence comme l’élément déterminant d’une bonne relation avec sa banque. Si le banquier privé établit un lien de confiance durable avec son client, celui-ci ne voudra pas en changer. C’est là que le bât blesse pour les gestions en ligne ou les robots-conseillers. Ceux-ci ne peuvent pas développer ce lien unique et personnel.
Pour terminer, la gestion de fortune est aujourd’hui un marché à maturité. Dès lors, la croissance passe par prendre des parts de marché aux concurrents. Il est crucial d’être attentif à favoriser tous les points qui créent une attache durable entre le client et la banque et à ceux qui sont difficiles à copier.

Keystroke capitalism : how banks create money for the few
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781839761195 9781839761218 9781839761201 Year: 2022 Publisher: Verso Books

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Contemporary capitalism produces more and more money, debt, and inequality. These three trends have a common cause: the privilege of private banks to create money by means of accounting - by the stroke of a key. Why was this privilege not addressed politically for so long - and who benefited from it? At the heart of the answer lies the realization that the power to create money has been hidden by the way we commonly think and talk about capitalism. The book traces the omission of money creation from theories of capitalism and maps its consequences. By expanding the manoeuvring space for the banks to use their privilege, the capitalist countries have financed a transformation of the economy known as financialization. As a result, the real economy and private households became a debt supplier to a monetary system whose returns accumulate at the top. It is not simply "the markets" but money itself that transfers economic benefits from the masses to a minority. Increasing inequality of income and wealth can therefore only be combated if one does not only correct distributive results of markets-redistribution-, but addresses predistribution: the modalities of money creation.Bron:


