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Land tenure --- Land reform --- Land settlement --- Agriculture, Cooperative --- Resettlement --- Settlement of land --- Agrarian reform --- Agrarian tenure --- Feudal tenure --- Freehold --- Land ownership --- Land question --- Landownership --- Tenure of land --- Agricultural cooperation --- Agricultural cooperatives --- Cooperative agriculture --- Cooperative societies, Agricultural --- Farmers' cooperatives --- Colonies --- Land use, Rural --- Human settlements --- Economic policy --- Social policy --- Agriculture and state --- Real property --- Land, Nationalization of --- Landowners --- Serfdom --- Agricultural contracts --- Cooperation --- Agriculture, Cooperative. --- Land reform. --- Land settlement. --- Land tenure. --- landholding system. --- agricultural land. --- farming sector. --- agrarian reform. --- land policies. --- maanomistusjärjestelmä --- beheer van landbouwgrond --- систем на земјишни поседи --- régimen del suelo --- maaomandi süsteem --- zemljoposjednički sustav --- systém vlastnictví půdy --- regjim i tokës --- ejendomsforhold til jord --- zemes īpašumu sistēma --- sistemul proprietății funciare --- режим земљишног поседа --- режим на почвите --- Bodenordnung --- regime dei suoli --- system własności ziemi --- καθεστώς γεωκτησίας --- system för markinnehav --- földtulajdoni rendszer --- sistema ta’ pussess tal-art --- systém držby pôdy --- régime du sol --- regime de propriedade do solo --- žemėvalda --- córas gabháltais --- zemljiškoposestni sistem --- земјопоседнички систем --- systém půdního vlastnictví --- sistem i pronësisë mbi tokën --- zemes īpašumtiesību sistēma --- maaomistusjärjestelmä --- systém vlastníctva pôdy --- regimul proprietății funciare --- systém vlastnictví pozemků --- system of land ownership --- žemės nuosavybės sistema --- maapolitiikka --- pozemková politika --- grondpolitiek --- κτηματολογική πολιτική --- поземлена политика --- politikat e tokës --- земљишна политика --- polityka gruntowa --- földpolitika --- beartais talún --- politica fondiaria --- maapoliitika --- žemės politika --- земјишна политика --- zemljiška politika --- Bodenpolitik --- política sobre la propiedad agraria --- zemljišna politika --- politică funciară --- zemes politika --- markpolitik --- politique foncière --- política agrária --- jordpolitik --- politika dwar l-artijiet --- política fundiária --- politique agraire --- agraarpoliitika --- územní politika --- agrārā politika --- политики за управување на земјиштата --- jordbrugspolitik --- grondbeleid --- agrarian policies --- agrarinė politika --- αγροτική πολιτική --- politică agrară --- reformă agrară --- reforma rolna --- jordbruksreform --- riforma agraria --- athriar talúntais --- zemědělská reforma --- reformë agrare --- agrárna reforma --- reforma agraria --- agrārā reforma --- põllumajandusreform --- αγροτική μεταρρύθμιση --- kmetijska reforma --- аграрна реформа --- žemės ūkio reforma --- riforma agrarja --- agrárreform --- landbrugsreform --- reforma agrária --- Agrarreform --- landbouwhervorming --- maatalousuudistus --- réforme agraire --- agrarna reforma --- hervorming van de landbouw --- réforme des structures agricoles --- mezőgazdasági reform --- agrární reforma --- riforma dell'agricoltura --- μεταρρύθμιση της γεωργίας --- πράσινη επανάσταση --- reformë e strukturave bujqësore --- reforma de la agricultura --- agrárstrukturális reform --- rivoluzione verde --- riforma delle strutture agricole --- poľnohospodárska reforma --- reforma agrarnog sustava --- hervorming der landbouwstructuren --- reforma poľnohospodárskych štruktúr --- révolution verte --- Reform der Landwirtschaft --- réforme de l'agriculture --- reforma da agricultura --- lauksaimniecības reforma --- Grüne Revolution --- žemės ūkio struktūrų reforma --- reforma structurilor agricole --- реформи во земјоделството --- reforma zemědělských systémů --- riforma delle strutture fondiarie --- revolução verde --- agricultural reform --- landbrugsstrukturreform --- reformë bujqësore --- lantbruksreform --- landwirtschaftliche Reform --- reforma das estruturas agrárias --- μεταρρύθμιση γεωργικών διαρθρώσεων --- Agrarstrukturreform --- den grønne revolution --- zöld reform --- grön revolution --- reform av jordbruksstrukturer --- reforma de las estructuras agrarias --- riforma agricola --- revolución