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La création, définitions et défis contemporains
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9782296102415 Year: 2009 Publisher: Paris : Harmattan,

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La création artistique et l'innovation scientifique sont les passerelles qui, de façon discontinue, paradoxale et étonnante, perpétuent le lien entre les hommes. Sur ce thème transversal, ce livre rassemble, pour la première fois des contributions exceptionnelles de chercheurs et d'artistes qui questionnent le coeur de leur discipline.

Small cities with big dreams : creative placemaking and branding strategies
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1351201190 1351201174 1351201182 Year: 2019 Publisher: Boca Raton, FL : Routledge, an imprint of Taylor and Francis,

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How can small cities make an impact in a globalizing world dominated by ‘world cities’ and urban development strategies aimed at increasing agglomeration? This book addresses the challenges of smaller cities trying to put themselves on the map, attract resources and initiate development. Placemaking has become an important tool for driving urban development that is sensitive to the needs of communities. This volume examines the development of creative placemaking practices that can help to link small cities to external networks, stimulate collaboration and help them make the most of the opportunities presented by the knowledge economy. The authors argue that the adoption of more strategic, holistic placemaking strategies that engage all stakeholders can be a successful alternative to copying bigger places. Drawing on a range of examples from around the world, they analyse small city development strategies and identify key success factors. This book focuses on the case of ‘s-Hertogenbosch, a small Dutch city that used cultural programming to link itself to global networks and stimulate economic, cultural, social and creative development. It advocates the use of cultural programming strategies as a more flexible alternative to traditional top-down planning approaches and as a means of avoiding copying the big city.

Après coup : l'invention de l'origine : création et temporalités : [colloque : Rennes, Université Rennes 2-Haute Bretagne, 15 et 16 novembre 2002]
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9782873172886 2873172886 Year: 2006 Volume: 66 Publisher: Bruxelles La lettre volée

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L'" origine " serait une construction a posteriori, une découverte ou une création résultant d'un examen rétrospectif suivant l'acception freudienne de l' " après-coup ". Risquons l'hypothèse que ce processus concerne également la pratique artistique. Celle-ci, tout à la fois prospective et fondatrice d'elle-même. invente, en sa rythmique et son économie spécifiques, ce qui la génère. Les actes du colloque qui s'est tenu en novembre 2002 à l'université Rennes 2-Haute Bretagne reflètent la diversité des approches esthétiques et des questions plastiques qu'induit cette notion dans le travail artistique.

Difference, competition and disproportion : the sociology of creative work
ISBN: 2722604361 Year: 2016 Publisher: Collège de France

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Work creates and transforms the social world. Its least predictable and most admired embodiment, artistic and scientific invention, seems to defy causal analysis and statistical regularities. Far more than the exploration of the conscious and infraconscious processes of individual inventiveness, the social ecology of creative work is what enables sociological analysis of work. Pierre-Menger’s analysis identifies three crucial characteristics: an unlimited differentiation of outputs, competitive mechanisms exploiting the uncertainty of success, and a disproportionate focus on gain and reputation.

ISSN: 20148992

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The world as metaphor in Robert Musil's "The man without qualities" : possibility as reality
ISBN: 9781571135384 1571135383 9781571138392 1571138390 1283836459 Year: 2012 Publisher: Rochester : Camden House,

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Robert Musil, known to be a scientific and philosophical thinker, was committed to aesthetics as a process of experimental creation of an ever-shifting reality. Musil wanted, above all, to be a creative writer, and obsessively engaged in almost endless deferral via variations and metaphoric possibilities in his novel project, The Man without Qualities. This lifelong process of writing is embodied in the unfinished novel by a recurring metaphor of self-generating de-centered circle worlds. The present study analyzes this structure with reference to Musil's concepts of the utopia of the Other Condition, Living and Dead Words, Specific and Non-Specific Emotions, Word Magic, and the Still Life. In contrast to most recent studies of Musil, it concludes that the extratemporal metaphoric experience of the Other Condition does not fail, but rather constitutes the formal and ethical core of Musil's novel. The first study to utilize the newly published Klagenfurt Edition of Musil's literary remains (a searchable annotated text), The World as Metaphor offers a close reading of variations and text genesis, shedding light not only on Musil's novel, but also on larger questions about the modernist artist's role and responsibility in consciously re-creating the world.