Kapitalisme --- Economische politiek --- Economie --- Economisch beleid --- Inkomensongelijkheid --- market economy --- social inequality --- private bank --- public debt --- money-market liquidity --- naudas tirgus likviditāte --- Liquidität --- likvidnost denarnega trga --- liquidez --- rahaturu likviidsus --- płynność --- likviditet --- likvidnost tržišta novca --- ликвидност тржишта новца --- leachtacht mhargaidh airgid --- likuiditet në tregun e parasë --- maksuvalmius --- ликвидност на пазарот на пари --- νομισματική ρευστότητα --- likvidita peněžního trhu --- liquidité monétaire --- liquiditeit --- pinigų rinkos likvidumas --- финансова-пазарна ликвидност --- liquidez monetária --- lichiditate monetară --- likviditás --- liquidità monetaria --- likvidita peňažného trhu --- likwidità tas-suq monetarju --- banklikviditás --- banking liquidity --- lichiditate bancară --- primaire liquiditeiten --- likuiditet bankar --- bankarska likvidnost --- bankovní likvidita --- τραπεζική ρευστότητα --- pénzpiaci likviditás --- Bankenliquidität --- liquidità bancaria --- pankkien maksuvalmius --- pankade likviidsus --- banklikviditet --- bankų likvidumas --- liquiditeit van de banken --- liquidità primaria --- liquidez bancaria --- banku likviditāte --- liquidité bancaire --- banki likviditás --- azonnali fizetőképesség --- liquidez bancária --- banková likvidita --- overheidsschuld --- borxhi publik --- javni dug --- fiachas poiblí --- δημόσιο χρέος --- valstybės skola --- offentlig gæld --- dívida pública --- statsskuld --- valsts parāds --- riigivõlg --- veřejný dluh --- javni dolg --- štátny dlh --- dejn pubbliku --- datorie publică --- јавен долг --- öffentliche Schulden --- јавни дуг --- обществен дълг --- deuda pública --- julkinen velka --- államadósság --- dette publique --- dług publiczny --- debito pubblico --- státní dluh --- nacionalinė skola --- државен долг --- емисија на јавниот долг --- šalies skola --- задолжување на државата --- valtion velka --- statsgæld --- valitsemissektori võlg --- öffentliche Schuld --- valdības parāds --- government debt --- амортизација на јавниот долг --- debito fluttuante --- vládní dluh --- nacionalni dug --- národný dlh --- nemzeti adósság --- datorie națională --- national debt --- valtionvelka --- vyriausybės skola --- vládny dlh --- debito redimibile --- indebitamento del settore pubblico --- вкупен обем на јавниот долг --- нето јавен долг --- titoli del debito pubblico --- avaliku sektori võlg --- borxh kombëtar --- državni dug --- datorie guvernamentală --- borxh shtetëror --- бруто јавен долг --- národní dluh --- súkromná banka --- soukromá banka --- частна банка --- erapank --- privatus bankas --- banque privée --- Privatbank --- banc príobháideach --- bankë private --- privatna banka --- banco privado --- приватна банка --- zasebna banka --- bank prywatny --- yksityinen pankki --- banca privata --- privat bank --- magánbank --- particuliere bank --- bancă privată --- bank privat --- ιδιωτική τράπεζα --- privātbanka --- privatbank --- desigualdade social --- друштвена неједнакост --- inechitate socială --- éagothromaíocht shóisialta --- sociálna nerovnosť --- inégalité sociale --- pabarazi shoqërore --- desigualdad social --- društvena nejednakost --- sociale ongelijkheid --- socialna neenakost --- nierówność społeczna --- sociala skillnader --- social ulighed --- socialinė nelygybė --- yhteiskunnallinen eriarvoisuus --- disuguaglianza sociale --- inugwaljanza soċjali --- soziale Ungleichheit --- општествена нееднаквост --- sotsiaalne ebavõrdsus --- sociālā nevienlīdzība --- sociální nerovnost --- κοινωνική ανισότητα --- társadalmi egyenlőtlenség --- социално неравенство --- општествена хиерархија --- disparità sociale --- ekonomija tas-suq --- economia de mercado --- marknadsekonomi --- пазарна икономика --- Marktwirtschaft --- тржишна привреда --- markedsøkonomi --- piacgazdaság --- economía de mercado --- пазарна економија --- rinkos ekonomika --- économie de marché --- markkinatalous --- economie de piață --- tržno gospodarstvo --- geilleagar margaidh --- tržní ekonomika --- gospodarka rynkowa --- markteconomie --- οικονομία της αγοράς --- tirgus ekonomika --- turumajandus --- trhová ekonomika --- tržišna ekonomija --- economia di mercato --- ekonomi e tregut --- tržní hospodářství --- капиталистичка економија --- economía social de mercado --- kapitālisma ekonomika --- kapitālisms --- tržišna privreda --- princip trhu --- kapitalisme --- kapitalistische economie --- capitalisme --- капитализам --- freie Marktwirtschaft --- kapitalistické hospodářství --- kapitalismus --- sociálně tržní hospodářství --- capitalism --- tržišno gospodarstvo --- economía capitalista --- economia capitalista --- kapitalistische Wirtschaft --- kapitalismi --- kapitalizam --- capitalismo --- soziale Marktwirtschaft --- capitalist economy --- kapitalista gazdaság --- kapitalistinen talousjärjestelmä --- kapitalistická ekonomika --- kapitalizmas --- szociális piacgazdaság --- kapitalizmus --- καπιταλισμός --- kapitalistlik majandus --- economie capitalistă --- szabad piacgazdaság --- kapitalistinis ūkis --- καπιταλιστική οικονομία --- economia capitalistica --- kapitalizëm --- Kapitalismus --- ελεύθερη οικονομία --- kapitalism --- kapitalistička ekonomija --- ekonomi kapitaliste --- économie capitaliste --- капиталистички економски систем --- kapitalistisk ekonomi --- systém svobodného podnikání --- volné tržní hospodářství --- markedsdirigeret økonomi --- пазарно стопанство --- kapitalistisk økonomi --- Bankwezen --- Geldwezen --- Munt (betaalmiddel) --- Money. Monetary policy

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