verde --- groene revolutie --- maatalouden rakenneuudistus --- poljoprivredna reforma --- põllumajandusstruktuuride reform --- reform of agricultural structures --- zöld forradalom --- lauksaimniecības struktūru reforma --- riforma delle strutture agrarie --- agrární sektor --- settur tal-koltivazzjoni --- rolnictwo --- земјоделски сектор --- kmetijski sektor --- lauksaimniecības sektors --- settore agricolo --- setor agrícola --- agrárny sektor --- maatalousala --- sector agrario --- põllumajandussektor --- пољопривредни сектор --- Agrarsektor --- landbrugssektor --- sector agricol --- jordbrukssektor --- земеделски сектор --- poljoprivredni sektor --- landbouwsector --- secteur agricole --- sektor fermer --- γεωργικός τομέας --- earnáil na feirmeoireachta --- žemės ūkio sektorius --- mezőgazdasági szektor --- maatalous --- агрикултура --- Landwirtschaft --- poljoprivreda --- poľnohospodárstvo --- zemědělství --- γεωργία --- sektori bujqësor --- agrárágazat --- poľnohospodársky sektor --- mezőgazdaság --- landbouw --- lauksaimniecība --- bujqësia --- landbrug --- lauksaimniecības nozare --- agricultura --- agricoltura --- agriculture --- žemės ūkis --- земјоделство --- agrarni sektor --- zemědělský sektor --- sector agrícola --- agricultură --- agricultural sector --- ganadería --- аграрен сектор --- põllumajandus --- sector agropecuario --- agrárszektor --- полјоделство --- terra agrícola --- земеделска земя --- jordbruksmark --- terre agricole --- art agrikola --- landbouwgrond --- tokë bujqësore --- maatalousmaa --- terreno agricolo --- žemės ūkio naudmenos --- mezőgazdasági földterület --- земјоделско земјиште --- lauksaimniecības zeme --- talamh talmhaíochta --- poljoprivredno zemljište --- kmetijsko zemljišče --- landwirtschaftliche Nutzfläche --- γεωργική γη --- poľnohospodárska pôda --- landbrugsjord --- teren agricol --- ziemia rolnicza --- zemědělská půda --- пољопривредно земљиште --- põllumajandusmaa --- tierra agrícola --- bestelltes Land --- viljelymaa --- teren cultivat --- talumaa --- bebouwde grond --- farmárska pôda --- dyrket jord --- půda patřící statku --- mezőgazdasági hasznosítású földterület --- terra cultivada --- tokë fermere --- ūkio dirbamoji žemė --- tierra cultivada --- terreno coltivato --- odlad mark --- megművelt föld --- farmland --- bebautes Land --- καλλιεργημένη γη --- terre cultivée
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Quelles sont les récentes évolutions et leurs implications dans la pratique ? Cet ouvrage a pour thème central le bail immobilier. Dans les études notariales, il ne se passe pas un seul jour sans que surgisse une question en rapport avec l’occupation des biens immobiliers, mais ce sujet peut également intéresser les avocats et autres praticiens du droit immobilier. Dans le domaine du bail, les réformes récentes foisonnent, accélérées par la régionalisation de cette matière. Ainsi, en Région wallonne, un décret du 15 mars 2018 a porté une réglementation générale du bail d’habitation. Dans la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale, une ordonnance du 27 juillet 2017 a complété le Code du logement par un onzième titre consacré au bail d’habitation. Ces réformes n’ont pas simplement repris la réglementation fédérale antérieure. En effet, outre le remaniement des règles sur les baux classiques, de nouveaux concepts ont vu le jour : le bail de colocation, le bail étudiant et le bail glissant. Peu de temps après, par l’effet du décret du 30 avril 2019, entré en vigueur le 1er janvier 2020, le législateur wallon s’est attaqué au bail à ferme pour le réformer substantiellement. Cet ouvrage vise à pointer, dans ces législations récentes, les nouveautés qui méritent de retenir l’attention des praticiens. Quelles sont les nouveautés les plus importantes dans le bail à ferme ? Comment analyser les conséquences de la colocation de plus en plus répandue auprès des jeunes adultes ? Que se passe-t-il en cas de transmission du bien loué ou en cas de décès du locataire ? Quel est l’impact des réformes sur le bail à vie ? Le sort du bail dans la crise du Covid-19, thème très actuel, sera également étudié : comment les juges ont-ils arbitré les conflits nombreux entre locataires et propriétaires pendant la période de lockdown sanitaire ? Telles sont les questions particulières abordées par les auteurs au sein de cet ouvrage.