El teatro pánico de Fernando Arrabal
ISBN: 1782042075 1855662418 Year: 2014 Volume: 329 Publisher: Suffolk : Boydell & Brewer,

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The Panic Theatre is a set of plays conceived by Fernando Arrabal between 1957 and 1966, the author's first years in Paris. Composed at the zenith of the avant-garde movement, they convey a radically new and challenging theatricality whose cornerstone is their ceremonial shape. The plays' underlying panic ceremony is thoroughly studied in light of Arrabal's programmatic text Le Panique, that singles out three key concepts responsible for artistic creation: memory, chance and confusion. This study shows how memory determines the plays' departure from mimesis and how chance articulates the materials recalled from memory into precisely arranged plots. Furthermore, subjects, objects, spatial-temporal frames and words are subject to confusion, in an attempt to create an utterly innovative form of theatre. This group of seemingly heterogeneous plays is given theoretical coherence and consistency by placing the idea of panic at the centre of a great formal experimentation. Diego Santos Sánchez is a full-time researcher at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Penser l'émancipation : dialogue avec Aliocha Wald Lasowski
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782815946841 281594684X Year: 2022 Publisher: La Tour d'Aigues Aube

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Penser l’émancipation, c’est maintenir ouverte la capacité de changer la vie en démocratie. Un autre monde est possible. Par la redistribution des places dans la société, la résistance à l’économie de marché, la relance écologique, l’engagement des femmes ou la mobilisation de la jeunesse. En cinq dialogues, Jacques Rancière et Aliocha Wald Lasowski échangent sur les formes, expériences et partages de l’émancipation. Cinq domaines sont abordés : la réinvention du politique, la création en art, la pratique littéraire, l’héritage de la philosophie marxiste, la révolution populaire du cinéma. Autant d’étapes décisives sur le terrain des luttes et des idées, dans la mêlée de projets concrets, utopistes ou radicaux, pour imaginer le monde de demain


Economics --- Democracy --- Equality --- Philosophers --- Rancière, Jacques --- BPB9999 --- émancipation --- marxisme --- création artistique --- démocratie --- BPB2302 --- δημοκρατία --- demokrácia --- demokrātija --- democracia --- demokraatia --- democrazia --- demokracija --- demokratija --- daonlathas --- democrație --- democracy --- demokratia --- demokracie --- demokracja --- demokrati --- demokraci --- demokracia --- democratie --- Demokratie --- demokrazija --- демокрация --- демократија --- politický pluralizmus --- pluralizm polityczny --- πολιτικός πλουραλισμός --- folkstyre --- folkestyre --- politischer Pluralismus --- politiskais plurālisms --- demokrātiska vienlīdzība --- politikai pluralizmus --- égalité démocratique --- politický pluralismus --- ugwaljanza demokratika --- pluraliżmu politiku --- barazi demokratike --- pluralismo político --- politinis pliuralizmas --- politisk jämlikhet --- демократична равнопоставеност --- igualdad democrática --- democratische gelijkheid --- demokratische Gleichheit --- δημοκρατικό πολίτευμα --- demokraattinen yhdenvertaisuus --- poliittinen pluralismi --- politiek pluralisme --- demokratična enakost --- democratic equality --- demokratikus egyenlőség --- pluralisme politique --- politisk mångfald --- demokraatlik võrdsus --- igualdade democrática --- politisk pluralism --- ludowładztwo --- политически плурализъм --- politisk pluralisme --- pluralism politic --- pluralismo politico --- pluralizëm politik --- demokratická rovnost --- politički pluralizam --- uguaglianza democratica --- politični pluralizem --- egalitate democratică --- demokratická rovnosť --- political pluralism --- poliitiline pluralism --- demokratinė lygybė --- политички плурализам --- krijim artistik --- umjetničko stvaralaštvo --- kunstiloome --- künstlerisches Schaffen --- umelecká tvorba --- cruthú ealaíonta --- kreazzjoni artistika --- художествено творчество --- mākslinieciskā jaunrade --- creazione artistica --- уметничко стваралаштво --- artistic creation --- művészeti alkotómunka --- уметничко творештво --- καλλιτεχνική δημιουργία --- umělecká tvorba --- artistieke schepping --- kunstnerisk skaben --- luova taiteellinen työ --- meninė kūryba --- twórczość artystyczna --- creație artistică --- criação artística --- creación artística --- konstnärligt skapande --- umetniško ustvarjanje --- креација --- уметничка творба --- krijimtari --- Marxism --- marxismus --- marksisms --- marksizam --- marxism --- marksizm --- marksizëm --- marksizmas --- marxilaisuus --- Marxismus --- μαρξισμός --- marxismo --- marksizem --- Marxiżmu --- marksism --- marxizmus --- марксизъм --- марксизам --- Marxachas --- marxizmus-leninizmus --- leninismus --- estalinismo --- marxismus-leninismus --- marxistická ideologie --- marx-leninské učení --- Neomarxismus --- marxismo-leninismo --- neomarxizmus --- leninismo --- Marxismus-Leninismus --- emancipazione --- emancipação --- itsenäistyminen --- myndiggørelse --- emancipacija --- еманципация --- myndighetsförklaring --- emancipace --- Volljährigkeitserklärung --- emancipim --- emantsipatsioon --- emancipācija --- еманципација --- emanċipazzjoni --- emancipare --- emancipación --- emancipatie --- fuascailt --- usamodzielnienie --- emancipácia --- χειραφεσία --- emancipáció --- emancipation --- еманципација на жената --- ослободување од зависност --- női emancipáció --- női egyenjogúság --- pilngadības sasniegšana