Law of obligations. Law of contract --- erfpacht --- Belgium --- Baux -- Droit --- Propriétaires et locataires -- Droit --- Logement coopératif -- Droit --- Logement partagé -- Droit --- Baux --- Propriétaires et locataires --- Logement coopératif --- Logement partagé --- Fermage --- Préemption --- Baux à vie --- Transfert (droit) --- Baux commerciaux --- Droit --- Belgique --- Leases --- Landlord and tenant --- Housing, Cooperative --- Shared housing --- Farm tenancy --- Commercial leases --- Pre-emption --- Transfer (Law) --- Locateurs et locataires --- Baux ruraux --- Transfert (Droit) --- Law and legislation --- location immobilière --- bail --- propriété immobilière --- régionalisation --- réforme foncière --- logement --- woning --- obytný dom --- dzīvojamā māja --- οικία --- appartamento --- prédio de habitação --- dwelling --- banim --- habitación --- lakóépület --- alojamento --- godinë banimi --- būstas --- clădire rezidențială --- στέγαση --- residential building --- mājoklis --- edificio ad uso abitativo --- asuintalo --- obydlí --- obydlie --- korter --- edificación habitable --- oleskelu --- alojamiento --- alloggio --- habitation --- lakás --- Wohngebäude --- gyvenamasis namas --- Wohnhaus --- οίκημα --- elamu --- gyvenamasis pastatas --- casa --- elumaja --- Wohnung --- woonblok --- stambene zgrade --- bolig --- lakásügy --- tithíocht --- aprūpinimas būstu --- housing --- dzīvojamās ēkas --- huisvesting --- asuminen --- vivienda --- домување --- bydlení --- abitazione --- habitação --- bývanie --- stanovanje --- eluase --- bostad --- στέγη --- жилище --- strehim --- budownictwo mieszkaniowe --- Unterkunft --- locuință --- стан --- abitazzjoni --- půdní reforma --- Landreform --- арондација --- riforma dell'assetto fondiario --- окрупнување на земјоделските поседи --- поземлена реформа --- земљишна реформа --- reformë e tokës --- reforma terenurilor --- zemes reforma --- riforma fondiaria --- földreform --- pozemková reforma --- žemės reforma --- reforma gruntów --- земјишна реформа --- maareformi --- reforma fundiária --- maareform --- εδαφομεταρρύθμιση --- grondhervorming --- athriar talúntais --- Bodenreform --- zemljišna reforma --- zemljiška reforma --- riforma dwar l-artijiet --- reforma territorial --- land reform --- jordreform --- περιφερειακή αποκέντρωση --- regionalization --- regionalizacija --- rajonizim --- regionalização --- регионализација --- regionalizácia --- reġjunalizzazzjoni --- regionalizáció --- réigiúnú --- регионализация --- tehtävien siirto aluehallinnolle --- regionalisering --- gewestvorming --- regionalizace --- Regionalisierung --- regionalización --- piirkondadeks jaotamine --- regionalizare --- regionalizacja --- reģionalizācija --- regionalizzazione --- regionalisation --- περιφερειοποίηση --- kinnisasi --- onroerende zaken --- retsregler om fast ejendom --- diritto immobiliare --- bene immobile --- patrimonio immobiliare --- bem imobiliário --- Liegenschaftsrecht --- Eigentum an unbeweglichen Sachen --- kiinteistö --- Grundeigentum --- bien raíz --- bien immeuble --- недвижност --- nekustama lieta --- nepokretna imovina --- droit immobilier --- bien immobilier --- reality --- δικαίωμα επί ακινήτου --- onroerend goed --- имотно право --- kinnisvaraõigus --- Liegenschaft --- real estate --- immovable property --- ligj i pronës së paluajtshme --- земјишна книга --- unbewegliches Vermögen --- bien inmueble --- Grundstück --- právo k nemovitostem --- unbewegliches Gut --- dreptul proprietății imobiliare --- Derecho inmobiliario --- nehnuteľnosť --- onroerende goederen --- bem imóvel --- law of real property --- ακίνητο --- pozemkové vlastnictví --- vlasništvo nad nekretninom --- nekustama manta --- direito imobiliário --- onroerendgoedrecht --- ingatlan tulajdonjoga --- ingatlanon fennálló dologi jog --- urørligt gods --- zákon o nehnuteľnostiach --- kinnisomand --- ακίνητη ιδιοκτησία --- kiinteistöoikeus --- nekilnojamojo turto teisė --- Immobilien --- ingatlan --- inmueble --- Derecho inmobiliario registral --- недвижен имот --- fast egendom --- nemovitý majetek --- propiedad inmobiliaria --- ingatlantulajdon --- proprjetà immobbli --- kinnisvara --- непокретна имовина --- maoin réadach --- недвижимо имущество --- nepremično premoženje --- kiinteä omaisuus --- nehnuteľný majetok --- proprietà immobiliare --- nekretnina --- fast ejendom --- ακίνητη περιουσία --- proprietate imobiliară --- real property --- pronë e paluajtshme --- nekustamais īpašums --- nekilnojamasis turtas --- onroerend eigendom --- propriedade imobiliária --- własność nieruchoma --- Immobilieneigentum --- contrato de arrendamiento --- lakásbérleti szerződés --- contratto d'affitto --- hyresavtal --- huurcontract --- ενοικιαστήριο --- bail à loyer --- pronájem --- μισθωτήριο --- najem --- huurovereenkomst --- lease --- üürileping --- prenájom --- закуп --- nuomos sutartis --- qira --- léas --- umowa najmu --- lokazzjoni --- bérleti szerződés --- наем --- contratto di locazione --- lejekontrakt --- noma --- hyreskontrakt --- contrato de arrendamento --- vuokrasopimus --- zakup --- Mietvertrag --- contract de închiriere --- contrato de alquiler --- nuompinigiai --- nájomné --- nekustamā īpašuma iznomāšana --- chirie --- ingatlanbérlés --- Mietverhältnis --- alquiler de vivienda --- Miete --- arrendamiento urbano --- nájemné --- prix de location --- rent --- nájem nemovitosti --- lakásbérlet --- arrendamiento de vivienda --- locatario --- eluruumi üürimine --- loyer --- huurprijs --- pronájem bytu --- real-estate leasing --- činže --- namo nuoma --- qiramarrje shtëpie --- īres maksa --- husleje --- ενοίκιο --- μίσθωμα --- leasing nemovitosti --- custo do aluguer --- renda --- alquiler inmobiliario --- iznajmljivanje kuća --- vuokra --- iznajmljivanje stanova --- închirierea locuințelor --- mājas izīrēšana --- Mietzins --- hyra --- costo dell'affitto --- pronájem domu --- Wohnungsvermietung --- arrendamiento de inmueble --- кирија --- huadhënie prone të paluajtshme --- kontrola nájemného --- house rental --- uthyrningspris --- ingatlanbérlet --- ingatlanlízing --- arrendamento --- наем на недвижен имот --- lejemål for fast ejendom --- leasing imobiliar --- Immobilienvermietung --- prenájom nehnuteľností --- kinnisvaraliising --- arrendamiento inmobiliario --- fastighetsuthyrning --- ingatlan-bérbeadás --- qiradhënia e pronës --- locazione immobiliare --- ilgalaikė nekilnojamojo turto nuoma --- pronájem nemovitosti --- закуп некретнина --- najam nekretnina --- property leasing --- ενοικίαση ακινήτου --- najem lokalu --- verhuur van onroerend goed --- īpašuma noma --- léasú réadmhaoine --- najem nepremičnin --- отдаване на недвижими имоти под наем --- lokazzjoni ta’ proprjetà --- kiinteistöjen vuokraus --- E-books --- location immobilière --- propriété immobilière --- régionalisation --- réforme foncière
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