Die Verwendung von Bearbeitungen urheberrechtlich geschützter Werke
ISBN: 3748900201 384875889X 9783848758890 9783748900207 Year: 2019 Publisher: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG

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Die vorliegende Studie beschäftigt sich mit dem Phänomen aufeinander aufbauenden Werkschaffens und den Herausforderungen, die sich daraus für das Urheberrecht stellen. Die untersuchten Lösungsansätze zeigen auf, wie das Urheberrecht diesen Herausforderungen künftig begegnen und damit insbesondere seiner wirtschaftlichen Funktion gerecht werden sollte. Als möglicher Lösungsansatz wird einerseits die extensive Auslegung vorhandener gesetzlicher Regelungen des schweizerischen Urheberrechts wie die Parodieschranke und die Zitatschranke untersucht. Andererseits werden mögliche Lösungen de lege ferenda skizziert und beurteilt. Dabei steht eine Schranke für kreative Bearbeitungen im Vordergrund; davon abgesehen wird die Einführung einer Schrankengeneralklausel und einer Schranke für nichtkommerzielle Verwendung in das schweizerische Urheberrecht untersucht. This study deals with the phenomenon of derivative works and the challenges it poses to copyright law. The author shows how the law should meet these challenges in the future; in doing so, she takes a close look at the economic function of copyright law. As a first approach, the author examines whether extensive interpretation of existing Swiss copyright limitations, such as the parody exception or the right to cite, leads to feasible solutions. As a second approach, she outlines and assesses possible solutions de lege ferenda. Her focus here lies on a new exception for creative derivatives, a fair use exception and an exception for non-commercial use for Swiss copyright law.


Droit d'auteur --- copyright --- Création artistique --- artistic creation --- Derivative works (Copyright) --- Propriété intellectuelle --- intellectual property --- Thèses --- thesis --- Switzerland --- Suisse --- Svizzera --- Elveția --- Швајцарија --- Šveits --- Швајцарска --- Švajčiarsko --- Schweiz --- An Eilvéis --- Suiza --- Швейцария --- Švica --- Šveice --- Sveitsi --- Švicarska --- Zvicra --- die Schweiz --- Szwajcaria --- Švýcarsko --- Suíça --- Šveicarija --- Ελβετία --- Svájc --- Zwitserland --- Sveitsin valaliitto --- Švicarska konfederacija --- Šveicarijos Konfederacija --- Konfederata Helvetike --- Хелветска Конфедерација --- Confederação Helvética --- Хелвеција --- Confédération suisse --- Helveetsia --- Šveitsi Konföderatsioon --- Švajčiarska konfederácia --- Švicarska Konfederacija --- die Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft --- Confederación Helvética --- Confederazione elvetica --- Šveices Savienība --- Schweiziska edsförbundet --- Ελβετική Συνομοσπονδία --- Confederazione svizzera --- Det Schweiziske Forbund --- Švýcarská konfederace --- Helvetic Confederation --- Svájci Államszövetség --- Конфедерация Швейцария --- Švýcarské spříseženectvo --- Swiss Confederation --- Švýcarská republika --- Швајцарска Конфедерација --- Konfederacja Szwajcarska --- Confederația Elvețiană --- Zwitserse Bondsstaat --- Konfederata Zvicerane --- Confédération helvétique --- Šveices Konfederācija --- Helvetische Confederatie --- Helvétská konfederace --- Confederação Suíça --- teżi --- avhandling --- διατριβή --- Hochschulschrift --- väitöskirja --- kandidátská práce --- tese --- disertacija --- proefschrift --- afhandling --- дисертация --- dysertacja --- tesi --- teză --- tesis --- szakdolgozat --- temë shkencore --- diplomska naloga --- diplomski (magistarski, doktorski) rad --- väitekiri --- kandidátska práca --- теза --- дисертација --- thèse --- tēze --- értekezés --- dissertation --- дипломска работа --- disertační práce --- disertace --- докторска дисертација --- магистерска теза --- diplomamunka --- Habilitationsschrift --- teza --- diplomová práce --- magisterij --- doktorská práce --- disszertáció --- rigorózní práce --- Dissertation --- doktorsavhandling --- doktori értekezés --- disputats --- habilitační práce --- doktorat --- Doktorarbeit --- интелектуална сопственост --- geistiges Eigentum --- propriété intellectuelle --- proprietate intelectuală --- intelektualna lastnina --- immateriell äganderätt --- intellektuel ejendomsret --- duševné vlastníctvo --- duševní vlastnictví --- własność intelektualna --- интелектуална својина --- propiedad intelectual --- intellektuaalomand --- intelektualno vlasništvo --- maoin intleachtúil --- intelektuālais īpašums --- proprjetà intellettwali --- intelektinė nuosavybė --- proprietà intellettuale --- pronësi intelektuale --- πνευματική ιδιοκτησία --- immateriaalioikeus --- intellectuele eigendom --- szellemi tulajdon --- propriedade intelectual --- интелектуална собственост --- pravo intelektualnog vlasništva --- szellemi tulajdonjog oltalma --- právo na duševní vlastnictví --- droit intellectuel --- derecho de propiedad intelectual --- e drejtë e pronësisë intelektuale --- intellektuaalomandi õigus --- práva duševného vlastníctva --- авторско дело --- intellektuaalse omandi õigus --- intelektinės nuosavybės teisė --- Schutz des geistigen Eigentums --- drept intelectual --- intellektuaalne omand --- сродни права --- propriedade artística e literária --- intellectual property right --- intellectueel recht --- henkinen omaisuusoikeus --- norme sulla proprietà intellettuale --- δικαιώματα πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας --- intelektuālā īpašuma tiesības --- szerzői jogi védelem --- права од интелектуална сопственост --- direito de propriedade intelectual --- Copyright --- Derivative work rights (Copyright) --- krijim artistik --- umjetničko stvaralaštvo --- kunstiloome --- künstlerisches Schaffen --- umelecká tvorba --- kreazzjoni artistika --- художествено творчество --- mākslinieciskā jaunrade --- creazione artistica --- уметничко стваралаштво --- művészeti alkotómunka --- уметничко творештво --- καλλιτεχνική δημιουργία --- umělecká tvorba --- artistieke schepping --- création artistique --- kunstnerisk skaben --- luova taiteellinen työ --- meninė kūryba --- twórczość artystyczna --- creație artistică --- criação artística --- creación artística --- konstnärligt skapande --- umetniško ustvarjanje --- креација --- уметничка творба --- krijimtari --- drittijiet tal-awtur --- autorské práva --- droit d'auteur --- e drejtë autori --- szerzői jog --- prawo autorskie --- auteursrecht --- autoriaus teisė --- cóipcheart --- δικαίωμα πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας --- autoriõigus --- autorsko pravo --- drept de autor --- авторско право --- autorské právo --- Urheberrecht --- tekijänoikeus --- diritto d'autore --- upphovsrätt --- direito de autor --- derechos de autor --- forfatterret --- ауторско право --- autortiesības --- avtorska pravica --- јавно прикажување --- aanspraak --- diritto di copia --- droits voisins --- репродукција --- blakustiesības --- јавно изведување --- disciplina sul diritto d'autore --- радиодифузно емитување --- συγγραφικό δικαίωμα --- изнајмување --- јавно пренесување --- direito moral --- derecho de autor --- autorský zákon --- tilgrænsende rettigheder --- gretutinė teisė --- droit moral --- дистрибуција --- diritto di riproduzione --- tutela delle opere d'ingegno --- upphovsrätten närstående rättigheter --- Urheberrechtsschutz --- diritto dell'ideatore --- accessory right --- drepturi colaterale --- evasione dei diritti d'autore --- diritto morale --- πνευματικά δικαιώματα --- derecho moral del autor --- јавно изложување --- prístupové práva --- diritto d'inventore --- преработување --- ophavsret --- e drejtë dytësore --- издавање --- diritto patrimoniale d'autore --- право на умножување --- Derivative works --- Law and legislation --- tráchtas --- cruthú ealaíonta --- Schranke für nichtkommerzielle Verwendung --- Schrankengeneralklausel --- bearbeitete Werke --- Bearbeitungen --- Schranken --- Innovation --- kreative Bearbeitung --- Werk zweiter Hand --- sequenzielle Innovation --- Parodieschranke --- Zitatschranke --- Werkbearbeitung --- Urhebergesetz

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